GOP Ties Payroll Cuts and Unemployment Benefits to Canada Pipeline - GOOD JOB GOP!!!!


Apr 22, 2007
House GOP Claims Support For Payroll Tax Cut Compromise | Fox News

First, I want to say it's a god damn shame that the GOP has to FORCE the Democrats to create this pipeline that will create tens of thousand high paying direct American jobs and thousand other support jobs! Not to mention it will increase oil production and lower oil prices. Dimocrats "claim" they want to create jobs, this is an SIMPLE way to create tens of thousands of high paying jobs. Liberalism is a mental disease. AND THIS TRUE STIMULUS PROGRAM AND JOB CREATING PROJECT WON'T COST THE TAX PAYOR $1 , it is completely funded by private sector money!

Second, the GOP is compromising by extending the payroll holiday (which I am grateful for) without being able to pay for it (which is a bad move in long-term) and extending unemployment benefits even longer (another LT bad move), yet the Dimocrats still claim the GOP is not compromising, since the GOP ties it an ENORMOUS job creating machine.

If the Dimocrats in the Senate reject this, they are truly socialist that prefer to doom the economy and if Obama vetos this, then I don't want to hear ANYONE get angry when we JUSTIFIABLY call him a Marxist!
The only issue here is Obama appeasing the eco-crazies in his base. The GOP has out-maneuvered him at every turn. That's what happens when you can't negotiate with the other side.
House GOP Claims Support For Payroll Tax Cut Compromise | Fox News

First, I want to say it's a god damn shame that the GOP has to FORCE the Democrats to create this pipeline that will create tens of thousand high paying direct American jobs and thousand other support jobs! Not to mention it will increase oil production and lower oil prices. Dimocrats "claim" they want to create jobs, this is an SIMPLE way to create tens of thousands of high paying jobs. Liberalism is a mental disease. AND THIS TRUE STIMULUS PROGRAM AND JOB CREATING PROJECT WON'T COST THE TAX PAYOR $1 , it is completely funded by private sector money!

Second, the GOP is compromising by extending the payroll holiday (which I am grateful for) without being able to pay for it (which is a bad move in long-term) and extending unemployment benefits even longer (another LT bad move), yet the Dimocrats still claim the GOP is not compromising, since the GOP ties it an ENORMOUS job creating machine.

If the Dimocrats in the Senate reject this, they are truly socialist that prefer to doom the economy and if Obama vetos this, then I don't want to hear ANYONE get angry when we JUSTIFIABLY call him a Marxist!

I approve of the move simply because the pipeline will create jobs and those jobs will create revenues for small business which will create more jobs. Plus all the activity (sales, payroll taxes) will create tax income for the government who is running almost a trillion in debt again this year.

Its like stimulus spending using private "BIG CORPORATE" money without using tax dollars.

I think they should add in a stipulation that all tax revenues from the sale of the oil from the pipeline is to go into the social security trust fund and NOT TO EVER be used for anything else until social security is either eliminated or solidly funded for 3 generations out.
Yeah.......but lets not forget the studies that state it will create a huge carbon footprint.

Oh guys believe climate change is a myth.

If that's true, why is there no snow in Sweden this year? Wanna talk about the hottest summer in the US in many years?
Yeah.......but lets not forget the studies that state it will create a huge carbon footprint.

Oh guys believe climate change is a myth.

If that's true, why is there no snow in Sweden this year? Wanna talk about the hottest summer in the US in many years?

If we don't use that oil we will just buy it from our enemies in the middle east.....nice red herring though. The pipeline wont make us use more or less oil as a nation, it will just re-direct where our wealth goes to purchase what we will use.
You do realize that if we actually create jobs, we won't need as much unemployment money.

Believe it or not, some people would rather be working than sitting on their asses collecting gumint checks.
Yeah.......but lets not forget the studies that state it will create a huge carbon footprint.

Oh guys believe climate change is a myth.

If that's true, why is there no snow in Sweden this year? Wanna talk about the hottest summer in the US in many years?

Whatever.. I've been hearing this shit since the seventies.... we're gonna burn to death, we're gonna freeze to death, we're going to drown to death, we're gonna run out of water.

The enviro-Nazis are batting .000. AGW is bunk bullshit.... FACT. Lack of snow in one year or even ten, out of 4,500,000,000 years does not a trend make.

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Yeah.......but lets not forget the studies that state it will create a huge carbon footprint.

Oh guys believe climate change is a myth.

If that's true, why is there no snow in Sweden this year? Wanna talk about the hottest summer in the US in many years?

Are you aware that there was snow in July in the bread basket of America back in the late 1700's?

Are you aware that before this year, the hottest summer on record was decades ago?

I find those that are still fighting for this "global warming" turned to "global cooling" turned to "climate change" as silly "chikcen littles"
Yeah.......but lets not forget the studies that state it will create a huge carbon footprint.

Oh guys believe climate change is a myth.

If that's true, why is there no snow in Sweden this year? Wanna talk about the hottest summer in the US in many years?

Are you aware that there was snow in July in the bread basket of America back in the late 1700's?

Are you aware that before this year, the hottest summer on record was decades ago?

I find those that are still fighting for this "global warming" turned to "global cooling" turned to "climate change" as silly "chikcen littles"

The ultimate irony is, they claim to take the high ground when it comes to science, even though, thoroughly ignoring pretty much all scientific data that contradicts their silly assumptions.
You do realize that if we actually create jobs, we won't need as much unemployment money.

Believe it or not, some people would rather be working than sitting on their asses collecting gumint checks.

its a 2 for 1. The taxpayer no longer has the burden of the unemployment expense and the government gets tax revenue from the income of the worker and from the employer.

Also...guys....don't fall for biker's red herring. I mean seriously how does building the pipeline make it so we are going to use more oil than we use now? Its not it just changes who we buy it from....our enemies in the middle east or our canadian allies to the north.
Yeah.......but lets not forget the studies that state it will create a huge carbon footprint.

Oh guys believe climate change is a myth.

If that's true, why is there no snow in Sweden this year? Wanna talk about the hottest summer in the US in many years?

Kudos on the fearmongering, the Sun will always be around for practical purposes so you can use that as your tool to scare ppl into voting the same way you do.

I still haven't heard or seen anyone say global warming isn't happening. Man-made global warming? I see a never-ending list of award winning scientists who question or doubt that.
Why does the left and Obama want to raise taxes on the working people?????
Yeah.......but lets not forget the studies that state it will create a huge carbon footprint.

Oh guys believe climate change is a myth.

If that's true, why is there no snow in Sweden this year? Wanna talk about the hottest summer in the US in many years?

well i guarantee ya asswipe won't be worrying about no damn carbon footprints while he jets off to howaii.
You do realize that if we actually create jobs, we won't need as much unemployment money.

Believe it or not, some people would rather be working than sitting on their asses collecting gumint checks.

its a 2 for 1. The taxpayer no longer has the burden of the unemployment expense and the government gets tax revenue from the income of the worker and from the employer.

Also...guys....don't fall for biker's red herring. I mean seriously how does building the pipeline make it so we are going to use more oil than we use now? Its not it just changes who we buy it from....our enemies in the middle east or our canadian allies to the north.

B.S., employees pay nothing towards unemployment. It s the employer and the government.
I'm not opposed to the pipeline but caution is well advised and why I support allowing the State Department to first review the impact. And the company that wants to build it seems to play a little fast and loose with the number of jobs it actually will create.

But TransCanada numbers count each job on a yearly basis. If the pipeline employs 10,000 people working for two years, that's 20,000 jobs by the company's count.

The estimates also include jobs in Canada, where about a third of the $7 billion pipeline would be constructed.

Even according to TransCanada, the amount of permanent jobs created would be only in the hundreds.

Meanwhile, one study from Cornell University said the pipeline could actually lead to a decline in jobs in the long run. One reason is that the pipeline would lead to higher fuel prices in the Midwest, the study said, and that would slow consumer spending and cost jobs.

The study also said jobs could also be lost due to crop failures or other events associated with higher pollution levels the oil sands would bring.

In addition, because the route took the pipeline over a major aquifer in Nebraska, it elicited opposition from even Republicans in that state.

I'm not saying don't build it. Let's just be cautious here. If it's a good idea it will still be a good idea in a year.
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You do realize that if we actually create jobs, we won't need as much unemployment money.

Believe it or not, some people would rather be working than sitting on their asses collecting gumint checks.

its a 2 for 1. The taxpayer no longer has the burden of the unemployment expense and the government gets tax revenue from the income of the worker and from the employer.

Also...guys....don't fall for biker's red herring. I mean seriously how does building the pipeline make it so we are going to use more oil than we use now? Its not it just changes who we buy it from....our enemies in the middle east or our canadian allies to the north.

B.S., employees pay nothing towards unemployment. It s the employer and the government.

When were employers not taxpayers?
If his cronies at GE were building this pipeline,Obama would have this thing built lickety split. His cronies must not be involved with this. Look for him to strike a deal and get some of his cronies in on it. It will get built. His peeps just need to get paid first.

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