
Wouldn't you think there would be a big effort on the part of "investigative reporters" to try to uncover other government negligence in the same arena? Nope, all the gov'ment agencies in charge of monitoring the deaths of the unborn go unrecognized and the little army of technicians in the horror house get away with "following orders". Sounds a little like the German government ignoring certain atrocities during the 30's.

Always the sign of a losing argument, invoking Nazis...

Actually, joeb's a liar.

[/LIST]In total during the course of his career, 46 known lawsuits had been filed against Gosnell over some 32 years.[27] Observers claimed that there was a complete failure by Pennsylvania regulators who had overlooked other repeated concerns brought to their attention, including lack of trained staff, "barbaric" conditions, and a high level of illegal late-term abortions.[28]"

Kermit Gosnell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

46 lawsuits over a 32 year period, frankly, that's below average for anyone in gynological medicine.

Frankly, it sounds to me like he had a solid practice initially, and then let himself get sloppy, possibly because senility was setting in.

Then why not appeal ? If it was SOOOO weak, and it were me I would have fought it to the end. It was not to weak, remember, 3 counts of murder one is what he wasw convicted of. I hate that the DA settled for 2nd degree murder for the women he killed, and got nothing for the many he infected with VD. In the end, he got what he had comeing and he will have a good bit of time to sit and think about it.

Again, juries deal in emotions.

judges deal in the law.

Putting aside all the he was a bad doctor crap (which is just thrown in because you aren't making your case on the medical waste by itself) the fact is, if he realy needed to be punished that badly, why not just charge him with those things, THEN charge him with the fetus murders separately?

Oh, yeah. Bootstrapping.

For one, I dont need to make a case, the prosecutor did just fine there. Even when the racism and "politics" accusations were flying. As for judges dealing in law, sure, that's why duder went down for life. As for the "medical waste", the jury decided those three were actuley human offspring. Thus, the dirt bag and his allegedly awesome lawyer thought it was a good idea to make a deal that included no appeals. His need to be punished is a non issue, he has already been punished. "As for the bad Dr. crap", he has been slimy for ever. read KG's link.

I did... a few minor violations in the 1990's and the practice fell apart in the oughts.

Then again, what didn't fall apart in the Oughts? Thanks Dubya, you fucked that up, too?

If the prosecutors were so sure this case was going to survive a deal, they wouldn't have cut a deal.

This was about getting medical waste declared to be people.
Actually, he wasn't found out because he was operating an illegal clinic. All the people who knew refused to report.

He was found out because there was a DRUG RAID. Without a drug raid, he'd still be operating with the blessings of the pro-abortion community.

Actually, pro choice groups reported him numerous times, and the PA government did nothing.

They were too busy hassling the legit clinics. White people were going to those.
Actually, joeb's a liar.

Known prior complaints

  • 1989 and 1993 – cited by Pennsylvania Department of Health for having no nurses in the recovery room.[22]
  • 1996 – censured and fined in both Pennsylvania and New York states, for employing unlicensed personnel.[22]
  • Around 1996 – Pediatrician Dr Schwartz – the former head of adolescent services at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and as of 2010[update], Philadelphia’s health commissioner – testified in the 2010 hearing that around 1996 or 1997, he had hand-delivered a letter of complaint about Gosnell's practice to the Secretary of Health’s office and stopped referring patients to the clinic, but received no response.[23]
  • 2000 – Civil lawsuit filed on behalf of the children of Semika Shaw, who had called the clinic the day after an abortion to report heavy bleeding, and died 3 days later of a perforated uterus and a bloodstream infection. The case alleged that Gosnell had failed to tell her to return to the clinic or seek emergency medical care. It was settled out of court in 2002 for $900,000.[14][24]
  • Around 2001 – Gosnell claimed to be providing children’s vaccines under a program administered by the Health Department’s Division of Disease Control, but was repeatedly suspended for failing to maintain logs and for storing vaccines in unsanitary and inappropriate refrigerators, and at improper temperatures.[25]
  • December 2001 – ex-employee Marcella Choung gave what the Grand Jury would later call "a detailed written complaint" to the Pennsylvania Department of State, one which she followed up with an interview in March 2002.[26]
  • 2006 – Civil lawsuit filed by patient but dismissed as out of time. The complaint was that Gosnell had been unable to complete an abortion, but then apparently failed or refused to call paramedics or other clinical emergency personnel, after the patient had needed help. The patient reported, "I really felt like he was going to let me die."[18]
In total during the course of his career, 46 known lawsuits had been filed against Gosnell over some 32 years.[27] Observers claimed that there was a complete failure by Pennsylvania regulators who had overlooked other repeated concerns brought to their attention, including lack of trained staff, "barbaric" conditions, and a high level of illegal late-term abortions.[28]"

Kermit Gosnell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If that is the case, then obviously something needs to be done about those members of authority who turned a blind eye to all this.

Ya, and you have to hand it to them, they by and large did come out against him (as far as I saw). Still, they made politics of it, but still. They need to look at the helth dept to and see why they declined to investigate so many times.
Actually, he wasn't found out because he was operating an illegal clinic. All the people who knew refused to report.

He was found out because there was a DRUG RAID. Without a drug raid, he'd still be operating with the blessings of the pro-abortion community.

Actually, pro choice groups reported him numerous times, and the PA government did nothing.

They were too busy hassling the legit clinics. White people were going to those.

White people went to his to.
Actually, he wasn't found out because he was operating an illegal clinic. All the people who knew refused to report.

He was found out because there was a DRUG RAID. Without a drug raid, he'd still be operating with the blessings of the pro-abortion community.

Actually, pro choice groups reported him numerous times, and the PA government did nothing.

They were too busy hassling the legit clinics. White people were going to those.

White people went to his to.

And when they did, they got shown to the nice clean examination rooms and Gosnell waited on them personally.

Poor people. They got to share the room with the litterbox.
Again, juries deal in emotions.

judges deal in the law.

Putting aside all the he was a bad doctor crap (which is just thrown in because you aren't making your case on the medical waste by itself) the fact is, if he realy needed to be punished that badly, why not just charge him with those things, THEN charge him with the fetus murders separately?

Oh, yeah. Bootstrapping.

For one, I dont need to make a case, the prosecutor did just fine there. Even when the racism and "politics" accusations were flying. As for judges dealing in law, sure, that's why duder went down for life. As for the "medical waste", the jury decided those three were actuley human offspring. Thus, the dirt bag and his allegedly awesome lawyer thought it was a good idea to make a deal that included no appeals. His need to be punished is a non issue, he has already been punished. "As for the bad Dr. crap", he has been slimy for ever. read KG's link.

I did... a few minor violations in the 1990's and the practice fell apart in the oughts.

Then again, what didn't fall apart in the Oughts? Thanks Dubya, you fucked that up, too?

If the prosecutors were so sure this case was going to survive a deal, they wouldn't have cut a deal.

This was about getting medical waste declared to be people.

So then, why did he cut a deal ? Why not fight it hard ? And the medical waste was declared people. Thats why dude got three megabitches in a row. they werent little gobs of blood and goo, they were squirmy little people.

So then, why did he cut a deal ? Why not fight it hard ? And the medical waste was declared people. Thats why dude got three megabitches in a row. they werent little gobs of blood and goo, they were squirmy little people.

squirmy little people other people kiled, but that's okay.

Let's not charge the people who did the actual killing, and not charge the people who actually went to the clinic to have them killed.

I keep asking the question, WHY NOT CHARGE THE MOTHERS?

Because that would have caused outrage!

But listing the bad doctor stuff and sticking your Medical-Waste Homicide charges in the middle of that, that you can sell, as long as you can cut a deal in the sentencing phase that prevents anyone who can actually read a law book from ever reviewing it.
Actually, pro choice groups reported him numerous times, and the PA government did nothing.

They were too busy hassling the legit clinics. White people were going to those.

White people went to his to.

And when they did, they got shown to the nice clean examination rooms and Gosnell waited on them personally.

Poor people. They got to share the room with the litterbox.

There were no little clean rooms. Remember, his patients tended to leave with VD after he worked on them. As much as you want to say this all came about because of religious republicans, specifically George Bush, Mormons, and Catholics keeping the women poor, its just not the case. The women were sent to Gosnell, not for financial reasons, but because he would abort late term pregnancies .

So then, why did he cut a deal ? Why not fight it hard ? And the medical waste was declared people. Thats why dude got three megabitches in a row. they werent little gobs of blood and goo, they were squirmy little people.

squirmy little people other people kiled, but that's okay.

Let's not charge the people who did the actual killing, and not charge the people who actually went to the clinic to have them killed.

I keep asking the question, WHY NOT CHARGE THE MOTHERS?

Because that would have caused outrage!

But listing the bad doctor stuff and sticking your Medical-Waste Homicide charges in the middle of that, that you can sell, as long as you can cut a deal in the sentencing phase that prevents anyone who can actually read a law book from ever reviewing it.

Oh, I agree. I saw the one white one crying about her babe being all cut up in a jar, whining and carrying on. The mothers were adults, and knew what they were having done. As for his staff, I do believe they made deals to avoid the death penalty to. I cant say as I have not seen much about them. As for the law, Im pretty sure his Lawyer being the money grubbing swine he is would have fought it if he could. He did not. He cut a deal, and Gosnell begged for his life.
White people went to his to.

And when they did, they got shown to the nice clean examination rooms and Gosnell waited on them personally.

Poor people. They got to share the room with the litterbox.

There were no little clean rooms. Remember, his patients tended to leave with VD after he worked on them. As much as you want to say this all came about because of religious republicans, specifically George Bush, Mormons, and Catholics keeping the women poor, its just not the case. The women were sent to Gosnell, not for financial reasons, but because he would abort late term pregnancies .

Actually, the testimony showed that white women with money got a better class of treatment, but I don't feel like retrying this case.

And, yes, the reason he got patients he was willing to perform late abortions because religious whacks prevented early abortions.

Again, Mrs. Mognar- went to three clinics that refused to perform her abortion before she got to Gosnell.
Wouldn't you think there would be a big effort on the part of "investigative reporters" to try to uncover other government negligence in the same arena? Nope, all the gov'ment agencies in charge of monitoring the deaths of the unborn go unrecognized and the little army of technicians in the horror house get away with "following orders". Sounds a little like the German government ignoring certain atrocities during the 30's.

Always the sign of a losing argument, invoking Nazis...


Or George Bush, Mormons, Catholics or what ever.

Oh, I agree. I saw the one white one crying about her babe being all cut up in a jar, whining and carrying on. The mothers were adults, and knew what they were having done. As for his staff, I do believe they made deals to avoid the death penalty to. I cant say as I have not seen much about them. As for the law, Im pretty sure his Lawyer being the money grubbing swine he is would have fought it if he could. He did not. He cut a deal, and Gosnell begged for his life.

PA hasn't executed anyone since 1999, and those guys all waived their appeals.

The Death Penalty is an increasingly non-issue legally because it isn't being carried out.

Frankly, I've tried to find what the accomplices got in their plea deals, and really haven't seen anything. But if it was less than what Gosnell got, it's a travesty.

So is not charging the mothers.

So let's all admit, this was a political prosecution, not anything to do with "justice". Anti-choice politicians found a case they could win by shoving fetal "homicides" into a pile of festering examples of malpractice.

And when someone challenges the legal status of "murdering" someone who was never legally born or died (the ME Could not issue birth or death certificates for any of these babies, or even say for certain they had been alive outside the womb), you can always scream about feet in jars or cat shit or the lady who caught VD.

And when they did, they got shown to the nice clean examination rooms and Gosnell waited on them personally.

Poor people. They got to share the room with the litterbox.

There were no little clean rooms. Remember, his patients tended to leave with VD after he worked on them. As much as you want to say this all came about because of religious republicans, specifically George Bush, Mormons, and Catholics keeping the women poor, its just not the case. The women were sent to Gosnell, not for financial reasons, but because he would abort late term pregnancies .

Actually, the testimony showed that white women with money got a better class of treatment, but I don't feel like retrying this case.

And, yes, the reason he got patients he was willing to perform late abortions because religious whacks prevented early abortions.

Again, Mrs. Mognar- went to three clinics that refused to perform her abortion before she got to Gosnell.

Ill take the white girls name if you got it. I would like to see that testimony.

As for religious wacks not letting women kill their kids earlier, thats just BS. But feel free to show us how that worked considering abortion services are pretty darn easy to come by. As for Mrs. Mognar, she like the others was referred to Gosnell because no other Dr was comfortable with late term abortions.

Oh, I agree. I saw the one white one crying about her babe being all cut up in a jar, whining and carrying on. The mothers were adults, and knew what they were having done. As for his staff, I do believe they made deals to avoid the death penalty to. I cant say as I have not seen much about them. As for the law, Im pretty sure his Lawyer being the money grubbing swine he is would have fought it if he could. He did not. He cut a deal, and Gosnell begged for his life.

PA hasn't executed anyone since 1999, and those guys all waived their appeals.

The Death Penalty is an increasingly non-issue legally because it isn't being carried out.

Frankly, I've tried to find what the accomplices got in their plea deals, and really haven't seen anything. But if it was less than what Gosnell got, it's a travesty.

So is not charging the mothers.

So let's all admit, this was a political prosecution, not anything to do with "justice". Anti-choice politicians found a case they could win by shoving fetal "homicides" into a pile of festering examples of malpractice.

And when someone challenges the legal status of "murdering" someone who was never legally born or died (the ME Could not issue birth or death certificates for any of these babies, or even say for certain they had been alive outside the womb), you can always scream about feet in jars or cat shit or the lady who caught VD.


From what I heard, it was a few ladies who got VD, as for politics, Na, I think it was just the fact that murder was . Here, read up on the DA.


R. Seth Williams - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kermit Gosnell Sentenced to Life In Prison | Philly DA

Being a Democrat and all you would think his buds would have given him shit.
It's right here in the indictment you guys love so much...


Only in one class of cases did Gosnell exercise any real care with these dangerous
sedatives. On those rare occasions when the patient was a white woman from the
suburbs, Gosnell insisted that he be consulted at every step. When an employee asked
him why, he said it was “the way of the world.”

Even when Gosnell was in the building, he did not oversee the administration of
anesthesia – except when the patient was white.
Tina Baldwin told the Grand Jury that the untrained medical assistants, without
supervision by Gosnell, routinely administered even the final dose of sedation just before
the procedure – unless the patient was white. She testified:

Q: Okay. Was he present when you did that medication?
A: No, no. And sometimes he asked them – but it was a
race thing.
Q: What do you mean?
A: It was – he sometimes he used to – okay. Like if a girl –
the black population was – African population was big
here. So he didn’t mind you medicating your African
American girls, your Indian girl, but if you had a white girl
from the suburbs, oh, you better not medicate her. You
better wait until he go in and talk to her first. And one day I
said something to him and he was like, that’s the way of the
world. Huh? And he brushed it off and that was it.
It's right here in the indictment you guys love so much...


Only in one class of cases did Gosnell exercise any real care with these dangerous
sedatives. On those rare occasions when the patient was a white woman from the
suburbs, Gosnell insisted that he be consulted at every step. When an employee asked
him why, he said it was “the way of the world.”

Even when Gosnell was in the building, he did not oversee the administration of
anesthesia – except when the patient was white.
Tina Baldwin told the Grand Jury that the untrained medical assistants, without
supervision by Gosnell, routinely administered even the final dose of sedation just before
the procedure – unless the patient was white. She testified:

Q: Okay. Was he present when you did that medication?
A: No, no. And sometimes he asked them – but it was a
race thing.
Q: What do you mean?
A: It was – he sometimes he used to – okay. Like if a girl –
the black population was – African population was big
here. So he didn’t mind you medicating your African
American girls, your Indian girl, but if you had a white girl
from the suburbs, oh, you better not medicate her. You
better wait until he go in and talk to her first. And one day I
said something to him and he was like, that’s the way of the
world. Huh? And he brushed it off and that was it.

Wow. Thats some shit right there. I hate him even more now.

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