Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas: I’ll See You in Court Mr President

No, it was started by Q, whoever that was or the pizza parlor they ate in, and sometimes supported and retweeted for consumption by Donny Boy, the ignorant Anti-American Fk. Abbott, the subject of this thread actually tried to sue, to help the effort, appealing to the conservative Supreme Court, which turned him down flat, as he had no standing.

Who the fuck is Q? Seriously? :laughing0301:

You talk about people believing in stolen election conspiracies, yet you're right there believing all the bullshit the 'media' and the left puts out every day. lol
I did not bring up Biden's motive and plainly stated, I have no idea what it is, nor care. It is enough for me to know, Joe is wrong on border, Simp.

Wow, you don't care??? That explains a lot! Turn your eyes the other way when the stooge you voted for is committing a far greater crime against the US and her sovereignty than a few thousand protestors ever could have. :cuckoo:
Who the fuck is Q? Seriously? :laughing0301:

You talk about people believing in stolen election conspiracies, yet you're right there believing all the bullshit the 'media' and the left puts out every day. lol
Ask donny and mtg.
Wow, you don't care??? That explains a lot! Turn your eyes the other way when the stooge you voted for is committing a far greater crime against the US and her sovereignty than a few thousand protestors ever could have. :cuckoo:
When he does, you want me to turn my eyes?
When he does, you want me to turn my eyes?

You're already doing that, while acting like you give a damn about this country at all. You just got done stating you don't care why Biden is allowing our border to be over run, hence as long as your guy is the one committing treasonous acts, you're fine.
You really do think Abbott's position is all about sex workers, and he really doesn't give a shit about the real issues effecting his state and tax paying citizens? When did you become so obtuse?
No, I think Democrats position is all about keeping women and children flooding into the US sex trade business going.

Glad I could clarify.
Absolutely no clue whatsoever and pisses me off also. But, at least I didn't vote for the twice impeached, anti-American asshole, that conspired to overthrow the vote of the country after he lost at the polls, the recounts, the state houses, and the courts (even those appointed by him) finally sending his trumped up mob to march on the capital, still failing to overthrow the legitimate vote, with his mob threatening to hang is VP and the Speaker of the House, and is now awaiting conviction in Federal Court for his charged crimes. So there is that.
Ah yes. When a few dozen unarmed yahoos almost overthrew the United States government. My, those were the days!

We’ll be better prepared next time.
DOJ has now sued Texas.

Biden demands open borders.
Biden demands people be denied their 1A rights.

Who said Democrats hate America?
You're already doing that, while acting like you give a damn about this country at all. You just got done stating you don't care why Biden is allowing our border to be over run, hence as long as your guy is the one committing treasonous acts, you're fine.
The why is rarely as important as an action, nor as long lasting. Grow up. So I support Abbott in this and nobody know what the fk you support.

OK, maybe I'm not understanding. Does Abbott's concern of the border, only matter to you if it is somehow solely about trafficked children, the rest of the ills (the majority) done to his state mattering not?

Is it possible you were trafficked as a child? If that is the case, I am terribly sorry for your situation and think maybe you should write the governor to change his reason for the action, if you think it will make you feel better. I certainly cannot help you.
No, I think Democrats position is all about keeping women and children flooding into the US sex trade business going.

Glad I could clarify.
Well at least you did clearly, though I doubt that is the key thing on the Governor's mind.
The why is rarely as important as an action, nor as long lasting. Grow up. So I support Abbott in this and nobody know what the fk you support.

OK, maybe I'm not understanding. Does Abbott's concern of the border, only matter to you if it is somehow solely about trafficked children, the rest of the ills (the majority) done to his state mattering not?

Is it possible you were trafficked as a child? If that is the case, I am terribly sorry for your situation and think maybe you should write the governor to change his reason for the action, if you think it will make you feel better. I certainly cannot help you.

The bolded is complete bullshit. The WHY is everything. WHY would a president intentionally foster and create a porous border that introduces a myriad of potential threats to the United States and her citizens. The answer to that question is not good, whether it be to allow child trafficking to continue, he's owned by foreign entities that seek to destroy the US from within, or he's bought out by the drug cartels to keep their business running smoothly and with as little interference as possible. NONE of the reasons are good. They all make him a traitor far worse than any protestor entering the Capitol building on 1/6. But you don't give a damn.

I have never uttered one word about why Abbott has concern for the border, I'm sure there are many and vast reasons, specifically related to the health of the state he's been elected to represent and protect. It doesn't have to be an either/or, it could be MANY. That you seek to diminish child trafficking as a reason seems pretty bizarre to me, of course you'd put that at the bottom of the list of concerns since you don't seem to care about anything else.
The bolded is complete bullshit. The WHY is everything. WHY would a president intentionally foster and create a porous border that introduces a myriad of potential threats to the United States and her citizens. The answer to that question is not good, whether it be to allow child trafficking to continue, he's owned by foreign entities that seek to destroy the US from within, or he's bought out by the drug cartels to keep their business running smoothly and with as little interference as possible. NONE of the reasons are good. They all make him a traitor far worse than any protestor entering the Capitol building on 1/6. But you don't give a damn.

I have never uttered one word about why Abbott has concern for the border, I'm sure there are many and vast reasons, specifically related to the health of the state he's been elected to represent and protect. It doesn't have to be an either/or, it could be MANY. That you seek to diminish child trafficking as a reason seems pretty bizarre to me, of course you'd put that at the bottom of the list of concerns since you don't seem to care about anything else.
There is nothing to indicate your assumption he is owned by a foreign government involved, in his handline (or in this case mishandling) of the border. There probably are a lot of "come one, come all" bleeding heart Democrats out there, of which he could be one or figure he owes them somehow, right in this country. If I knew the reason, it would not make me approve it. I expect people like you to pitch the "T" word around with a Democrat in office. It means nothing, and you guys are known for not requiring proof and surprisingly flabbergasted normal people would want proof, even in court.

You seemed to make it the prime possibly only reason, fixated on it enough, I was starting to think there was a personal connection with you in the past. I was feeling a little sorry for you, just not sorry enough to tolerate your shit, at my support for Governor Abbott on his position.
Sooner or later, someone or some group (that was carelessly let through) is going to commit an act of terror that will dwarf 911. Many very smart and motivated individuals want to "Kill the USA". With the border now much more porous (especially for the gotoways) it leaves a very tempting situation for terrorist organizations. The cartels have 100% complete control of our southern border. With enough money anything or anybody can be sent to America through the cartels...Sigh... Once the dirty bombs start to light off... many Biden voters may say to themselves "What were we thinking!!!????"
It has everything to do with child trafficking. As well as female trafficking.
It's human trafficking no matter what. You're allowing for the illegal immigration of people who may be exploited for below minimum wage somewhere at best, even if the actual slaves and sex slaves are a tiny fraction of those being smuggled it doesn't matter.

One human being brought here to be abused is too damned many, but democrook sociopaths only care about what their billionaire donor club wants. From the way everything else looks, that club really likes to fuck kids.
Sooner or later, someone or some group (that was carelessly let through) is going to commit an act of terror that will dwarf 911. Many very smart and motivated individuals want to "Kill the USA". With the border now much more porous (especially for the gotoways) it leaves a very tempting situation for terrorist organizations. The cartels have 100% complete control of our southern border. With enough money anything or anybody can be sent to America through the cartels...Sigh... Once the dirty bombs start to light off... many Biden voters may say to themselves "What were we thinking!!!????"

Ain't gonna happen.

No matter what. If Xiden was on live TV and ordered the military to nuke every major US city, and they actually did it, the bed wetters would blame whomever the Democrook criminal syndicate's ministry of agitprop told them too.

It wouldn't be the potato that everyone saw, it would be anyone that the left needed to take down a peg or two but you can rest assured bed wetters would parrot that drivel here and everywhere else while calling the TV broadcast a hoax.

They are that stupid, and devoted to deliberate ignorance that transcends any religious faith. The bed wetters would never even be able to say

What were we thinking!!!????"

Because they really can not do so anyway.
Millions of military aged men from every corner of the globe, just marching on through the gates. And millions more that pay extra money to get through undetected (gotoways). On 911 the saying was "We will never forget". Now it seems like we forgot all about that stuff. But hey, the feds are citing the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899.... How foolish does that sound?
Just imagine what a billion dollars would get you from the cartels. Hell we used to pay a billion a day for a war in Afghanistan. Our enemies know that they can "win" a war with fear alone. They proved that on 911 when we reacted by wasting so many riches and lives on our longest war (for nothing). Even a rag tag, half witted terrorist group could attack several cities at once and cause massive disruption. More sophisticated efforts could grind us to a halt (like 911).
You're already doing that, while acting like you give a damn about this country at all. You just got done stating you don't care why Biden is allowing our border to be over run, hence as long as your guy is the one committing treasonous acts, you're fine.
Bed wetters will tolerate the willful destruction of the USA as long as their criminal syndicate is running the shit show.

For 8 years GWB gave those sniveling pukes the checkbook, so long as they only pissed and moaned about the war rather than actually stop it. Then they bitched up a storm about deficit spending, as if they weren't the ones writing the rubber checks. They complicit with massive corruption, inefficiency, failure and the relentless curtailment of individual rights. They become apoplectic when actual rights are reasserted and regressive policies are defeated in courts.

These are not our "fellow citizens" that we disagree with. They're traitors, either deliberately when they parrot agitprop they know is bullshit, or carelessly because they benefit from the decline of the US.

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