GOP use of the Filibuster Spiked in the Past Decade


Staff member
Gold Supporting Member
Apr 17, 2009
Canis Latrans
Interesting data.

No wonder nothing gets accomplished.

It's vastly less difficult to stand in the way of governance than it is to govern. Or, put another way, it's easier to be part of the problem than be part of the solution. Also, demagoguery is easier to pull off when all one really wants to do is obstruct others' success and complain.
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Interesting data.

No wonder nothing gets accomplished.

So you support President Trump's position that the archaic Senate Rule ( not law ) should be abolished requiring the 60 vote cloture?

No, I don't. Would 2009?

That's not the solution, that simply allows a majority to railroad through it's agenda.
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There is a difference between governing and demanding loyalty at the point of a sword.



Governing means learning how to create consensus on important issues - that is not happening. No one is making deals because partisanship is so extreme they'd rather block everything, then give an inch. Compromise has become a dirty word.

There are issues that both parties could have (under Obama) and can (under Trump) come together on if the system weren't so fractured: tax reform, immigration reform, healthcare. The nomination of Supreme Court judges.

No one knows how to make a deal in politics any more...

Interesting data.

No wonder nothing gets accomplished.


Gawd, you are stupid (or just dishonest?): There were 253 motions filed by DEMOCRATS in 2013-14, on which 218 votes were taken and cloture invoked 187 times by DEMOCRATS who had a 60 vote majority in the Senate.

U.S. Senate: Cloture Motions

That means the DEMOCRATS decided to cut off debate and rule without any Republican support 187 times in that session alone! Remember that the DEMOCRAT Senate then refused to vote on a federal budget for six straight years, even though they had the necessary 51 votes to pass it.

This was done to avoid responsibility for the huge budget deficits they were piling up and hoodwink dummies like you into think that it was all due to GOP "obstruction." What a joke!
Gawd, you are stupid (or just dishonest?): There were 253 motions filed by DEMOCRATS in 2013-14, on which 218 votes were taken and cloture invoked 187 times by DEMOCRATS who had a 60 vote majority in the Senate.

Republicans had 45 seats in the Senate in 2013-2014.

They could stop cloture any time they wanted to.
Republicans had 45 seats in the Senate in 2013-2014.

Sorry, I was confusing 2013-14 with 2009-2010, when Senate Democrats pushed through a questionable majority vote on the ACA before a newly elected GOP Senator (Scott Brown, MA) could be seated.

How Obamacare Became Law — Brian Sussman

The 2013-14 cloture motions were almost all related to Obama's judicial nominees. After agreeing to a deal with Republicans which allowed votes on some of these nominees, the Democrats then reneged and passed the "nuclear option" to allow them to confirm other nominees without any GOP votes.

What goes around comes around.
It's frankly a difficult issue. The gops increased use started under Slick. And the dems used it prior to that, but mainly on civil rights stuff. But increasingly from 92 onwards, the gops' population problem forced them to gerrymander the House and require supermajorities for stuff that generally had been 51% . The filibuster was for "really big stuff" up until then. But yeah, Mitch the Turtle viewed Obama's judicial appointments as "not like us." Obama was not blameless in pushing through Obamacare with no gop votes.

Some in the gop back in the 90s called for the gop to be less tax friendly to the 1% and make a bridge to latinos, but that wasn't the way it went down.

It seems to me that it would be good to require some buy in by the minority party. And even Mitch the Turtle seems to give lip service.
Interesting data.

No wonder nothing gets accomplished.

So you support President Trump's position that the archaic Senate Rule ( not law ) should be abolished requiring the 60 vote cloture?

No, I don't. Would 2009?

That's not the solution, that simply allows a majority to railroad through it's agenda.

Notice once again how the far left drones reach for something and fail!

They forget the "nuclear" deal of Harry Reid, they forget that Harry Reid tabled a good percentage of the bills..

But then again the far left is blind to their own..

They complained about the GOP and then turn around like two year olds and say we can do it to!

Based on the biased chart posted from NPR the "DEMS", not even 5 months in, are at 128 and well on their way to breaking any records set by the GOP..

So how does the far left handle it? They act like two year olds

More proof why the far left should never be in charge of anything!
The GOP use it to stop this country from becoming a socialist dictatorship. Good enough for me. I wish they had found a way to end liberals agenda completely, even extermination would be alright for me. After all they are becoming violent domestic terrorist. A few men occupy a shed in a national park and liberal dogshit loves the fact one of them was killed, Lets see how they like one of their violent radical piles of dogshit being burned alive with his own firebomb. You have no idea what is within the gathering storm, I promise liberals wont like it.
It's frankly a difficult issue. The gops increased use started under Slick. And the dems used it prior to that, but mainly on civil rights stuff. But increasingly from 92 onwards, the gops' population problem forced them to gerrymander the House and require supermajorities for stuff that generally had been 51% . The filibuster was for "really big stuff" up until then. But yeah, Mitch the Turtle viewed Obama's judicial appointments as "not like us." Obama was not blameless in pushing through Obamacare with no gop votes.

Some in the gop back in the 90s called for the gop to be less tax friendly to the 1% and make a bridge to latinos, but that wasn't the way it went down.

It seems to me that it would be good to require some buy in by the minority party. And even Mitch the Turtle seems to give lip service.

The GOP used it to rally their base, but were spineless when they came into power!

It is the history of the GOP in modern history..

But the One percent far left passed the biggest tax increase in history and claimed they want to help the middle class..

Obamacare was passed after the elections and those that got voted out office, voted for the bill. Vengeance is a far left trait!
Republicans had 45 seats in the Senate in 2013-2014.

Sorry, I was confusing 2013-14 with 2009-2010, when Senate Democrats pushed through a questionable majority vote on the ACA before a newly elected GOP Senator (Scott Brown, MA) could be seated.

How Obamacare Became Law — Brian Sussman

The 2013-14 cloture motions were almost all related to Obama's judicial nominees. After agreeing to a deal with Republicans which allowed votes on some of these nominees, the Democrats then reneged and passed the "nuclear option" to allow them to confirm other nominees without any GOP votes.

What goes around comes around.

A cloture motion and vote is to end debate and to have a final vote. Republicans fought long and hard to deny the Democrats their 60 vote filibuster proof majority but they had it for a few working days anyway. They damn well should have done more with it because by then it was known that the GOP strategy was to deny President Obama anything, even if the GOP was for it in the past, if Obama was for it, they would oppose it tooth and nail.

There is a difference between governing and demanding loyalty at the point of a sword.



Governing means learning how to create consensus on important issues - that is not happening. No one is making deals because partisanship is so extreme they'd rather block everything, then give an inch. Compromise has become a dirty word.

There are issues that both parties could have (under Obama) and can (under Trump) come together on if the system weren't so fractured: tax reform, immigration reform, healthcare. The nomination of Supreme Court judges.

No one knows how to make a deal in politics any more...



When laws are and agreements are passed then ignored, or not enforced, by the opposing party why should either side compromise?


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There is a difference between governing and demanding loyalty at the point of a sword.



Governing means learning how to create consensus on important issues - that is not happening. No one is making deals because partisanship is so extreme they'd rather block everything, then give an inch. Compromise has become a dirty word.

There are issues that both parties could have (under Obama) and can (under Trump) come together on if the system weren't so fractured: tax reform, immigration reform, healthcare. The nomination of Supreme Court judges.

No one knows how to make a deal in politics any more...



When laws are and agreements are passed then ignored, or not enforced, by the opposing party why should either side compromise?



Because eventually you are in danger of losing site of what is best for the country.
It's frankly a difficult issue. The gops increased use started under Slick. And the dems used it prior to that, but mainly on civil rights stuff. But increasingly from 92 onwards, the gops' population problem forced them to gerrymander the House and require supermajorities for stuff that generally had been 51% . The filibuster was for "really big stuff" up until then. But yeah, Mitch the Turtle viewed Obama's judicial appointments as "not like us." Obama was not blameless in pushing through Obamacare with no gop votes.

Some in the gop back in the 90s called for the gop to be less tax friendly to the 1% and make a bridge to latinos, but that wasn't the way it went down.

It seems to me that it would be good to require some buy in by the minority party. And even Mitch the Turtle seems to give lip service.

The GOP used it to rally their base, but were spineless when they came into power!

It is the history of the GOP in modern history..

But the One percent far left passed the biggest tax increase in history and claimed they want to help the middle class..

Obamacare was passed after the elections and those that got voted out office, voted for the bill. Vengeance is a far left trait!
the gop used it to keep control of the Judicial branch even after they have not won a popular vote since ..... HW?

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