GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate

I did not have to watch the debate to know the outcome, CNBC to know that gave the Republican Candidate's something they did not expect, a real debate.

The current Klown Kar of pathetic Candidates are not used to questions of substance and having to answer real politically issued based queries.

For the time since the Republican Debate Debacle started, the Republican Stooges running for the White House to actually think and chew gum at the same time and failed at both.

Typical regressivecrat, admit you're ignorant on the subject, then invent from fantasy land and the black hole of your head what you imagine occurred. GOOD JOB! LMAO

Typical RePuBliCon non-answer. Your awash in the idiocracy of your party and ignore it, you embrace the total lack of content in your debates and love to lied to.
Do you really think political noobs like trump or Carson will stand a chance in the general election ? Impressing the fringe is easy. Getting the middle majority ain't .

Timmy, you have less intellect than a cockroach, but you have provided a platform.

A Carson/Fiorina platform destroys the democrats. The dims exist on identity politics, a divide and conquer strategy. But Carson is black, and black voters vote skin color over all other considerations. Carson will peel 90% of the black vote from the democrats.

The crook Hilliary seeks to make gender an issue, that it's time for a woman. But if a vagina is the only qualification needed, then who has it matters little. Carly has the same plumbing as Hilliary,

Carson/Fiorina eviscerates the democrats.
It must your left wings sites and radio cuz I'm not seeing or hearing that at all. Most people were disgusted with cnbc and the only candidate people are mad at is kasich cuz he's kissing cnbc's ass. He's done after that.
Do you really think political noobs like trump or Carson will stand a chance in the general election ? Impressing the fringe is easy. Getting the middle majority ain't .

Timmy, you have less intellect than a cockroach, but you have provided a platform.

A Carson/Fiorina platform destroys the democrats. The dims exist on identity politics, a divide and conquer strategy. But Carson is black, and black voters vote skin color over all other considerations. Carson will peel 90% of the black vote from the democrats.

The crook Hilliary seeks to make gender an issue, that it's time for a woman. But if a vagina is the only qualification needed, then who has it matters little. Carly has the same plumbing as Hilliary,

Carson/Fiorina eviscerates the democrats.
That is my dream team.
Do you really think political noobs like trump or Carson will stand a chance in the general election ? Impressing the fringe is easy. Getting the middle majority ain't .

Timmy, you have less intellect than a cockroach, but you have provided a platform.

A Carson/Fiorina platform destroys the democrats. The dims exist on identity politics, a divide and conquer strategy. But Carson is black, and black voters vote skin color over all other considerations. Carson will peel 90% of the black vote from the democrats.

The crook Hilliary seeks to make gender an issue, that it's time for a woman. But if a vagina is the only qualification needed, then who has it matters little. Carly has the same plumbing as Hilliary,

Carson/Fiorina eviscerates the democrats.

You right wingers are so clueless .

For example your racist analysis . But let me play ! More Blacks have voted for white candidates than whites have voted for a black candidate .

If u think Carson pulls the black vote , you are a fool. Carly will have her ass handed to her by Hillary .

What's Carly's big gun? A big biz failure who's known for eliminating the jobs of thousands of Americans ? Oh that will get her points wh the gen pop.
Do you really think political noobs like trump or Carson will stand a chance in the general election ? Impressing the fringe is easy. Getting the middle majority ain't .

Timmy, you have less intellect than a cockroach, but you have provided a platform.

A Carson/Fiorina platform destroys the democrats. The dims exist on identity politics, a divide and conquer strategy. But Carson is black, and black voters vote skin color over all other considerations. Carson will peel 90% of the black vote from the democrats.

The crook Hilliary seeks to make gender an issue, that it's time for a woman. But if a vagina is the only qualification needed, then who has it matters little. Carly has the same plumbing as Hilliary,

Carson/Fiorina eviscerates the democrats. admitted token/token candidacy. How unlike the GOP to do such a thing.
Let's just skip the year-long Bullshit that's going to cost hundreds of billions of dollars. Let's just put Hillary, Bernie, Trump, Carson, and Rubio on the stage NOW and let them debate each other. Have a truly un-biased moderator who will mostly stay out of the way and ensure no physical violence ensues....

The moment anyone mentions how Hillary lied her ass off and let Americans die then tried to cover it up, the FBI investigations of her criminal e-mail activity and mis-handling of classified data, how she has collected donations from terrorists/terrorist supporters and nations that oppress women and murder homosexuals, how she ran from sniper fire, etc...she will run from the stage. Bernie is no threat as the country will not elect him. That will leave the remaining real candidates who have a chance to be elected to battle it out. admitted token/token candidacy. How unlike the GOP to do such a thing.

You are such a 'racist' - Especially considering the 'large, diverse' field of DNC candidates (old, rich white folk). A black man runs for President as a Democrat, and he is 'finally' a 'clean, articulate black man' (Joe Biden's words), but when a black man runs as a Republican he is a 'token' and an Uncle Tom!

Thanks for the demonstration...
Ben Carson. A real life success story from all those social programs the Republicans hate.
I did not have to watch the debate to know the outcome, CNBC to know that gave the Republican Candidate's something they did not expect, a real debate.

The current Klown Kar of pathetic Candidates are not used to questions of substance and having to answer real politically issued based queries.

For the time since the Republican Debate Debacle started, the Republican Stooges running for the White House to actually think and chew gum at the same time and failed at both.
I can't see voting for Hillary in a general election, but I will admit I'm terrified of Rubio, who I think could beat her .... if he ever settles down and decides where he stands on issues.
Please people...last night was a travesty. Man, what a nut house.

I think that was honestly one of the worst "debates" I've ever seen. I think high schoolers could've done better.
I did not have to watch the debate to know the outcome, CNBC to know that gave the Republican Candidate's something they did not expect, a real debate.

The current Klown Kar of pathetic Candidates are not used to questions of substance and having to answer real politically issued based queries.

For the time since the Republican Debate Debacle started, the Republican Stooges running for the White House to actually think and chew gum at the same time and failed at both.
The Republicans have 14 great candidates. The Democrats can't find one.
Ben Carson. A real life success story from all those social programs the Republicans hate.
Yeah, he is a complete disappointment to Democrats because he used those to better himself, get out of poverty, become more successful, and become independent...unlike all those other poor, conned 'NI@@ERS' (President LBJ's words) who were / are content to accept liberal handouts in exchange for their votes, continuing to vote 'Democrat for the next 200 years' (LBJ's words)!
I did not have to watch the debate to know the outcome, CNBC to know that gave the Republican Candidate's something they did not expect, a real debate.

The current Klown Kar of pathetic Candidates are not used to questions of substance and having to answer real politically issued based queries.

For the time since the Republican Debate Debacle started, the Republican Stooges running for the White House to actually think and chew gum at the same time and failed at both.

Typical regressivecrat, admit you're ignorant on the subject, then invent from fantasy land and the black hole of your head what you imagine occurred. GOOD JOB! LMAO

Typical RePuBliCon non-answer. Your awash in the idiocracy of your party and ignore it, you embrace the total lack of content in your debates and love to lied to.

I simply address the content in your fantasy. You admitted you didn't watch, yet you magically knew what occurred. You're really pathetic, post something real and I'll respond in kind.
GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate


One member here used a phrase "Embrace the suck" and Dante only half-jokingly quoted it with the following...words of resignation and comfort for GOP voters.

No matter how much bravado and chest thumping the GOP voters on usmb and elsewhere are engaging in, one thing is incredibly clear: the GOP field is highly disappointing to it's voting bloc
Or, a significant part of the voting bloc is highly disappointed with the professional politicians seeking the nomination.

And a problem for the left is how many good Democrats, independents, or others might just start feeling the same way.
Meanwhile, in the Real World, some sources are suggesting disaffected Republicans might be focusing on Sanders, if only to boost his numbers against Clinton.
GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate


One member here used a phrase "Embrace the suck" and Dante only half-jokingly quoted it with the following...words of resignation and comfort for GOP voters.

No matter how much bravado and chest thumping the GOP voters on usmb and elsewhere are engaging in, one thing is incredibly clear: the GOP field is highly disappointing to it's voting bloc
Or, a significant part of the voting bloc is highly disappointed with the professional politicians seeking the nomination.

And a problem for the left is how many good Democrats, independents, or others might just start feeling the same way.
Meanwhile, in the Real World, some sources are suggesting disaffected Republicans might be focusing on Sanders, if only to boost his numbers against Clinton.
Now that's too much. I admit I voted for Obama over Hillary in the state primary back in 2008, but that was only because I knew he'd really disappoint all the uberliberals. And, after W, I figured the GOP didn't have a snowball's chance in hell come Nov.
GOP Voters Angrier Than Ever After Third GOP Presidential Primaries Debate


One member here used a phrase "Embrace the suck" and Dante only half-jokingly quoted it with the following...words of resignation and comfort for GOP voters.

No matter how much bravado and chest thumping the GOP voters on usmb and elsewhere are engaging in, one thing is incredibly clear: the GOP field is highly disappointing to it's voting bloc

Actually, it appears to me that more Liberals are concerned about the GOP candidates than are Republicans.

Republicans only have one candidate who has any chance of winning in 2016, and that is Rubio. Kasich could also be a viable candidate, but he just isn't catching steam, whereas Rubio seems to slowly be gaining ground. I do think we will see Bush's numbers fall further and he will drop out of the race. When Bush, Paul, and Kasich drop out, almost all of those votes will go to Rubio and catapult Rubio into the lead. Last of all, Republicans who have been supporting Carson should now begin to see that this man is just not presidential material. His tax plan is a nightmare and completely unworkable. Basically, he is just lost.

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