Jan 6th Has Been Replaced By 34

I’m sure there’s a cult in Utah that you can defend too Warren.
Sure, back felons and pedophiles.

It’s the new republic party
Says the pedo backing Democrat. (Can't say Biden Lover because nobody loves Biden)

:auiqs.jpg:a few snippets strung together: Hilarious! :auiqs.jpg:

Maureen Dowd​

Holy Cow, 34 for 45!​

June 1, 2024​

“I couldn’t get to sleep,” she said. “I was dreaming that I was in jail after a sham court trial. I was thinking that if they arrest me, I’d be out of luck. My father’s dead and two of my brothers are dead. Who else would save me?”

Holy Kafka! Trump’s line about how he’s being martyred for us always seemed risible to me...“They want to put him in jail three days before our convention?” she asked. “The man is surrounded by Secret Service. What will they do? Put him in a cell with four Secret Service guys around him?”

She thinks that Alexander Soros and other Democrats who want Biden to call Trump “a convicted felon” over and over should be careful, given that Hunter Biden is going on trial in Wilmington, Del., on gun-related felony charges, including one that, as Trump’s lackeys have said about his own charge, is a paperwork violation.

Unlike my siblings, I found the guilty verdicts bracing. A dozen Americans had finally sliced through Trump’s reality distortion field and said, simply, “You’re lying and cheating and it’s not right.” Even though the case was a stretch and not the strongest one against Trump...As Chris Christie told David Axelrod on the “Hacks on Tap” podcast, it may be more instructive to watch how the verdict affects Trump than how the verdict affects voters.

Even though Trump has been styling himself as Al Capone — who also got brought down over bookkeeping sleaze — he seemed rattled by the verdict...He summoned his favorite boogeyman, immigrants with darker skin, saying “millions and millions of people are flowing in from all parts of the world, not just South America — from Africa, from Asia, from the Middle East, and they’re coming in from jail and prisons and they’re coming in from mental institutions and insane asylums...
Should we cheer Hunter Biden's trial all damned day? He is facing at least 25 years in prison.
Big pedo donor to maga along with Warren from Utah.

Have you let you 17-year-old daughter fly with gaetz yet?
Still never heard of the guy, and I don't have a 17 year old daughter.

I wonder how many mass-murderers have donated to Democrats?

I know the Chinese paid Bye-Dumb a hefty sum
Still never heard of the guy, and I don't have a 17 year old daughter.

I wonder how many mass-murderers have donated to Democrats?

I know the Chinese paid Bye-Dumb a hefty sum
You have Ted bundy.
Big pedo donor to maga along with Warren from Utah.

Have you let you 17-year-old daughter fly with gaetz yet?
So with Biden/Hunter they're innocent because they haven't been convicted, but if you're a Republican an accusation is the same as a conviction
Still never heard of the guy, and I don't have a 17 year old daughter.

I wonder how many mass-murderers have donated to Democrats?

I know the Chinese paid Bye-Dumb a hefty sum
What payment felony fuckup.
So with Biden/Hunter they're innocent because they haven't been convicted, but if you're a Republican an accusation is the same as a conviction
If you haven’t been convicted or had any evidence of wrongdoing…hell yeah your innocent.

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