Gore compares climate fight to slavery, gay rights & apartheid at Aussie summit

Gore is officially out of his mind. What an insult to blacks, white Republicans that ended slavery, and gays. What in the hell is wrong with these people?

Gore compares climate fight to slavery, gay rights & apartheid at Aussie summit
THE AlGore? The same liberal puke whose '06 Inconvenient Truth make-believe story warned us we only had 10 years to save the planet and thus ourselves?

If you lefty dopes use all 8 of your fingers and both thumbs and start counting with '07 you'll discover, assuming you don't fuck it up, ten years have come and gone and all is still well. If anything it's time to rename climate change, nee global warming, to something else in the hopes the smart folks who don't buy your crap won't know what you're up to and thus not laugh out loud next time AlGore or other mentally challenged lefties dream up more dire predictions. So have at it, morons. It'll be a nice diversion from your chronic election butthurt, but likely only temporary.
I guess he didn't learn his lesson in his lies,for which he was fined for something like 3mil in the UK court a few years back.

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