GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate

I did not have to watch the debate to know the outcome, CNBC to know that gave the Republican Candidate's something they did not expect, a real debate.

The current Klown Kar of pathetic Candidates are not used to questions of substance and having to answer real politically issued based queries.

For the time since the Republican Debate Debacle started, the Republican Stooges running for the White House to actually think and chew gum at the same time and failed at both.

This current crop of nuts running for president should be a complete embarrassment to the American people. Un effin believable, how these people whine about everything that isn't FOX fed!!

Yes. What this country needs is a lot more of this:

The Top 5 Ways Liberal Policies Hurt The Poor
Articles: Admitted: The Democratic Party Does Not Represent the Middle Class
Be strong and resolute: Democrat policies HURT the poor, minorities, middle class, our future
If Democrats want to appeal to the working class, they really need some policies that benefit the working class

But you Liberal idiots continue on with your ignorant dribble.

Thank you and exactly what policies have the GOP-igs offered that has helped anybody save to the rich????? Until you can come with some concrete banter from the right to counter your bullshit attacks, please shut the hell up!!

Your belief that higher taxes and more government spending and regulation helps anyone but crony capitalists and ticks on the ass of society is amusing, to say the least.
Its times like this I am so glad I never put much hope in democrats or republicans. I like Trump. Is he perfect candidate? Hell no.But he is pretty good.

Trump will lose and lose badly. He will take down the Republican Party with him. Voting for him will be pissing in the wind...hope you enjoy the shower
I am sure as a democrat you would love to see that. But facts that pesky thing you liberals seem to HATE says otherwise.

Any idiot who votes for Trump is an outright fool. And yes, I would love to see the Republican Party broken and bleeding on the floor.
Yeah we should vote for Hillary "what difference does it make,bitch/butcher of benghazi,defender of child rapists,I can't satisfy my husband and keep him from other women but I run on "women's rights" Clinton huh!?

By Goober Gowdy own admission, nothing new was learned....possibly because there was NOTHING TO LEARN!!!!

You really need new material.
Some of them even complained about FOX.

The conservative party, thanks to the visceral hatred of the black guy in the white house, can do and say just about anything these days and no one seems to care or give a damn, not the politicians, the media...nobody. So its only fittin that they shit all over what is tradition and write their own rules, because nobody seems to care. But if Hillary or Bernie ever complained about hard questions....the world as we know it would come to an end, that'i how much they'd attack these two.

But this country deserves their hypocrisy, because our love for the so outsidesr is making us all look absolutely pathetic to the world at large.

I totally agree. Obama made them bat crap crazy. I believe that the Republicans believe they are entitled to the Oval Office. How anyone but a Republican be elected President. The fact that an African-American was elected really gives the Republicans a huge case of butt hurt.

Now the Democrats are set to run Hilary Clinton (I DO NOT SUPPORT HILARY CLINTON), which is their worst nightmare. Especially after disaster with Benghazi Committee Disaster, which only gave the Hilary Campaign hours of a cool, calm and collected Hilary Clinton standing toe-to-toe with Goober Gowdy and winning the day.

The Republican Party cannot lose a third Presidential Election in a row. Doing so will relegate the RePuLiCoNs to back bencher status which is what they deserve in the first damn place.

Are you kidding me? We are hoping Hillary is not indicted or goes to jail so she can run. Hillary running is almost a shoe-in for any Republican candidate including Trump.

Nice lie.

The committee was a failure. Your gang that shoot straight failed

I'm not worried about that. There is so much baggage with this woman that it's hard to know where to start. I mean, seriously. The woman has conversations with dead people, and you want her to have access to the red button?

All Donnie has is a bad comb over.
Its times like this I am so glad I never put much hope in democrats or republicans. I like Trump. Is he perfect candidate? Hell no.But he is pretty good.

Trump will lose and lose badly. He will take down the Republican Party with him. Voting for him will be pissing in the wind...hope you enjoy the shower
I am sure as a democrat you would love to see that. But facts that pesky thing you liberals seem to HATE says otherwise.

Any idiot who votes for Trump is an outright fool. And yes, I would love to see the Republican Party broken and bleeding on the floor.

Correction, not just a fool, but a dumb stupid moronic diaper wearing fool

This sums them up perfectly.

Hillary is a liar and the most untrustworthy person in America and was totally incompetent as Secretary of State. Burn Me Sanders is just another blowhard Socialist who was insignificant in Congress.
What "lie" made Ms. Clinton a liar? Be specific..

There's socialism in the United States Constitution. And nothing prohibits a Socialist from running.

She lied when she claim the attack on the consulate in Benghazi was caused by a video. That is beyond dispute.

Maybe you want to take that up with the person that actually committed the attack.

As the attack in Benghazi was unfolding a few hours later, Mr. Abu Khattala told fellow Islamist fighters and others that the assault was retaliation for the same insulting video, according to people who heard him.

In an interview a few days later, he pointedly declined to say whether an offensive online video might indeed warrant the destruction of the diplomatic mission or the killing of the ambassador. “From a religious point of view, it is hard to say whether it is good or bad,” he said.

Sometimes it pays to ask the people that are pissed off at you, why they are pissed.
You right wingers are so clueless .

For example your racist analysis . But let me play ! More Blacks have voted for white candidates than whites have voted for a black candidate .

That's a lie.

If it were true, that fuckwad Obama would never have been elected. 11% of the nation could not elect him by themselves.

Now, that SHOULD be obvious, but it isn't to you. You know why? Because you're truly stupid.

If u think Carson pulls the black vote , you are a fool. Carly will have her ass handed to her by Hillary .

What's Carly's big gun? A big biz failure who's known for eliminating the jobs of thousands of Americans ? Oh that will get her points wh the gen pop.

You are a hack - 100%

You think reciting partisan hate memes from the Soros sites is equivalent to thinking; it isn't. Carson won't attracts as many of the "gibs me dat" black voters as Obama did, because he isn't promising to pay their rent or give them free electricity. However, those blacks who DO vote will vote for him. Mostly we will return to the traditional situation where most don't bother to vote.

Hillary only attracts the mindless drones. You are a party sycophant, you hold party above all, you live to serve the party, your life has no meaning save your filthy party. But morons like you are a small part of the population. Just because everyone else on DailyKOS is a mindless twit like you, don't think that equates to the general population.

Hillary is hated, and rightly so. The only way you democrats could win is if the GOP ran someone more hated, Jeb Bush, but they won't - so Hillary loses in the general - regardless of who the GOP runs.

If you think about it just a little bit, you will realize how hilariously wrong you are about more blacks have voted for white candidates than whites have voted for black candidates..

How am I wrong . Until Obama , all
The presidential candidates had been white . Therefore any black person who's ever voted for president, has voted for a white guy . Not to mention all the white senators, governors etc..

What you need to realize is that blacks aren't going to vote for Carson just because he's black . Obama got a few points higher than the white male dem candidate that came before him ( Kerry ).

So you're telling us no one should vote for Hillary simply because she has a vagina?

Hillary is a liar and the most untrustworthy person in America and was totally incompetent as Secretary of State. Burn Me Sanders is just another blowhard Socialist who was insignificant in Congress.
What "lie" made Ms. Clinton a liar? Be specific..

There's socialism in the United States Constitution. And nothing prohibits a Socialist from running.

She lied when she claim the attack on the consulate in Benghazi was caused by a video. That is beyond dispute.

Maybe you want to take that up with the person that actually committed the attack.

As the attack in Benghazi was unfolding a few hours later, Mr. Abu Khattala told fellow Islamist fighters and others that the assault was retaliation for the same insulting video, according to people who heard him.

In an interview a few days later, he pointedly declined to say whether an offensive online video might indeed warrant the destruction of the diplomatic mission or the killing of the ambassador. “From a religious point of view, it is hard to say whether it is good or bad,” he said.

Sometimes it pays to ask the people that are pissed off at you, why they are pissed.
The video had nothing to do with anything, the Hildabeast said so herself to her kid.
Hillary is a liar and the most untrustworthy person in America and was totally incompetent as Secretary of State. Burn Me Sanders is just another blowhard Socialist who was insignificant in Congress.
What "lie" made Ms. Clinton a liar? Be specific..

There's socialism in the United States Constitution. And nothing prohibits a Socialist from running.

She lied when she claim the attack on the consulate in Benghazi was caused by a video. That is beyond dispute.

Maybe you want to take that up with the person that actually committed the attack.

As the attack in Benghazi was unfolding a few hours later, Mr. Abu Khattala told fellow Islamist fighters and others that the assault was retaliation for the same insulting video, according to people who heard him.

In an interview a few days later, he pointedly declined to say whether an offensive online video might indeed warrant the destruction of the diplomatic mission or the killing of the ambassador. “From a religious point of view, it is hard to say whether it is good or bad,” he said.

Sometimes it pays to ask the people that are pissed off at you, why they are pissed.

What a load. Hillary admitted in an email to her daughter the night it happened that the video had nothing to do with it.

She's a liar.
Hillary is a liar and the most untrustworthy person in America and was totally incompetent as Secretary of State. Burn Me Sanders is just another blowhard Socialist who was insignificant in Congress.
What "lie" made Ms. Clinton a liar? Be specific..

There's socialism in the United States Constitution. And nothing prohibits a Socialist from running.

She lied when she claim the attack on the consulate in Benghazi was caused by a video. That is beyond dispute.

Maybe you want to take that up with the person that actually committed the attack.

As the attack in Benghazi was unfolding a few hours later, Mr. Abu Khattala told fellow Islamist fighters and others that the assault was retaliation for the same insulting video, according to people who heard him.

In an interview a few days later, he pointedly declined to say whether an offensive online video might indeed warrant the destruction of the diplomatic mission or the killing of the ambassador. “From a religious point of view, it is hard to say whether it is good or bad,” he said.

Sometimes it pays to ask the people that are pissed off at you, why they are pissed.
The video had nothing to do with anything, the Hildabeast said so herself to her kid.

Perhaps, but she's such a compulsive liar that she probably lied to her kid too. :lol::lol::lol:
Hillary is a liar and the most untrustworthy person in America and was totally incompetent as Secretary of State. Burn Me Sanders is just another blowhard Socialist who was insignificant in Congress.
What "lie" made Ms. Clinton a liar? Be specific..

There's socialism in the United States Constitution. And nothing prohibits a Socialist from running.

She lied when she claim the attack on the consulate in Benghazi was caused by a video. That is beyond dispute.

Maybe you want to take that up with the person that actually committed the attack.

As the attack in Benghazi was unfolding a few hours later, Mr. Abu Khattala told fellow Islamist fighters and others that the assault was retaliation for the same insulting video, according to people who heard him.

In an interview a few days later, he pointedly declined to say whether an offensive online video might indeed warrant the destruction of the diplomatic mission or the killing of the ambassador. “From a religious point of view, it is hard to say whether it is good or bad,” he said.

Sometimes it pays to ask the people that are pissed off at you, why they are pissed.

What a load. Hillary admitted in an email to her daughter the night it happened that the video had nothing to do with it.

She's a liar.

So the terrorist who actually carried out the attack and said that he was motivated by the video carries more weight than an email presented into "evidence" without the context?

This sort of attitude is probably how Osama Bin Laden was able to kill 3000 Americans and skate until a liberal was elected president.

Conservative are more concerned with denigrating and making war with their political enemies than actually defending the country or taking action against real enemies.

You folks are pretty disgusting.
Hillary is a liar and the most untrustworthy person in America and was totally incompetent as Secretary of State. Burn Me Sanders is just another blowhard Socialist who was insignificant in Congress.
What "lie" made Ms. Clinton a liar? Be specific..

There's socialism in the United States Constitution. And nothing prohibits a Socialist from running.

She lied when she claim the attack on the consulate in Benghazi was caused by a video. That is beyond dispute.

Maybe you want to take that up with the person that actually committed the attack.

As the attack in Benghazi was unfolding a few hours later, Mr. Abu Khattala told fellow Islamist fighters and others that the assault was retaliation for the same insulting video, according to people who heard him.

In an interview a few days later, he pointedly declined to say whether an offensive online video might indeed warrant the destruction of the diplomatic mission or the killing of the ambassador. “From a religious point of view, it is hard to say whether it is good or bad,” he said.

Sometimes it pays to ask the people that are pissed off at you, why they are pissed.

What a load. Hillary admitted in an email to her daughter the night it happened that the video had nothing to do with it.

She's a liar.

So the terrorist who actually carried out the attack and said that he was motivated by the video carries more weight than an email presented into "evidence" without the context?

This sort of attitude is probably how Osama Bin Laden was able to kill 3000 Americans and skate until a liberal was elected president.

Conservative are more concerned with denigrating and making war with their political enemies than actually defending the country or taking action against real enemies.

You folks are pretty disgusting.

Absolutely revolting:

What "lie" made Ms. Clinton a liar? Be specific..

There's socialism in the United States Constitution. And nothing prohibits a Socialist from running.

She lied when she claim the attack on the consulate in Benghazi was caused by a video. That is beyond dispute.

Maybe you want to take that up with the person that actually committed the attack.

As the attack in Benghazi was unfolding a few hours later, Mr. Abu Khattala told fellow Islamist fighters and others that the assault was retaliation for the same insulting video, according to people who heard him.

In an interview a few days later, he pointedly declined to say whether an offensive online video might indeed warrant the destruction of the diplomatic mission or the killing of the ambassador. “From a religious point of view, it is hard to say whether it is good or bad,” he said.

Sometimes it pays to ask the people that are pissed off at you, why they are pissed.

What a load. Hillary admitted in an email to her daughter the night it happened that the video had nothing to do with it.

She's a liar.

So the terrorist who actually carried out the attack and said that he was motivated by the video carries more weight than an email presented into "evidence" without the context?

This sort of attitude is probably how Osama Bin Laden was able to kill 3000 Americans and skate until a liberal was elected president.

Conservative are more concerned with denigrating and making war with their political enemies than actually defending the country or taking action against real enemies.

You folks are pretty disgusting.

Absolutely revolting:

Absolutely correct.

They aren't arguing policy.

They are calling her a criminal. They want her arrested and thrown in jail.

Conservatives make war on their countrymen.

Liberals defend against enemies.
She lied when she claim the attack on the consulate in Benghazi was caused by a video. That is beyond dispute.

Maybe you want to take that up with the person that actually committed the attack.

As the attack in Benghazi was unfolding a few hours later, Mr. Abu Khattala told fellow Islamist fighters and others that the assault was retaliation for the same insulting video, according to people who heard him.

In an interview a few days later, he pointedly declined to say whether an offensive online video might indeed warrant the destruction of the diplomatic mission or the killing of the ambassador. “From a religious point of view, it is hard to say whether it is good or bad,” he said.

Sometimes it pays to ask the people that are pissed off at you, why they are pissed.

What a load. Hillary admitted in an email to her daughter the night it happened that the video had nothing to do with it.

She's a liar.

So the terrorist who actually carried out the attack and said that he was motivated by the video carries more weight than an email presented into "evidence" without the context?

This sort of attitude is probably how Osama Bin Laden was able to kill 3000 Americans and skate until a liberal was elected president.

Conservative are more concerned with denigrating and making war with their political enemies than actually defending the country or taking action against real enemies.

You folks are pretty disgusting.

Absolutely revolting:

Absolutely correct.

They aren't arguing policy.

They are calling her a criminal. They want her arrested and thrown in jail..

Yes indeed. I remember when the left demanded the same thing of Bush and Cheney. Disgusting, isn't it? Or is it only disgusting when Republicans do it?
Where did she lie ? She talked about an attack from an "alqueda -type group".

The ambassador wasn't attacked by bumblebees, it wasn't a carjacking . What would you call the people who attacked him?
Where did she lie ? She talked about an attack from an "alqueda -type group".

The ambassador wasn't attacked by bumblebees, it wasn't a carjacking . What would you call the people who attacked him?

Terrorists. Or was it just a coincidence that the attack took place on September 11th?
Maybe you want to take that up with the person that actually committed the attack.

As the attack in Benghazi was unfolding a few hours later, Mr. Abu Khattala told fellow Islamist fighters and others that the assault was retaliation for the same insulting video, according to people who heard him.

In an interview a few days later, he pointedly declined to say whether an offensive online video might indeed warrant the destruction of the diplomatic mission or the killing of the ambassador. “From a religious point of view, it is hard to say whether it is good or bad,” he said.

Sometimes it pays to ask the people that are pissed off at you, why they are pissed.

What a load. Hillary admitted in an email to her daughter the night it happened that the video had nothing to do with it.

She's a liar.

So the terrorist who actually carried out the attack and said that he was motivated by the video carries more weight than an email presented into "evidence" without the context?

This sort of attitude is probably how Osama Bin Laden was able to kill 3000 Americans and skate until a liberal was elected president.

Conservative are more concerned with denigrating and making war with their political enemies than actually defending the country or taking action against real enemies.

You folks are pretty disgusting.

Absolutely revolting:

Absolutely correct.

They aren't arguing policy.

They are calling her a criminal. They want her arrested and thrown in jail..

Yes indeed. I remember when the left demanded the same thing of Bush and Cheney. Disgusting, isn't it? Or is it only disgusting when Republicans do it?

Bush and Cheney committed actual crimes resulting in the deaths of over a quarter million Iraqi Citizens.

That's pretty stunning.

Where's Issa and Gowdy?
Last edited:
Conservatives make war on their countrymen.

Liberals defend against enemies. liberal Bizarroworld. In the conservative world you can associate with whom you please. Liberals pit one group against another for power and control.
Maybe you want to take that up with the person that actually committed the attack.

As the attack in Benghazi was unfolding a few hours later, Mr. Abu Khattala told fellow Islamist fighters and others that the assault was retaliation for the same insulting video, according to people who heard him.

In an interview a few days later, he pointedly declined to say whether an offensive online video might indeed warrant the destruction of the diplomatic mission or the killing of the ambassador. “From a religious point of view, it is hard to say whether it is good or bad,” he said.

Sometimes it pays to ask the people that are pissed off at you, why they are pissed.

What a load. Hillary admitted in an email to her daughter the night it happened that the video had nothing to do with it.

She's a liar.

So the terrorist who actually carried out the attack and said that he was motivated by the video carries more weight than an email presented into "evidence" without the context?

This sort of attitude is probably how Osama Bin Laden was able to kill 3000 Americans and skate until a liberal was elected president.

Conservative are more concerned with denigrating and making war with their political enemies than actually defending the country or taking action against real enemies.

You folks are pretty disgusting.

Absolutely revolting:

Absolutely correct.

They aren't arguing policy.

They are calling her a criminal. They want her arrested and thrown in jail..

Yes indeed. I remember when the left demanded the same thing of Bush and Cheney. Disgusting, isn't it? Or is it only disgusting when Republicans do it?

Bush and Cheney committed actually crimes resulting in the deaths of over a quarter million Iraqi Citizens.

That's pretty stunning.

Where's Issa and Gowdy?

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