Gorsuch writes in his book: No constitutional basis for putting a mothers life in front of her child

Putting aside all the drama, there are many mothers that would chose their death over their child's death.
I agree. And of course that is their choice, not the state's.

You are the one that said "always", not me.
Yup. It is the mother's choice.

That is correct however, you said "that the mother's life always precedes that of the fetus," and that is not true.
That's your opinion. And can you show me where you are right?

The life is the woman's choice, it does not always precede the life of the fetus. If the women chooses the baby's life to precede hers, then that is the way it is.
TN, if you can't see that it is wrong, that the mother's life always precedes that of the fetus, then there is no hope for your moral development. Gorsuch supports murders of mothers whose lives are endangered by a pregnancy.
The lies are flowing hard today!

Putting aside all the drama, there are many mothers that would chose their death over their child's death.
I agree. And of course that is their choice, not the state's.

You are the one that said "always", not me.
Yup. It is the mother's choice.
TN, if you can't see that it is wrong, that the mother's life always precedes that of the fetus, then there is no hope for your moral development. Gorsuch supports murders of mothers whose lives are endangered by a pregnancy.
The lies are flowing hard today!
The mother's life precedes the child if there is a choice. To force a mother to have a child if it kills her is first degree murder.
I get it, just murder the child.

Are you prepared to tell a woman who may have two kids at home to raise along with husband that she needs to die, to give birth, & her husband can raise the two kids and baby by himself?

If not, shut the fuck up!

Are you prepared to tell the woman that she has to live and the baby needs to die?
TN, if you can't see that it is wrong, that the mother's life always precedes that of the fetus, then there is no hope for your moral development. Gorsuch supports murders of mothers whose lives are endangered by a pregnancy.
The lies are flowing hard today!

I agree. And of course that is their choice, not the state's.

You are the one that said "always", not me.
Yup. It is the mother's choice.
TN, if you can't see that it is wrong, that the mother's life always precedes that of the fetus, then there is no hope for your moral development. Gorsuch supports murders of mothers whose lives are endangered by a pregnancy.
The lies are flowing hard today!
The mother's life precedes the child if there is a choice. To force a mother to have a child if it kills her is first degree murder.
I get it, just murder the child.

Are you prepared to tell a woman who may have two kids at home to raise along with husband that she needs to die, to give birth, & her husband can raise the two kids and baby by himself?

If not, shut the fuck up!

Are you prepared to tell the woman that she has to live and the baby needs to die?

There are reasons for abortions and everyone has their own circumstances. No woman wakes up and thinks, we'll I'll just trot on in and pay $1500--$1700 for an abortion today--(what fun.)

1. The life of the mother.
2. Are you going to tell a lucky to be alive woman, who again may have a husband and family members that may be opposed to her carrying a rape baby to full term, that she has too?
3. Are you going to tell the parents of a young girl that has been repeated raped by a relative that their daughter needs to risk her own life to give birth.

You know someone once told me that if men could get pregnant there would be abortion clinics in every Walmart across this country. I believe that.

You have no idea what-so-ever the complications that can arise during a pregnancy, nor the risk of one, yet again you're on here spouting your nonsense as if you do.

YOU HAVE NO RIGHT--to intervene into the private personal decisions of women and their families in this country. It is none of your business. We can only Thank God that there is a U.S. Supreme court that insures you don't.
he has no business being on the court
Get use to saying SCOTUS judge Gorsuch as we get use to you gnashing your teeth as Liberlism in all its forms is stricken from the land.

Btw...you might want to google "The Lord's Prayer". You'll need to bone up on it in case ou forgot it.
Gorsuch is big on stare decisis so Roe and prayer in schools and probably Obergefell are safe.

And his appointment is not big swing of the court's partisanship.

The next one will be.
TN, if you can't see that it is wrong, that the mother's life always precedes that of the fetus, then there is no hope for your moral development. Gorsuch supports murders of mothers whose lives are endangered by a pregnancy.
The lies are flowing hard today!

I agree. And of course that is their choice, not the state's.

You are the one that said "always", not me.
Yup. It is the mother's choice.
TN, if you can't see that it is wrong, that the mother's life always precedes that of the fetus, then there is no hope for your moral development. Gorsuch supports murders of mothers whose lives are endangered by a pregnancy.
The lies are flowing hard today!
The mother's life precedes the child if there is a choice. To force a mother to have a child if it kills her is first degree murder.
I get it, just murder the child.

Are you prepared to tell a woman who may have two kids at home to raise along with husband that she needs to die, to give birth, & her husband can raise the two kids and baby by himself?

If not, shut the fuck up!

Are you prepared to tell the woman that she has to live and the baby needs to die?
That is the woman's call, papa, not yours or mine or oreo, certainly not that of the state.
Is there a Constitutional basis for putting a mother's life ahead of her child? Face it lefties,Trump won the election three months ago and Gorsuch will be confirmed no matter how much Soros sleazy Media Matters "researchers" twist the truth.
It's amazing how far out of context Gorsuch's words have been twisted in this thread.

In his book, he was speaking in a more general sense about the Roe v Wade ruling. He was not talking about a situation where the life of the mother is in peril if her pregnancy continues.

A justice as smart as he is would know already that if the mother dies the child would die too.

Sent from my SM-N920V using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
TN, if you can't see that it is wrong, that the mother's life always precedes that of the fetus, then there is no hope for your moral development. Gorsuch supports murders of mothers whose lives are endangered by a pregnancy.
The lies are flowing hard today!

Putting aside all the drama, there are many mothers that would chose their death over their child's death.
I agree. And of course that is their choice, not the state's.

You are the one that said "always", not me.
Yup. It is the mother's choice.
TN, if you can't see that it is wrong, that the mother's life always precedes that of the fetus, then there is no hope for your moral development. Gorsuch supports murders of mothers whose lives are endangered by a pregnancy.
The lies are flowing hard today!
The mother's life precedes the child if there is a choice. To force a mother to have a child if it kills her is first degree murder.
I get it, just murder the child.

Are you prepared to tell a woman who may have two kids at home to raise along with husband that she needs to die, to give birth, & her husband can raise the two kids and baby by himself?

If not, shut the fuck up!


Still sticking with the LIE I see.
Well I was wrong about Neil Gorsuch, he indeed needs to be fought all the way from here to HELL.

He wrote in his Assisted suicide book:

Gorsuch Notes In His Book on Assisted Suicide That There’s ‘No Constitutional Basis’ for Putting a Mother’s Life Ahead of the Child’s
Neil Gorsuch & Abortion: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

I guess it wouldn't matter if this same woman had two kids at home that she needed to raise.

The war on Women continues--write, call, email your Senators NOW, and raise HOLY HELL.

They apparently weren't paying attention to this on January 21, 2017


For pictures on all 50 state participation into this march go here.
Woman's march pictures

Gorsuch as a 10th district court judge ruled against an injunction against the Utah governor over denying Federal funding to a planned parenthood office there. Gorsuch was then slapped down by the 10th District court panel who reprimanded that the 10th district court put back the injunction on the Utah Governor, stating he was in violation of the 1st and 14th amendments.
Neil Gorsuch’s crusade against Planned Parenthood

Yeah you in the Reich wing have picked a real winner here.

He will be confirmed.

It's amazing how far out of context Gorsuch's words have been twisted in this thread.

In his book, he was speaking in a more general sense about the Roe v Wade ruling. He was not talking about a situation where the life of the mother is in peril if her pregnancy continues.

A justice as smart as he is would know already that if the mother dies the child would die too.

Sent from my SM-N920V using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

No I don't buy that. There is nothing in his comment than could be construed in any other way.

Furthermore he has some real issues with Planned Parenthood, and was actually overruled by the 10th District court "panel" for violating the 1st & 14th amendments. The panel had to send it back to the court and demand that the injunction be enforced against Governor Herbert.
10th Circuit grants injunction against Herbert in Planned Parenthood case

And I really don't like this comment:

"This overweening addiction to the courtroom as the place to debate social policy is bad for the country and bad for the judiciary. In the legislative arena, especially when the country is closely divided, compromises tend to be the rule the day. But when judges rule this or that policy unconstitutional, there’s little room for compromise: One side must win, the other must lose. In constitutional litigation, too, experiments and pilot programs–real-world laboratories in which ideas can be assessed on the results they produce–are not possible. Ideas are tested only in the abstract world of legal briefs and lawyers arguments. As a society, we lose the benefit of the give-and-take of the political process and the flexibility of social experimentation that only the elected branches can provide.
Neil Gorsuch & Abortion: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Social policy is exactly what the U.S. Supreme court is about. They are the protector of individual rights in this country--and his thinking is that religious extremists are somehow going to compromise on anything is truly absurd.
Still sticking with the LIE I see.
You agree then that forcing a mother to her own terminal end in a pregnancy is murder.

This is what I said in my first post in the thread:
You mean other that it being a flat out LIE? This is what he actually said, from the link in the OP: My bold.

In Roe, the Court explained that, had it found the fetus to be a “person” for purposes of the Fourteenth Amendment, it could not have created a right to abortion because no constitutional basis exists for preferring the mother’s liberty interests over the child’s life.

If a pregnancy is threatening the mother life, she has the right of self defense and every right to terminate the pregnancy. There's a huge difference between liberty rights and LIFE.

The lie is that the judge said the childs life is more important than the mothers. (note the bold). Pay attention fakey.
Well I was wrong about Neil Gorsuch, he indeed needs to be fought all the way from here to HELL.

He wrote in his Assisted suicide book:

Gorsuch Notes In His Book on Assisted Suicide That There’s ‘No Constitutional Basis’ for Putting a Mother’s Life Ahead of the Child’s
Neil Gorsuch & Abortion: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

I guess it wouldn't matter if this same woman had two kids at home that she needed to raise.

The war on Women continues--write, call, email your Senators NOW, and raise HOLY HELL.

They apparently weren't paying attention to this on January 21, 2017


For pictures on all 50 state participation into this march go here.
Woman's march pictures

Gorsuch as a 10th district court judge ruled against an injunction against the Utah governor over denying Federal funding to a planned parenthood office there. Gorsuch was then slapped down by the 10th District court panel who reprimanded that the 10th district court put back the injunction on the Utah Governor, stating he was in violation of the 1st and 14th amendments.
Neil Gorsuch’s crusade against Planned Parenthood

Yeah you in the Reich wing have picked a real winner here.

He will be confirmed.


If you want to use a NUCLEAR option go ahead. In 2018 there will be another NUCLEAR OPTION and it will be in the voting booth.

Well I was wrong about Neil Gorsuch, he indeed needs to be fought all the way from here to HELL.

He wrote in his Assisted suicide book:

Gorsuch Notes In His Book on Assisted Suicide That There’s ‘No Constitutional Basis’ for Putting a Mother’s Life Ahead of the Child’s
Neil Gorsuch & Abortion: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

I guess it wouldn't matter if this same woman had two kids at home that she needed to raise.

The war on Women continues--write, call, email your Senators NOW, and raise HOLY HELL.

They apparently weren't paying attention to this on January 21, 2017


For pictures on all 50 state participation into this march go here.
Woman's march pictures

Gorsuch as a 10th district court judge ruled against an injunction against the Utah governor over denying Federal funding to a planned parenthood office there. Gorsuch was then slapped down by the 10th District court panel who reprimanded that the 10th district court put back the injunction on the Utah Governor, stating he was in violation of the 1st and 14th amendments.
Neil Gorsuch’s crusade against Planned Parenthood

Yeah you in the Reich wing have picked a real winner here.

He will be confirmed.


If you want to use a NUCLEAR option go ahead, In 2018 there will be another NUCLEAR OPTION and it will be in the voting booth.

Well I was wrong about Neil Gorsuch, he indeed needs to be fought all the way from here to HELL.

He wrote in his Assisted suicide book:

Gorsuch Notes In His Book on Assisted Suicide That There’s ‘No Constitutional Basis’ for Putting a Mother’s Life Ahead of the Child’s
Neil Gorsuch & Abortion: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

I guess it wouldn't matter if this same woman had two kids at home that she needed to raise.

The war on Women continues--write, call, email your Senators NOW, and raise HOLY HELL.

They apparently weren't paying attention to this on January 21, 2017


For pictures on all 50 state participation into this march go here.
Woman's march pictures

Gorsuch as a 10th district court judge ruled against an injunction against the Utah governor over denying Federal funding to a planned parenthood office there. Gorsuch was then slapped down by the 10th District court panel who reprimanded that the 10th district court put back the injunction on the Utah Governor, stating he was in violation of the 1st and 14th amendments.
Neil Gorsuch’s crusade against Planned Parenthood

Yeah you in the Reich wing have picked a real winner here.

He will be confirmed.


If you want to use a NUCLEAR option go ahead, In 2018 there will be another NUCLEAR OPTION and it will be in the voting booth.



Well if you want to ignore the majority voters (women) in this country--go ahead.

Well I was wrong about Neil Gorsuch, he indeed needs to be fought all the way from here to HELL.

He wrote in his Assisted suicide book:

Gorsuch Notes In His Book on Assisted Suicide That There’s ‘No Constitutional Basis’ for Putting a Mother’s Life Ahead of the Child’s
Neil Gorsuch & Abortion: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

I guess it wouldn't matter if this same woman had two kids at home that she needed to raise.

The war on Women continues--write, call, email your Senators NOW, and raise HOLY HELL.

They apparently weren't paying attention to this on January 21, 2017


For pictures on all 50 state participation into this march go here.
Woman's march pictures

Gorsuch as a 10th district court judge ruled against an injunction against the Utah governor over denying Federal funding to a planned parenthood office there. Gorsuch was then slapped down by the 10th District court panel who reprimanded that the 10th district court put back the injunction on the Utah Governor, stating he was in violation of the 1st and 14th amendments.
Neil Gorsuch’s crusade against Planned Parenthood

Yeah you in the Reich wing have picked a real winner here.

He will be confirmed.


If you want to use a NUCLEAR option go ahead, In 2018 there will be another NUCLEAR OPTION and it will be in the voting booth.



Well if you want to ignore the majority voters (women) in this country--go ahead.

You mean like how they ignored the voting booth on November 8th? Lol
Speak of abortion, can ANYONE explain why a woman can kill a human (abortion) thereby rejecting her responsibility as a mother, while a man cannot reject his responsibility as a father? They're "equally" responsible, why not serve them equal rights? If a male signs on the dotted line equal trimester abortion rights, then he relinquishes all rights and responsibilities of being a father. Doesn't serve what, feminism, women and/or liberal narratives favoring women? Exactly.
Well I was wrong about Neil Gorsuch, he indeed needs to be fought all the way from here to HELL.

He wrote in his Assisted suicide book:

Gorsuch Notes In His Book on Assisted Suicide That There’s ‘No Constitutional Basis’ for Putting a Mother’s Life Ahead of the Child’s
Neil Gorsuch & Abortion: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

I guess it wouldn't matter if this same woman had two kids at home that she needed to raise.

The war on Women continues--write, call, email your Senators NOW, and raise HOLY HELL.

They apparently weren't paying attention to this on January 21, 2017


For pictures on all 50 state participation into this march go here.
Woman's march pictures

Gorsuch as a 10th district court judge ruled against an injunction against the Utah governor over denying Federal funding to a planned parenthood office there. Gorsuch was then slapped down by the 10th District court panel who reprimanded that the 10th district court put back the injunction on the Utah Governor, stating he was in violation of the 1st and 14th amendments.
Neil Gorsuch’s crusade against Planned Parenthood

Yeah you in the Reich wing have picked a real winner here.

He will be confirmed.


If you want to use a NUCLEAR option go ahead, In 2018 there will be another NUCLEAR OPTION and it will be in the voting booth.



Well if you want to ignore the majority voters (women) in this country--go ahead.

You mean like how they ignored the voting booth on November 8th? Lol

Well I imagine with this SCOTUS nominee pic there's a lot of Trump women voters that are wearing bags over their heads right now. And this march was the (day after the inauguration) if you remember, and they had a few months to change their minds about the comrade prior to that--LOL

I really don't know how else to explain what was going on in Birmingham Alabama, on January 21, 2017 do you?

He will be confirmed.


If you want to use a NUCLEAR option go ahead, In 2018 there will be another NUCLEAR OPTION and it will be in the voting booth.



Well if you want to ignore the majority voters (women) in this country--go ahead.

You mean like how they ignored the voting booth on November 8th? Lol

Well I imagine with this SCOTUS nominee pic there's a lot of Trump women voters that are wearing bags over their heads right now. And this march was the (day after the inauguration) if you remember, and they had a few months to change their minds about the comrade prior to that--LOL

I really don't know how else to explain what was going on in Birmingham Alabama, on January 21, 2017 do you?

Yeah, there was a shortage of tampons.

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