Gov. Crispie is on George Stephanopoulos and it's "hilarious". He has all the answers.



Crispie was asked by George if he agrees with most Republican contenders in congress that we should put 10,000 troops on the ground. Crispie said Obama failed because he hasn't put together a coalition of invested Arab States.

Middle East countries sign up to Obama s coalition against Isis World news The Guardian

A day after Obama told the US public that the latest war in the skies above Iraq will soon cross the border into Syria, he received a major diplomatic boost from the leaders of Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and the Gulf Cooperation Council - an alliance of the Sunni Arab Gulf nations, including Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates – who pledged to “stand united” against “the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant.”


Here s a Map of Obama s Coalition Against the Islamic State - Defense One


Remember George Bush's coalition against Iraq? How many Middle Eastern countries signed on? 10? 1? Zero?????

Republicans take Obama's successes and strategies and insist that's not what Obama is doing but it's what they would do if elected. Pitiful.

The sad part is that as soon as that Middle Eastern coalition came close enough, they started firing on each other. It's why we should just leave. Let them get the fighting out of their systems and deal with who ever is left over. Nothing else will work.
I can't believe that Steffieonaplous STILL has a freaking show.

You couldn't pay to watch him after finding he donated to the CLINTIONS

he's always been a biased little piss ant with a huge head
ANY Republican that appears on the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media is an idiot.

A complete fucking fool.

Enter Chris Christie

Better to not be seen at all than to be invited onto a show where the only goal is to humiliate you through ambush journalism. Which, there isn't ANY journalism left in the DISGUSTING FILTH anyway. They're just stenographers and dick-suckers for the DNC

But, it might be that people like Christie, in his narcissism and vanity, think they can handle the FILTH in the LSM. Trump is the same way. There has GOT to be something in the water in Joisey :dunno:

Christie TOTALLY blew any chance he had at becoming President when he sucked obama's dick in public after that tiny little gust of wind, Sandy. Then he goes and gives a totally lackluster speech at the Republican Convention??

Fuck him. Fat pig. He has absolutely ZERO chance of -- Anything. He and Joisey deserve each other.
Amazingly, willfully ignorant RWs STILL don't know that Obama has ordered more than 6000 bombing runs against ISIL and there are more than 60 countries following Obama's lead.

The Rs lie because they want a ground war against ISIL. Stupid and impossible to win but profitable to the 1% and really, isn't that what really matters?
ANY Republican that appears on the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media is an idiot.

A complete fucking fool.

Enter Chris Christie

Better to not be seen at all than to be invited onto a show where the only goal is to humiliate you through ambush journalism. Which, there isn't ANY journalism left in the DISGUSTING FILTH anyway. They're just stenographers and dick-suckers for the DNC

But, it might be that people like Christie, in his narcissism and vanity, think they can handle the FILTH in the LSM. Trump is the same way. There has GOT to be something in the water in Joisey :dunno:

Christie TOTALLY blew any chance he had at becoming President when he sucked obama's dick in public after that tiny little gust of wind, Sandy. Then he goes and gives a totally lackluster speech at the Republican Convention??

Fuck him. Fat pig. He has absolutely ZERO chance of -- Anything. He and Joisey deserve each other.
In public? and no pictures? Groping isn't the same as sucking dick.

Amazingly, willfully ignorant RWs STILL don't know that Obama has ordered more than 6000 bombing runs against ISIL and there are more than 60 countries following Obama's lead.

The Rs lie because they want a ground war against ISIL. Stupid and impossible to win but profitable to the 1% and really, isn't that what really matters?
I was just watching members of an Iraqi battalion being interviewed. They said America invaded once, if they came back they will be shot. They said they want to kill Isis and Americans. When Iraqi's put us on the same level as Isis, then it's time to be gone and stay gone.
Christie has no chance. He put his state before politics during Hurricane Sanday, and that's a huuuuuuuuuge faux pas for republican candidates.
I was just watching members of an Iraqi battalion being interviewed. They said America invaded once, if they came back they will be shot. They said they want to kill Isis and Americans. When Iraqi's put us on the same level as Isis, then it's time to be gone and stay gone.

We're still in Germany.

And Japan.

And Italy.

And Korea.

And Okinawa.

Do you think the German People were wild about having Americans in their Country after we killed a few million of them and fire bombed their Cities and killed their Brothers, Husbands and Fathers by the Million?

Same in Japan.

We told them, "We're staying. Don't like it? Suck on it. Wanna try and stop us? We'll kill another million of you."

And we haven't had a bit of trouble out of any of them since we put our troops in there and kept them there.

Not only that, the Countries themselves are doing FANTASTIC. Their Standard of Living equals or surpasses ours in all of them.... Except maybe Italy. They're still -- Well, Italian

But now that we have CRAVEN COWARDS (you) in charge of American Politics, we get surrender instead of victory. We get to deal with radical scum for another 20 years instead of stamping it out when we had the chance.

Good. You'll get what's coming to you someday. What all cowards eventually get.

And I'm going to laugh my ass off while it's happening.

When they drag your son off to serve in a combat unit as Cannon fodder in a God-Forsaken desert because the dimocrap scum party of today was too cowardly to preserve the victory Republicans GAVE you...... I'm going to laugh hysterically.

And when your son comes home in a bag?

Remember this conversation. We had the Victory and your party gave it away. We could have ended these scum PERMANENTLY, and you ran away

But you'll still find a way to blame somebody else. If there is one constant in this world, it is that cowards never take responsibility for their own cowardice

Don't even bother. Not interested
I was just watching members of an Iraqi battalion being interviewed. They said America invaded once, if they came back they will be shot. They said they want to kill Isis and Americans. When Iraqi's put us on the same level as Isis, then it's time to be gone and stay gone.

We're still in Germany.

And Japan.

And Italy.

And Korea.

And Okinawa.

Do you think the German People were wild about having Americans in their Country after we killed a few million of them and fire bombed their Cities and killed their Brothers, Husbands and Fathers by the Million?

Same in Japan.

We told them, "We're staying. Don't like it? Suck on it. Wanna try and stop us? We'll kill another million of you."

And we haven't had a bit of trouble out of any of them since we put our troops in there and kept them there.

Not only that, the Countries themselves are doing FANTASTIC. Their Standard of Living equals or surpasses ours in all of them.... Except maybe Italy. They're still -- Well, Italian

But now that we have CRAVEN COWARDS (you) in charge of American Politics, we get surrender instead of victory. We get to deal with radical scum for another 20 years instead of stamping it out when we had the chance.

Good. You'll get what's coming to you someday. What all cowards eventually get.

And I'm going to laugh my ass off while it's happening.

When they drag your son off to serve in a combat unit as Cannon fodder in a God-Forsaken desert because the dimocrap scum party of today was too cowardly to preserve the victory Republicans GAVE you...... I'm going to laugh hysterically.

And when your son comes home in a bag?

Remember this conversation. We had the Victory and your party gave it away. We could have ended these scum PERMANENTLY, and you ran away

But you'll still find a way to blame somebody else. If there is one constant in this world, it is that cowards never take responsibility for their own cowardice

Don't even bother. Not interested
^ Completely insane
Crispie was asked by George if he agrees with most Republican contenders in congress that we should put 10,000 troops on the ground. Crispie said Obama failed because he hasn't put together a coalition of invested Arab States.

Middle East countries sign up to Obama s coalition against Isis World news The Guardian

A day after Obama told the US public that the latest war in the skies above Iraq will soon cross the border into Syria, he received a major diplomatic boost from the leaders of Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and the Gulf Cooperation Council - an alliance of the Sunni Arab Gulf nations, including Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates – who pledged to “stand united” against “the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant.”


Here s a Map of Obama s Coalition Against the Islamic State - Defense One


Remember George Bush's coalition against Iraq? How many Middle Eastern countries signed on? 10? 1? Zero?????

Republicans take Obama's successes and strategies and insist that's not what Obama is doing but it's what they would do if elected. Pitiful.

The sad part is that as soon as that Middle Eastern coalition came close enough, they started firing on each other. It's why we should just leave. Let them get the fighting out of their systems and deal with who ever is left over. Nothing else will work.
When you see a map it really puts things into perspective. We've got the entire right wing of America completely frothing at the mouth over a piece of wasteland that could fit inside a few of our states. And on top of that, it's on practically the opposite side of the planet. They are chomping at the bit to send Americans to die over there for no reason.
^ Completely insane

Really, scumbag?

I told you EXACTLY what was going to happen after we left Iraq. Exactly. To a 'T'

I told you that we were thwarted by Turkey in our initial efforts to destroy Saddam's Republican Guard when Turkey refused to allow the 4th Infantry Division (The US Military's most powerful fighting force) to go through their Country and hit them from the North.

I told you that they had melted into the Countryside and that they were going to emerge if the cowardly scum in the dimocrap filth party pulled our troops out of Iraq.

And I was right. As usual.

And I'm telling you now -- Those boys ain't playing. They have taken over most of Iraq, most of Libya, most of Syria and have got the whole region scared shitless.

They're not some bunch of terrorist assholes they ARE A STATE. A real, honest to God State.

I see them taking over most of Syria, most of Iraq and Libya and consolidating their power. They're calling Libya, their 'Gateway to the West'

If they make a deal with China or Russia (more likely China) and start getting some real arms and some aircraft.......

War may very well break out between Shiite Iran and Sunni ISIS.

Who will back Whom? Saudi Arabia is Sunni but they hate ISIS. They also hate Iran.

Israel and Saudi Arabia are all but Allies in name only. Israel may hit Iran becaus e we have a weak-kneed coward in the White House and a known Traitor as his main negotiator

Pakistan is staying neutral but if the shit hits the fan -- They are a very powerful Country.

And all of this? ALL of it? Because we have have a piece of fucking shit in the White House.

Every last bit of it.

And the SCRUNT responsible for this complete break down is running on the dimocrap filth ticket for POTUS?

You people on the dimocrap scum side have no clue how bad things are in the ME. Mostly because you're stupid but partly because the DISGUSTING FILTH doesn't want to show how badly things are because it reflect badly on the Lying Cocksucker in Chief.

You have no idea how bad things are. None.

When these scumbags detonate a Nuke in your town, maybe then you'll figure it out...

Nah. You're too stupid

You have no clue. You really don't
When you see a map it really puts things into perspective. We've got the entire right wing of America completely frothing at the mouth over a piece of wasteland that could fit inside a few of our states. And on top of that, it's on practically the opposite side of the planet. They are chomping at the bit to send Americans to die over there for no reason.

So what you're saying is -- They're just a JV Team, right?


all of you
^ Completely insane

Really, scumbag?

I told you EXACTLY what was going to happen after we left Iraq. Exactly. To a 'T'

I told you that we were thwarted by Turkey in our initial efforts to destroy Saddam's Republican Guard when Turkey refused to allow the 4th Infantry Division (The US Military's most powerful fighting force) to go through their Country and hit them from the North.

I told you that they had melted into the Countryside and that they were going to emerge if the cowardly scum in the dimocrap filth party pulled our troops out of Iraq.

And I was right. As usual.

And I'm telling you now -- Those boys ain't playing. They have taken over most of Iraq, most of Libya, most of Syria and have got the whole region scared shitless.

They're not some bunch of terrorist assholes they ARE A STATE. A real, honest to God State.

I see them taking over most of Syria, most of Iraq and Libya and consolidating their power. They're calling Libya, their 'Gateway to the West'

If they make a deal with China or Russia (more likely China) and start getting some real arms and some aircraft.......

War may very well break out between Shiite Iran and Sunni ISIS.

Who will back Whom? Saudi Arabia is Sunni but they hate ISIS. They also hate Iran.

Israel and Saudi Arabia are all but Allies in name only. Israel may hit Iran becaus e we have a weak-kneed coward in the White House and a known Traitor as his main negotiator

Pakistan is staying neutral but if the shit hits the fan -- They are a very powerful Country.

And all of this? ALL of it? Because we have have a piece of fucking shit in the White House.

Every last bit of it.

And the SCRUNT responsible for this complete break down is running on the dimocrap filth ticket for POTUS?

You people on the dimocrap scum side have no clue how bad things are in the ME. Mostly because you're stupid but partly because the DISGUSTING FILTH doesn't want to show how badly things are because it reflect badly on the Lying Cocksucker in Chief.

You have no idea how bad things are. None.

When these scumbags detonate a Nuke in your town, maybe then you'll figure it out...

Nah. You're too stupid

You have no clue. You really don't
Good for you. Buy a plane ticket and go fight them asshole. Before that, can you explain to me why the only country that cares is on the other side of the planet?

What our enemies want most, is for assholes like you to win the argument in this country so we'll waste a few more trillions of dollars and thousands of lives fighting over sand. China and Russia will laugh their asses again. China, btw was the biggest benefactor of the oil in Iraq. And what did it cost them? Nothing.
When you see a map it really puts things into perspective. We've got the entire right wing of America completely frothing at the mouth over a piece of wasteland that could fit inside a few of our states. And on top of that, it's on practically the opposite side of the planet. They are chomping at the bit to send Americans to die over there for no reason.

So what you're saying is -- They're just a JV Team, right?


all of you
Go fight them pussy.
I was just watching members of an Iraqi battalion being interviewed. They said America invaded once, if they came back they will be shot. They said they want to kill Isis and Americans. When Iraqi's put us on the same level as Isis, then it's time to be gone and stay gone.

We're still in Germany.

And Japan.

And Italy.

And Korea.

And Okinawa.

Do you think the German People were wild about having Americans in their Country after we killed a few million of them and fire bombed their Cities and killed their Brothers, Husbands and Fathers by the Million?

Same in Japan.

We told them, "We're staying. Don't like it? Suck on it. Wanna try and stop us? We'll kill another million of you."

And we haven't had a bit of trouble out of any of them since we put our troops in there and kept them there.

Not only that, the Countries themselves are doing FANTASTIC. Their Standard of Living equals or surpasses ours in all of them.... Except maybe Italy. They're still -- Well, Italian

But now that we have CRAVEN COWARDS (you) in charge of American Politics, we get surrender instead of victory. We get to deal with radical scum for another 20 years instead of stamping it out when we had the chance.

Good. You'll get what's coming to you someday. What all cowards eventually get.

And I'm going to laugh my ass off while it's happening.

When they drag your son off to serve in a combat unit as Cannon fodder in a God-Forsaken desert because the dimocrap scum party of today was too cowardly to preserve the victory Republicans GAVE you...... I'm going to laugh hysterically.

And when your son comes home in a bag?

Remember this conversation. We had the Victory and your party gave it away. We could have ended these scum PERMANENTLY, and you ran away

But you'll still find a way to blame somebody else. If there is one constant in this world, it is that cowards never take responsibility for their own cowardice

Don't even bother. Not interested
Which of those countries asked us to leave?
Crispie was asked by George if he agrees with most Republican contenders in congress that we should put 10,000 troops on the ground. Crispie said Obama failed because he hasn't put together a coalition of invested Arab States.

Middle East countries sign up to Obama s coalition against Isis World news The Guardian

A day after Obama told the US public that the latest war in the skies above Iraq will soon cross the border into Syria, he received a major diplomatic boost from the leaders of Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and the Gulf Cooperation Council - an alliance of the Sunni Arab Gulf nations, including Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates – who pledged to “stand united” against “the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant.”


Here s a Map of Obama s Coalition Against the Islamic State - Defense One


Remember George Bush's coalition against Iraq? How many Middle Eastern countries signed on? 10? 1? Zero?????

Republicans take Obama's successes and strategies and insist that's not what Obama is doing but it's what they would do if elected. Pitiful.

The sad part is that as soon as that Middle Eastern coalition came close enough, they started firing on each other. It's why we should just leave. Let them get the fighting out of their systems and deal with who ever is left over. Nothing else will work.
When you see a map it really puts things into perspective. We've got the entire right wing of America completely frothing at the mouth over a piece of wasteland that could fit inside a few of our states. And on top of that, it's on practically the opposite side of the planet. They are chomping at the bit to send Americans to die over there for no reason.
They want American to die over there. They said "let them die" over here. I'm tired of the GOP doing the heavy lifting for al Qaeda. No wonder they let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him.

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