Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas: I’ll See You in Court Mr President

Yes, floating barriers cost as much as Joe leaving terrorists all that military weaponry.
but but but....
If Abbott wants to run reelection campaign stunts on being the border tuff guy he can use his campaign cash, IOW his own damn dime. He's campaigning on tax dollars.

Did you know that God wanted to kill Abbott but being the underachiever that he is, he only managed to cripple him?
Abbott has something like a 50% performance rating on that polling of all governors within their states, of course your state is turning purple, to say the least, which somehow seems sad, but it is what it is.

"Wheels" is in the pocket of the energy and development cabal, all of which are gop donators.....Not only is TX purple but it's at the very hands of the gop. I wonder who they will blame when they start getting blue US Senators and it goes down hill from there?

Virginia's NOtVA/I-95 south corridor is a cautionary tale in that regard. GOP "good ol boys" pave the way for blue-burb build-outs for the transplants in formally red counties and then want to blame the voters when they turn blue.

The TX spawn "W" was the worst thing to ever happen to Virginia with his expansion of the fed .gov.
No idea, but if you too, think the main thrust of Abbotts desire to protect his border from illegal immigration is child trafficking, instead of economic, drugs and crime issues in general, than you too are talking like a damned fool, also. Or maybe Abbott so inept, he forgot to mention that as being his primary concern over the years? I doubt it, and doubt you actually believe it either.
His motive doesn't matter, Simp.
His motive doesn't matter, Simp.
Of course it does. Those stunts are not governing. Abbott isn't a good steward of the state's resources. He's grifting the state to run his tuff on the border campaign for reelection. He wanted to get sued by the DoJ so he can say he's trying but Biden didn't let him. Poor me.
So, in other words, you have zero rationalization as to why the party you voted for and support is not protecting the citizens and the sovereignty of this country? What else would you call it? Please give us the reasons this is happening that doesn't make it treason?
Absolutely no clue whatsoever and pisses me off also. But, at least I didn't vote for the twice impeached, anti-American asshole, that conspired to overthrow the vote of the country after he lost at the polls, the recounts, the state houses, and the courts (even those appointed by him) finally sending his trumped up mob to march on the capital, still failing to overthrow the legitimate vote, with his mob threatening to hang is VP and the Speaker of the House, and is now awaiting conviction in Federal Court for his charged crimes. So there is that.
Only a nutball would even talk about 'Q', it's an asinine concept started by the people that you support, and as a conspiracy nut, you apparently buy into it hook, line and sinker. :cuckoo:

Please elaborate on why the man you voted for and support is allowing the national disgrace that is our southern border to continue?

Not only does he allow it, he encouraged it.
No, it was started by Q, whoever that was or the pizza parlor they ate in, and sometimes supported and retweeted for consumption by Donny Boy, the ignorant Anti-American Fk. Abbott, the subject of this thread actually tried to sue, to help the effort, appealing to the conservative Supreme Court, which turned him down flat, as he had no standing.
Abbott has been protesting the conditions on the border...well Governor Rick "Not my Hair!" Perry was sending PoPo to interdict before him.
It is a serious situation. I favor Abbott's position more than Joe's, though you know me, and know the partisan assholes on here are wasting their time, trying to make me the subject, instead of Abbott's position.
Of course you lie about all of the sex workers being brought across the border. You’ve got motive.
You really do think Abbott's position is all about sex workers, and he really doesn't give a shit about the real issues effecting his state and tax paying citizens? When did you become so obtuse?
"Wheels" is in the pocket of the energy and development cabal, all of which are gop donators.....Not only is TX purple but it's at the very hands of the gop. I wonder who they will blame when they start getting blue US Senators and it goes down hill from there?

Virginia's NOtVA/I-95 south corridor is a cautionary tale in that regard. GOP "good ol boys" pave the way for blue-burb build-outs for the transplants in formally red counties and then want to blame the voters when they turn blue.

The TX spawn "W" was the worst thing to ever happen to Virginia with his expansion of the fed .gov.
You represent the heart of and mindset of your state historically. Good luck to you over there.
Of course it does. Those stunts are not governing. Abbott isn't a good steward of the state's resources. He's grifting the state to run his tuff on the border campaign for reelection. He wanted to get sued by the DoJ so he can say he's trying but Biden didn't let him. Poor me.
Thanks for proving once again just how colossally out of touch with reality you are.
His motive doesn't matter, Simp.
I did not bring up Biden's motive and plainly stated, I have no idea what it is, nor care. It is enough for me to know, Joe is wrong on border, Simp.
I used to be a lot more uptight about the border until I met a guy in the hospital who had jumped out of a window of a burning building and miraculously survived. He said he was scared of jumping to his death, but what was behind him was scarier, worse.
That's why they come. It's a human tragedy
Absolutely no clue whatsoever and pisses me off also. But, at least I didn't vote for the twice impeached, anti-American asshole, that conspired to overthrow the vote of the country after he lost at the polls, the recounts, the state houses, and the courts (even those appointed by him) finally sending his trumped up mob to march on the capital, still failing to overthrow the legitimate vote, with his mob threatening to hang is VP and the Speaker of the House, and is now awaiting conviction in Federal Court for his charged crimes. So there is that.

You were doing well until your 2nd sentence.

Funny that your first sentence doesn't generate the same amount of animosity and hate you feel towards Trump. Perhaps you should direct that same loathing towards the asshole you voted for?

The anti-American asshole that's had the best track record of protecting American sovereignty and interests of any pres in the last 20 years? Just because you have too big of an ego to admit that you bought into all of the 'media' lies and D bullshit contantly flung at him and anyone associated with him. Yet you never ask yourself why they want to take him down so badly? No curiosity there at all? Everythng else they do is to the detriment of America and its citizens, yet they're going to save you from Trump. Please. :rolleyes:

And you can't help but make it about Trump since you have no answer for the traitorous admin currently installed that you support.

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