GOP- total corrupt fail for years- what are you thinking?

Dupes have to believe lies, and Pubs are the party of total BULLSHYTTE - it's hard to fight one before they move on to the next... and each one gets 8 google pages of repitition from their propaganda machine before anyone can check it.

The lamestream corporate media doesn't pay attention, only Dem talk radio, MSNBC sometimes, and internet websites fight, and that leaves the lying a-holes in charge in a way...The dupes are so careless...see sig pp3...

Beginning English
Name a Dem lie, dingbat. see sig PP3 for1% of Pub ones dupes believe...

A dem lie? Gee you make things easy...........

[ame=]Barack Obama on Government Transparency - YouTube[/ame]
1982- Biggest tax hike in history, great success!!
then tax cuts, quadrupled debt...FAIL
S+L 1988- FAIL
Bush 1- FAIL
9/11- FAIL
Afghan- FAIL
Housing Bubble-FAIL
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs 2010- FAIL

Great at feqqing up the country and brainwashing MORONS...and getting elected on lies, country be damned...

Also weighing down message boards with deluded OPs...

"I know, let's cut taxes on the rich, destroy Medicare, raise military spending, and lower the deficit (in 2036). Won't the chumps EVER learn? JFC :cuckoo
you do know the housing problem is Barny Frank . DODD fault .. 9/11 was in the works under clinton.. We are still in Afghanstan and more soldiers have been killed under Obama, and Obama is doing everything to hinder jobs.. You were saying
Gov't has NEVER been so transparent, twit. Obama has made the military gay friendly. In ALL cases, you dupes are only complaining about Pubs STOPPING him. They won't even vote for their OWN ideas. LOL!
Pub dupes! Change the channel...hoping for your recovery...

"No compromise, un-American GOP" (TIME)
Gov't has NEVER been so transparent, twit. Obama has made the military gay friendly. In ALL cases, you dupes are only complaining about Pubs STOPPING him. They won't even vote for their OWN ideas. LOL!
Pub dupes! Change the channel...hoping for your recovery...

"No compromise, un-American GOP" (TIME)

You have magic glasses that makes all those backroom deals so transparent? You must if you believe that lie.....
What backroom deals? That aren't in all the papers, dupe? LOL!

Barney Frank was out of power 1994-2007, twit. That is the BIG LIE LOL!

The “Big Lie,” in a nutshell, is that the 2008 financial crisis was caused not by Wall Street’s shady lending practices or exotic (and ultimately worthless) financial instruments but by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which were forced by the government’s expansive housing policy to make riskier and riskier loans. Because it conveniently lays the blame for the recession at the feet of the government, the Big Lie is a conservative favorite. The problem is, it’s not remotely supported by facts.

Morgenson finds it ironic that “Washington’s push to increase homeownership opened the door for companies to sell poisonous and tricky loans that have now imperiled many of the most vulnerable,” yet private lenders were the ones to pioneer these poisonous loans, and made more of them than Fannie or Freddie ever did. Joe Nocera, a colleague of Morgenson’s at the Times who got his start as a business reporter, summed it up quite nicely on Dec. 23 when he stated that conservative scholar Peter Wallison “almost single-handedly created the myth that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac caused the financial crisis.”

Almost, because Wallison had a passel of partners in crime, including the Wall Street Journal editorial page, Congressional Republicans looking for any excuse to attack Fannie and Freddie, and — though he doesn’t mention her — Gretchen Morgenson herself. The Times evidently has a policy against speaking ill of one’s co-workers, as demonstrated by Paul Krugman’s wink-wink-nod criticism of David Brooks’ economic ignorance (“as some pundits have said . . . .”), but Morgenson and her bestselling book Reckless Endangerment are pretty hard to overlook. Reckless Endangerment is the Big Lie writ large — 352 pages large — and has been parroted as gospel by the news media despite an overwhelming consensus by mainstream economists that federal housing policy had almost nothing to do with the financial crisis.

For little lies- see 90% of of the RW threads here- outrages of the day (8 pages of Google IMMEDIATELY)- at the end of the 8 pages, some little LW site categorically refutes it, lost as the machine moves on to the next faux outrage...a corrupt, bullying, Murdoch style disgrace...

Luckily, the great American mass gets it now...

I know, let's cut taxes on the rich and destroy Medicare.- A bankrupt ideology to the majority now, thank God.
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