
Ah yes, the abortionist mantra..."If you dare to provide oversight, we will kill more!"

Then why not appeal ? If it was SOOOO weak, and it were me I would have fought it to the end. It was not to weak, remember, 3 counts of murder one is what he wasw convicted of. I hate that the DA settled for 2nd degree murder for the women he killed, and got nothing for the many he infected with VD. In the end, he got what he had comeing and he will have a good bit of time to sit and think about it.

Again, juries deal in emotions.

judges deal in the law.

Putting aside all the he was a bad doctor crap (which is just thrown in because you aren't making your case on the medical waste by itself) the fact is, if he realy needed to be punished that badly, why not just charge him with those things, THEN charge him with the fetus murders separately?

Oh, yeah. Bootstrapping.

She found Gosnell because they sent her there.

There were legal clinics across the river...seven of them.

She didn't speak English.

The clinics were well aware of Gosnell's horrific reputation...as were the hospitals, and the state, and the inspectors. Gosnell was discredited 40 years before as well for performing experimental abortions on poor women that killed them, known as the Mother's Day Massacre.

They, like joe, don't think of women or children as human, and they certainly don't care for their well being.

Actually, there is little evidence of Gosnell practicing poor medicine before 2000. Even the Jurors admitted he started legitimately, and things went downhill.
Wouldn't you think there would be a big effort on the part of "investigative reporters" to try to uncover other government negligence in the same arena? Nope, all the gov'ment agencies in charge of monitoring the deaths of the unborn go unrecognized and the little army of technicians in the horror house get away with "following orders". Sounds a little like the German government ignoring certain atrocities during the 30's.
Actually, joeb's a liar.

Known prior complaints

  • 1989 and 1993 – cited by Pennsylvania Department of Health for having no nurses in the recovery room.[22]
  • 1996 – censured and fined in both Pennsylvania and New York states, for employing unlicensed personnel.[22]
  • Around 1996 – Pediatrician Dr Schwartz – the former head of adolescent services at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and as of 2010[update], Philadelphia’s health commissioner – testified in the 2010 hearing that around 1996 or 1997, he had hand-delivered a letter of complaint about Gosnell's practice to the Secretary of Health’s office and stopped referring patients to the clinic, but received no response.[23]
  • 2000 – Civil lawsuit filed on behalf of the children of Semika Shaw, who had called the clinic the day after an abortion to report heavy bleeding, and died 3 days later of a perforated uterus and a bloodstream infection. The case alleged that Gosnell had failed to tell her to return to the clinic or seek emergency medical care. It was settled out of court in 2002 for $900,000.[14][24]
  • Around 2001 – Gosnell claimed to be providing children’s vaccines under a program administered by the Health Department’s Division of Disease Control, but was repeatedly suspended for failing to maintain logs and for storing vaccines in unsanitary and inappropriate refrigerators, and at improper temperatures.[25]
  • December 2001 – ex-employee Marcella Choung gave what the Grand Jury would later call "a detailed written complaint" to the Pennsylvania Department of State, one which she followed up with an interview in March 2002.[26]
  • 2006 – Civil lawsuit filed by patient but dismissed as out of time. The complaint was that Gosnell had been unable to complete an abortion, but then apparently failed or refused to call paramedics or other clinical emergency personnel, after the patient had needed help. The patient reported, "I really felt like he was going to let me die."[18]
In total during the course of his career, 46 known lawsuits had been filed against Gosnell over some 32 years.[27] Observers claimed that there was a complete failure by Pennsylvania regulators who had overlooked other repeated concerns brought to their attention, including lack of trained staff, "barbaric" conditions, and a high level of illegal late-term abortions.[28]"

Kermit Gosnell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wouldn't you think there would be a big effort on the part of "investigative reporters" to try to uncover other government negligence in the same arena? Nope, all the gov'ment agencies in charge of monitoring the deaths of the unborn go unrecognized and the little army of technicians in the horror house get away with "following orders". Sounds a little like the German government ignoring certain atrocities during the 30's.

No! And if you try, more will die!

Fluke and joe have fore-warned us!
Wouldn't you think there would be a big effort on the part of "investigative reporters" to try to uncover other government negligence in the same arena? Nope, all the gov'ment agencies in charge of monitoring the deaths of the unborn go unrecognized and the little army of technicians in the horror house get away with "following orders". Sounds a little like the German government ignoring certain atrocities during the 30's.

No! And if you try, more will die!

Fluke and joe have fore-warned us!

If Americans ever wondered about how the good people of Germany ever tolerated the Nazi Holocaust they need to look no further than the media's coverage (or lack of it) of the Gosnell horror house.

Then why not appeal ? If it was SOOOO weak, and it were me I would have fought it to the end. It was not to weak, remember, 3 counts of murder one is what he wasw convicted of. I hate that the DA settled for 2nd degree murder for the women he killed, and got nothing for the many he infected with VD. In the end, he got what he had comeing and he will have a good bit of time to sit and think about it.

Again, juries deal in emotions.

judges deal in the law.

Putting aside all the he was a bad doctor crap (which is just thrown in because you aren't making your case on the medical waste by itself) the fact is, if he realy needed to be punished that badly, why not just charge him with those things, THEN charge him with the fetus murders separately?

Oh, yeah. Bootstrapping.

For one, I dont need to make a case, the prosecutor did just fine there. Even when the racism and "politics" accusations were flying. As for judges dealing in law, sure, that's why duder went down for life. As for the "medical waste", the jury decided those three were actuley human offspring. Thus, the dirt bag and his allegedly awesome lawyer thought it was a good idea to make a deal that included no appeals. His need to be punished is a non issue, he has already been punished. "As for the bad Dr. crap", he has been slimy for ever. read KG's link.
Let's hope so.

The mentality of the left believes that if something reprehensible is legal, it doesn't bear looking at...and if you dare to look at it, you deserve whatever you get.

In this case, we have abortion..and they have refused to monitor it. Now that we are finally providing some overssight, they are going to pretend the oversight itself is what causes the deaths.

Criminal thinking 101.
Actually, joeb's a liar.

Known prior complaints

  • 1989 and 1993 – cited by Pennsylvania Department of Health for having no nurses in the recovery room.[22]
  • 1996 – censured and fined in both Pennsylvania and New York states, for employing unlicensed personnel.[22]
  • Around 1996 – Pediatrician Dr Schwartz – the former head of adolescent services at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and as of 2010[update], Philadelphia’s health commissioner – testified in the 2010 hearing that around 1996 or 1997, he had hand-delivered a letter of complaint about Gosnell's practice to the Secretary of Health’s office and stopped referring patients to the clinic, but received no response.[23]
  • 2000 – Civil lawsuit filed on behalf of the children of Semika Shaw, who had called the clinic the day after an abortion to report heavy bleeding, and died 3 days later of a perforated uterus and a bloodstream infection. The case alleged that Gosnell had failed to tell her to return to the clinic or seek emergency medical care. It was settled out of court in 2002 for $900,000.[14][24]
  • Around 2001 – Gosnell claimed to be providing children’s vaccines under a program administered by the Health Department’s Division of Disease Control, but was repeatedly suspended for failing to maintain logs and for storing vaccines in unsanitary and inappropriate refrigerators, and at improper temperatures.[25]
  • December 2001 – ex-employee Marcella Choung gave what the Grand Jury would later call "a detailed written complaint" to the Pennsylvania Department of State, one which she followed up with an interview in March 2002.[26]
  • 2006 – Civil lawsuit filed by patient but dismissed as out of time. The complaint was that Gosnell had been unable to complete an abortion, but then apparently failed or refused to call paramedics or other clinical emergency personnel, after the patient had needed help. The patient reported, "I really felt like he was going to let me die."[18]
In total during the course of his career, 46 known lawsuits had been filed against Gosnell over some 32 years.[27] Observers claimed that there was a complete failure by Pennsylvania regulators who had overlooked other repeated concerns brought to their attention, including lack of trained staff, "barbaric" conditions, and a high level of illegal late-term abortions.[28]"

Kermit Gosnell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If that is the case, then obviously something needs to be done about those members of authority who turned a blind eye to all this.
Actually, he wasn't found out because he was operating an illegal clinic. All the people who knew refused to report.

He was found out because there was a DRUG RAID. Without a drug raid, he'd still be operating with the blessings of the pro-abortion community.
Because that's what they consider a part of a woman's choice.

Women have the choice to be exploited, tortured, killed. So long as it's done in order to kill a baby.
When Gosnell started doing abortions in the 70s he used a supercoil. A rusty coathangar is safer than a supercoil. The compressed coil is inserted into the uterus and heated. As it heats it expands literally shredding baby and uterus. He must have developed a taste for blood and torture then.
Actually, joeb's a liar.

Known prior complaints

  • 1989 and 1993 – cited by Pennsylvania Department of Health for having no nurses in the recovery room.[22]
  • 1996 – censured and fined in both Pennsylvania and New York states, for employing unlicensed personnel.[22]
  • Around 1996 – Pediatrician Dr Schwartz – the former head of adolescent services at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and as of 2010[update], Philadelphia’s health commissioner – testified in the 2010 hearing that around 1996 or 1997, he had hand-delivered a letter of complaint about Gosnell's practice to the Secretary of Health’s office and stopped referring patients to the clinic, but received no response.[23]
  • 2000 – Civil lawsuit filed on behalf of the children of Semika Shaw, who had called the clinic the day after an abortion to report heavy bleeding, and died 3 days later of a perforated uterus and a bloodstream infection. The case alleged that Gosnell had failed to tell her to return to the clinic or seek emergency medical care. It was settled out of court in 2002 for $900,000.[14][24]
  • Around 2001 – Gosnell claimed to be providing children’s vaccines under a program administered by the Health Department’s Division of Disease Control, but was repeatedly suspended for failing to maintain logs and for storing vaccines in unsanitary and inappropriate refrigerators, and at improper temperatures.[25]
  • December 2001 – ex-employee Marcella Choung gave what the Grand Jury would later call "a detailed written complaint" to the Pennsylvania Department of State, one which she followed up with an interview in March 2002.[26]
  • 2006 – Civil lawsuit filed by patient but dismissed as out of time. The complaint was that Gosnell had been unable to complete an abortion, but then apparently failed or refused to call paramedics or other clinical emergency personnel, after the patient had needed help. The patient reported, "I really felt like he was going to let me die."[18]
In total during the course of his career, 46 known lawsuits had been filed against Gosnell over some 32 years.[27] Observers claimed that there was a complete failure by Pennsylvania regulators who had overlooked other repeated concerns brought to their attention, including lack of trained staff, "barbaric" conditions, and a high level of illegal late-term abortions.[28]"

Kermit Gosnell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If that is the case, then obviously something needs to be done about those members of authority who turned a blind eye to all this.

Ya think? This is what I keep telling you pro-abortion loons. The alleged "oversight" of the abortion industry doesn't take place. We don't KNOW how many people are injured and die (there are a lot) because hospitals, medical personel, and the clinicians themselves all LIE and COVER UP. They LIE about who they see, they LIE about what they do, they LIE about the ages of the babies killed, they LIE about where the money goes. They LIE about what causes the deaths, they LIE about protecting their clients, they LIE about the conditions, they LIE about everything. They don't report injuries and death, they don't provide any resources or assistance or even report when women and girls come in abused or by force, they don't give the women good advice about their options, they lie about the degree of safety, they assist criminals and monsters in hiding crime. Just as they assisted Gosnell for years and years by their determined silence across the board. Despite the fact they knew what the conditions were; despite the fact they saw the women come in to the hospital, despite the fact that people were reporting them, despite the fact that people had died.
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