GOP's Fear Mongering Backfiring on GOP Leaders

Am considering voting for my dead dog. At least he can't implement far-right wing nonsense and reward fat-cat wealthy donors or far-left wing nonsense and their goal to change this nation to an Islamic one over time. He also won't send troops into some far off nation based upon false flags of hidden WMD's.
".......their goal to change this nation to an Islamic one over time""" Seriously Bubba.? Get help!
Pew polls have found that the significant majority of Muslims favor Sharia Law (which is incompatible with a free secular western society). Sunnis tend to follow a more radical form of Islam than Shiites and the majority of Muslims entering the US as so-called refugees are Sunni. Read the Pew Research Foundation, it cites that the Muslim population in the US will expand by 197% by 2050. Muslims have 3.1 children compared with the 2.3 of average westerners in the states.
Our generation will not live to see this become an Islamic nation, however, our great-great-great granddaughters/sons will be enslaved to it. As the numbers of Muslims increased in Belgium, they eventually started a political Islamic Party. Once the numbers are sufficient here, the same will happen and once they have enough politicians in the government, the US Constitution will be tossed in favor of Sharia Law. To believe otherwise is to be naïve and to have not learned from history.
My response to you had to do with your idiotic assertion that the " far-left wing nonsense and their goal to change this nation to an Islamic one over time" You respond with irrelevant blather about Muslims favoring Sharia law. While you're asserting may or may not be accurate, in the absence of documentation it is just an appeal to ignorance. Absent is any information about whether we are talking about Muslim Americans or Muslims in general. Also absent is what is actually meant by "favoring " Sharia law" Many devout Christians and Jews "favor " their religious laws but that does not mean that they do not respect and adhere to secular, civil law. This amounts to nothing more than the fear mongering that this thread is about, and a red herring to avoid addressing the idiocy of your last post.
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I'm not talking about Trump supporters....we know they are too ignorant to figure out how badly Trump would destroy the country....I'm talking about the leaders you used to worship.
Who did I used to worship, O Wise One of the Internets?

Don't act know you voted for Doofus.
Voting is worshiping? How did you get to be a such an ugly cvnt?

Not only do you vote for them, you defend them. How far back have you had your head up the Republican's party's ass?
The way you came to Trump's defense made me think you were a Trump supporter. Thanks for not voting for Trump...:)

LOL I am not sure there is going to be anyone left to vote for at all.

Do you have some inside information you're not sharing? Are both Trump and Hillary going to die?:confused-84:

LOL Who knows. Was in some other threads this evening, and it appears that Hillary may have some physical issues. I am sure you will see what I mean. And then Trump may be ousted.

I'm sure if Hillary had some physical issues that would potentially take her out of the running it would be "breaking news" - at least at Faux News....maybe it is, I just don't watch Faux, so I don't see what you mean. And Trump may very well drop out....he can't be ousted, because Republican establishment knows that it would be a "Yuge" mistake to take him out, but they may be trying to get him to drop out, with so many Republican leaders coming out and vowing they will not support him, he may get fed up and being that the polls show him losing badly, he may very well drop out.
For your morning watching pleasure. (I predicted the old bull dycke would have top drop out for health reasons a few months ago.)

It's OVER for her!
There really is a GOD!
You better dust off one off Biden's old campaign buttons asshole!

Bwahahaha....another one of Trump's delusional uneducated/uninformed sort. Bwahahaha....even his own party wants him gone!

Let's see how you're going to spin this one...bwahahaha!

Polling Data
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Trump (R) Johnson (L) Stein (G) Spread
RCP Average 7/29 - 8/10 -- -- 43.5 36.3 9.0 3.7 Clinton +7.2
Rasmussen Reports 8/9 - 8/10 1000 LV 3.0 43 40 8 2 Clinton +3
Bloomberg 8/5 - 8/8 749 LV 3.6 44 40 9 4 Clinton +4
Reuters/Ipsos 8/6 - 8/10 974 LV 3.5 40 35 7 3 Clinton +5
Economist/YouGov 8/6 - 8/9 911 RV 4.2 42 36 9 2 Clinton +6
Monmouth 8/4 - 8/7 683 LV 3.8 50 37 7 2 Clinton +13
NBC News/SM 8/1 - 8/7 11480 RV 1.2 44 38 10 4 Clinton +6
ABC News/Wash Post 8/1 - 8/4 815 RV 4.0 45 37 8 4 Clinton +8
IBD/TIPP 7/29 - 8/4 851 RV 3.4 39 35 12 5 Clinton +4
McClatchy/Marist 8/1 - 8/3 983 RV 3.1 45 31 10 6 Clinton +14
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 7/31 - 8/3 800 RV 3.5 43 34 10 5 Clinton +9

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein
Hitlery couldn't draw flies to her campaign appearances and we now know that caucuses and some primaries were rigged for Hitlery and she had the " super delegate card" to play. If leftards don't understand how rigged the system is? Nothing will...they are lost in an abyss of stupidity.

Many of them just know the freebies will keep coming.
The super delegate system is not a "rigging".

But any fool who denies it gives a significant edge to the party insider is just that.....a fool.

Super delegate are also part of the process in that they actively participate. They help when it comes to fundraising.

No democrat has ever bothered to explain to me what their purpose was.....and none can refute when challenged that their purpose is to preserve the hand selected insider.
Hitlery couldn't draw flies to her campaign appearances and we now know that caucuses and some primaries were rigged for Hitlery and she had the " super delegate card" to play. If leftards don't understand how rigged the system is? Nothing will...they are lost in an abyss of stupidity.

Many of them just know the freebies will keep coming.

Bwahahaha....says the one that posts in this forum and doesn't even contribute. I guess you like freebies? Hypocrite.
Yeah, right, because we all know the Republican Party leaders are all for Trump.......:badgrin:

Well, they shouldn't be. He is not one of them. They are terrified of losing the lined pockets.

What do you mean he is not one of them? He has an "R" by his name....or did he start another party without telling anyone?

You know exactly what I am saying. He is not Establishment.

Establishment or not, he represents the Republican party, which is now in total chaos, and mostly because of loose lips Trump, who thinks that nasty quips and insults is the way to appear Presidential, never mind that he knows nothing. The leaders knew it all along and thought that he wouldn't get far....little did they realize that the Republican base was made up of racist bigots that would love his attitude and would care little that he is clueless and shows that he is clueless every time he opens his mouth.

there are those two words again. I'm still waiting for an example of Trump being a bigot or racist. Got one yet? It's been months now.

I know you can't read...but maybe you can have someone read this article to you...then maybe, just maybe you'll understand.

Donald Trump is a bigot and a racist
Hitlery couldn't draw flies to her campaign appearances and we now know that caucuses and some primaries were rigged for Hitlery and she had the " super delegate card" to play. If leftards don't understand how rigged the system is? Nothing will...they are lost in an abyss of stupidity.

Many of them just know the freebies will keep coming.

Bwahahaha....says the one that posts in this forum and doesn't even contribute. I guess you like freebies? Hypocrite.

Let's know how much I pay in taxes ?

Let's hear it.

Or do you post just to remove all doubt that you are a stupid jackass ?
Hitlery couldn't draw flies to her campaign appearances and we now know that caucuses and some primaries were rigged for Hitlery and she had the " super delegate card" to play. If leftards don't understand how rigged the system is? Nothing will...they are lost in an abyss of stupidity.

Many of them just know the freebies will keep coming.

Bwahahaha....says the one that posts in this forum and doesn't even contribute. I guess you like freebies? Hypocrite.

Let's know how much I pay in taxes ?

Let's hear it.

Or do you post just to remove all doubt that you are a stupid jackass ?

I'm talking about supporting this forum, idiot. You can't even comprehend a simple sentence? I was very post in "this forum" and you don't contribute to it, penned!

Guess you removed all doubt as to who is the jackass......bwahahaha!
Hitlery couldn't draw flies to her campaign appearances and we now know that caucuses and some primaries were rigged for Hitlery and she had the " super delegate card" to play. If leftards don't understand how rigged the system is? Nothing will...they are lost in an abyss of stupidity.

Many of them just know the freebies will keep coming.

Bwahahaha....says the one that posts in this forum and doesn't even contribute. I guess you like freebies? Hypocrite.

Let's know how much I pay in taxes ?

Let's hear it.

Or do you post just to remove all doubt that you are a stupid jackass ?

I'm talking about supporting this forum, idiot. You can't even comprehend a simple sentence? I was very post in "this forum" and you don't contribute to it, pendejo!

And that's your argument ?

O.K. got it.

Well, they shouldn't be. He is not one of them. They are terrified of losing the lined pockets.

What do you mean he is not one of them? He has an "R" by his name....or did he start another party without telling anyone?

You know exactly what I am saying. He is not Establishment.

Establishment or not, he represents the Republican party, which is now in total chaos, and mostly because of loose lips Trump, who thinks that nasty quips and insults is the way to appear Presidential, never mind that he knows nothing. The leaders knew it all along and thought that he wouldn't get far....little did they realize that the Republican base was made up of racist bigots that would love his attitude and would care little that he is clueless and shows that he is clueless every time he opens his mouth.
there are those two words again. I'm still waiting for an example of Trump being a bigot or racist. Got one yet? It's been months now.

I know you can't read...but maybe you can have someone read this article to you...then maybe, just maybe you'll understand.

Donald Trump is a bigot and a racist
Perhaps you could copy and paste what you feel makes him one out of that piece.
Well, they shouldn't be. He is not one of them. They are terrified of losing the lined pockets.

What do you mean he is not one of them? He has an "R" by his name....or did he start another party without telling anyone?

You know exactly what I am saying. He is not Establishment.

Establishment or not, he represents the Republican party, which is now in total chaos, and mostly because of loose lips Trump, who thinks that nasty quips and insults is the way to appear Presidential, never mind that he knows nothing. The leaders knew it all along and thought that he wouldn't get far....little did they realize that the Republican base was made up of racist bigots that would love his attitude and would care little that he is clueless and shows that he is clueless every time he opens his mouth.
there are those two words again. I'm still waiting for an example of Trump being a bigot or racist. Got one yet? It's been months now.

I know you can't read...but maybe you can have someone read this article to you...then maybe, just maybe you'll understand.

Donald Trump is a bigot and a racist

Wow, Milbanks is a member of the "skull and bones" society which means he had to masturbate in a coffin while his fellow bones-men stood around him had him recant every sexual experience he ever had (being that it's part of the ritual) then he took part in a satanic ritual about how the hangman equals death, the devil equals death and death equals death???? Hmmmm? An Ivy leaguer that belongs to the Illuminati Jesuit secret society is gonna tell ME how the cow eats the cabbage? Yeaaaah, I don't think so. You really are a gullible stupid fuck and you prove it on a daily basis. (snicker)

I don't know if Trump is legit or just playing a part in this election cycle that has proven that we live in a banana republic but I will tell you one thing....I don't want that illuminati witch that is thicker than thieves with the very ones killing this country being the CEO of fucking way, no how.
What do you mean he is not one of them? He has an "R" by his name....or did he start another party without telling anyone?

You know exactly what I am saying. He is not Establishment.

Establishment or not, he represents the Republican party, which is now in total chaos, and mostly because of loose lips Trump, who thinks that nasty quips and insults is the way to appear Presidential, never mind that he knows nothing. The leaders knew it all along and thought that he wouldn't get far....little did they realize that the Republican base was made up of racist bigots that would love his attitude and would care little that he is clueless and shows that he is clueless every time he opens his mouth.
there are those two words again. I'm still waiting for an example of Trump being a bigot or racist. Got one yet? It's been months now.

I know you can't read...but maybe you can have someone read this article to you...then maybe, just maybe you'll understand.

Donald Trump is a bigot and a racist

Wow, Milbanks is a member of the "skull and bones" society which means he had to masturbate in a coffin while his fellow bones-men stood around him had him recant every sexual experience he ever had (being that it's part of the ritual) then he took part in a satanic ritual about how the hangman equals death, the devil equals death and death equals death???? Hmmmm? An Ivy leaguer that belongs to the Illuminati Jesuit secret society is gonna tell ME how the cow eats the cabbage? Yeaaaah, I don't think so. You really are a gullible stupid fuck and you prove it on a daily basis. (snicker)

I don't know if Trump is legit or just playing a part in this election cycle that has proven that we live in a banana republic but I will tell you one thing....I don't want that illuminati witch that is thicker than thieves with the very ones killing this country being the CEO of fucking way, no how.
That's it in a fkn nutshell
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I'm not talking about Trump supporters....we know they are too ignorant to figure out how badly Trump would destroy the country....I'm talking about the leaders you used to worship.
Who did I used to worship, O Wise One of the Internets?

Don't act know you voted for Doofus.
Voting is worshiping? How did you get to be a such an ugly cvnt?

Not only do you vote for them, you defend them. How far back have you had your head up the Republican's party's ass?
The party is made of individuals, many I don't agree with. Many I do, depending on how well they reflect conservativism. Like I said, you are an ugly cvnt. Nothing less.
Hitlery couldn't draw flies to her campaign appearances and we now know that caucuses and some primaries were rigged for Hitlery and she had the " super delegate card" to play. If leftards don't understand how rigged the system is? Nothing will...they are lost in an abyss of stupidity.

Many of them just know the freebies will keep coming.

Bwahahaha....says the one that posts in this forum and doesn't even contribute. I guess you like freebies? Hypocrite.

Let's know how much I pay in taxes ?

Let's hear it.

Or do you post just to remove all doubt that you are a stupid jackass ?

I'm talking about supporting this forum, idiot. You can't even comprehend a simple sentence? I was very post in "this forum" and you don't contribute to it, pendejo!

And that's your argument ?

O.K. got it.


Yeah, you are criticizing Dems and saying they like free stuff when all the while you are here enjoying free stuff. If that isn't idiotic and hypocritical I don't know what is, but then, you're a Trump supporter. Nobody said they were smart! :badgrin:
What do you mean he is not one of them? He has an "R" by his name....or did he start another party without telling anyone?

You know exactly what I am saying. He is not Establishment.

Establishment or not, he represents the Republican party, which is now in total chaos, and mostly because of loose lips Trump, who thinks that nasty quips and insults is the way to appear Presidential, never mind that he knows nothing. The leaders knew it all along and thought that he wouldn't get far....little did they realize that the Republican base was made up of racist bigots that would love his attitude and would care little that he is clueless and shows that he is clueless every time he opens his mouth.
there are those two words again. I'm still waiting for an example of Trump being a bigot or racist. Got one yet? It's been months now.

I know you can't read...but maybe you can have someone read this article to you...then maybe, just maybe you'll understand.

Donald Trump is a bigot and a racist
Perhaps you could copy and paste what you feel makes him one out of that piece.

Geez, not only are you ignorant, you are lazy, too. It's right there in black and white...if you can't see it, then you are dumber than you sound, and I'm not going to spoon feed you. Go play out in the street, why don't you?
I don't want that illuminati witch that is thicker than thieves with the very ones killing this country being the CEO of fucking way, no how.

Maybe someone needs to tell you, it's not about you. Hillary is giving Trump a thumping, and I'm surprised that some idiots are still hanging on to the buffoon.
Hitlery couldn't draw flies to her campaign appearances and we now know that caucuses and some primaries were rigged for Hitlery and she had the " super delegate card" to play. If leftards don't understand how rigged the system is? Nothing will...they are lost in an abyss of stupidity.

Many of them just know the freebies will keep coming.

Like you.......posting here and not contributing....along with your other moocher peers?
I'm not talking about Trump supporters....we know they are too ignorant to figure out how badly Trump would destroy the country....I'm talking about the leaders you used to worship.
Who did I used to worship, O Wise One of the Internets?

Don't act know you voted for Doofus.
Voting is worshiping? How did you get to be a such an ugly cvnt?

Not only do you vote for them, you defend them. How far back have you had your head up the Republican's party's ass?
The party is made of individuals, many I don't agree with. Many I do, depending on how well they reflect conservativism. Like I said, you are an ugly cvnt. Nothing less.

You are a douchebag....a hypocritical douchebag.
Many of them just know the freebies will keep coming.

Bwahahaha....says the one that posts in this forum and doesn't even contribute. I guess you like freebies? Hypocrite.

Let's know how much I pay in taxes ?

Let's hear it.

Or do you post just to remove all doubt that you are a stupid jackass ?

I'm talking about supporting this forum, idiot. You can't even comprehend a simple sentence? I was very post in "this forum" and you don't contribute to it, pendejo!

And that's your argument ?

O.K. got it.


Yeah, you are criticizing Dems and saying they like free stuff when all the while you are here enjoying free stuff. If that isn't idiotic and hypocritical I don't know what is, but then, you're a Trump supporter. Nobody said they were smart! :badgrin:

And, I've asked you to prove I support Trump. One post.


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