GOP voter suppression tactics are quite real but you won’t find them nationwide

Lol names? Since when have names of people been the standard of proof for something like this. Your desperation to win arguments is pretty pathetic. Even if i did know the names of those people, you would still say “well prove it” like a child. Of course I’ve already given you proof. I gave you FACTS on how all of this affects specific groups of people. How about this? You cite your OWN FACTS that directly counter mine. Anything else you say is a waste of time.
You have given zero facts, just an opinion piece from far left Salon.

You can't provide a single name of a single voter who has been disenfranchised, which makes this thread complete bullshit and useless, just like you.
Trump is Putin’s bitch

Do you keep up with world events? Putin, along with many other world leaders, is actively taking advantage of the US under Biden's "leadership". They need more idiots to vote that can't see what is going on. Our adversaries are absolutely thrilled with people like you pushing a leftist agenda.
You have given zero facts, just an opinion piece from far left Salon.

You can't provide a single name of a single voter who has been disenfranchised, which makes this thread complete bullshit and useless, just like you.
The article provided specific facts. You not being able to counter my facts with other facts just makes your contribution to the conversation useless.
Do you keep up with world events? Putin, along with many other world leaders, is actively taking advantage of the US under Biden's "leadership". They need more idiots to vote that can't see what is going on. Our adversaries are absolutely thrilled with people like you pushing a leftist agenda.

Golfing Gator you find this funny. Why on earth would our adversaries want Republicans in office who, for example, spend more money to beef up our military to keep up with them vs Democrats who are too mired down with petty social issues(things only SPOILED, RICH countries worry about) to worry about our country's defense?
The article provided specific facts. You not being able to counter my facts with other facts just makes your contribution to the conversation useless.
Your lefty link didn't provide a single name of a single person who has been disenfranchised either, Dumbass.

Keep digging.:dig:
Golfing Gator you find this funny. Why on earth would our adversaries want Republicans in office who, for example, spend more money to beef up our military to keep up with them vs Democrats who are too mired down with petty social issues(things only SPOILED, RICH countries worry about) to worry about our country's defense?

I do find it funny. That you think there is some real difference between the Dems and the Repubs is funny. That you think spending more than the next 10 countries on our military is not enough is funny. I think it is funny you really think other countries feared Trump
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Your lefty link didn't provide a single name of a single person who has been disenfranchised either, Dumbass.

Keep digging.:dig:
That’s just you making up new rules on the spot lol
It makes me wonder why Republican voters defend this shit. I suppose because they know voting suppression primarily only affects democrat voters. Perhaps deep down they are happy their elected officials cheat so long as their side wins.

Out loud republicans pretend isn’t a thing. They say “well people should have ID’s!” Well perhaps you’d have a point if republicans weren’t trying to suppress the votes in literally every other other way in targeted, specific areas.

Here are some key points to consider:

1) ONLY republicans are trying to make it harder for people to vote. Democrats are not at all.

2) Republicans want to stop the count on Election Day of any votes that arrive after the 3rd so long as it is evident they were postmarked before the 3rd. Now you may be thinking “well that’s good! We should know by Election Day who won anyway!” Well, actually, we won’t know who won on Election Day in PA regardless of whether or not those last votes come in. In fact, that’s the case in many states on that day.

3) Texas Republicans are trying to make “drive up voting” illegal which is simply dropping off your ballot more easy. They also want to limit one drop off box per county in Texas. Obviously this is ridiculous because some counties in Texas have a couple hundred people and counties like Harris have 3 million. The end result is that people in rural counties (primarily republicans) can vote easy as pie while voters in urban areas (primarily democrats) have to take much more time out of their day if they want to vote.

4) Voter suppression lawsuits are primarily happening in swing states (this year Texas is more of a tossup). This includes MI, WI, and PA. Oh gee I wonder why! If the GOP was so concerned about voting being legitimate, they would press these policies on a federal level. They won’t do that obviously because then republicans voters would be affected the same way.

It always amuses me when the left accuse dark red states that have always been dark red, of suppressing votes. In their minds they just can't fathom how they could ever lose anywhere so anywhere they lose it must be due to vote suppression.
It always amuses me when the left accuse dark red states that have always been dark red, of suppressing votes. In their minds they just can't fathom how they could ever lose anywhere so anywhere they lose it must be due to vote suppression.
Only red states are doing the suppression. Derp!
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It makes me wonder why Republican voters defend this shit. I suppose because they know voting suppression primarily only affects democrat voters. Perhaps deep down they are happy their elected officials cheat so long as their side wins.

Out loud republicans pretend isn’t a thing. They say “well people should have ID’s!” Well perhaps you’d have a point if republicans weren’t trying to suppress the votes in literally every other other way in targeted, specific areas.

Here are some key points to consider:

1) ONLY republicans are trying to make it harder for people to vote. Democrats are not at all.

2) Republicans want to stop the count on Election Day of any votes that arrive after the 3rd so long as it is evident they were postmarked before the 3rd. Now you may be thinking “well that’s good! We should know by Election Day who won anyway!” Well, actually, we won’t know who won on Election Day in PA regardless of whether or not those last votes come in. In fact, that’s the case in many states on that day.

3) Texas Republicans are trying to make “drive up voting” illegal which is simply dropping off your ballot more easy. They also want to limit one drop off box per county in Texas. Obviously this is ridiculous because some counties in Texas have a couple hundred people and counties like Harris have 3 million. The end result is that people in rural counties (primarily republicans) can vote easy as pie while voters in urban areas (primarily democrats) have to take much more time out of their day if they want to vote.

4) Voter suppression lawsuits are primarily happening in swing states (this year Texas is more of a tossup). This includes MI, WI, and PA. Oh gee I wonder why! If the GOP was so concerned about voting being legitimate, they would press these policies on a federal level. They won’t do that obviously because then republicans voters would be affected the same way.

Then why the last election did democrats say the voting system is rock solid and legitimate. But then turn around and after 1 year when no voting laws had been changed at all suddenly say that they need to change voting laws as the next election might be illegitimate?

Why do democrats want illegals and non citizens to be able to vote?

Republicans are trying to make it harder to vote in order to help protect voting. Democrats want to make it too easy. Voting should be hard to try and keep it secure, not just let anyone anywhere mail in a paper. It's our holliest of American institutions and everyone should want a secure and correct election. And if you can't even bother to get a state ID, which is free and even a 15 year old can get, then you shouldn't be voting at all.

They can't press those policies at the federal level because the fed level is democrats that diametrically oppose Republicans so they have to do it at a state level. And even if they do press them there is no guarantee they will win it.

You seem to be letting your "I hate those guys over there because they aren't on my side" views cloud your judgement so much you can't look at their point of view and maybe consider they are trying to make things better, not just better for their side.
Then why the last election did democrats say the voting system is rock solid and legitimate. But then turn around and after 1 year when no voting laws had been changed at all suddenly say that they need to change voting laws as the next election might be illegitimate?

Why do democrats want illegals and non citizens to be able to vote?

Republicans are trying to make it harder to vote in order to help protect voting. Democrats want to make it too easy. Voting should be hard to try and keep it secure, not just let anyone anywhere mail in a paper. It's our holliest of American institutions and everyone should want a secure and correct election. And if you can't even bother to get a state ID, which is free and even a 15 year old can get, then you shouldn't be voting at all.

They can't press those policies at the federal level because the fed level is democrats that diametrically oppose Republicans so they have to do it at a state level. And even if they do press them there is no guarantee they will win it.

You seem to be letting your "I hate those guys over there because they aren't on my side" views cloud your judgement so much you can't look at their point of view and maybe consider they are trying to make things better, not just better for their side.
Your entire point means nothing if the voter fraud is statistically very rare. Any time it happens it does absolutely nothing to affect the overall results.
Only red states are doing the suppression. Derp!
The red states have been red states for a very long time. In fact, in several red states voters turned them red from blue, including the recent addition of Virginia. Are you saying that the blue state of Virginia suppressed voter's votes so that Republicans could win? Your trouble is you have no clue as to how you could lose and you have no clue that others would feel differently about political policies. Since you can't fathom that you just automatically assume that if you lose it has to be because of voter suppression.
I do find it funny. That you think there is some real difference between the Dems and the Repubs is funny. That you think spending more than the next 10 countries on our military is not enough is funny. I think it is funny you really think other countries feared Trump

I think it is funny that you can't see that countries have been emboldened by this weak administration. You may be as gullible as the Western Europeans.

Edit: Russia annexed Crimea when Biden was VP. They don't care about sanctions. Idiot Biden continues to tell Russia that there will be no US troops. That's a bone headed tactic as well. Even if it is true, why say it? Russia is doing a nuclear drill tomorrow. Biden is a weak kneed, demented moron.
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Only red states are doing the suppression. Derp!

Yeah, Democrats are doing quite the opposite. They are allowing anybody and everybody to cross our Southern border and flying them all over the country to drop them off. They have babies who become naturalized citizens. The Democrats are hoping they will be Democratic voters in the future. Couple this with allowing non-citizens to vote in NYC and maybe you can see the problem. I fail to see how anyone who loves our country is in favor of these shenanigans.
Even jf voter fraud was real, none of these tactics would do anything to stop the fraud lol. The GOP knows this. They know there is no fraud. They just want to keep anyone but republicans from voting.
why would these "voter suppression" laws make any harder or easier to vote based on your political bent?
You have given zero facts, just an opinion piece from far left Salon.

You can't provide a single name of a single voter who has been disenfranchised, which makes this thread complete bullshit and useless, just like you.

Indeed, where are the lawsuits authorized by federal law for any voter who is denied the vote? Oh, there aren't any.
Only red states are doing the suppression. Derp!
Actually, NOBODY is doing the suppression that really NEEDS TO BE DONE - ie. suppressing illegal aliens from voting. At least 4 states have already been turned from red to blue, by their massive illegal alien votes - California, Nevada, Colorado, and New Mexico.
Your entire point means nothing if the voter fraud is statistically very rare. Any time it happens it does absolutely nothing to affect the overall results.
An anonymous email sent to the Justice Department criminal division and Arizona legislature alleged that in Pima County, 35,000 votes were fraudulently embedded in advance of the election on behalf of each Democratic candidate at the local and federal level. The allegation coincides with a spike or "injection" of 143,000 votes noted at 8:06 p.m. on election night.

According to the email, discussed at a hearing, Pima County Democrats held a meeting on Sept. 10, 2020 in which plans were detailed to illegally inject 35,000 votes for each Democrat at the outset in statistically adjusted embeds that could be written off as human error if audited.

There was no proper validation of 1.9 million signatures on mail in ballots.

Dominion machines were connected to the internet, according to a witness at a GOP hearing, raising serious security issues.

A hearing witness states she was instructed to allow people to vote who were not registered in the state, who were not on the voter rolls, who had out of state driver's licenses, who not had been residents long enough, who had not registered in time or who said they were registered in another state. However, pro-Trump voters from other counties were sent away, she says. She also says somebody apparently brought homeless people from outside the precinct in to vote. She also says 13,000 votes, when counted, were unobserved by Republicans.

She says just what she personally observed over five hours in one day impacted approximately 2,000 votes. She also said a poll observer for Democrats from California told her he was there "to help turn this precinct blue... this is one of our problem ones." He told her they were also focusing on Maricopa County.

A Republican Party leader says she watched votes for Trump be changed to or counted for Biden once they were place in the machine. In a lawsuit, she also says in parts of Maricopa County there were not proper safeguards verifying that mail-in ballots came from registered voters. She also says Republicans were not allowed a proper view of the counting process. (More to come from Arizona hearing soon...)

Watch: Arizona hearing

State officials blame “a data error” for conflicting and fluctuating results in one county that dropped the appearance of Biden’s lead by 6,000 votes, and then posted it back again.

Two men are charged with voter fraud after they allegedly submitted more than 8,000 fraudulent voter registration applications for homeless people between July and October 2020.

Pair Charged With Voter Fraud | Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office
Allegations of "clear evidence of vote switching" from Trump to Biden, including 30,000 votes among several counties.


There were illegal votes from as many as 2,560 felons; 66,247 underage residents; 2,423 people who were not registered; 4,926 people who registered in another state after Georgia; more than 395 people who voted twice; 8,718 dead people; 2,664 who received absentee ballots outside the deadline; illegally blocked observers; failure to properly match signatures and verify identify and eligibility. That's according to a lawsuit filed on behalf of President Trump on Dec. 4.

Statistical analysis shows Biden pulling from behind in improbably consistent increments in Georgia and other states. “On Wednesday, Nov. 4, the New York Times reported President Trump was leading in Georgia by 103,997 votes. Then the Times’ continuous voting updates showed ballots arriving for Biden in multiples of 4,800 votes over and over again. In some vote dumps, the President actually lost votes.” This continued until Biden pulled ahead by almost exactly 1,000 votes, gaining 104,984 votes in multiples of 4,800.


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In Fulton County, all 900 military ballots went for Joe Biden. The 100% military vote rate for Biden seems improbably in conflict with the 2016 split, where Trump reportedly won the overall military vote 60% to 34%, according to attorney Lin Wood.

On election night, Georgia election officials suspended the vote count, citing a water leak in a master pipe. When Republican observers left, thousands of votes were counted, exclusively for Joe Biden. When people inquired, there was no work order for any leak. The only reported leak that night was a small leak in a toilet that “had nothing to do with a room with ballot counting,” according to a lawsuit filed by attorney Lin Wood. This was confirmed by a later investigation held by a state official.

Read Lin Wood Lawsuit

Election workers put masses of ballots in the wrong stacks and blocked Republican observers; there were suspiciously “pristine" “pre-printed” ballots; thousands of voters registered at specific, fraudulent addresses; 20,311 absentee or early votes were cast by people who were registered as having moved out of state; 96,000 votes were illegally counted for Biden; absentee ballot signatures were not properly matched. That’s according to attorney Sidney Powell’s lawsuit. The lawsuit also states that Dominion voting machines allowed for manual manipulation of vote tallies and alteration of settings to put ballots in a “question” pile where they can be deleted.

Read Sidney Powell Lawsuit

Attorney and registered Democrat Carlos Silva says he observed “widespread fraud” in several precincts, always benefitting Biden. At one precinct, a stack of absentee ballots had perfectly filled out black bubbles and, as poll workers went through the stack, he heard them call out Biden’s name “more than 500 times in a row.” At a second precinct, he observed similarly filled in black bubbles for Biden on absentee ballots and poll workers moved him away from his observation position. He observed absentee ballots for Trump counted for Biden; says the required signature verification process was not being followed; and thousands of the “perfect bubble” ballots were for Biden, with no state or local candidates selected. The claims are filed in a sworn declaration.

Read Declaration

Government data indicates "well over 100,000 illegal votes [in Georgia] were improperly counted, while tens of thousands of legal votes were not counted.” That’s according to the Thomas Moore Society's Amistad Project, which has filed litigation questioning more than 200,000 Georgia ballots.

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Gov. Brian Kemp illegally authorized election officials to open outer envelopes of absentee ballots three weeks before the election, which is prohibited by state law, according to a lawsuit.

A Project Veritas video claims observers heard votes for Trump being counted for Biden.

See Video

Some voters who requested a mail-in ballot but instead decided to vote in person on Election Day were denied the chance to vote in person, according to a witness. The witness also said many such voters were denied the opportunity to cast a “provisional” mail-in ballot on Election Day. Signatures on mail-in ballot envelopes weren’t verified during the recount, says a witness. Some counties didn’t recount ballots by hand, but improperly used machines. One observer said he saw a batch of ballots that was suspiciously “pristine,” almost all for Biden, and “there was a difference in the texture of the paper.”

At a Milton, Georgia, precinct, poll workers were asked to sign a chain of custody letter a day and a half before the voting machines arrived, according to a witness. She also said the machines were not sealed or locked as required, and the serial numbers didn’t match.

One observer described many batches of ballots in which every vote was for Biden, and says he saw that the watermark on some ballots differed from the rest.

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Read Declaration

More than 1,000 early/absentee votes were cast by people whose registered addresses are at post offices, UPS, and FedEx; willfully disguising the box numbers as ‘Apt,’ ‘Unit,’ etc. in violation of state election law. That’s according to Matt Braynard, former data and strategy director for President Trump’s 2016 campaign. (A sample of 15 such address entries in a Nov. 24 tweet):

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The hand recount was not legitimate because pro-Trump observers were not allowed proper access, according to multiple observers. Some votes for Trump were placed into piles for Biden. Some ballots from the “No Vote” and “Jorgensen” candidate trays were moved to the “Biden” tray, according to one witness.

A recount monitor flagged a 9,626-vote error in the hand recount in DeKalb County, according to the chairman of the Georgia Republican Party in a declaration. One batch had 10,707 votes for Biden and 13 for Trump. But the true count was 1,081 for Biden and 13 for Trump. Two official counters had signed off on the miscounted batch.

Read Affidavit

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A post-election audit and recount discovered memory cards with thousands of uncounted ballots, most of them for Trump, two weeks after the election: 508 in Walton County, 2,600 in Floyd County and 2,755 in Fayette County. The discovery cut Biden’s lead in the state by more than 1,400 votes.

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In one county, 3,300 votes were found after the election on memory sticks that had not been loaded into the central vote tally system. There are no procedures to ensure the security of the USB drives reporting vote tallies, according to a lawsuit.

Georgia election officials allegedly intended to alter and/or wipe machines. A judge granted attorney Lin Wood's emergency request to preserve the machines as-they-are while other motions are considered (Sunday, Nov. 29).

Read Judge's Order


Security camera video presented at a hearing in Georgia purports to show while a room was emptied and counting paused, a few officials pulled groups of ballots out of four suitcases and counted them without legal observers present.

Watch the video here

Watch Georgia Senate hearing here

Multiple poll observers claim they were not allowed close enough to do proper observation or were moved out of the counting rooms entirely.

Supervisor Marcia Ridley of the Spalding County Board of Elections said a "technical glitch" in two Georgia countries that caused machines to crash for several hours on Election Day was triggered by something Dominion Voting Systems uploaded the night before. However, the Secretary of State's office contradicted that information when questioned under oath stating: "It’s not true … I’m not really sure why she said that."

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An analysis of a Dominion voting machine shows 37 votes were moved from Trump to Biden in one small county, according to information presented at a state hearing. Trump attorneys claim when extrapolated statewide, it would add up to 14,000 votes, while Biden won Georgia by 10,000 votes.

On Nov. 18, Cobb County shredded white privacy envelopes for absentee ballots, which are required to be saved under Georgia law to show if each ballot arrived via mail Nov. 18; stacks of absentee ballots had never been folded though they would have to be to be properly mailed; some ballots were kept in Dominion officials' cars in violation of security procedures; when observers were dismissed from State Farm Arena, counting went on for two hours without them and during this time period Biden pulled ahead; for 2% of ballots in Fulton County there was no proper chain of custody (an amount greater than Biden's lead in the states); ballots were transported in an insecure fashion without the required security tags, 25,000 people voted who had filed permanent out-of-state change-of-addresses. All of that is according to witnesses at a Georgia State House hearing on Dec. 10.

Watch Georgia State House hearing
Live online election results from Associated Press (AP) appear to show some sort of glitch, with Trump seeming to lose 6,000 votes in a span of two minutes.

A forensic analysis of two Antrim County Dominion voting machines reportedly shows: data from the election was improperly deleted on Nov. 4, the software is designed to have an unacceptably high "error" rate of 68% when federal law only allows a fractional error rate. An attorney representing a voter in a lawsuit says the high error rate allows for unsupervised "adjudication" of the bulk of the votes, which opens up the possibility of fraud. Dominon denies any impropriety.

Listen to interview with attorney here

Read Sidney Powell lawsuit

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Forensic analysis by a former military intelligence analyst alleges proof of foreign interference and/or access in the election. It shows Dominion’s voting machine server connected to Iran, China and Serbia. Also, the analyst says records show HongKong Shanghai Bank became collateral agent for Dominion voting systems on Sept. 25, 2019. The declaration is contained in the lawsuit filed by attorney Sidney Powell and includes screen shots and a summary of the evidence.

Read analysis

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Detroit worker Jessy Jacob states in a declaration that she and others were directed to backdate about 100,000 absentee ballots, or about 10,000 per day to make them appear legal even though they were not in the Qualified Voter File and had not arrived by the deadline. She also testified that leading up to Election Day, Detroit poll workers skipped voter ID checks.

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Read Jacob Declaration

Wayne County Board of Canvassing member William Hartmann, a Republican, says in a sworn declaration that Michigan's largest county certified results knowing there were massive discrepancies between the approved voter files and the ballots cast and counted in Detroit. 71% of Detroit’s 134 absentee voter counting boards were “left unbalanced” and many unexplained, he said in a statement. He also said birth dates in voter ID files were “altered.”

Order "Slanted: How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism" by Sharyl Attkisson today at Harper Collins, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books a Million, IndieBound, Bookshop!
In an Oakland County commissioner race, incumbent Republican Adam Kochenderfer was told he lost, but a later review determined he won. The director of elections blamed the mistake on “a computer issue” that caused Rochester Hills to incorrectly send in results for “seven precincts as both precinct votes and absentee votes” when they should only have been counted once, as absentees.

Results were reversed in Antrim County after it first appeared Biden beat Trump in a landslide by 6,000 votes there. Michigan officials later blamed “user error” for the incorrect results, and declared Trump actually won the county. The state blamed an Antrim County clerk for failing to properly “update software used to collect voting machine data.” The reason the information got a second look is because people who know the county thought the initial Biden landslide seemed unlikely. But officials say the mishap never affected totals.

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An observer in Detroit told a Michigan State Senate hearing that numerous military ballots that looked like “Xerox copies” and were all marked for Democrat Joe Biden. She said election workers manually entered fake birthdates on the records of non registered voters to override the system and allow their votes.

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Michigan observer flags chain of custody issues, machines improperly collected to Internet, and other problems.

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