Gov Abbott has awesome new plan to eliminate pregnancy due to rape & incest!

I guess I'd be ok with that. But it speaks volumes that the left keeps turning to children (yes children) for leadership, votes, and sexual gratification.
Oh you must be one of those fucked-up-in-the-brain, bat shit crazy Q'anon folks.......

Did you go off your psycho meds?
Hey fuckwad, cite the area in the Constitution stating abortion as a right. Flaming fart and dr. Derp couldn’t, so you’ll be strike three.
What... they didn't teach "How to Use Google" in bible school???

Why don't you look up Roe V. Wade yourself shit stain... or are you too stupid to do that??

Wow you're a fucking dipshit.
What... they didn't teach "How to Use Google" in bible school???

Why do you look up Roe V. Wade yourself shit stain... or are you too stupid to do that??

Wow you're a fucking dipshit.
So you can’t show anything can you fuckstain? Roe vs Wade is not in the Constitution dumbfuck. Wow you just got your ass totally handed to you.
So you can’t show anything can you fuckstain? Roe vs Wade is not in the Constitution dumbfuck. Wow you just got your ass totally handed to you.
Hey shit stain... I am still waiting to see if you know how to use Google... obviously you don't know how...

Not surprising... you're a typical right wing nut.
Why is this so hard for the left to understand. If a girl is raped by Uncle Ferd, she goes to the police, Uncle Ferd is off the streets and she tests for pregnancy. Gets an early abortion and a day in court. Today, Uncle Ferd rapes the girl, she keeps quiet getting "raped on a nightly basis. When she starts to show Uncle trots the girl to Planned Parenthood for a free abortion. Then he's banging her again that very same night. There is no downside.
You seriously need to just stop
Hey shit stain... I am still waiting to see if you know how to use Google... obviously you don't know how...

Not surprising... you're a typical right wing nut.
Roe vs Wade is not in the Constitution you fucking idiot. Now skid mark, you will show where in the Constitution abortion is codified as a right. Or STFU loser.
50 years of settled law. Now beat it (but don’t waste any of your precious seeds!) :lol:
Wrong as usual you horse’s ass. Shown where IN THE CONSTITUTION you’re precious abortion is codified. You can’t you POS. Now you can run away, but only after you pay that “escort”.
50 years of settled law. Now beat it (but don’t waste any of your precious seeds!) :lol:
He's only going to waste it playing with his "girlfriends" ... which happen to be his right hand and his left hand...

Such is the life of the lonely, angry misogynist.
Wow you still haven't learned to Google????

Wow what a fucking retard you are!!!
Wow you’re a fucking lying little piece of shit. YOU were told to show in the Constitution where your precious abortion is given as a right. It’s on you to prove YOUR assertion Sparky.
He's only going to waste it playing with his "girlfriends" ... which happen to be his right hand and his left hand...

Such is the life of the lonely, angry misogynist.
Your projection (as well as derpster’s) is laughable. You two can go back to blowing each other now.

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