GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate

All politicians lie. Hillary's lies simply show how insulated she has to keep herself. She could have defused the private server thing months ago by just releasing everything rather than deleting half of what she determined were private and people need not know, and in public opinion she lost all claims to privacy when she mixed public with private, and she resolutely denied she'd messed up because ...... wait for it..... wait for it .... Colin Powell used private email too. If you need to invoke the dealings of one of the on to Bagdad crew, you outta know you're not in a good place. LOL

If she's elected will she be more like Jimmah or Woodrow Wilson? Who knows.
GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate


One member here used a phrase "Embrace the suck" and Dante only half-jokingly quoted it with the following...words of resignation and comfort for GOP voters.

No matter how much bravado and chest thumping the GOP voters on usmb and elsewhere are engaging in, one thing is incredibly clear: the GOP field is highly disappointing to it's voting bloc

Actually, it appears to me that more Liberals are concerned about the GOP candidates than are Republicans.

that's because the left isn't totally willing to accept monumental incompetence like the right is ..

You idiots voted obuthole in twice , so yes you are willing.
DId we mention that President Obama won twice? If not, I will mention it. President Obama won twice. Once in 2008 and once again in 2012. :D
Obama's a disaster in terms of being able to deal with the opposition, and it's largely a result of his never having to do so before.

Too Bad Obama Didn't Follow His Own Advice | RealClearPolitics

Meh. None of that is at all true.

Republicans got Obama to limit the amount of stimulus, and make most of it in the form of tax cuts. With the ACA it was changed from single payer and then they wanted to keep it in committee to kill it.

They walked away from the "Grand Bargain" and basically spent the first term trying to block any legislative victory whatsoever.
nah, he squandered whatever good will he had right from the start. That's the irony of his presidency. He wanted to be a pivotal figure, and he leaves us more divided than ever. He's accomplished things, don't get me wrong. But his inexperience with how govt works failed him.
Let's put it this way.

The Republican Debate was a farce.

Rubio does not even know when his parents arrived in the States.

Cruz is Canadian/Texan who has little or real power in the Senate.

JEB! is dying on vine

Fiorina is back to the low poll numbers she so richly deserves.

Christie yeah right.

Paul take a hint dude your a loser.

Carson is the Alan Keyes of 2016.

Graham is one trick pony and that trick has failed.

Trump is reality show blow hard with no ideas and should give up on the comb does not work.

Huckabee hangs out with pedo.

Kasich is a sad man in search of something other than Ohio.

Santorum a frothy mix of nothing.

Jindal is he still running?

The Klown Car is slowing losing passengers for a reason.

The clown car is doing just fine. It's passing the Senior Citizen bus that you're on and going strong. Even a good-for-nothing station like CNBC reported record viewership which was about half of the audience that Fox got.

People are tuning in and watching; they are listening. People are sick of Democrats sticking their most lying politician to lead the party. The woman talks to dead people for crying out loud.

The Klown Kar needs a better suspension system right now.

Ageism much?

Nah, suspension is fine, the tires just need a little air. Did you know that if we all inflated our car tires and got tune-ups, we can save just as much oil as we could drill out of the ground????
GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate


One member here used a phrase "Embrace the suck" and Dante only half-jokingly quoted it with the following...words of resignation and comfort for GOP voters.

No matter how much bravado and chest thumping the GOP voters on usmb and elsewhere are engaging in, one thing is incredibly clear: the GOP field is highly disappointing to it's voting bloc

Actually, it appears to me that more Liberals are concerned about the GOP candidates than are Republicans.

that's because the left isn't totally willing to accept monumental incompetence like the right is ..

You idiots voted obuthole in twice , so yes you are willing.
DId we mention that President Obama won twice? If not, I will mention it. President Obama won twice. Once in 2008 and once again in 2012. :D

So did George Bush.
Nah, they'd have given him Medicaid expansion, but he gave them stimulus and healthcare bills that were already written. It's ok, but it's not compromise.
nah, he squandered whatever good will he had right from the start. That's the irony of his presidency. He wanted to be a pivotal figure, and he leaves us more divided than ever. He's accomplished things, don't get me wrong. But his inexperience with how govt works failed him.

Obama could have been historical and one of the best presidents in the next several generations. That would have happened if he put country first and party second. Where he screwed up is he did it the other way around and is still leading that way.
GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate


One member here used a phrase "Embrace the suck" and Dante only half-jokingly quoted it with the following...words of resignation and comfort for GOP voters.

No matter how much bravado and chest thumping the GOP voters on usmb and elsewhere are engaging in, one thing is incredibly clear: the GOP field is highly disappointing to it's voting bloc

Actually, it appears to me that more Liberals are concerned about the GOP candidates than are Republicans.

that's because the left isn't totally willing to accept monumental incompetence like the right is ..

You idiots voted obuthole in twice , so yes you are willing.
DId we mention that President Obama won twice? If not, I will mention it. President Obama won twice. Once in 2008 and once again in 2012. :D

So did George Bush.

He didn't win the first election.

He was appointed by the Supreme Court. 2 Judges sitting there were appointed by his father's administration.

And the state in dispute? His brother was governor and the secretary of state was his campaign manager.
GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate


One member here used a phrase "Embrace the suck" and Dante only half-jokingly quoted it with the following...words of resignation and comfort for GOP voters.

No matter how much bravado and chest thumping the GOP voters on usmb and elsewhere are engaging in, one thing is incredibly clear: the GOP field is highly disappointing to it's voting bloc

Actually, it appears to me that more Liberals are concerned about the GOP candidates than are Republicans.

that's because the left isn't totally willing to accept monumental incompetence like the right is ..

You idiots voted obuthole in twice , so yes you are willing.
DId we mention that President Obama won twice? If not, I will mention it. President Obama won twice. Once in 2008 and once again in 2012. :D

So did George Bush.
nah, he squandered whatever good will he had right from the start. That's the irony of his presidency. He wanted to be a pivotal figure, and he leaves us more divided than ever. He's accomplished things, don't get me wrong. But his inexperience with how govt works failed him.

He didn't squander anything.

They were loaded for bear before anything even hit the floor.

Yeah, I'm sure the bear was shaking like a leaf.
Actually, it appears to me that more Liberals are concerned about the GOP candidates than are Republicans.

that's because the left isn't totally willing to accept monumental incompetence like the right is ..

You idiots voted obuthole in twice , so yes you are willing.
DId we mention that President Obama won twice? If not, I will mention it. President Obama won twice. Once in 2008 and once again in 2012. :D

So did George Bush.

He didn't win the first election.

He was appointed by the Supreme Court. 2 Judges sitting there were appointed by his father's administration.

And the state in dispute? His brother was governor and the secretary of state was his campaign manager.

First off his brother recused himself before anything even started. Secondly it's Al Gore's buddies that got him into trouble.

The Florida law was that all ballots had to be certified in seven days. If you want a recount, fine, recount and have the damn ballots certified in seven days.

The Florida courts decided they didn't like that law. So they created the Al Gore law which gave Gore as much time as he needed to find enough winning votes. Not only did that violate Florida's law, but in a recount, an equal count has to take place in both Democrat and Republican districts. The court allowed Gore to count only ballots in Democrat areas.

When the Supreme Court got a hold of the case, they sent it back to the Florida courts to explain their judicial legislation. That's why Bush won.
GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate


One member here used a phrase "Embrace the suck" and Dante only half-jokingly quoted it with the following...words of resignation and comfort for GOP voters.

No matter how much bravado and chest thumping the GOP voters on usmb and elsewhere are engaging in, one thing is incredibly clear: the GOP field is highly disappointing to it's voting bloc

They are angry at the base for putting Trump and Carson in the front.

The new face of the GOP - egoist billionaire and token black, that's America. "We're rich and full of ourselves and we've learned to accept the well-spoken blacks as our equals."

What a joke!
that's because the left isn't totally willing to accept monumental incompetence like the right is ..

You idiots voted obuthole in twice , so yes you are willing.
DId we mention that President Obama won twice? If not, I will mention it. President Obama won twice. Once in 2008 and once again in 2012. :D

So did George Bush.

He didn't win the first election.

He was appointed by the Supreme Court. 2 Judges sitting there were appointed by his father's administration.

And the state in dispute? His brother was governor and the secretary of state was his campaign manager.

First off his brother recused himself before anything even started. Secondly it's Al Gore's buddies that got him into trouble.

The Florida law was that all ballots had to be certified in seven days. If you want a recount, fine, recount and have the damn ballots certified in seven days.

The Florida courts decided they didn't like that law. So they created the Al Gore law which gave Gore as much time as he needed to find enough winning votes. Not only did that violate Florida's law, but in a recount, an equal count has to take place in both Democrat and Republican districts. The court allowed Gore to count only ballots in Democrat areas.

When the Supreme Court got a hold of the case, they sent it back to the Florida courts to explain their judicial legislation. That's why Bush won.



If the situations were reversed and the same thing happened for a Democrat? We'd be in the midst of a Civil War.
Hillary is a liar and the most untrustworthy person in America and was totally incompetent as Secretary of State. Burn Me Sanders is just another blowhard Socialist who was insignificant in Congress.
What "lie" made Ms. Clinton a liar? Be specific..

There's socialism in the United States Constitution. And nothing prohibits a Socialist from running.

Logically all of the lies would.

Logically you should be able to point them out, links and all.


I guess you are all in for Hillary the war hero? Her combat time is well documented. Like Brian Williams, Hillary Clinton Lied About Bosnia
Orin Hatch promised his dying friend, Ted, on his death bed that he'd try to find a way to compromise. It wasn't that every goper refused to even try. It was because the dems had to have a bill that no goper could support. And the same was true for porkulus. There was no way gopers could agree to the deficit spending just to have the govt "consume" stuff, regardless of whether the govt could actually use it, e.g. the dog parks.

That isn't saying Obama is a failure, because he certainly has not been. The Iran deal. The economy is growing again. There's been some Wall St reform. Health care is closer to universal. But, he is not a transformational figure beyond his race.

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