Gov Abbott has awesome new plan to eliminate pregnancy due to rape & incest!

You can disagree all you want but what you cant seem to do us provide verifiable facts

Why are you talking to yourself?

Look butt munch - A tiny fraction of rapes are actually reported. And the younger the victim, the less likely.

And yet, there are thousands of convictions each year.

What is your argument exactly? That women make it up?

You truly are an asshole ain’t ya? :confused-84:
Why are you talking to yourself?

Look butt munch - A tiny fraction of rapes are actually reported. And the younger the victim, the less likely.

And yet, there are thousands of convictions each year.

What is your argument exactly? That women make it up?

You truly are an asshole ain’t ya? :confused-84:
less then 1 percent of all abortions are for rape or incest, over 90 percent are for the convenience of the woman.
What constitutes a life? That's really the argument isnt it? If an unborn child is a life then abortion is murder, if it isnt it isnt and there's no debate. So Texas in this case has defined what they consider life as a matter of law. A heartbeat. Not sure that's a good definition but it's a least a definition. For the "abortion should be legal up to the second of birth" crowd what makes a life a life? IMO until we have that discussion and come to some agreement the abortion debate is useless as we aren't debating with the same set of accepted facts and definitions.
Hey did y'all see Gov Fappit's presser yesterday? A reporter asks him about rape and incest. He say's oh no, we didn't ban abortion in cases of rape and incest. They still have six weeks!

And then he went on to mansplain how Texas was going to lock up all the rapists. Here are reported rapes from 2019:

Texas 14,824
California 14,799
Florida 8,4566
Michigan 7,235
New York 6,583

California has 40 million people, Texas has 29 million and yet they outpace California for rape. We know that not that many rape and incest cases are reported so you can safely double these numbers.

Your state has a rape problem Greg. But now you tell us you're going to lock up 15,000 people before they can rape again? :rolleyes-41:

Hey did y'all see Gov Fappit's presser yesterday? A reporter asks him about rape and incest. He say's oh no, we didn't ban abortion in cases of rape and incest. They still have six weeks!

And then he went on to mansplain how Texas was going to lock up all the rapists. Here are reported rapes from 2019:

Texas 14,824
California 14,799
Florida 8,4566
Michigan 7,235
New York 6,583

California has 40 million people, Texas has 29 million and yet they outpace California for rape. We know that not that many rape and incest cases are reported so you can safely double these numbers.

Your state has a rape problem Greg. But now you tell us you're going to lock up 15,000 people before they can rape again? :rolleyes-41:

Yeah, Tex-ass is like a lot of other rightwing loony bin states.

In Tex-ass a little girl only remains a virgin if she can out run her brothers.

So now you know why rightwing people are screwed up in the head.... it's all that inbreeding, lol.
Mostly because you're an imbecile who only consumes propaganda. It's why you can't think of anything. Which is also why you need government to provide your every basic need.
These stupid women had six weeks to ponder being raped, and they could have had killed their babies when the had the chance. We should just outlaw abortion totally and let god sort it out!!!!
These stupid women had six weeks to ponder being raped, and they could have had killed their babies when the had the chance. We should just outlaw abortion totally and let god sort it out!!!!
Dude, do you seriously believe a 12 or 13 year old is going to tell Mommy that her stepfather or someone else raped her? There are SO many reasons young girls need more than 6 weeks.
Dude, do you seriously believe a 12 or 13 year old is going to tell Mommy that her stepfather or someone else raped her? There are SO many reasons young girls need more than 6 weeks.
That's likely true but are using the .1% to try and justify the other 99.9%.
and that's why the law must NOT MAKE ANY EXCEPTIONS. We need to protect the children.!!!!!
Like I said earlier in the thread we have to have the discussion and come to an agreement about what is life. Until that's been agreed upon we will never get the opposing sides on abortion to convince each other is right. But it's the wrong argument IMO or at least one that once the "what is life" question is answered is moot.

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