Gov Abbott has awesome new plan to eliminate pregnancy due to rape & incest!

In this country, the definition of a constitutional right is when the SCOTUS rules something to be a constitutional right.
Bwahahaha!!! It is not a "constitutional right". That has literally never appeared in the US Constitution.

Please stop quoting documents you've never read. You are wholly and completely ignorant of the US Constitution. It's what makes you a liberal. If you were educated about it, you'd be a conservative.
Technically, while not in the Constitution, the Supreme Court has held that a right to privacy exists as a penumbra right. Meaning it would have been in the Constitution if someone would have thought of it.
In this country, the definition of a constitutional right is when the SCOTUS rules something to be a constitutional right.
This left-wing teeny-bopper is fucking comedy gold! I'm dying. :lmao:

He doesn't even get that it's called "constitutional right" because it is actually in the US Constitution.

A ruling by the Supreme Court doesn't even remotely qualify son
Technically, while not in the Constitution, the Supreme Court has held that a right to privacy exists as a penumbra right. Meaning it would have been in the Constitution if someone would have thought of it.
But they didn't. So it's not. :lmao:

And by the way sweetie...the founders would NEVER have written the right to kill a baby into the US Constitution. In fact, they would look at you with disgust and contempt - just like history will. You people are truly along side the Nazis in every way.
When you can itemize the non-white members of your party...its a pretty good sign that you don't have many non-white members of your party.
And you morons immediately start slinging racist remarks and calling them tokens. So where are those non-white Dems when anything big is announced? All we ever see are Pisslosi and Schitt for brains. They’re white as can be.
He doesn't even get that it's called "constitutional right" because it is actually in the US Constitution.
No sorry. That is very stupid and you just made it up and vomited it, because you are very stupid and thought that was just what those two words meant.
The practical definition of constitutional is whatever the SCOTUS says is constitutional.
Teeny-bopper must have Googled something because he's already backpedaling. From "it's a fact it's constitutional" to "'s a 'practical' definition". Bwahahaha! :laugh:
No sorry. That is very stupid and you just made it up and vomited it, because you are very stupid and thought that was just what those two words meant.
I'm dying! Dying!! I've never laughed this hard. This teeny-bopper is a hoot!!

No sorry. That is very stupid and you just made it up and vomited it, because you are very stupid and thought that was just what those two words meant.
Desperate spinning and desperate grasping at straws. Show the text showing abortion as a right in the Constitution or shut up.
The low-IQ left is just pure comedy gold. Can you imagine being so dumb, that even when someone points out to you that "constitutional" literally means something in the constitution, your mind is blown and you can't wrap you head around it? :laugh:

I'm telling you...out of the mouth of babes!

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Teeny-bopper must have Googled something because he's already backpedaling. From "it's a fact it's constitutional" to "'s a 'practical' definition". Bwahahaha! :laugh:
Yes, as in, in any academic or court setting, that's the definition. Its not backpedalling. I am separating the real world from your childish fantasies.

But hey, have your tantrum.
Aghast at most of the RW responses in my thread thus far.
Believe I’ve overestimated the collective IQ of Q-Kooks & Trumpublicans.
Sad :(
Yes, as in, in any academic...setting
Hahahaha! Now we've moved on to "academic setting" :lmao:

(Psst...if something isn't in the US's not "constitutional". Might be legal! But it ain't "constitutional". For fucks sake son, it has the word right in it)
So yes, abortion up to 24 weeks is a constitutional right.
Low-IQ liberals are so cute when they are young! :lmao:

In fact, there is no constitutional right to an abortion. Never has been. And there never will be unless you can get 3/4ths of the states and 2/3's of Congress to amend the US Constitution making an abortion a right. Good luck with that!
Bwahahaha!!! It is not a "constitutional right". That has literally never appeared in the US Constitution.

Please stop quoting documents you've never read. You are wholly and completely ignorant of the US Constitution. It's what makes you a liberal. If you were educated about it, you'd be a conservative.

It’s called the Due Process Clause in the 14th you insufferable idiot.
Aghast at most of the RW responses in my thread thus far.
Believe I’ve overestimated the collective IQ of Q-Kooks & Trumpublicans.
Sad :(
This from an asshole with a coat hangar avatar. What a piece of shit this derpster is. You said Q asshole. Here’s your prize....

Aghast at most of the RW responses in my thread thus far.
Believe I’ve overestimated the collective IQ of Q-Kooks & Trumpublicans.
Sad :(

In fact, there is no constitutional right to an abortion. Never has been
Sorry dummy. There is and has been since 1973. Good luck on the immigration test. Looks like you will need it.

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