GOP Voters Madder, More Likely to Vote Because of Kavanaugh


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
the decision to throw out false allegations against a good man looks like it will bite the democrats - it damn well should

I normally vote because it is my civic duty; but this election and moving forward, I will go to the polling booth with eagerness

the two years of ridiculous assaults on Trump have gone from amusing, to annoying and now feel like an assault on freedom

the left wants to abandon the Constitution; that concept is not even being hidden anymore

we are in a fight for our freedom and all of the things that we were taught made America "special" and frankly, better than other places

Google, Facebook and Twitter are waging a war against free speech; so are leftists in academia - the word of the day? "Civility"; yet, Maxine Waters and Corey Booker flat out encourage their base to harass and assault people. Hillary Clinton has the gall to say "we can't be civil"

the most hypocritical thing I am seeing from the left? They denounce Trump (and republicans in general) for being "fascist" or "acting like Nazis". But the real truth is that brown shirted tactics are being employed by the left. They are good and truly doing what they accuse their opponents of...

the ACLU has flat out stated that they will not defend free speech anymore, not if it does not fit into their paradigm of "acceptable"

we live in scary times; there is a huge double standard & a real attack on the founding principles of this country - things like presumption of innocence don't matter, not if you are a conservative

we have media types defending mob rule as "protected speech" - but only if it is being done to those whom they disagree with politically

wake up folks, and go vote! ... _kavanaugh

Republicans are madder about the Kavanaugh controversy than Democrats are and more determined to vote in the upcoming elections because of it.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 54% of all Likely U.S. Voters say they are more likely to vote in the upcoming midterm elections because of the controversy surrounding President Trump’s U.S. Supreme Court nominee. Only nine percent (9%) say they are less likely to vote. Thirty-four percent (34%) say the controversy will have no impact on their vote. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Sixty-two percent (62%) of Republicans are more likely to vote because of the Kavanaugh controversy, compared to 54% of Democrats and 46% of voters not affiliated with either major political party.

Sixty-two percent (62%) of all voters are angry about the U.S. Senate’s treatment of Kavanaugh, with 42% who are Very Angry. Fifty-six percent (56%) are angry about how the Senate treated Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault, including 35% who are Very Angry.
the decision to throw out false allegations against a good man looks like it will bite the democrats - it damn well should

I normally vote because it is my civic duty; but this election and moving forward, I will go to the polling booth with eagerness

the two years of ridiculous assaults on Trump have gone from amusing, to annoying and now feel like an assault on freedom

the left wants to abandon the Constitution; that concept is not even being hidden anymore

we are in a fight for our freedom and all of the things that we were taught made America "special" and frankly, better than other places

Google, Facebook and Twitter are waging a war against free speech; so are leftists in academia - the word of the day? "Civility"; yet, Maxine Waters and Corey Booker flat out encourage their base to harass and assault people. Hillary Clinton has the gall to say "we can't be civil"

the most hypocritical thing I am seeing from the left? They denounce Trump (and republicans in general) for being "fascist" or "acting like Nazis". But the real truth is that brown shirted tactics are being employed by the left. They are good and truly doing what they accuse their opponents of...

the ACLU has flat out stated that they will not defend free speech anymore, not if it does not fit into their paradigm of "acceptable"

we live in scary times; there is a huge double standard & a real attack on the founding principles of this country - things like presumption of innocence don't matter, not if you are a conservative

we have media types defending mob rule as "protected speech" - but only if it is being done to those whom they disagree with politically

wake up folks, and go vote! ... _kavanaugh

Republicans are madder about the Kavanaugh controversy than Democrats are and more determined to vote in the upcoming elections because of it.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 54% of all Likely U.S. Voters say they are more likely to vote in the upcoming midterm elections because of the controversy surrounding President Trump’s U.S. Supreme Court nominee. Only nine percent (9%) say they are less likely to vote. Thirty-four percent (34%) say the controversy will have no impact on their vote. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Sixty-two percent (62%) of Republicans are more likely to vote because of the Kavanaugh controversy, compared to 54% of Democrats and 46% of voters not affiliated with either major political party.

Sixty-two percent (62%) of all voters are angry about the U.S. Senate’s treatment of Kavanaugh, with 42% who are Very Angry. Fifty-six percent (56%) are angry about how the Senate treated Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault, including 35% who are Very Angry.
Rasmussen. OK

It appears that the anger over anger that a SC justice may have assaulted a woman 30 years ago is helping the gop in red states and hurting the gop in blue states.

Kavanaugh Uproar in Senate Fuels G.O.P. Races for Governor and House

Poll: Kavanaugh confirmation energizes Democrats more than GOP

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