GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate

Blacks vote skin color, that is a fact.

Facts have data to support. Present yours.


What impact will it have on you?

What I say is statistically proven; Race, Skin Color, and Candidate Preference.pdf

And you've provided the requested data, for which I thank you. Most posters here, when asked for evidence, tend to shriek invective instead.

Couple of interesting things about the tables starting on page 8:

(A) Dividing black subjects into "light-skinned" and "dark-skinned," whereas white subjects were simply classified as "white." I'd be fascinated to know how the author made the determination. Did she use a color chart? "Here, let me hold this next to your arm and see which category you should go in."
(B) The study was done in 2004. It would be interesting to see a more recent study (possibly an updating of this author's paper) to reflect election returns in '08 and '12 (and of course in black districts in '16, assuming Carson survives the Trump machine...though not in Alabama unless those DMVs are reopened).

Who votes for whom is a moving target. Take the assumption that "all Democratic women will naturally vote for Hillary." T'ain't necessarily so.
Actually, it appears to me that more Liberals are concerned about the GOP candidates than are Republicans.

that's because the left isn't totally willing to accept monumental incompetence like the right is ..


So you guys are looking for an alternative candidate to the old white people running?

Trump 67

Clinton 68

you were saying?

or ...

Donald John Trump, Sr. (born June 14, 1946) is an American business magnate, investor, television personality and author.

Hillary Clinton Born: October 26, 1947 (age 68), Chicago, IL


Yet both grossly incompetent for the presidency. One, Clinton, more than the other.

And btw Republicans have two Hispanics, and Indian and a black running. Much more diversity that way.

Still doesn't change the fact that the entire democrat group is monumentally incompetent. Something you claimed not to be willing to accept.

Shame you aren't much on avoiding hypocrisy.

Diversity of qualified candidates would be great. Diversity of unqualified candidates is nothing but a bunch of tokens.

And what makes any of them unqualified? Did anyone get where they are solely because of who they are married to?
that's because the left isn't totally willing to accept monumental incompetence like the right is ..


So you guys are looking for an alternative candidate to the old white people running?

Trump 67

Clinton 68

you were saying?

or ...

Donald John Trump, Sr. (born June 14, 1946) is an American business magnate, investor, television personality and author.

Hillary Clinton Born: October 26, 1947 (age 68), Chicago, IL


Yet both grossly incompetent for the presidency. One, Clinton, more than the other.

And btw Republicans have two Hispanics, and Indian and a black running. Much more diversity that way.

Still doesn't change the fact that the entire democrat group is monumentally incompetent. Something you claimed not to be willing to accept.

Shame you aren't much on avoiding hypocrisy.

Diversity of qualified candidates would be great. Diversity of unqualified candidates is nothing but a bunch of tokens.

And what makes any of them unqualified? Did anyone get where they are solely because of who they are married to?

No idea who they might be married to,
GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate


One member here used a phrase "Embrace the suck" and Dante only half-jokingly quoted it with the following...words of resignation and comfort for GOP voters.

No matter how much bravado and chest thumping the GOP voters on usmb and elsewhere are engaging in, one thing is incredibly clear: the GOP field is highly disappointing to it's voting bloc
In your retarded opinion. Everyone of those republican candidates are much better than the idiots you guys vote for.
GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate


One member here used a phrase "Embrace the suck" and Dante only half-jokingly quoted it with the following...words of resignation and comfort for GOP voters.

No matter how much bravado and chest thumping the GOP voters on usmb and elsewhere are engaging in, one thing is incredibly clear: the GOP field is highly disappointing to it's voting bloc

Actually, it appears to me that more Liberals are concerned about the GOP candidates than are Republicans.

that's because the left isn't totally willing to accept monumental incompetence like the right is ..

You idiots voted obuthole in twice , so yes you are willing.
GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate


One member here used a phrase "Embrace the suck" and Dante only half-jokingly quoted it with the following...words of resignation and comfort for GOP voters.

No matter how much bravado and chest thumping the GOP voters on usmb and elsewhere are engaging in, one thing is incredibly clear: the GOP field is highly disappointing to it's voting bloc
In your retarded opinion. Everyone of those republican candidates are much better than the idiots you guys vote for.
How so?
GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate


One member here used a phrase "Embrace the suck" and Dante only half-jokingly quoted it with the following...words of resignation and comfort for GOP voters.

No matter how much bravado and chest thumping the GOP voters on usmb and elsewhere are engaging in, one thing is incredibly clear: the GOP field is highly disappointing to it's voting bloc
In your retarded opinion. Everyone of those republican candidates are much better than the idiots you guys vote for.
How so?
Hillary is a proven and punished liar, Bernie is a admitted socialist. Then you have gay marriage and abortion which is the two main reasons I will never vote dimwit.
GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate


One member here used a phrase "Embrace the suck" and Dante only half-jokingly quoted it with the following...words of resignation and comfort for GOP voters.

No matter how much bravado and chest thumping the GOP voters on usmb and elsewhere are engaging in, one thing is incredibly clear: the GOP field is highly disappointing to it's voting bloc
Or, a significant part of the voting bloc is highly disappointed with the professional politicians seeking the nomination.

And a problem for the left is how many good Democrats, independents, or others might just start feeling the same way.
Meanwhile, in the Real World, some sources are suggesting disaffected Republicans might be focusing on Sanders, if only to boost his numbers against Clinton.
Ah...Operation Chaos Part II....the last time they did that, that gave us President Obama.

Republican Debate Ratings Plummet As Democrats Had More Viewers Than CNBC Debate

Republican debate viewership has dropped by 10 million people since the first GOP presidential debate, and more Americans watched the Democratic debate on CNN than watched the Republican…

that's interesting. it dawned on me yesterday that the reason the GOP debate had higher ratings is that rightwingnuts don't watch the democratic debates. democrats, however, do watch republican debates. hence the larger tune-in.

i'd think yesterday was just boring and redundant. I mean, how many times can you watch them snipe at each other and at Hillary. it starts to smell like desperation.
Trump can be amusing in debate only so many times.
GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate


One member here used a phrase "Embrace the suck" and Dante only half-jokingly quoted it with the following...words of resignation and comfort for GOP voters.

No matter how much bravado and chest thumping the GOP voters on usmb and elsewhere are engaging in, one thing is incredibly clear: the GOP field is highly disappointing to it's voting bloc
and nothing agrees with Dante more than the right wing posts to prove it
GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate


One member here used a phrase "Embrace the suck" and Dante only half-jokingly quoted it with the following...words of resignation and comfort for GOP voters.

No matter how much bravado and chest thumping the GOP voters on usmb and elsewhere are engaging in, one thing is incredibly clear: the GOP field is highly disappointing to it's voting bloc

Actually, it appears to me that more Liberals are concerned about the GOP candidates than are Republicans.

that's because the left isn't totally willing to accept monumental incompetence like the right is ..


How would explain how the Republicans embraced idiots like Romney and Palin?

Your Presidential Front Runners are so two men with no clue what it means to President and you people see them a manna from heaven.

So a brain surgeon, a successful businessman, a man with two advanced degrees and a history of making business viable, and a former governor are idiots?

What exactly have you done with your life?

Why, he's been a frequent flyer on USMB. He's qualified.
Do you really think political noobs like trump or Carson will stand a chance in the general election ? Impressing the fringe is easy. Getting the middle majority ain't .

Timmy, you have less intellect than a cockroach, but you have provided a platform.

A Carson/Fiorina platform destroys the democrats. The dims exist on identity politics, a divide and conquer strategy. But Carson is black, and black voters vote skin color over all other considerations. Carson will peel 90% of the black vote from the democrats.

The crook Hilliary seeks to make gender an issue, that it's time for a woman. But if a vagina is the only qualification needed, then who has it matters little. Carly has the same plumbing as Hilliary,

Carson/Fiorina eviscerates the democrats.

You right wingers are so clueless .

For example your racist analysis . But let me play ! More Blacks have voted for white candidates than whites have voted for a black candidate .

If u think Carson pulls the black vote , you are a fool. Carly will have her ass handed to her by Hillary .

What's Carly's big gun? A big biz failure who's known for eliminating the jobs of thousands of Americans ? Oh that will get her points wh the gen pop.

Yes, Haillary just gets people killed. Carlyt's never done that.
GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate


One member here used a phrase "Embrace the suck" and Dante only half-jokingly quoted it with the following...words of resignation and comfort for GOP voters.

No matter how much bravado and chest thumping the GOP voters on usmb and elsewhere are engaging in, one thing is incredibly clear: the GOP field is highly disappointing to it's voting bloc
Or, a significant part of the voting bloc is highly disappointed with the professional politicians seeking the nomination.

And a problem for the left is how many good Democrats, independents, or others might just start feeling the same way.
Meanwhile, in the Real World, some sources are suggesting disaffected Republicans might be focusing on Sanders, if only to boost his numbers against Clinton.

Are those the same "sources" CNBC kept referring to last night?
Let's put it this way.

The Republican Debate was a farce.

Rubio does not even know when his parents arrived in the States.

Cruz is Canadian/Texan who has little or real power in the Senate.

JEB! is dying on vine

Fiorina is back to the low poll numbers she so richly deserves.

Christie yeah right.

Paul take a hint dude your a loser.

Carson is the Alan Keyes of 2016.

Graham is one trick pony and that trick has failed.

Trump is reality show blow hard with no ideas and should give up on the comb does not work.

Huckabee hangs out with pedo.

Kasich is a sad man in search of something other than Ohio.

Santorum a frothy mix of nothing.

Jindal is he still running?

The Klown Car is slowing losing passengers for a reason.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
Let's put it this way.

The Republican Debate was a farce.

Rubio does not even know when his parents arrived in the States.

Cruz is Canadian/Texan who has little or real power in the Senate.

JEB! is dying on vine

Fiorina is back to the low poll numbers she so richly deserves.

Christie yeah right.

Paul take a hint dude your a loser.

Carson is the Alan Keyes of 2016.

Graham is one trick pony and that trick has failed.

Trump is reality show blow hard with no ideas and should give up on the comb does not work.

Huckabee hangs out with pedo.

Kasich is a sad man in search of something other than Ohio.

Santorum a frothy mix of nothing.

Jindal is he still running?

The Klown Car is slowing losing passengers for a reason.
Still all of them better than the donkey dungs on your side.
Let's put it this way.

The Republican Debate was a farce.

Rubio does not even know when his parents arrived in the States.

Cruz is Canadian/Texan who has little or real power in the Senate.

JEB! is dying on vine

Fiorina is back to the low poll numbers she so richly deserves.

Christie yeah right.

Paul take a hint dude your a loser.

Carson is the Alan Keyes of 2016.

Graham is one trick pony and that trick has failed.

Trump is reality show blow hard with no ideas and should give up on the comb does not work.

Huckabee hangs out with pedo.

Kasich is a sad man in search of something other than Ohio.

Santorum a frothy mix of nothing.

Jindal is he still running?

The Klown Car is slowing losing passengers for a reason.

Hillary is a liar and the most untrustworthy person in America and was totally incompetent as Secretary of State. Burn Me Sanders is just another blowhard Socialist who was insignificant in Congress.

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