GOP's "image problem" heading into 2014

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Any Republicans here? Most say "Oh, I'm not Republican, I'm conservative" or "I'm not Republican, I'm a libertarian that votes Republican" lol

GOP embraces cosmetic makeover, tweaking tone not principles - NBC Politics
Terminally low taxes, hawkish foreign policy, largely unfettered gun rights and opposition to abortion and gay rights have defined the GOP since the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980. And as recently as 2004, President George W. Bush's re-election seemed to signify a sweeping affirmation of these central principles.

For Republicans, the road map back to victory involves speaking less stridently about some of these issues, and emphasizing certain elements of the GOP platform over others. Virtually all Republicans recoil at the comments last fall about "legitimate rape" by Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin, but no mainstream GOP leader has suggested that the party jettison its longstanding opposition to abortion rights.

I like the 5th cell V ;)

Tom Tomorrow wins Herblock prize
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Oh they know 100% that they are screwed and there is not a damn thing they can do about it. It's like a little, bitty man inside a large robot suit. One little peek at who is really inside and the whole game is up.
The republicans might be starting to get the idea that the majority in the nation are leeches who intend to bleed what hosts they can find dry. The nation is going to collapse. Trying to stop it wont' work, it will just delay the inevitable. What republicans should do is manage the coming collapse to their advantage, and let it happen.
I find this absolutely hilarious...

WASHINGTON -– RedState’s Erick Erickson took aim at conservative media Wednesday for “failing to advance ideas and stories” and not concentrating on the essentials of reporting.

More: Erick Erickson, RedState Editor: Conservative Media 'Failing To Advance Ideas And Stories'


What ideas do they really have?

"We oppose everything the democrats want to do and we want to return America to the 1950's."

Not exactly inspirational stuff here.
The republicans might be starting to get the idea that the majority in the nation are leeches who intend to bleed what hosts they can find dry. The nation is going to collapse. Trying to stop it wont' work, it will just delay the inevitable. What republicans should do is manage the coming collapse to their advantage, and let it happen.

oy vey!

You can't begin to fix a problem until you can admit that you have one.


They're between a rock & a hard place. The social cons/repub base want them to stay exactly as they are but the people who need them to win elections, their REAL Base- the ultra wealthy want them to do whatever it takes to win elections, including caving on core principles.
How bad is the GOP's image problem? -
How bad is the Republican Party’s image problem? Pretty bad, according to the latest polls. A just-released NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey put the GOP dead last in the ratings of 11 political figures and institutions, for instance. Fully 45 percent of respondents said their feelings about the party of Abraham Lincoln were now “somewhat” or “very” negative.
Registered REP to vote in primaries.. though have not had a good candidate outside of 1 state politician to vote for in a while...

The problem is that the REPs running are running like DEM politicians.. all talk about smaller government, reducing spending, cutting programs and agencies, etc but not sticking to their guns... I wlil continue to stay registered as a REP and only voting for those who stick up for conservative political ideals.. even if that means I have to vote for a 3rd party candidate or abstain
The republicans might be starting to get the idea that the majority in the nation are leeches who intend to bleed what hosts they can find dry. The nation is going to collapse. Trying to stop it wont' work, it will just delay the inevitable. What republicans should do is manage the coming collapse to their advantage, and let it happen.

Correct. Let the DNC and obama win all of it. It's FUBAR so let them own it.
The republicans might be starting to get the idea that the majority in the nation are leeches who intend to bleed what hosts they can find dry. The nation is going to collapse. Trying to stop it wont' work, it will just delay the inevitable. What republicans should do is manage the coming collapse to their advantage, and let it happen.

Majority of Americans are on that

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