
^so they were so stupid they had no idea that what they were witnessing was illegal?

I'm sorry, but ignorance isn't an excuse, and its a shame that you would accept ignorance as a justification for not coming forward sooner.

What's your excuse for the legal clinics who didn't tell her what she wanted to do was illegal? How about the clinicians who refuse to report coercion?

Again, no one is being coerced. Sorry. You are really going to have to accept responsibility.

Claiming women were "victims" of abortion might have worked in Victorian times, but people don't buy that now.
Asking the question here...

If Gosnell had been a crazy homeless person who broke into a day-care and killed three babies, do you really think the prosecutors would have copped a deal with him AFTER winning a conviction?

Even the prosecutors didn't believe the medical waste were really babies.
There's another one in Texas that's been exposed.

Late term, gruesome baby killings, reported by his workers who until Gosnell thought what was going on was legal.

I think now that the path has been cleared for abortion mill whistle blowers to come forward they will.

I read about that abortion mill in Texas yesterday in stages. I couldn't read it all at once. Beyond horrid.

But the Joes of the world will continue to talk "about hangers and back alleys from thie 50's" despite all the evidence that this butchery is continuing daily right under every one's noses and condoned by the state all to protect this so called "right to choose" even after a child is born.

Gosnell aka "Mr. Snip Snip" has at least opened some eyes.
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There's another one in Texas that's been exposed.

Late term, gruesome baby killings, reported by his workers who until Gosnell thought what was going on was legal.

I think now that the path has been cleared for abortion mill whistle blowers to come forward they will.

I read about that abortion mill yesterday in stages. I couldn't read it all at once. Beyond horrid.

But the Joes of the world will continue to talk "about hangers and back alleys from thie 50's" despite all the evidence that this butchery is continuing daily right under every one's noses.

Yes, you have incompentent doctor in EVERY aspect of medicine.

But fret not, Republicans. They are usually working on poor and non-white people, so it isn't your problem.

Unless abortions are involved.
Asking the question here...

If Gosnell had been a crazy homeless person who broke into a day-care and killed three babies, do you really think the prosecutors would have copped a deal with him AFTER winning a conviction?

Even the prosecutors didn't believe the medical waste were really babies.

Gosnell had to plead to not appealing to stay alive.

That was the deal. Or he'd be on death row.
There's another one in Texas that's been exposed.

Late term, gruesome baby killings, reported by his workers who until Gosnell thought what was going on was legal.

I think now that the path has been cleared for abortion mill whistle blowers to come forward they will.

I read about that abortion mill in Texas yesterday in stages. I couldn't read it all at once. Beyond horrid.

But the Joes of the world will continue to talk "about hangers and back alleys from thie 50's" despite all the evidence that this butchery is continuing daily right under every one's noses and condoned by the state all to protect this so called "right to choose" even after a child is born.

Gosnell aka "Mr. Snip Snip" has at least opened some eyes.

It's acceptable to the abortion crowd. What is happening that the rest of the world has now figured out what really happens in the clinics.
Not according to the press who have written about it.

And all abortionists are like that.
Asking the question here...

If Gosnell had been a crazy homeless person who broke into a day-care and killed three babies, do you really think the prosecutors would have copped a deal with him AFTER winning a conviction?

Even the prosecutors didn't believe the medical waste were really babies.

Gosnell had to plead to not appealing to stay alive.

That was the deal. Or he'd be on death row.

PA hasn't executed anyone in 14 years. His chances of being executed before his appeals ran out were slim to none.

But that wasn't my point. ANd even accounting for the fact that most of you religious types are slightly retarded, you didn't answer the question.

If the medical waste really was the moral equivlent of real babies with names and parents who gave a damn about them, do you really think for a moment that prosecutors would have cut a deal with him AFTER winning a conviction?

Hell, no.

Because those parents would have been on every TV Station demanding justice for their babies.

In short, the prosecutors didn't beleive their own premise.

One wonders...where are all the abortionists on this issue? Why aren't we seeing those proud professionals speaking out against the horrors and in defense of their chosen field?

Because they are all guilty. They're despised by their fellow doctors....well, those who actually ARE doctors. The rest are just universally despised by the medical community.

But still protected.

One wonders...where are all the abortionists on this issue? Why aren't we seeing those proud professionals speaking out against the horrors and in defense of their chosen field?

Because they are all guilty. They're despised by their fellow doctors....well, those who actually ARE doctors. The rest are just universally despised by the medical community.

But still protected.

Most of them did speak out against Gosnell three years ago when he was arrested.

And the Pro-Choice community had been sounding the alarm on him for years.

But dont let facts get in your way, Ally.
Asking the question here...

If Gosnell had been a crazy homeless person who broke into a day-care and killed three babies, do you really think the prosecutors would have copped a deal with him AFTER winning a conviction?

Even the prosecutors didn't believe the medical waste were really babies.

Gosnell had to plead to not appealing to stay alive.

That was the deal. Or he'd be on death row.

PA hasn't executed anyone in 14 years. His chances of being executed before his appeals ran out were slim to none.

But that wasn't my point. ANd even accounting for the fact that most of you religious types are slightly retarded, you didn't answer the question.

If the medical waste really was the moral equivlent of real babies with names and parents who gave a damn about them, do you really think for a moment that prosecutors would have cut a deal with him AFTER winning a conviction?

Hell, no.

Because those parents would have been on every TV Station demanding justice for their babies.

In short, the prosecutors didn't beleive their own premise.

No. YOU don't understand what happened. It is your ignorance of the legal procedure so you are making it up as you go along to fill in the gaps of what you don't know.

If the medical waste really was the moral equivlent of real babies with names and parents who gave a damn about them, do you really think for a moment that prosecutors would have cut a deal with him AFTER winning a conviction?

Hell, no.

Because those parents would have been on every TV Station demanding justice for their babies.

In short, the prosecutors didn't beleive their own premise.

No. YOU don't understand what happened. It is your ignorance of the legal procedure so you are making it up as you go along to fill in the gaps of what you don't know.

Again, if he killed three babies with names and parents, there is no way prosecutors EVER would have cut a deal with him. Especially not AFTER they won a conviction.

So either

1) They didn't really believe their own premise that medical waste = babies.

2) They didn't want an appellete judge who could read a law book to vacate his sentence.
Keep arguing a point that can't be proven, joe, as if it means something.

You're not only a revolting person, but you're an ineffectual hack. You actually make your side look worse. Keep it up.
Keep arguing a point that can't be proven, joe, as if it means something.

You're not only a revolting person, but you're an ineffectual hack. You actually make your side look worse. Keep it up.

Actually, it means a lot.

If the goal was simply to put him in jail, they had him dead to rights on Mrs. Mongar (the only real victim in this case, except she never would have been in that position if three other clinics hadn't refused her case).

So why charge him with death penatly charges on the Medical Waste, and at the last minute cut a deal on them?

And if they were really babies with parents and names, do you think they'd have ever done that.

Which is the practical reality of abortion.

If the mother wants it, it's a baby.

If she doesn't, it's "that problem I need to take care of".

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