GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate

GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate


One member here used a phrase "Embrace the suck" and Dante only half-jokingly quoted it with the following...words of resignation and comfort for GOP voters.

No matter how much bravado and chest thumping the GOP voters on usmb and elsewhere are engaging in, one thing is incredibly clear: the GOP field is highly disappointing to it's voting bloc

Actually, it appears to me that more Liberals are concerned about the GOP candidates than are Republicans.

that's because the left isn't totally willing to accept monumental incompetence like the right is ..


How would explain how the Republicans embraced idiots like Romney and Palin?

Your Presidential Front Runners are so two men with no clue what it means to President and you people see them a manna from heaven.

So a brain surgeon, a successful businessman, a man with two advanced degrees and a history of making business viable, and a former governor are idiots?

What exactly have you done with your life?

Should you need surgery, would you want Trump to operate?

Should you need a lawyer, would you want Carson to represent you?
is this your latest attempt to be relevant??

The democrat socialists are scared, as well they should be. Hilliary is an extremely week candidate with nothing going for her. An old white woman with decades of criminal activity, who contradicts every position she takes to match current polls. The least trusted candidate from either party.

The socialists are in a bad position and know it - even if the mindless drones reciting hate memes here don't. Hillary will get the core democrats vote, which is at best 15% of the population. She will be slaughtered in the general, and the ruling elite of the DNC are all too aware of it.

What is an "extremely week"?

Is that something new, Johnny Mengele?
GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate


One member here used a phrase "Embrace the suck" and Dante only half-jokingly quoted it with the following...words of resignation and comfort for GOP voters.

No matter how much bravado and chest thumping the GOP voters on usmb and elsewhere are engaging in, one thing is incredibly clear: the GOP field is highly disappointing to it's voting bloc

Actually, it appears to me that more Liberals are concerned about the GOP candidates than are Republicans.

that's because the left isn't totally willing to accept monumental incompetence like the right is ..


How would explain how the Republicans embraced idiots like Romney and Palin?

Your Presidential Front Runners are so two men with no clue what it means to President and you people see them a manna from heaven.

So a brain surgeon, a successful businessman, a man with two advanced degrees and a history of making business viable, and a former governor are idiots?

What exactly have you done with your life?

Should you need surgery, would you want Trump to operate?

Should you need a lawyer, would you want Carson to represent you?

if i need a community organizer/activist i want one from one of the bloodiest, most corrupt and failing cities in the country to bring us together
You right wingers are so clueless .

For example your racist analysis . But let me play ! More Blacks have voted for white candidates than whites have voted for a black candidate .

That's a lie.

If it were true, that fuckwad Obama would never have been elected. 11% of the nation could not elect him by themselves.

Now, that SHOULD be obvious, but it isn't to you. You know why? Because you're truly stupid.

If u think Carson pulls the black vote , you are a fool. Carly will have her ass handed to her by Hillary .

What's Carly's big gun? A big biz failure who's known for eliminating the jobs of thousands of Americans ? Oh that will get her points wh the gen pop.

You are a hack - 100%

You think reciting partisan hate memes from the Soros sites is equivalent to thinking; it isn't. Carson won't attracts as many of the "gibs me dat" black voters as Obama did, because he isn't promising to pay their rent or give them free electricity. However, those blacks who DO vote will vote for him. Mostly we will return to the traditional situation where most don't bother to vote.

Hillary only attracts the mindless drones. You are a party sycophant, you hold party above all, you live to serve the party, your life has no meaning save your filthy party. But morons like you are a small part of the population. Just because everyone else on DailyKOS is a mindless twit like you, don't think that equates to the general population.

Hillary is hated, and rightly so. The only way you democrats could win is if the GOP ran someone more hated, Jeb Bush, but they won't - so Hillary loses in the general - regardless of who the GOP runs.

If you think about it just a little bit, you will realize how hilariously wrong you are about more blacks have voted for white candidates than whites have voted for black candidates..

How am I wrong . Until Obama , all
The presidential candidates had been white . Therefore any black person who's ever voted for president, has voted for a white guy . Not to mention all the white senators, governors etc..

What you need to realize is that blacks aren't going to vote for Carson just because he's black . Obama got a few points higher than the white male dem candidate that came before him ( Kerry ).
Actually, it appears to me that more Liberals are concerned about the GOP candidates than are Republicans.

that's because the left isn't totally willing to accept monumental incompetence like the right is ..


How would explain how the Republicans embraced idiots like Romney and Palin?

Your Presidential Front Runners are so two men with no clue what it means to President and you people see them a manna from heaven.

So a brain surgeon, a successful businessman, a man with two advanced degrees and a history of making business viable, and a former governor are idiots?

What exactly have you done with your life?

Should you need surgery, would you want Trump to operate?

Should you need a lawyer, would you want Carson to represent you?

if i need a community organizer/activist i want one from one of the bloodiest, most corrupt and failing cities in the country to bring us together

What's bad about being a community organizer ?
Why people still vote for the Barnum Circus that is the Republican Party is beyond me.. I left that ship of faux conservative fools behind a long time ago.
that's because the left isn't totally willing to accept monumental incompetence like the right is ..


How would explain how the Republicans embraced idiots like Romney and Palin?

Your Presidential Front Runners are so two men with no clue what it means to President and you people see them a manna from heaven.

So a brain surgeon, a successful businessman, a man with two advanced degrees and a history of making business viable, and a former governor are idiots?

What exactly have you done with your life?

Should you need surgery, would you want Trump to operate?

Should you need a lawyer, would you want Carson to represent you?

if i need a community organizer/activist i want one from one of the bloodiest, most corrupt and failing cities in the country to bring us together

What's bad about being a community organizer ?

how did obama make chicago a better place leftard?

simple enough question for you isnt it?

You right wingers are so clueless .

For example your racist analysis . But let me play ! More Blacks have voted for white candidates than whites have voted for a black candidate .

That's a lie.

If it were true, that fuckwad Obama would never have been elected. 11% of the nation could not elect him by themselves.

Now, that SHOULD be obvious, but it isn't to you. You know why? Because you're truly stupid.

If u think Carson pulls the black vote , you are a fool. Carly will have her ass handed to her by Hillary .

What's Carly's big gun? A big biz failure who's known for eliminating the jobs of thousands of Americans ? Oh that will get her points wh the gen pop.

You are a hack - 100%

You think reciting partisan hate memes from the Soros sites is equivalent to thinking; it isn't. Carson won't attracts as many of the "gibs me dat" black voters as Obama did, because he isn't promising to pay their rent or give them free electricity. However, those blacks who DO vote will vote for him. Mostly we will return to the traditional situation where most don't bother to vote.

Hillary only attracts the mindless drones. You are a party sycophant, you hold party above all, you live to serve the party, your life has no meaning save your filthy party. But morons like you are a small part of the population. Just because everyone else on DailyKOS is a mindless twit like you, don't think that equates to the general population.

Hillary is hated, and rightly so. The only way you democrats could win is if the GOP ran someone more hated, Jeb Bush, but they won't - so Hillary loses in the general - regardless of who the GOP runs.

If you think about it just a little bit, you will realize how hilariously wrong you are about more blacks have voted for white candidates than whites have voted for black candidates..

How am I wrong . Until Obama , all
The presidential candidates had been white . Therefore any black person who's ever voted for president, has voted for a white guy . Not to mention all the white senators, governors etc..

What you need to realize is that blacks aren't going to vote for Carson just because he's black . Obama got a few points higher than the white male dem candidate that came before him ( Kerry ).

moronic nonsense; obama's black lemming supporters are more rabid than most of his white lemmng supporters, and still defend im despite obama's policies throwing Black people under the bus.
GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate


One member here used a phrase "Embrace the suck" and Dante only half-jokingly quoted it with the following...words of resignation and comfort for GOP voters.

No matter how much bravado and chest thumping the GOP voters on usmb and elsewhere are engaging in, one thing is incredibly clear: the GOP field is highly disappointing to it's voting bloc
How the fuck would you know?

What an incredibly stupid op.
How would explain how the Republicans embraced idiots like Romney and Palin?

Your Presidential Front Runners are so two men with no clue what it means to President and you people see them a manna from heaven.

So a brain surgeon, a successful businessman, a man with two advanced degrees and a history of making business viable, and a former governor are idiots?

What exactly have you done with your life?

Should you need surgery, would you want Trump to operate?

Should you need a lawyer, would you want Carson to represent you?

if i need a community organizer/activist i want one from one of the bloodiest, most corrupt and failing cities in the country to bring us together

What's bad about being a community organizer ?

how did obama make chicago a better place leftard?

simple enough question for you isnt it?


As an organizer ? Not sure . But at least he did somthing to help the public . He didn't just take his fancy resume and cash in at some giant Chicago lawfirm .

If you think about it just a little bit, you will realize how hilariously wrong you are about more blacks have voted for white candidates than whites have voted for black candidates..

That's a lie.

If it were true, that fuckwad Obama would never have been elected. 11% of the nation could not elect him by themselves.

In no single election, have more blacks voted for a white candidate than whites voted for Obama, in either '08 or '12.

Your post is idiocy, which seems your forte'

If you think about it just a little bit, you will realize how hilariously wrong you are about more blacks have voted for white candidates than whites have voted for black candidates..

That's a lie.

If it were true, that fuckwad Obama would never have been elected. 11% of the nation could not elect him by themselves.

In no single election, have more blacks voted for a white candidate than whites voted for Obama, in either '08 or '12.

Your post is idiocy, which seems your forte'

We are talking % . Not total numbers . You will be hard pressed to find a black person who has never voted for a white person .
Hillary is a liar and the most untrustworthy person in America and was totally incompetent as Secretary of State. Burn Me Sanders is just another blowhard Socialist who was insignificant in Congress.
What "lie" made Ms. Clinton a liar? Be specific..

There's socialism in the United States Constitution. And nothing prohibits a Socialist from running.
So a brain surgeon, a successful businessman, a man with two advanced degrees and a history of making business viable, and a former governor are idiots?

What exactly have you done with your life?

Should you need surgery, would you want Trump to operate?

Should you need a lawyer, would you want Carson to represent you?

if i need a community organizer/activist i want one from one of the bloodiest, most corrupt and failing cities in the country to bring us together

What's bad about being a community organizer ?

how did obama make chicago a better place leftard?

simple enough question for you isnt it?


As an organizer ? Not sure . But at least he did somthing to help the public . He didn't just take his fancy resume and cash in at some giant Chicago lawfirm .
Never really sure why this was a negative or why they skip over the Columbia/Harvard law degree, the fact he was a Constitutional Professor, served in the Illinois Senate, then went on to the US Senate.

He has a great deal of experience in both law and legislation.

The Community Organizer thing is actually pretty impressive when you line it up with the rest.
GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate


One member here used a phrase "Embrace the suck" and Dante only half-jokingly quoted it with the following...words of resignation and comfort for GOP voters.

No matter how much bravado and chest thumping the GOP voters on usmb and elsewhere are engaging in, one thing is incredibly clear: the GOP field is highly disappointing to it's voting bloc

Actually, it appears to me that more Liberals are concerned about the GOP candidates than are Republicans.

that's because the left isn't totally willing to accept monumental incompetence like the right is ..


How would explain how the Republicans embraced idiots like Romney and Palin?

Your Presidential Front Runners are so two men with no clue what it means to President and you people see them a manna from heaven.

So a brain surgeon, a successful businessman, a man with two advanced degrees and a history of making business viable, and a former governor are idiots?

What exactly have you done with your life?

Should you need surgery, would you want Trump to operate?

Should you need a lawyer, would you want Carson to represent you?

I'm not looking for either. I'm looking for someone with vision, integrity, and character to lead this nation. That excludes all democrats and sadly many Republicans.

The idea that we need a professional political class and should exclude all else is completely contrary to what out founders set this nation to be.
Hillary is a liar and the most untrustworthy person in America and was totally incompetent as Secretary of State. Burn Me Sanders is just another blowhard Socialist who was insignificant in Congress.
What "lie" made Ms. Clinton a liar? Be specific..

There's socialism in the United States Constitution. And nothing prohibits a Socialist from running.

Logically all of the lies would.
Hillary is a liar and the most untrustworthy person in America and was totally incompetent as Secretary of State. Burn Me Sanders is just another blowhard Socialist who was insignificant in Congress.
What "lie" made Ms. Clinton a liar? Be specific..

There's socialism in the United States Constitution. And nothing prohibits a Socialist from running.

Logically all of the lies would.

Logically you should be able to point them out, links and all.


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