GoPro CEO makes $285 million last year

Notice how all the cons are lining up to defend greed and the 1%ers.
Good for him!

I like to see my fellow humanoids succeed.

And unlike the petty assholes on the right, I like to see all segments of the working population be well compensated.
Not really success, since his stock options exist on an over inflated stock price. There is a stock market bubble right now, made no better by over validations of social media sites.

Wouldn't want to be in that situation, then most companies are short term ventures that fold - or if they are lucky get bought up by a long term high flyer.
Notice how all the cons are lining up to defend greed and the 1%ers.

Go ask the GoPro board why they're willing to pay this kind of salary, I'm certain they will tell you that under this CEO's leadership, the company has prospered. Again, they obviously feel he's worth it, or he wouldn't be compensated at this level.
Notice how all the cons are lining up to defend greed and the 1%ers.

Go ask the GoPro board why they're willing to pay this kind of salary, I'm certain they will tell you that under this CEO's leadership, the company has prospered. Again, they obviously feel he's worth it, or he wouldn't be compensated at this level.
Well, the CEO's salary is really no different than others at that stock market price. But CEO salaries seem to be focus now, especially in Europe where people are looking for someone to blame.
Good for him!

I like to see my fellow humanoids succeed.

And unlike the petty assholes on the right, I like to see all segments of the working population be well compensated.

You mean the left....because keeping people poor keeps them in office and they hate the rich........
So... the Republicans are working furiously on the issue of wage disparity?

Yes...we live our lives and provide for our families and try to vote for politicians who at least say they are going to keep taxes low, government small both of which creates jobs so people don't have to get welfare from greedy politicians.....
What about the wage earner? The Republicans are concerned about those who are accumulating wealth, but what about those who actually produce, ship, deliver and buy the goods? Should a CEO reap the lion's share of the spoils at a rate of 200, 300, 400 to 1 compared to the average worker in his company? Is helping the middle class, the working American a priority for the GOP, or does the GOP see the wealthy as 'job creators' worthy of disproportionately high income?
Ask Hillary, she gets 300,00 a speech, maybe you can relate to her average salary.
.....But cons whine about giving the rest of America a living wage.

GoPro s CEO is now the highest paid U.S. executive - Apr. 17 2015

More Marxist crap from hangover.

The GoPro CEO is the founder of the company. Those who whine about a living wage are perfectly free to start their own companies, and to pay themselves and their employees as much as they wish (cash flow permitting).

I loved the time a year or so ago that Hangover started a thread that was titled something like "What's with all the porn ads on this site" ?

He went strangely silent when I informed him the ads a user sees is directly related to their own internet searches !
Good for him!

I like to see my fellow humanoids succeed.

And unlike the petty assholes on the right, I like to see all segments of the working population be well compensated.

You mean the left....because keeping people poor keeps them in office and they hate the rich........
So... the Republicans are working furiously on the issue of wage disparity?

Yes...we live our lives and provide for our families and try to vote for politicians who at least say they are going to keep taxes low, government small both of which creates jobs so people don't have to get welfare from greedy politicians.....
What about the wage earner? The Republicans are concerned about those who are accumulating wealth, but what about those who actually produce, ship, deliver and buy the goods? Should a CEO reap the lion's share of the spoils at a rate of 200, 300, 400 to 1 compared to the average worker in his company? Is helping the middle class, the working American a priority for the GOP, or does the GOP see the wealthy as 'job creators' worthy of disproportionately high income?
Ask Hillary, she gets 300,00 a speech, maybe you can relate to her average salary.
If she pays her speech writer a fair wage, she deserves to make $300,000. If, on the other hand, she pays her writers minimum wage yet garners an extravagant fee, she is no better than the greedy CEOs who take 300 times the wage of an average worker.
Good for him!

I like to see my fellow humanoids succeed.

And unlike the petty assholes on the right, I like to see all segments of the working population be well compensated.

You mean the left....because keeping people poor keeps them in office and they hate the rich........
So... the Republicans are working furiously on the issue of wage disparity?
Yes. We are trying to raise wages for those at the bottom by increasing opportunities for those at the top to make money. You understand we're all in this together, right? You can't punish the top earners to benefit the bottom earners. It doesnt work that way.
Democrats are intent on making everyone equal--poor and miserable.
You mean the left....because keeping people poor keeps them in office and they hate the rich........
So... the Republicans are working furiously on the issue of wage disparity?

Yes...we live our lives and provide for our families and try to vote for politicians who at least say they are going to keep taxes low, government small both of which creates jobs so people don't have to get welfare from greedy politicians.....
What about the wage earner? The Republicans are concerned about those who are accumulating wealth, but what about those who actually produce, ship, deliver and buy the goods? Should a CEO reap the lion's share of the spoils at a rate of 200, 300, 400 to 1 compared to the average worker in his company? Is helping the middle class, the working American a priority for the GOP, or does the GOP see the wealthy as 'job creators' worthy of disproportionately high income?
Ask Hillary, she gets 300,00 a speech, maybe you can relate to her average salary.
If she pays her speech writer a fair wage, she deserves to make $300,000. If, on the other hand, she pays her writers minimum wage yet garners an extravagant fee, she is no better than the greedy CEOs who take 300 times the wage of an average worker.
She pays the techs at her speeches peanuts. She lives in luxury when she travels. Why arent you slamming her?
We should reform our educational system so more people can have those skills. Either way, why on earth should someone breaking their backs have to give 90% of the money provided for that work over to someone else? We're not old Europe, right?

I don't know how many financial geniuses here are going to understand this, but the company didn't write the guy a check for $285 million.

It's mostly the issuance of restricted stock, and the stock....

Oh, never mind, why bother...

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