Gov Abbott has awesome new plan to eliminate pregnancy due to rape & incest!

I mean...I suppose you could go that right. But what would be the point? You do know that children age 10, 14, 17, etc. cannot vote, don't you? So my assumption would be you're trying to work some fucked-up angle on representation and federal funding (Dumobcrats are always trying to figure out how to get more money from people who produce redistributed to themselves).
Change it so teens can vote 18 years from the 6 week point.
Six weeks. Maybe longer than six weeks before a heartbeat is detected. What are lefties saying? Should incest be continued because the woman was too abused to report it within 6 weeks? Does rape count if the father forces the woman to abort the fetus? The point is that lefties seem to be of the opinion that incest is fine and rape is OK as long as abortion is the solution and nobody is the wiser.
Six weeks. Maybe longer than six weeks before a heartbeat is detected. What are lefties saying? Should incest be continued because the woman was too abused to report it within 6 weeks? Does rape count if the father forces the woman to abort the fetus? The point is that lefties seem to be of the opinion that incest is fine and rape is OK as long as abortion is the solution and nobody is the wiser.
Whoah there nutball, come back to reality. I think we are all united against child rape and incest. You are the one suggesting their abortions be almost completely banned. Keep that in mind.
Six weeks. Maybe longer than six weeks before a heartbeat is detected. What are lefties saying? Should incest be continued because the woman was too abused to report it within 6 weeks? Does rape count if the father forces the woman to abort the fetus? The point is that lefties seem to be of the opinion that incest is fine and rape is OK as long as abortion is the solution and nobody is the wiser.
Why is this so hard for the left to understand. If a girl is raped by Uncle Ferd, she goes to the police, Uncle Ferd is off the streets and she tests for pregnancy. Gets an early abortion and a day in court. Today, Uncle Ferd rapes the girl, she keeps quiet getting "raped on a nightly basis. When she starts to show Uncle trots the girl to Planned Parenthood for a free abortion. Then he's banging her again that very same night. There is no downside.
Change it so teens can vote 18 years from the 6 week point.
I guess I'd be ok with that. But it speaks volumes that the left keeps turning to children (yes children) for leadership, votes, and sexual gratification.

A rational, educated, evolved society would want to keep increasing the age of the voter so that only mature, experienced people are voting. But nobody ever confused the left for rational, educated, or evolved so :dunno:
Why is this so hard for the left to understand. If a girl is raped by Uncle Ferd, she goes to the police, Uncle Ferd is off the streets and she tests for pregnancy. Gets an early abortion and a day in court. Today, Uncle Ferd rapes the girl, she keeps quiet getting "raped on a nightly basis. When she starts to show Uncle trots the girl to Planned Parenthood for a free abortion. Then he's banging her again that very same night. There is no downside.
It's just that easy huh?

I know several women who were raped by family members...and they weren't going to get any help from Mom...

They had to deal with that horror on their own and were scared shitless of the adults in their lives and the possibility of getting pregnant
We don't do any of that with 15 year olds. But don't worry - nobody expect logic from the low-IQ left.

No dude, I’m serious. Republican women who miraculously learn they are preggo after 3-4 weeks should be allowed two votes.

And if they think it might be twins? 3!! :lol:

You're the ones calling a fetus a person. They would have to be counted in the Census. The mother-to-be would still get one vote on Election Day (if she's of age and registered to vote). But the Census would count the tens of millions pregnant women twice.

Just to enlighten you (and pretty much every syllable someone writes can only enlighten you), for ever white baby born, there are like 4 non-white babies being born. Eventually that will martial into political power. Counting every mother twice (or three or four times) will just hasten the inevitable marginalization of the angry white losers like yourself.

Bring it on.

Not just the census, but you could write your embryos off as a dependents and get all kinds of money from the state and federal government that way.

LOL... all of which would piss the conservatives off even more.... since they really don't care about children at all... which is why they cut social programs.

After all..

GOP = Grand Old Plutocracy
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But they didn't. So it's not. :lmao:

And by the way sweetie...the founders would NEVER have written the right to kill a baby into the US Constitution. In fact, they would look at you with disgust and contempt - just like history will. You people are truly along side the Nazis in every way.
I guess you don't know the history of abortion in the USA fucktard.

I don't think people in Colonial America would have had any problem with abortion... it's only during the 19th century that you had religious bible thumpers who wanted to control it and even control birth control too.
Time for fathers to be found and pay out child support starting at 6 weeks. ALL of them.
I think if we're going to force women to stay pregnant, we ought to force men to get a vasectomy.

It takes two to tango and make a kid after all...
Eliminate rape & incest!
Derp - Why didn’t I think of that?

No, just sterilize all liberal parents babies at birth from here on out. Solve the problem.
I guess you don't know the history of abortion in the USA fucktard.

I don't think people in Colonial America would have had any problem with abortion... it's only during the 19th century that you had religious bible thumpers who wanted to control it and even control birth control too.
Hey fuckwad, cite the area in the Constitution stating abortion as a right. Flaming fart and dr. Derp couldn’t, so you’ll be strike three.
1. A Supreme Court ruling is not an Article nor a Section of the US Constitution. Thanks for playing!

2. Did Ted Bundy have a "right to privacy"?? What about OJ Simpson? The fuck does taking a life have to do with "a right to privacy"? That's a DESPERATE liberal court trying to find a way to justify and rubber-stamp the left's really fucked-up agenda. You lose.

3. I ask again...please cite the Article and Section of the US Constitution that makes abortion a "right".

Honest...take your time...I'll wait snowflake



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