Gov Abbott: Texans will build their own wall and arrest illegals

The federal government has jurisdiction over this. If Washington is too feckless to secure the border, than no one should complain when state governments take matters into their own hands.

They cannot do that. States cannot enforce immigration law.
Refute a single thing I said or shut the entire fuck up......
You didnt say anything except to parrot an argument you found on a video by some unidentified speaker

So the US banned pot in the 1900s because whites dont like mexicans?

So now tell us why MJ was illegal in mexico since then and up until 2020

Do mexicans hate mexicans too?
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This is what its come to in America..the president refuses to do what’s right for the American people so good Americans have to take matters into their own hands.
I suspect we’ll see lots of vigilante justice in the near future.

Stupid is as Texas does.

Texas should stop electing cartoon characters as their governors.

TRANSLATION: I want the third-world to flood in.
Texas (take away the petroleum) is already 3rd world.

In 10 years, Texas will still look the same as it does today...angry and proud of it!
Once again you demonstrate your ignorance. The Austin area has become the new Silicon Valley. More people are employed by information and technology than the energy sector.
Yeah, the most liberal part of Texas is actually doing pretty well in spite of the rest of the backwards state. You're right about that.

Yep, a liberal mecca...dumbass.

That's Texas for you... If God was going to give the world an enema...She would put the nozzle right in the middle of Texas.

No, that's Austin for you, liberals (apparently) doing God's work

Austin is still in Texas, right?

I see, so Austin is part of "the backwards state" until it's not...fricken idiot.
This is what its come to in America..the president refuses to do what’s right for the American people so good Americans have to take matters into their own hands.
I suspect we’ll see lots of vigilante justice in the near future.

They can do no such thing. The Supreme Court gave states limited powers to enforce immigration law. If Abbott tries it then Abbott should be arrested.
Link us to that statute would you please?
Does it say that a state doesn't have the right to protect itself and it's citizens from trespassing criminals Gustavo?
This is what its come to in America..the president refuses to do what’s right for the American people so good Americans have to take matters into their own hands.
I suspect we’ll see lots of vigilante justice in the near future.

Stupid is as Texas does.

Texas should stop electing cartoon characters as their governors.

TRANSLATION: I want the third-world to flood in.
Texas (take away the petroleum) is already 3rd world.

In 10 years, Texas will still look the same as it does today...angry and proud of it!
Once again you demonstrate your ignorance. The Austin area has become the new Silicon Valley. More people are employed by information and technology than the energy sector.
Yeah, the most liberal part of Texas is actually doing pretty well in spite of the rest of the backwards state. You're right about that.

Yep, a liberal mecca...dumbass.

That's Texas for you... If God was going to give the world an enema...She would put the nozzle right in the middle of Texas.

No, that's Austin for you, liberals (apparently) doing God's work

Austin is still in Texas, right?

I see, so Austin is part of "the backwards state" until it's not...fricken idiot.

It’s a bright spot in an ass backwards state.
This is what its come to in America..the president refuses to do what’s right for the American people so good Americans have to take matters into their own hands.
I suspect we’ll see lots of vigilante justice in the near future.

Stupid is as Texas does.

Texas should stop electing cartoon characters as their governors.

TRANSLATION: I want the third-world to flood in.
Texas (take away the petroleum) is already 3rd world.

In 10 years, Texas will still look the same as it does today...angry and proud of it!
Once again you demonstrate your ignorance. The Austin area has become the new Silicon Valley. More people are employed by information and technology than the energy sector.
Yeah, the most liberal part of Texas is actually doing pretty well in spite of the rest of the backwards state. You're right about that.

Yep, a liberal mecca...dumbass.

That's Texas for you... If God was going to give the world an enema...She would put the nozzle right in the middle of Texas.

No, that's Austin for you, liberals (apparently) doing God's work

Austin is still in Texas, right?

I see, so Austin is part of "the backwards state" until it's not...fricken idiot.

It’s a bright spot in an ass backwards state.

"Ass backwards" like believing a woman can have a penis?
This is what its come to in America..the president refuses to do what’s right for the American people so good Americans have to take matters into their own hands.
I suspect we’ll see lots of vigilante justice in the near future.

Stupid is as Texas does.

Texas should stop electing cartoon characters as their governors.

TRANSLATION: I want the third-world to flood in.
Texas (take away the petroleum) is already 3rd world.

In 10 years, Texas will still look the same as it does today...angry and proud of it!
Once again you demonstrate your ignorance. The Austin area has become the new Silicon Valley. More people are employed by information and technology than the energy sector.
Yeah, the most liberal part of Texas is actually doing pretty well in spite of the rest of the backwards state. You're right about that.

Yep, a liberal mecca...dumbass.

That's Texas for you... If God was going to give the world an enema...She would put the nozzle right in the middle of Texas.

No, that's Austin for you, liberals (apparently) doing God's work

Austin is still in Texas, right?

I see, so Austin is part of "the backwards state" until it's not...fricken idiot.

It’s a bright spot in an ass backwards state.

Yep, I'm sure the entire homeless population in Austin believes your BS.
This is what its come to in America..the president refuses to do what’s right for the American people so good Americans have to take matters into their own hands.
I suspect we’ll see lots of vigilante justice in the near future.

Stupid is as Texas does.

Texas should stop electing cartoon characters as their governors.
Texas kicked Mexico’s ass a couple times already. What makes you think they can’t do it again.
Funny tho....I thought Trump already built the wall and Mexico paid for it
You must live under a rock...see, theres this hate America organization called Democraps...they work for Mexico‘s filth and against the American people...they wouldn’t dare allow Trump to do whats right for Americans. Pay attention Kunta Kinte
Somebody's getting their racist on this morning.

Wow, the race card, who wouldn't have guessed?
Lol, got that backwards kiddo! I didn't bring it up.

Use your head for something besides a blunt instrument for a change.

LOL, "not my fault", quite the defense. Here, try this.


Look it up.
This is what its come to in America..the president refuses to do what’s right for the American people so good Americans have to take matters into their own hands.
I suspect we’ll see lots of vigilante justice in the near future.

Stupid is as Texas does.

Texas should stop electing cartoon characters as their governors.

TRANSLATION: I want the third-world to flood in.
Texas (take away the petroleum) is already 3rd world.

In 10 years, Texas will still look the same as it does today...angry and proud of it!
Once again you demonstrate your ignorance. The Austin area has become the new Silicon Valley. More people are employed by information and technology than the energy sector.
Yeah, the most liberal part of Texas is actually doing pretty well in spite of the rest of the backwards state. You're right about that.

Yep, a liberal mecca...dumbass.

That's Texas for you... If God was going to give the world an enema...She would put the nozzle right in the middle of Texas.

No, that's Austin for you, liberals (apparently) doing God's work

Austin is still in Texas, right?

I see, so Austin is part of "the backwards state" until it's not...fricken idiot.

It’s a bright spot in an ass backwards state.

"Ass backwards" like believing a woman can have a penis?

No, like believing Donald Trump won the election.

Like thinking letting 700 people freeze to death, in the dark and doing nothing to prevent it from happening again.

Like banning abortions while having the highest rate of infant death in the USA. Saving the unborn, but letting living babies die.

Ass backward like that.
This is what its come to in America..the president refuses to do what’s right for the American people so good Americans have to take matters into their own hands.
I suspect we’ll see lots of vigilante justice in the near future.
Immigration and the country's borders still come under the jurisdiction of the federal government, not states.
What's your point?
That Texas is required to let their citizens be fucked over due to the traitorous, extremely incompetent executive in offic

This is what its come to in America..the president refuses to do what’s right for the American people so good Americans have to take matters into their own hands.
I suspect we’ll see lots of vigilante justice in the near future.
Immigration and the country's borders still come under the jurisdiction of the federal government, not states.
When the Feds refuse to do their job there is no reason the state can't.
The feds are doing their job, just not the way the white supremacists what them to do it.
It's all about race with you fucking pussies.
This is what its come to in America..the president refuses to do what’s right for the American people so good Americans have to take matters into their own hands.
I suspect we’ll see lots of vigilante justice in the near future.

Stupid is as Texas does.

Texas should stop electing cartoon characters as their governors.
Texas kicked Mexico’s ass a couple times already. What makes you think they can’t do it again.
We have more guns than Mexico has people. They won't do cocksucking shit.
This is what its come to in America..the president refuses to do what’s right for the American people so good Americans have to take matters into their own hands.
I suspect we’ll see lots of vigilante justice in the near future.

Stupid is as Texas does.

Texas should stop electing cartoon characters as their governors.
Texas kicked Mexico’s ass a couple times already. What makes you think they can’t do it again.
We have more guns than Mexico has people. They won't do cocksucking shit.
When the democrats start their bullshit from the North let us know. Missouri will help you out.
This is what its come to in America..the president refuses to do what’s right for the American people so good Americans have to take matters into their own hands.
I suspect we’ll see lots of vigilante justice in the near future.

Stupid is as Texas does.

Texas should stop electing cartoon characters as their governors.
Texas kicked Mexico’s ass a couple times already. What makes you think they can’t do it again.
We have more guns than Mexico has people. They won't do cocksucking shit.
When the democrats start their bullshit from the North let us know. Missouri will help you out.
Bring Josey and the other Ruffians with you .
This is what its come to in America..the president refuses to do what’s right for the American people so good Americans have to take matters into their own hands.
I suspect we’ll see lots of vigilante justice in the near future.

Stupid is as Texas does.

Texas should stop electing cartoon characters as their governors.
Texas kicked Mexico’s ass a couple times already. What makes you think they can’t do it again.
We have more guns than Mexico has people. They won't do cocksucking shit.
When the democrats start their bullshit from the North let us know. Missouri will help you out.
Bring Josey and the other Ruffians with you .
Won’t be a hard recruit.
This is what its come to in America..the president refuses to do what’s right for the American people so good Americans have to take matters into their own hands.
I suspect we’ll see lots of vigilante justice in the near future.

Stupid is as Texas does.

Texas should stop electing cartoon characters as their governors.

TRANSLATION: I want the third-world to flood in.
Texas (take away the petroleum) is already 3rd world.

In 10 years, Texas will still look the same as it does today...angry and proud of it!
Once again you demonstrate your ignorance. The Austin area has become the new Silicon Valley. More people are employed by information and technology than the energy sector.
Yeah, the most liberal part of Texas is actually doing pretty well in spite of the rest of the backwards state. You're right about that.

Yep, a liberal mecca...dumbass.

That's Texas for you... If God was going to give the world an enema...She would put the nozzle right in the middle of Texas.

No, that's Austin for you, liberals (apparently) doing God's work

Austin is still in Texas, right?

I see, so Austin is part of "the backwards state" until it's not...fricken idiot.

It’s a bright spot in an ass backwards state.

"Ass backwards" like believing a woman can have a penis?

That’s true actually.
This is what its come to in America..the president refuses to do what’s right for the American people so good Americans have to take matters into their own hands.
I suspect we’ll see lots of vigilante justice in the near future.

Stupid is as Texas does.

Texas should stop electing cartoon characters as their governors.

TRANSLATION: I want the third-world to flood in.
Texas (take away the petroleum) is already 3rd world.

In 10 years, Texas will still look the same as it does today...angry and proud of it!
Once again you demonstrate your ignorance. The Austin area has become the new Silicon Valley. More people are employed by information and technology than the energy sector.
Yeah, the most liberal part of Texas is actually doing pretty well in spite of the rest of the backwards state. You're right about that.

Yep, a liberal mecca...dumbass.

That's Texas for you... If God was going to give the world an enema...She would put the nozzle right in the middle of Texas.

No, that's Austin for you, liberals (apparently) doing God's work

Austin is still in Texas, right?

I see, so Austin is part of "the backwards state" until it's not...fricken idiot.

It’s a bright spot in an ass backwards state.

"Ass backwards" like believing a woman can have a penis?

That’s true actually.

you can tell yourself whatever fucking fantasies you want. Just don't expect me to do the same.
This is what its come to in America..the president refuses to do what’s right for the American people so good Americans have to take matters into their own hands.
I suspect we’ll see lots of vigilante justice in the near future.

Stupid is as Texas does.

Texas should stop electing cartoon characters as their governors.

TRANSLATION: I want the third-world to flood in.
Texas (take away the petroleum) is already 3rd world.

In 10 years, Texas will still look the same as it does today...angry and proud of it!
Once again you demonstrate your ignorance. The Austin area has become the new Silicon Valley. More people are employed by information and technology than the energy sector.
Yeah, the most liberal part of Texas is actually doing pretty well in spite of the rest of the backwards state. You're right about that.

Yep, a liberal mecca...dumbass.

That's Texas for you... If God was going to give the world an enema...She would put the nozzle right in the middle of Texas.

No, that's Austin for you, liberals (apparently) doing God's work

Austin is still in Texas, right?

I see, so Austin is part of "the backwards state" until it's not...fricken idiot.

It’s a bright spot in an ass backwards state.

Yep, I'm sure the entire homeless population in Austin believes your BS.

Well Texas is a shit hole. Austin is just a small bright spot
This is what its come to in America..the president refuses to do what’s right for the American people so good Americans have to take matters into their own hands.
I suspect we’ll see lots of vigilante justice in the near future.

Stupid is as Texas does.

Texas should stop electing cartoon characters as their governors.

TRANSLATION: I want the third-world to flood in.
Texas (take away the petroleum) is already 3rd world.

In 10 years, Texas will still look the same as it does today...angry and proud of it!
Once again you demonstrate your ignorance. The Austin area has become the new Silicon Valley. More people are employed by information and technology than the energy sector.
Yeah, the most liberal part of Texas is actually doing pretty well in spite of the rest of the backwards state. You're right about that.

Yep, a liberal mecca...dumbass.

That's Texas for you... If God was going to give the world an enema...She would put the nozzle right in the middle of Texas.

No, that's Austin for you, liberals (apparently) doing God's work

Austin is still in Texas, right?

I see, so Austin is part of "the backwards state" until it's not...fricken idiot.

It’s a bright spot in an ass backwards state.

"Ass backwards" like believing a woman can have a penis?

That’s true actually.

How is that true?
This is what its come to in America..the president refuses to do what’s right for the American people so good Americans have to take matters into their own hands.
I suspect we’ll see lots of vigilante justice in the near future.

Stupid is as Texas does.

Texas should stop electing cartoon characters as their governors.

TRANSLATION: I want the third-world to flood in.
Texas (take away the petroleum) is already 3rd world.

In 10 years, Texas will still look the same as it does today...angry and proud of it!
Once again you demonstrate your ignorance. The Austin area has become the new Silicon Valley. More people are employed by information and technology than the energy sector.
Yeah, the most liberal part of Texas is actually doing pretty well in spite of the rest of the backwards state. You're right about that.

Yep, a liberal mecca...dumbass.

That's Texas for you... If God was going to give the world an enema...She would put the nozzle right in the middle of Texas.

No, that's Austin for you, liberals (apparently) doing God's work

Austin is still in Texas, right?

I see, so Austin is part of "the backwards state" until it's not...fricken idiot.

It’s a bright spot in an ass backwards state.

Yep, I'm sure the entire homeless population in Austin believes your BS.

Well Texas is a shit hole. Austin is just a small bright spot

Strongly disagree

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