Got Me a Speeding Ticket The Other Day...

Pale Rider said:
Everybody speeds. Whether they admit it or not is another issue.

There's another part to this online driving school that said people will commit, on the average, 400 traffic offenses before they're caught. I think that applys to just about EVERYBODY.

Some may see using a radar detector as cheating. I see it as leveling the playing field. (And I think they're cool.) :D

I actually know someone who doesn't speed. Now, whether they accidently did going down a hill or something, who knows. But they always stay 1-5 under the speed limit.

As a result, I always stay OUT of that car :laugh:
The ClayTaurus said:
I actually know someone who doesn't speed. Now, whether they accidently did going down a hill or something, who knows. But they always stay 1-5 under the speed limit.

As a result, I always stay OUT of that car :laugh:

People like that scare me. Those who focus solely on their 'speed' as an indication of doing right, or being safe. I do whatever I can to keep away from slow drivers in traffic. Too risky IMO, to be even CLOSE to them. Dollars-to-donuts they'll be the driver who PANICS and loses control.
dmp said:
People like that scare me. Those who focus solely on their 'speed' as an indication of doing right, or being safe. I do whatever I can to keep away from slow drivers in traffic. Too risky IMO, to be even CLOSE to them. Dollars-to-donuts they'll be the driver who PANICS and loses control.
To his credit, he was religious about lane etiquette. He never imposed his speed on anyone else on the freeway.
dmp said:
People like that scare me. Those who focus solely on their 'speed' as an indication of doing right, or being safe. I do whatever I can to keep away from slow drivers in traffic. Too risky IMO, to be even CLOSE to them. Dollars-to-donuts they'll be the driver who PANICS and loses control.

I'd rather be in a group of 10 cars doing 90 mph on the freeway with drivers who know what they are doing than 10 cars doing the speed limit with one driver who doesn't.

Mr. P said:
Your post, yes written by someone else, BUT...Is it true, or do some buy gadgets to "get away" with stuff, and prove that they are independent from rules and regulations?

Just wondering... ;)

Yes. I want to speed and get away with it, so I'm leveling the playing field.

Happy now?
Pale Rider said:
I don't have a problem with discussing tickets or speeding or detectors. Just don't tell me that Mr. P is right about me. He's making an assumption about who I am and what makes me tick when he doesn't know shit.

And no arch, you don't know me. Maybe you know where I work, and what I look like, but you don't-know-me. Sorry pal. Not buying that one.

And if you're going to tell me you've done some snooping into my past or about me with your old copper friends help, well then, we got us a real problem. I believe to an extent, that's illegal.

did share a beer or two with ya last summer.."Bucket of Blood"...don't go paranoid on investigation of you was ever made with my "Buds" geez!
archangel said:
did share a beer or two with ya last summer.."Bucket of Blood"...don't go paranoid on investigation of you was ever made with my "Buds" geez!

Hmmm... the only people I can ever recall having a cold one with at the Bucket is my riding friends.

Feel free to introduce yourself next time you see that red, white and blue Harley parked out front. I'm not such a bad guy in person.
Pale Rider said:
Yes. I want to speed and get away with it, so I'm leveling the playing field.

Happy now?
No, because there are way too many of "YOU" on the road.
There should be a LAW! Wait, I think there is.... :slap:
Mr. P said:
No, because there are way too many of "YOU" on the road.
There should be a LAW! Wait, I think there is.... :slap:

Had you seen how I drove when I was eighteen, I'd readily admit you'd have a legitimate beef. If there was car in front of me, it was a race. I was a hotrod... admitted. That was then, this is now.

Now you have nothing to fear. I only go a little over the speed limit once and awhile, and then only when it's safe. I've piled up two cars in my life. I've always mantained the three strikes and I'm out. That's why I sold my last hotrod and got the biggest car I could find thinking there'd be no way to play hotrod in it. So I bought a Cadillac Fleetwood Broughm. Didn't take me long to figure out what that 400 hp, 472 could do. Hell it'd flat out burn the tires right off the rims... :D

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