GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate

That was great. Now once more, but roll your eyes a little more, and try to keep the drool on just one side of your mouth. It's more noticeable that way.

This is going to be a fun election.

Nixon was a choir boy compared to this crook. I don't think there has ever been a more crooked scumbag running for POTUS. Al Capone was more law abiding than Hilliary is.
Absolutely correct.

They aren't arguing policy.

They are calling her a criminal. They want her arrested and thrown in jail.

Conservatives make war on their countrymen.

Liberals defend against enemies.

She is a criminal and belongs in prison.

You Communists think it's clever that she is a criminal.

Great.... Now say it again, only this time, jump up and down and wave your arms around. A speech like that is so much better with all the extra movements added. It makes you so much more credible when you do that.

That was great. Now once more, but roll your eyes a little more, and try to keep the drool on just one side of your mouth. It's more noticeable that way.

This is going to be a fun election.

Nixon was a choir boy compared to this crook. I don't think there has ever been a more crooked scumbag running for POTUS. Al Capone was more law abiding than Hilliary is.

Nixon violated the Logan Act when his emissaries told the South Vietnamese they could get a better deal with his administration. He was personally responsible for the deaths of thousands of US troops and millions of civilians.

It's insanity to say Nixon was a "choir boy".
Yeah we should vote for Hillary "what difference does it make,bitch/butcher of benghazi,defender of child rapists,I can't satisfy my husband and keep him from other women but I run on "women's rights" Clinton huh!?

By Goober Gowdy own admission, nothing new was learned....possibly because there was NOTHING TO LEARN!!!!

You really need new material.
Doesn't change fact she was responsible for it all. Doesn't change fact she wants to run on "women's rights" when her husband used office of Governor and President to commit who knows how many sexual assaults,affairs etc with women and she never gave a shit,she still defended a child rapist and LAUGHED ABOUT IT.Yeah certainly kind of piece of shit I want running my country. Maybe we should ask her the Ambassador's name she let get killed in Libya? She doesn't know as per her emails show.

No she was NOT "Responsible for it all." n

How can Ms. Clinton be faulted when Republicans refused to vote money for exactly is that her fault. Republicans refused to vote the budget necessary for security upgrades, including Diplomatic Security Service is that her fault?

Bring up her husband means you ain't got nothing left.

New material.

Bill Clinton never was involved in a "sexual assault".

Never let these bozos get away with that.
Bill Clinton's ong history of sexual assault

sure sure...ALL these women are just lying eh?


Capital Hill Blue.

capitol hill blue

Credible as Harry Mudd.
By Goober Gowdy own admission, nothing new was learned....possibly because there was NOTHING TO LEARN!!!!

You really need new material.
Doesn't change fact she was responsible for it all. Doesn't change fact she wants to run on "women's rights" when her husband used office of Governor and President to commit who knows how many sexual assaults,affairs etc with women and she never gave a shit,she still defended a child rapist and LAUGHED ABOUT IT.Yeah certainly kind of piece of shit I want running my country. Maybe we should ask her the Ambassador's name she let get killed in Libya? She doesn't know as per her emails show.

No she was NOT "Responsible for it all." n

How can Ms. Clinton be faulted when Republicans refused to vote money for exactly is that her fault. Republicans refused to vote the budget necessary for security upgrades, including Diplomatic Security Service is that her fault?

Bring up her husband means you ain't got nothing left.

New material.
She was SOS its her fault it happened under HER watch she knew it wasn't about a damn video her and the idiots in the Obama regime are the ones that toppled a stable government in Libya and allowed this shit to happen. Keep covering it up I don't really expect politicians to find another politician guilty despite their different letters beside their names. Bitch belongs in front of a firing squad.

Yeah it was about a "damn video"..

As the attack in Benghazi was unfolding a few hours later, Mr. Abu Khattala told fellow Islamist fighters and others that the assault was retaliation for the same insulting video, according to people who heard him.

In an interview a few days later, he pointedly declined to say whether an offensive online video might indeed warrant the destruction of the diplomatic mission or the killing of the ambassador. “From a religious point of view, it is hard to say whether it is good or bad,” he said.
Hey dumba$$, it was not about the video, are you stupid in the head?? No one watched the video before the attack, the views of video on YouTube were minimal. The people that were actually there, said it was not about the video. Take your democratic progressive talking points and go Pee down Chris Matthews leg.

You're a kiss a$$ suck a$$ kind a guy


Coming from a pansy like you.

This don't mean much.

Doesn't change fact she was responsible for it all. Doesn't change fact she wants to run on "women's rights" when her husband used office of Governor and President to commit who knows how many sexual assaults,affairs etc with women and she never gave a shit,she still defended a child rapist and LAUGHED ABOUT IT.Yeah certainly kind of piece of shit I want running my country. Maybe we should ask her the Ambassador's name she let get killed in Libya? She doesn't know as per her emails show.

No she was NOT "Responsible for it all." n

How can Ms. Clinton be faulted when Republicans refused to vote money for exactly is that her fault. Republicans refused to vote the budget necessary for security upgrades, including Diplomatic Security Service is that her fault?

Bring up her husband means you ain't got nothing left.

New material.
She was SOS its her fault it happened under HER watch she knew it wasn't about a damn video her and the idiots in the Obama regime are the ones that toppled a stable government in Libya and allowed this shit to happen. Keep covering it up I don't really expect politicians to find another politician guilty despite their different letters beside their names. Bitch belongs in front of a firing squad.

Yeah it was about a "damn video"..

As the attack in Benghazi was unfolding a few hours later, Mr. Abu Khattala told fellow Islamist fighters and others that the assault was retaliation for the same insulting video, according to people who heard him.

In an interview a few days later, he pointedly declined to say whether an offensive online video might indeed warrant the destruction of the diplomatic mission or the killing of the ambassador. “From a religious point of view, it is hard to say whether it is good or bad,” he said.
Hey dumba$$, it was not about the video, are you stupid in the head?? No one watched the video before the attack, the views of video on YouTube were minimal. The people that were actually there, said it was not about the video. Take your democratic progressive talking points and go Pee down Chris Matthews leg.

You're a kiss a$$ suck a$$ kind a guy


Coming from a pansy like you.

This don't mean much.

that right, swallow? what was that?

gulg, ger bufchts, swallow
Doesn't change fact she was responsible for it all. Doesn't change fact she wants to run on "women's rights" when her husband used office of Governor and President to commit who knows how many sexual assaults,affairs etc with women and she never gave a shit,she still defended a child rapist and LAUGHED ABOUT IT.Yeah certainly kind of piece of shit I want running my country. Maybe we should ask her the Ambassador's name she let get killed in Libya? She doesn't know as per her emails show.

No she was NOT "Responsible for it all." n

How can Ms. Clinton be faulted when Republicans refused to vote money for exactly is that her fault. Republicans refused to vote the budget necessary for security upgrades, including Diplomatic Security Service is that her fault?

Bring up her husband means you ain't got nothing left.

New material.
She was SOS its her fault it happened under HER watch she knew it wasn't about a damn video her and the idiots in the Obama regime are the ones that toppled a stable government in Libya and allowed this shit to happen. Keep covering it up I don't really expect politicians to find another politician guilty despite their different letters beside their names. Bitch belongs in front of a firing squad.

Yeah it was about a "damn video"..

As the attack in Benghazi was unfolding a few hours later, Mr. Abu Khattala told fellow Islamist fighters and others that the assault was retaliation for the same insulting video, according to people who heard him.

In an interview a few days later, he pointedly declined to say whether an offensive online video might indeed warrant the destruction of the diplomatic mission or the killing of the ambassador. “From a religious point of view, it is hard to say whether it is good or bad,” he said.
Hey dumba$$, it was not about the video, are you stupid in the head?? No one watched the video before the attack, the views of video on YouTube were minimal. The people that were actually there, said it was not about the video. Take your democratic progressive talking points and go Pee down Chris Matthews leg.

You're a kiss a$$ suck a$$ kind a guy


Coming from a pansy like you.

This don't mean much.

All the Cons, so busy defending their hero's.

A question, how will the eventual nominee react to Debates during the General Election? Can't hold their breath and turn blue, can't stomp their feet and cry or take their ball home. They will have to stand on the same stage with the Democrat and answer questions.

Or will they just run?
All the Cons, so busy defending their hero's.

A question, how will the eventual nominee react to Debates during the General Election? Can't hold their breath and turn blue, can't stomp their feet and cry or take their ball home. They will have to stand on the same stage with the Democrat and answer questions.

Or will they just run?

All the demagogue - sociopaths, so busy lying about the opposition...

If Hillary is the demagogue - sociopath nominee, the GOP will eviscerate her. Even CNBC will have a hard time tossing out questions like they did in the GOP debate.

All the Cons, so busy defending their hero's.

A question, how will the eventual nominee react to Debates during the General Election? Can't hold their breath and turn blue, can't stomp their feet and cry or take their ball home. They will have to stand on the same stage with the Democrat and answer questions.

Or will they just run?

That's apples to oranges. Usually both candidates have to answer the same question.
GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate


One member here used a phrase "Embrace the suck" and Dante only half-jokingly quoted it with the following...words of resignation and comfort for GOP voters.

No matter how much bravado and chest thumping the GOP voters on usmb and elsewhere are engaging in, one thing is incredibly clear: the GOP field is highly disappointing to it's voting bloc

Actually, it appears to me that more Liberals are concerned about the GOP candidates than are Republicans.

that's because the left isn't totally willing to accept monumental incompetence like the right is ..


How would explain how the Republicans embraced idiots like Romney and Palin?

Your Presidential Front Runners are so two men with no clue what it means to President and you people see them a manna from heaven.

So a brain surgeon, a successful businessman, a man with two advanced degrees and a history of making business viable, and a former governor are idiots?

What exactly have you done with your life?
People who believe the earth is 6,000 years old are idiots.

Not as much as people who believe humans control the climate.
Actually, it appears to me that more Liberals are concerned about the GOP candidates than are Republicans.

that's because the left isn't totally willing to accept monumental incompetence like the right is ..


How would explain how the Republicans embraced idiots like Romney and Palin?

Your Presidential Front Runners are so two men with no clue what it means to President and you people see them a manna from heaven.

So a brain surgeon, a successful businessman, a man with two advanced degrees and a history of making business viable, and a former governor are idiots?

What exactly have you done with your life?
People who believe the earth is 6,000 years old are idiots.

Not as much as people who believe humans control the climate.

Yeah that's silly. Next we will be hearing that humans have a thing that flies!
All the Cons, so busy defending their hero's.

A question, how will the eventual nominee react to Debates during the General Election? Can't hold their breath and turn blue, can't stomp their feet and cry or take their ball home. They will have to stand on the same stage with the Democrat and answer questions.

Or will they just run?

That's apples to oranges. Usually both candidates have to answer the same question.

The difference that the Democratic Debate had substance, Republicans run from it. Which the cry babies are now demanding their own control over the debate. Democrats aren't doing that. Republicans do not to answer real questions, they run from them.
All the Cons, so busy defending their hero's.

A question, how will the eventual nominee react to Debates during the General Election? Can't hold their breath and turn blue, can't stomp their feet and cry or take their ball home. They will have to stand on the same stage with the Democrat and answer questions.

Or will they just run?

That's apples to oranges. Usually both candidates have to answer the same question.

The difference that the Democratic Debate had substance, Republicans run from it. Which the cry babies are now demanding their own control over the debate. Democrats aren't doing that. Republicans do not to answer real questions, they run from them.

No, as I said before, the Democrat debate was near perfect for Democrat voters to tune into. Not so with the Republican debate.

The Democrats talked about which one would expand the welfare state and by how much, how many more government dependents they could create, how much each one hated guns, how much each one hated rich people, all subjects Democrat voters wanted to hear.

On the Republican side, we heard how much Kasich hated Caron's tax plan, how Trump accused Kasich on taking credit where credit wasn't due, how Trump thought Kasich helped collapse the economy, how Jeb thought Rubio didn't go to work enough, how Rubio thought Jeb was FOS because he backed other candidates who did the same thing as him, but this time, Jeb was running for the same position.

I mean come on now. You talk about the clown car, well these debates are the circus.
By Goober Gowdy own admission, nothing new was learned....possibly because there was NOTHING TO LEARN!!!!

You really need new material.
Doesn't change fact she was responsible for it all. Doesn't change fact she wants to run on "women's rights" when her husband used office of Governor and President to commit who knows how many sexual assaults,affairs etc with women and she never gave a shit,she still defended a child rapist and LAUGHED ABOUT IT.Yeah certainly kind of piece of shit I want running my country. Maybe we should ask her the Ambassador's name she let get killed in Libya? She doesn't know as per her emails show.

No she was NOT "Responsible for it all." n

How can Ms. Clinton be faulted when Republicans refused to vote money for exactly is that her fault. Republicans refused to vote the budget necessary for security upgrades, including Diplomatic Security Service is that her fault?

Bring up her husband means you ain't got nothing left.

New material.

Bill Clinton never was involved in a "sexual assault".

Never let these bozos get away with that.
Bill Clinton's ong history of sexual assault

sure sure...ALL these women are just lying eh?


Capital Hill Blue.

capitol hill blue

Credible as Harry Mudd. me where what she said is wrong...yeppppppppp....go ahead limp dick.
Doesn't change fact she was responsible for it all. Doesn't change fact she wants to run on "women's rights" when her husband used office of Governor and President to commit who knows how many sexual assaults,affairs etc with women and she never gave a shit,she still defended a child rapist and LAUGHED ABOUT IT.Yeah certainly kind of piece of shit I want running my country. Maybe we should ask her the Ambassador's name she let get killed in Libya? She doesn't know as per her emails show.

No she was NOT "Responsible for it all." n

How can Ms. Clinton be faulted when Republicans refused to vote money for exactly is that her fault. Republicans refused to vote the budget necessary for security upgrades, including Diplomatic Security Service is that her fault?

Bring up her husband means you ain't got nothing left.

New material.

Bill Clinton never was involved in a "sexual assault".

Never let these bozos get away with that.
Bill Clinton's ong history of sexual assault

sure sure...ALL these women are just lying eh?


Capital Hill Blue.

capitol hill blue

Credible as Harry Mudd. me where what she said is wrong...yeppppppppp....go ahead limp dick.

Why exactly are you concerned with anyone's dick?

The website is not credible. Additionally, had Bill Clinton been "guilty" of anything, considering the lengths the Conservatives went to destroy him?

He'd be in big trouble.

So basically what you have here is bullshit. And you folks think that repeating bullshit over and over again makes it true.

Protip. It doesn't.
No she was NOT "Responsible for it all." n

How can Ms. Clinton be faulted when Republicans refused to vote money for exactly is that her fault. Republicans refused to vote the budget necessary for security upgrades, including Diplomatic Security Service is that her fault?

Bring up her husband means you ain't got nothing left.

New material.

Bill Clinton never was involved in a "sexual assault".

Never let these bozos get away with that.
Bill Clinton's ong history of sexual assault

sure sure...ALL these women are just lying eh?


Capital Hill Blue.

capitol hill blue

Credible as Harry Mudd. me where what she said is wrong...yeppppppppp....go ahead limp dick.

Why exactly are you concerned with anyone's dick?

The website is not credible. Additionally, had Bill Clinton been "guilty" of anything, considering the lengths the Conservatives went to destroy him?

He'd be in big trouble.

So basically what you have here is bullshit. And you folks think that repeating bullshit over and over again makes it true.

Protip. It doesn't.
Yawn. Not credible to YOU and any other clown that defends those 2 bastards.
How happy will the cons be in the next debate, when Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Susan Van Sustrin and Bill O'Riley are the moderators?

Will they be able to convince America that Welfare and Medicare and Medicaid and Obamacare and the EPA and education must be destroyed?

Will they convince America that trillion$ more be spent on war with Iran, Syria, ISIS, Russia and China is the solution?

Are they going to be able to show how that is going to cut spending?

BWAH HA HA HA HA!!!!! I can't wait to see it.


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