Gov Abbott: Texans will build their own wall and arrest illegals

Got to do something, these 3rd world brown turds will destroy America, just like they did to the places they come from
That’s what happens when Americans make cartels huge and invincible by buying their drugs, huh?
You will get no argument from me.

When government bans products that people want, it creates a huge black market, which creates monsters.

You would think we would've learned that lesson from prohibition but no. When education turns out useless ignorant fucks who know all sorts of bullshit about how they are inherently racist but know nothing about history, that history is destined to repeat itself.
Tell us about the origins of the drug war....

Were they predicated on racial reasons or no?

The drug war may have been perpetuated for racist reasons and you can point to any political elite and they are guilty of it.
A distinction in search of a difference....
Yes, there is no difference between a 1930s beginning of a drug war and a 1990s Biden racist policy.

Again, you masturbate to victimhood. Knock it off.

I will join you in the quest to kill the fucking drug war. Stop making ME and all white people the enemy.
the 1994 Crime bill indeed was racist as it targeted "crack cocaine" more harshly than it did power cocaine....because of the presumption that more black folks sold and did I am glad you agree that bill was a racially targeted bill......

People like Biden bragged about how tough the bill would be in order to curry favor with the appear the "Dems" are being tough on crime....

Question....what side of the ideological spectrum opposed that bill the most? Liberals or conservatives??

What side of the spectrum later pushed the most policies to correct the problems of that bill....conservatives or liberals??
Yeah. The "law and order" (authoritarian Jesus Nazi) "conservatives" pushed it. No question. It was all about red meat to their Jesus Nazi base. Please tell me you don't think it was all to get blackie. Please.

Still think I'm a conservative?
Funny how you keep caping up for conservatives while trying to claim "Oh, I ain't a conservative, I'm a liberal"

Yet when I asked you a simple question -- you made sure the qualify your answer by saying "yea, but it was the other Jesus kind of conservative tho..."

Why do all of that qualifying and labeling about a simple a question?

I had no problems in stating that the 94 Crime bill was passed by Democrats....I didn't say: "but but it was the Jesus nazi democrats tho...."

I am person who only cares about policies -- That's why I don't have to always have to cape up for party labels like you seem to do....
What do you mean "caping up" for conservatives?

Taking up for them? If you think calling them Jesus Nazis is excusing them, you and I have a different understanding of "taking up for." I was accusing them of a different kind of bullshitery which is why I can't call myself a "conservative." Just because I don't agree with your theory of their motives doesn't mean I agree with their policies.

You must have missed all the times I called the GOP useless and dog shit.
I asked you a simple question... what side of the political spectrum opposed the 94 Crime bill the most??

Liberal of Conservative...a simple answer


There is no Jesus Nazi on the political spectrum....unless you are claiming that Senator McConnell is a Jesus Nazi or Bob Dole was a Jesus Nazi....

Furthermore, the "conservatives" who did vote against the bill voted because it didn't go far enough.....

However, the "liberals" who voted against it did it because they CORRECTLY predicted how it was too conservative and how it would unfairly target black folks.....
Got to do something, these 3rd world brown turds will destroy America, just like they did to the places they come from
That’s what happens when Americans make cartels huge and invincible by buying their drugs, huh?
You will get no argument from me.

When government bans products that people want, it creates a huge black market, which creates monsters.

You would think we would've learned that lesson from prohibition but no. When education turns out useless ignorant fucks who know all sorts of bullshit about how they are inherently racist but know nothing about history, that history is destined to repeat itself.
Tell us about the origins of the drug war....

Were they predicated on racial reasons or no?

The drug war may have been perpetuated for racist reasons and you can point to any political elite and they are guilty of it.
A distinction in search of a difference....
Yes, there is no difference between a 1930s beginning of a drug war and a 1990s Biden racist policy.

Again, you masturbate to victimhood. Knock it off.

I will join you in the quest to kill the fucking drug war. Stop making ME and all white people the enemy.
the 1994 Crime bill indeed was racist as it targeted "crack cocaine" more harshly than it did power cocaine....because of the presumption that more black folks sold and did I am glad you agree that bill was a racially targeted bill......

People like Biden bragged about how tough the bill would be in order to curry favor with the appear the "Dems" are being tough on crime....

Question....what side of the ideological spectrum opposed that bill the most? Liberals or conservatives??

What side of the spectrum later pushed the most policies to correct the problems of that bill....conservatives or liberals??
Yeah. The "law and order" (authoritarian Jesus Nazi) "conservatives" pushed it. No question. It was all about red meat to their Jesus Nazi base. Please tell me you don't think it was all to get blackie. Please.

Still think I'm a conservative?
Funny how you keep caping up for conservatives while trying to claim "Oh, I ain't a conservative, I'm a liberal"

Yet when I asked you a simple question -- you made sure the qualify your answer by saying "yea, but it was the other Jesus kind of conservative tho..."

Why do all of that qualifying and labeling about a simple a question?

I had no problems in stating that the 94 Crime bill was passed by Democrats....I didn't say: "but but it was the Jesus nazi democrats tho...."

I am person who only cares about policies -- That's why I don't have to always have to cape up for party labels like you seem to do....
What do you mean "caping up" for conservatives?

Taking up for them? If you think calling them Jesus Nazis is excusing them, you and I have a different understanding of "taking up for." I was accusing them of a different kind of bullshitery which is why I can't call myself a "conservative." Just because I don't agree with your theory of their motives doesn't mean I agree with their policies.

You must have missed all the times I called the GOP useless and dog shit.
I asked you a simple question... what side of the political spectrum opposed the 94 Crime bill the most??

Liberal of Conservative...a simple answer

View attachment 500047
There is no Jesus Nazi on the political spectrum....unless you are claiming that Senator McConnell is a Jesus Nazi or Bob Dole was a Jesus Nazi....

Furthermore, the "conservatives" who did vote against the bill voted because it didn't go far enough.....

However, the "liberals" who voted against it did it because they CORRECTLY predicted how it was too conservative and how it would unfairly target black folks.....
It's not a simple question and your "political spectrum" chart is wholly inadequate and way too simplistic. And, yes, I am claiming that Mushmouth Mitch and Bob Dole are Jesus Nazis.

But fuck all that partisan shit. ALL the political elite on all sides are AUTHORITARIANS!!! THAT is the problem.


It's not right or left that caused the drug war. It's not black or white or brown or anything else. It is up vs. down. See above.

You want more freedom? Fuck left or right. That gets us NOWHERE when they are ALL in the Authoritarian Right quadrant.
Tell me about how weed became something we had to ban
I just did
that isn't how it became banned......that is just how you are still trying to justify it being banned....despite all of the evidence otherwise....

"In the early 1900s, an influx of Mexican immigrants came to the US fleeing political unrest in their home country. The Spanish word for the plant started to be used more often too. Marijuana -- By emphasizing the Spanish word marijuana instead of cannabis, this created a strong association between the drug and the newly arrived Mexican immigrants."

They later had to reverse engineer a "health reason" to justify banning it...
In the wacky world of libs everything they dont like is the result of racism

You have to go back to the 1800s to learn why drugs where banned

Because they were all legal at one time

But little old ladies were getting soused on patent medicines that were laced with cocaine and opium

The public saw the menace of drugs and banned them
Tell me about how weed became something we had to ban
I just did
that isn't how it became banned......that is just how you are still trying to justify it being banned....despite all of the evidence otherwise....

"In the early 1900s, an influx of Mexican immigrants came to the US fleeing political unrest in their home country. The Spanish word for the plant started to be used more often too. Marijuana -- By emphasizing the Spanish word marijuana instead of cannabis, this created a strong association between the drug and the newly arrived Mexican immigrants."

They later had to reverse engineer a "health reason" to justify banning it...
In the wacky world of libs everything they dont like is the result of racism

You have to go back to the 1800s to learn why drugs where banned

Because they were all legal at one time

But little old ladies were getting soused on patent medicines that were laced with cocaine and opium

The public saw the menace of drugs and banned them
Refute a single thing I said or shut the entire fuck up......

I ain't concerned with how fragile you cucks get when someone is able to support the argument with facts....

Like I just did....
Tell me about how weed became something we had to ban
I just did
that isn't how it became banned......that is just how you are still trying to justify it being banned....despite all of the evidence otherwise....

"In the early 1900s, an influx of Mexican immigrants came to the US fleeing political unrest in their home country. The Spanish word for the plant started to be used more often too. Marijuana -- By emphasizing the Spanish word marijuana instead of cannabis, this created a strong association between the drug and the newly arrived Mexican immigrants."

They later had to reverse engineer a "health reason" to justify banning it...
In the wacky world of libs everything they dont like is the result of racism

You have to go back to the 1800s to learn why drugs where banned

Because they were all legal at one time

But little old ladies were getting soused on patent medicines that were laced with cocaine and opium

The public saw the menace of drugs and banned them
Refute a single thing I said or shut the entire fuck up......

I ain't concerned with how fragile you cucks get when someone is able to support the argument with facts....

Like I just did....
Yeah, yeah...white fragility...blahblahblah...

So, what is it you want?

Do you want to end the war on drugs or do you want to whine about dead white dudes and demand that I apologize for their bad behavior?
However, the "liberals" who voted against it did it because they CORRECTLY predicted how it was too conservative and how it would unfairly target black folks.....
How does any law "unfairly target" a skin color?
How does a law compel someone with a certain skin color to break said law?
This is what its come to in America..the president refuses to do what’s right for the American people so good Americans have to take matters into their own hands.
I suspect we’ll see lots of vigilante justice in the near future.
Immigration and the country's borders still come under the jurisdiction of the federal government, not states.
This is what its come to in America..the president refuses to do what’s right for the American people so good Americans have to take matters into their own hands.
I suspect we’ll see lots of vigilante justice in the near future.
Immigration and the country's borders still come under the jurisdiction of the federal government, not states.
When the Feds refuse to do their job there is no reason the state can't.
This is what its come to in America..the president refuses to do what’s right for the American people so good Americans have to take matters into their own hands.
I suspect we’ll see lots of vigilante justice in the near future.
Immigration and the country's borders still come under the jurisdiction of the federal government, not states.
What's your point?
That Texas is required to let their citizens be fucked over due to the traitorous, extremely incompetent executive in office?
A Governor who understands who elected him and who he represents and is responsible for and to Instead of fake virtue signaling that the State is some form of weepy PR machine for lawbreakers who are mostly singular or tag team drifters and grifters
Presidential material and we need Way More of this to get American politicians back on a thinking track
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This is what its come to in America..the president refuses to do what’s right for the American people so good Americans have to take matters into their own hands.
I suspect we’ll see lots of vigilante justice in the near future.
Immigration and the country's borders still come under the jurisdiction of the federal government, not states.
What's your point?
That Texas is required to let their citizens be fucked over due to the traitorous, extremely incompetent executive in offic

This is what its come to in America..the president refuses to do what’s right for the American people so good Americans have to take matters into their own hands.
I suspect we’ll see lots of vigilante justice in the near future.
Immigration and the country's borders still come under the jurisdiction of the federal government, not states.
When the Feds refuse to do their job there is no reason the state can't.
The feds are doing their job, just not the way the white supremacists what them to do it.
This is what its come to in America..the president refuses to do what’s right for the American people so good Americans have to take matters into their own hands.
I suspect we’ll see lots of vigilante justice in the near future.
Immigration and the country's borders still come under the jurisdiction of the federal government, not states.
What's your point?
That Texas is required to let their citizens be fucked over due to the traitorous, extremely incompetent executive in offic

This is what its come to in America..the president refuses to do what’s right for the American people so good Americans have to take matters into their own hands.
I suspect we’ll see lots of vigilante justice in the near future.
Immigration and the country's borders still come under the jurisdiction of the federal government, not states.
When the Feds refuse to do their job there is no reason the state can't.
The feds are doing their job, just not the way the white supremacists what them to do it.
Just last month there were 180,000 reasons you are a dumbass.
The issue with this is that the land around the border isbtederal land. So the wall would have to be far away from the border
The issue with this is that the land around the border isbtederal land. So the wall would have to be far away from the border
Let’s continue the trend of finding every method possible of allowing laws to be violated and coddle or excuse those who do so
This is what its come to in America..the president refuses to do what’s right for the American people so good Americans have to take matters into their own hands.
I suspect we’ll see lots of vigilante justice in the near future.

They can do no such thing. The Supreme Court gave states limited powers to enforce immigration law. If Abbott tries it then Abbott should be arrested.

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