GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate

Meanwhile, in the Real World, some sources are suggesting disaffected Republicans might be focusing on Sanders, if only to boost his numbers against Clinton.
You wouldn't know the real world if you were clean and sober.
Thank you for another content-filled post, a.k.a. "Board rules for some, trolling for others."
You make one idiotic comment after another and cry like a toddler when someone points out what a useless asshole you are.
Just telling you what I've been reading. Pre-primary polls go up, down, and sideways. The actual voting is what counts. We'll see.
WOW. Now there's some real content! Remember folks, you saw it here first.
Do you really think political noobs like trump or Carson will stand a chance in the general election ? Impressing the fringe is easy. Getting the middle majority ain't .

They certainly have the attention of the Left.

Sure, they have our attention. That have us laughing almost as much as Palin did.

Frankly, I'm more interested in the Miami vs Patriots game.
I can understand that. At least Miami and the Patriots are qualified to play the game they are in.

Did you watch? The Pats are 7 - 0. Fantastic!
Let's put it this way.

The Republican Debate was a farce.

Rubio does not even know when his parents arrived in the States.

Cruz is Canadian/Texan who has little or real power in the Senate.

JEB! is dying on vine

Fiorina is back to the low poll numbers she so richly deserves.

Christie yeah right.

Paul take a hint dude your a loser.

Carson is the Alan Keyes of 2016.

Graham is one trick pony and that trick has failed.

Trump is reality show blow hard with no ideas and should give up on the comb does not work.

Huckabee hangs out with pedo.

Kasich is a sad man in search of something other than Ohio.

Santorum a frothy mix of nothing.

Jindal is he still running?

The Klown Car is slowing losing passengers for a reason.

The clown car is doing just fine. It's passing the Senior Citizen bus that you're on and going strong. Even a good-for-nothing station like CNBC reported record viewership which was about half of the audience that Fox got.

People are tuning in and watching; they are listening. People are sick of Democrats sticking their most lying politician to lead the party. The woman talks to dead people for crying out loud.

The Klown Kar needs a better suspension system right now.

Ageism much?

hilarious watching left-wing losers always throwing an -ism, -ist, -ic ....etc lable at people!!

hilarious watching left-wing losers always throwing an -ism, -ist, -ic ....etc lable at people!!
If it wasn't for slinging insults and name calling, you'd hardly ever hear a leftard speak.

After all, twitter did find that in the vast majority of cases, liberals are far more prone to using filthy language and insults than anyone else. Well shocker, we see that here all day, and we see the same ones get away with it over and over... as though the board admin was letting them.
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hilarious watching left-wing losers always throwing an -ism, -ist, -ic ....etc lable at people!!
If it wasn't for slinging insults and name calling, you'd hardly ever hear a leftard speak.

After all, twitter did find that in the vast majority of case, liberals are far more prone to using filthy language and insults than anyone else. Well shocker, we see that here all day, and we see the same ones get away with it over and over... as though the board admin was letting them.

yup; and after endlessly insulting the intelligence, religion, values...etc of anybody that disagree with then they call OTHER PEOPLE "HATERS"

which is why i have no shame at all giving them a dose of their own medicine

idiots and hypocrites
You right wingers are so clueless .

For example your racist analysis . But let me play ! More Blacks have voted for white candidates than whites have voted for a black candidate .

That's a lie.

If it were true, that fuckwad Obama would never have been elected. 11% of the nation could not elect him by themselves.

Now, that SHOULD be obvious, but it isn't to you. You know why? Because you're truly stupid.

If u think Carson pulls the black vote , you are a fool. Carly will have her ass handed to her by Hillary .

What's Carly's big gun? A big biz failure who's known for eliminating the jobs of thousands of Americans ? Oh that will get her points wh the gen pop.

You are a hack - 100%

You think reciting partisan hate memes from the Soros sites is equivalent to thinking; it isn't. Carson won't attracts as many of the "gibs me dat" black voters as Obama did, because he isn't promising to pay their rent or give them free electricity. However, those blacks who DO vote will vote for him. Mostly we will return to the traditional situation where most don't bother to vote.

Hillary only attracts the mindless drones. You are a party sycophant, you hold party above all, you live to serve the party, your life has no meaning save your filthy party. But morons like you are a small part of the population. Just because everyone else on DailyKOS is a mindless twit like you, don't think that equates to the general population.

Hillary is hated, and rightly so. The only way you democrats could win is if the GOP ran someone more hated, Jeb Bush, but they won't - so Hillary loses in the general - regardless of who the GOP runs.
You are such a 'racist' - Especially considering the 'large, diverse' field of DNC candidates (old, rich white folk). A black man runs for President as a Democrat, and he is 'finally' a 'clean, articulate black man' (Joe Biden's words), but when a black man runs as a Republican he is a 'token' and an Uncle Tom!

Thanks for the demonstration...

I've got Pete on ignore. I suppose I should take her off.

hilarious watching left-wing losers always throwing an -ism, -ist, -ic ....etc lable at people!!
If it wasn't for slinging insults and name calling, you'd hardly ever hear a leftard speak.

After all, twitter did find that in the vast majority of case, liberals are far more prone to using filthy language and insults than anyone else. Well shocker, we see that here all day, and we see the same ones get away with it over and over... as though the board admin was letting them.

yup; and after endlessly insulting the intelligence, religion, values...etc of anybody that disagree with then they call OTHER PEOPLE "HATERS"

which is why i have no shame at all giving them a dose of their own medicine

idiots and hypocrites
And that's another thing that's got them so full of anger. It used to be the "silent majority" were content to just turn the other cheek and let the leftists rant their foul mouth off, but that's changing. Now the silent majority has had enough and they're giving it back, and the libtards just don't know how to deal with it. Those damn conservatives are supposed to just shut up when they're insulted, not talk back, and that's what's got the prog lame stream media DNC propaganda wing so pissed off. They can't make TRUMP GO AWAY. They've tried every dirty trick in their book and damn it, he's STILL STANDING. That's not supposed to happen!

What they're too stupid to see is, we know what's happening, and we're playing them like a cheap piano.
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If it wasn't for slinging insults and name calling, you'd hardly ever hear a leftard speak.

After all, twitter did find that in the vast majority of case, liberals are far more prone to using filthy language and insults than anyone else. Well shocker, we see that here all day, and we see the same ones get away with it over and over... as though the board admin was letting them.

The ARE the demagogue party after all. Slander and libel are the only thing they have to offer the nation. Remember, Hilliary coined the phrase "politics of personal destruction" to define how the Clinton criminal gang conducts campaigns.

Hilliary is a regular Pol Pot, the more outrageous the lie, the more often she tells it.
GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate


One member here used a phrase "Embrace the suck" and Dante only half-jokingly quoted it with the following...words of resignation and comfort for GOP voters.

No matter how much bravado and chest thumping the GOP voters on usmb and elsewhere are engaging in, one thing is incredibly clear: the GOP field is highly disappointing to it's voting bloc
Or, a significant part of the voting bloc is highly disappointed with the professional politicians seeking the nomination.

And a problem for the left is how many good Democrats, independents, or others might just start feeling the same way.
Yep. Look at the crap the democrats offered up this election cycle.
Let's consider it rationally instead of talking in cliches like left wing bloggers. The most important question that the democrat debate moderators can come up with is something like "what's your favorite color". Republican voters aren't disappointed at the candidates. They are disappointed about the disrespect and obvious bias of the so-called impartial media moderators. The audience booed the questions before they were answered. What do democrats have to choose from? A socialist who isn't even registered as a democrat, a shrill angry woman who spent her adult life covering up her husband's infidelity and abuse of women or a literally brain damaged incumbent VP who had two brain embolisms

hilarious watching left-wing losers always throwing an -ism, -ist, -ic ....etc lable at people!!
If it wasn't for slinging insults and name calling, you'd hardly ever hear a leftard speak.

After all, twitter did find that in the vast majority of cases, liberals are far more prone to using filthy language and insults than anyone else. Well shocker, we see that here all day, and we see the same ones get away with it over and over... as though the board admin was letting them.

A hint, when complaining about name calling, using terms such as "Left-Wing Losers" destroys your own argument about name calling by name calling.

hilarious watching left-wing losers always throwing an -ism, -ist, -ic ....etc lable at people!!
If it wasn't for slinging insults and name calling, you'd hardly ever hear a leftard speak.

After all, twitter did find that in the vast majority of cases, liberals are far more prone to using filthy language and insults than anyone else. Well shocker, we see that here all day, and we see the same ones get away with it over and over... as though the board admin was letting them.

A hint, when complaining about name calling, using terms such as "Left-Wing Losers" destroys your own argument about name calling by name calling.

should read my other post leftard; where i take full responsiblity for my name-calling. left-wingers all over these boards insult right-wingers on virtually everything they value on a daily basis. i'm just a mirror reflecting some of that back on them
is this your latest attempt to be relevant??

The democrat socialists are scared, as well they should be. Hilliary is an extremely weak candidate with nothing going for her. An old white woman with decades of criminal activity, who contradicts every position she takes to match current polls. The least trusted candidate from either party.

The socialists are in a bad position and know it - even if the mindless drones reciting hate memes here don't. Hillary will get the core democrats vote, which is at best 15% of the population. She will be slaughtered in the general, and the ruling elite of the DNC are all too aware of it.
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You right wingers are so clueless .

For example your racist analysis . But let me play ! More Blacks have voted for white candidates than whites have voted for a black candidate .

That's a lie.

If it were true, that fuckwad Obama would never have been elected. 11% of the nation could not elect him by themselves.

Now, that SHOULD be obvious, but it isn't to you. You know why? Because you're truly stupid.

If u think Carson pulls the black vote , you are a fool. Carly will have her ass handed to her by Hillary .

What's Carly's big gun? A big biz failure who's known for eliminating the jobs of thousands of Americans ? Oh that will get her points wh the gen pop.

You are a hack - 100%

You think reciting partisan hate memes from the Soros sites is equivalent to thinking; it isn't. Carson won't attracts as many of the "gibs me dat" black voters as Obama did, because he isn't promising to pay their rent or give them free electricity. However, those blacks who DO vote will vote for him. Mostly we will return to the traditional situation where most don't bother to vote.

Hillary only attracts the mindless drones. You are a party sycophant, you hold party above all, you live to serve the party, your life has no meaning save your filthy party. But morons like you are a small part of the population. Just because everyone else on DailyKOS is a mindless twit like you, don't think that equates to the general population.

Hillary is hated, and rightly so. The only way you democrats could win is if the GOP ran someone more hated, Jeb Bush, but they won't - so Hillary loses in the general - regardless of who the GOP runs.

If you think about it just a little bit, you will realize how hilariously wrong you are about more blacks have voted for white candidates than whites have voted for black candidates..

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