GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate

Let's put it this way.

The Republican Debate was a farce.

Rubio does not even know when his parents arrived in the States.

Cruz is Canadian/Texan who has little or real power in the Senate.

JEB! is dying on vine

Fiorina is back to the low poll numbers she so richly deserves.

Christie yeah right.

Paul take a hint dude your a loser.

Carson is the Alan Keyes of 2016.

Graham is one trick pony and that trick has failed to forward new idea, one new policy. Same tired, old, worn out, over used and over done hack ideas that amount nothing.....which is all the Republicans have ever, a big,

Trump is reality show blow hard with no ideas and should give up on the comb does not work.

Huckabee hangs out with pedo.

Kasich is a sad man in search of something other than Ohio.

Santorum a frothy mix of nothing.

Jindal is he still running?

The Klown Car is slowing losing passengers for a reason.
Still all of them better than the donkey dungs on your side.[/QUOTE]

And yet the Republican Circle Jerk has collectively failed to with one new policy, one new idea, one new anything.

Just same tired, worn-out, over used and over blown ideas that will in the end amount to nothing.

Which best sums up the Republican Party...full of nothing.
Let's put it this way.

The Republican Debate was a farce.

Rubio does not even know when his parents arrived in the States.

Cruz is Canadian/Texan who has little or real power in the Senate.

JEB! is dying on vine

Fiorina is back to the low poll numbers she so richly deserves.

Christie yeah right.

Paul take a hint dude your a loser.

Carson is the Alan Keyes of 2016.

Graham is one trick pony and that trick has failed to forward new idea, one new policy. Same tired, old, worn out, over used and over done hack ideas that amount nothing.....which is all the Republicans have ever, a big,

Trump is reality show blow hard with no ideas and should give up on the comb does not work.

Huckabee hangs out with pedo.

Kasich is a sad man in search of something other than Ohio.

Santorum a frothy mix of nothing.

Jindal is he still running?

The Klown Car is slowing losing passengers for a reason.
Still all of them better than the donkey dungs on your side.[/QUOTE]

And yet the Republican Circle Jerk has collectively failed to with one new policy, one new idea, one new anything.

Just same tired, worn-out, over used and over blown ideas that will in the end amount to nothing.

Which best sums up the Republican Party...full of nothing.[/QUOTE]
Still better than donkey dung commie on the left.
Its times like this I am so glad I never put much hope in democrats or republicans. I like Trump. Is he perfect candidate? Hell no.But he is pretty good.
GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate


One member here used a phrase "Embrace the suck" and Dante only half-jokingly quoted it with the following...words of resignation and comfort for GOP voters.

No matter how much bravado and chest thumping the GOP voters on usmb and elsewhere are engaging in, one thing is incredibly clear: the GOP field is highly disappointing to it's voting bloc
If you worship ignorance, pretty soon, everything you look at is ignorant. And not even the ignorant like ignorance.
Its times like this I am so glad I never put much hope in democrats or republicans. I like Trump. Is he perfect candidate? Hell no.But he is pretty good.

Trump will lose and lose badly. He will take down the Republican Party with him. Voting for him will be pissing in the wind...hope you enjoy the shower
GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate


One member here used a phrase "Embrace the suck" and Dante only half-jokingly quoted it with the following...words of resignation and comfort for GOP voters.

No matter how much bravado and chest thumping the GOP voters on usmb and elsewhere are engaging in, one thing is incredibly clear: the GOP field is highly disappointing to it's voting bloc

That's obvious when they looked at Trump as a conservative hero.
GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate


One member here used a phrase "Embrace the suck" and Dante only half-jokingly quoted it with the following...words of resignation and comfort for GOP voters.

No matter how much bravado and chest thumping the GOP voters on usmb and elsewhere are engaging in, one thing is incredibly clear: the GOP field is highly disappointing to it's voting bloc

Actually, it appears to me that more Liberals are concerned about the GOP candidates than are Republicans.

There are several reasons for that, but the main reason is that Hillary is a virtual shoe in for the Dem nomination. So there is excitement over who is running against her. Donald Trump has all but been ruled out.

You can feel it now, although the polls say differently.
GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate


One member here used a phrase "Embrace the suck" and Dante only half-jokingly quoted it with the following...words of resignation and comfort for GOP voters.

No matter how much bravado and chest thumping the GOP voters on usmb and elsewhere are engaging in, one thing is incredibly clear: the GOP field is highly disappointing to it's voting bloc

I think I can help.

Michele Bachman needs to throw her hat into the ring.

And since Ohio is a quadrennial must-win state for any candidate, I think she should choose Congressman Michael Turner who represents the 10th District in Ohio. He's a rock solid conservative who's strong on national defense.

Once they get the nomination, then can barnstorm the country by train and campaign as Bachmann/Turner in Overdrive.

Hey, you ain't seen nothin' yet!
GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate


One member here used a phrase "Embrace the suck" and Dante only half-jokingly quoted it with the following...words of resignation and comfort for GOP voters.

No matter how much bravado and chest thumping the GOP voters on usmb and elsewhere are engaging in, one thing is incredibly clear: the GOP field is highly disappointing to it's voting bloc

Actually, it appears to me that more Liberals are concerned about the GOP candidates than are Republicans.

There are several reasons for that, but the main reason is that Hillary is a virtual shoe in for the Dem nomination. So there is excitement over who is running against her. Donald Trump has all but been ruled out.

You can feel it now, although the polls say differently.
Republicans are saying crazy shit on purpose in order to get media attention. Then they whine when they get asked questions about their crazy words
Do you really think political noobs like trump or Carson will stand a chance in the general election ? Impressing the fringe is easy. Getting the middle majority ain't .

They certainly have the attention of the Left.

Sure, they have our attention. That have us laughing almost as much as Palin did.

Frankly, I'm more interested in the Miami vs Patriots game.
I can understand that. At least Miami and the Patriots are qualified to play the game they are in.
GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate


One member here used a phrase "Embrace the suck" and Dante only half-jokingly quoted it with the following...words of resignation and comfort for GOP voters.

No matter how much bravado and chest thumping the GOP voters on usmb and elsewhere are engaging in, one thing is incredibly clear: the GOP field is highly disappointing to it's voting bloc

Actually, it appears to me that more Liberals are concerned about the GOP candidates than are Republicans.
Notice no verification. Sounds like a Democrat wet dream. GOP voters aren't angry. Just motivated.
Do you really think political noobs like trump or Carson will stand a chance in the general election ? Impressing the fringe is easy. Getting the middle majority ain't .

pretty clear the american public is done with career politicians. Look at the congress satisfaction. lmao. ITS CLEAR that the majority don't want another bush OR clinton in the WH.
They should just get used to bowing down to their New President Hillary



Getting on their knees before Hillary is what every lib yearns for.
GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate


One member here used a phrase "Embrace the suck" and Dante only half-jokingly quoted it with the following...words of resignation and comfort for GOP voters.

No matter how much bravado and chest thumping the GOP voters on usmb and elsewhere are engaging in, one thing is incredibly clear: the GOP field is highly disappointing to it's voting bloc

Actually, it appears to me that more Liberals are concerned about the GOP candidates than are Republicans.

that's because the left isn't totally willing to accept monumental incompetence like the right is ..


ROFL! Obama and Hillary are the proof that you couldn't be more wrong.
GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate


One member here used a phrase "Embrace the suck" and Dante only half-jokingly quoted it with the following...words of resignation and comfort for GOP voters.

No matter how much bravado and chest thumping the GOP voters on usmb and elsewhere are engaging in, one thing is incredibly clear: the GOP field is highly disappointing to it's voting bloc

The more I think about it, the more I think it was planned. If the RNC chairman is that smart, he played CNBC hard, they fell into his trap and got annihilated. This has to be it.

What better way to ignite the base?
GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate


One member here used a phrase "Embrace the suck" and Dante only half-jokingly quoted it with the following...words of resignation and comfort for GOP voters.

No matter how much bravado and chest thumping the GOP voters on usmb and elsewhere are engaging in, one thing is incredibly clear: the GOP field is highly disappointing to it's voting bloc

Actually, it appears to me that more Liberals are concerned about the GOP candidates than are Republicans.

There are several reasons for that, but the main reason is that Hillary is a virtual shoe in for the Dem nomination. So there is excitement over who is running against her. Donald Trump has all but been ruled out.

You can feel it now, although the polls say differently.

Donald Trump has been ruled out? By whom? You wish he was ruled out. Democrats are all trembling in fear at the prospect of Trump getting the nomination.
GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate


One member here used a phrase "Embrace the suck" and Dante only half-jokingly quoted it with the following...words of resignation and comfort for GOP voters.

No matter how much bravado and chest thumping the GOP voters on usmb and elsewhere are engaging in, one thing is incredibly clear: the GOP field is highly disappointing to it's voting bloc

Actually, it appears to me that more Liberals are concerned about the GOP candidates than are Republicans.

that's because the left isn't totally willing to accept monumental incompetence like the right is ..


Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that is funny considering your canidate is Mrs. Benghazi Clinton and you elected Obama twice. Very funny, thanks for the morning wake up.
Let's put it this way.

The Republican Debate was a farce.

Rubio does not even know when his parents arrived in the States.

Cruz is Canadian/Texan who has little or real power in the Senate.

JEB! is dying on vine

Fiorina is back to the low poll numbers she so richly deserves.

Christie yeah right.

Paul take a hint dude your a loser.

Carson is the Alan Keyes of 2016.

Graham is one trick pony and that trick has failed to forward new idea, one new policy. Same tired, old, worn out, over used and over done hack ideas that amount nothing.....which is all the Republicans have ever, a big,

Trump is reality show blow hard with no ideas and should give up on the comb does not work.

Huckabee hangs out with pedo.

Kasich is a sad man in search of something other than Ohio.

Santorum a frothy mix of nothing.

Jindal is he still running?

The Klown Car is slowing losing passengers for a reason.
Still all of them better than the donkey dungs on your side.[/QUOTE]

And yet the Republican Circle Jerk has collectively failed to with one new policy, one new idea, one new anything.

Just same tired, worn-out, over used and over blown ideas that will in the end amount to nothing.

Which best sums up the Republican Party...full of nothing.[/QUOTE]

Sure beats what the Democrats are full of.
Let's put it this way.

The Republican Debate was a farce.

Rubio does not even know when his parents arrived in the States.

Cruz is Canadian/Texan who has little or real power in the Senate.

JEB! is dying on vine

Fiorina is back to the low poll numbers she so richly deserves.

Christie yeah right.

Paul take a hint dude your a loser.

Carson is the Alan Keyes of 2016.

Graham is one trick pony and that trick has failed.

Trump is reality show blow hard with no ideas and should give up on the comb does not work.

Huckabee hangs out with pedo.

Kasich is a sad man in search of something other than Ohio.

Santorum a frothy mix of nothing.

Jindal is he still running?

The Klown Car is slowing losing passengers for a reason.

The clown car is doing just fine. It's passing the Senior Citizen bus that you're on and going strong. Even a good-for-nothing station like CNBC reported record viewership which was about half of the audience that Fox got.

People are tuning in and watching; they are listening. People are sick of Democrats sticking their most lying politician to lead the party. The woman talks to dead people for crying out loud.

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