Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas: I’ll See You in Court Mr President

Just imagine what a billion dollars would get you from the cartels. Hell we used to pay a billion a day for a war in Afghanistan. Our enemies know that they can "win" a war with fear alone. They proved that on 911 when we reacted by wasting so many riches and lives on our longest war (for nothing). Even a rag tag, half witted terrorist group could attack several cities at once and cause massive disruption. More sophisticated efforts could grind us to a halt (like 911).
How about two years of masks and the bed wetters shrieking at people who got sick of it, because of a bad cold.

The media terrorized almost the entire damned planet over a cold. Were they wearing those stupid things in their lofty towers among each other? Hell no!!! That's just for the proles.
The chances of no terrorist organization entering the USA in the last two years is probably next to zero. When the first "snake" strikes, we will then fully realize that we are now living in a den of "snakes" of all colors and sizes. The "snakes" won't be in some far off land.... None of us will know where the next "snake" will strike. When (not if) that begins to happen........That border will be shut down tight.
The chances of no terrorist organization entering the USA in the last two years is probably next to zero. When the first "snake" strikes, we will then fully realize that we are now living in a den of "snakes" of all colors and sizes. The "snakes" won't be in some far off land.... None of us will know where the next "snake" will strike. When (not if) that begins to happen........That border will be shut down tight.
I'd think there are more than enough jihadists here already, and thousands of sympathizers for them to recruit. We damn sure don't need more.
I believe our nation can withstand (and ultimately shed) the horrible burden of human trafficking, fentanyl , anchor babies etc. But what could very easily stop America in her tracks is a terrorist attack, or worse, a series of co-ordinated attacks. Weapons of mass destruction are already manufactured and are for sale. We hear little about the terrorist that are being frequently caught at the border. We hear even less about the terrorist gotoways.......SO FAR. That is bound to change in the near future.
If the Federal Government would do its job in regards to border security there would be no need for the states to do it. If the Federal Government does not want to be part of the solution fine at least get the hell out of the states way and stop being part of the problem.
The chances of no terrorist organization entering the USA in the last two years is probably next to zero. When the first "snake" strikes, we will then fully realize that we are now living in a den of "snakes" of all colors and sizes. The "snakes" won't be in some far off land.... None of us will know where the next "snake" will strike. When (not if) that begins to happen........That border will be shut down tight.

The most dangerous snakes belong to the Democrat party
The worlds biggest "I told you so" is what we are seeing with the Biden presidency. That word record will be broken the instant a terrorist (from our southern border) launches an attack. I will sadly say again..... "I told you so".
Abbott had barriers put up along the Rio Grande to slow the flood of illegals coming in. But Democrats don’t want to see their prosperous child trafficking business impacted, so Joe is threatening to sue to remove the barriers.

Who said Democrats want open borders?

Good for Gov Abbot.
Abbott had barriers put up along the Rio Grande to slow the flood of illegals coming in. But Democrats don’t want to see their prosperous child trafficking business impacted, so Joe is threatening to sue to remove the barriers.

Who said Democrats want open borders?

God bless Governor Abbott. He withstood Biden's stabs-in-the-back of calling all who voted for President Trump "fascists," which is precisely what he acts like and foists projections on people he personally hates of his own foibles. I'm especially glad an influential man such as Governor Abbott would have the cajones to stop the madness at the border. I read information that hundreds of terrorists who were wearing training pants on 9/11 can reconnoiter another set of terroristic murders we were hoping would never again show up on our shores or in this case, our Southern border. The pushing of sex trafficking regardless of gender that was the ultimate outcome of Biden's follies show disgusting filth in the WH. We need to throw the bum out. And we need to have done it several years ago when he was bragging about extorting money from the Ukraine who was promised a Foreign Aid package to save them from their next door neighbors, the Russians. I find it hard to believe a Vice President would threaten the threatened and extort taxpayer money ahead of time in the strangest money laundering schema I ever heard of. Laundering money from a third world country, too. How low can a Vice President go? We knew that crime was committed before Biden ran for President. I had a very, very hard time with knowing a person who committed Foreign Aid Packages with panache as a frequent extortionist of Foreign Aid Packages could choose to pick a pocket or two. But a billion dollars in less than 6 hours? That was total experience of a hardened criminal mind. Biden brought American free speech down before we knew what hit us. But now we know, and there's going to be a bitter end to this set of affairs Biden foisted on his own country's people, whom he frequently calls "fascists" if they don't vote for his certain criminality fluffed by an equally self-serving bunch of press weenies who dance to the Soros swamp maneuvers. :cranky: I hate what evil-doers are doing to free speech.
The chances of no terrorist organization entering the USA in the last two years is probably next to zero. When the first "snake" strikes, we will then fully realize that we are now living in a den of "snakes" of all colors and sizes. The "snakes" won't be in some far off land.... None of us will know where the next "snake" will strike. When (not if) that begins to happen........That border will be shut down tight.
I have a friend in the border patrol. He says they’ve got a holding prison in AZ filled with Islamic terrorists who tried to get in.

The key is how many got thru.
The number of trained terrorist that are now living in our neighborhoods must be huge. After all, that is what terrorist do. It is astonishing that we have not been attacked before now. Perhaps they are biding their time, as more of our enemies set up residence. One thing is certain, Biden's open border is a very real threat to every America in this nation. One chemical, biological, or dirty bomb and America will tailspin. Several of them and we can all kiss our way of life goodbye. That is a very doable goal for terrorist crossing our border.
The number of trained terrorist that are now living in our neighborhoods must be huge. After all, that is what terrorist do. It is astonishing that we have not been attacked before now. Perhaps they are biding their time, as more of our enemies set up residence. One thing is certain, Biden's open border is a very real threat to every America in this nation. One chemical, biological, or dirty bomb and America will tailspin. Several of them and we can all kiss our way of life goodbye. That is a very doable goal for terrorist crossing our border.

Democrats know that.
Many would welcome that.
And when this happens all the fools that are saying things like "Diversity is our strength, they're just asylum seekers, let's use the Rivers and Harbors Appropriation Act of 1899 etc.... Are going to have to live with themselves...and the people that "told them so". And the "new America" will not be nearly as safe for them as it is today.
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And when this happens all the fools that are saying things like "Diversity is our strength, they're just asylum seekers, let's use the Rivers and Harbors Appropriation Act of 1899 etc.... Are going to have to live with themselves...and the people that "told them so". And the "new America" will not be nearly as safe for them as it is today.

We had a good run.
We waged the war on terror in far off lands, with a volunteer military. Some Americans simply got used to the idea, as their day to day life was minimally effected. When attacks happen in our nation...that is when things will get real. And any of the current nonsense regarding illegal immigration will be nipped in the bud. It's sad that we will have to wait for the disaster.
There is nothing to indicate your assumption he is owned by a foreign government involved, in his handline (or in this case mishandling) of the border. There probably are a lot of "come one, come all" bleeding heart Democrats out there, of which he could be one or figure he owes them somehow, right in this country. If I knew the reason, it would not make me approve it. I expect people like you to pitch the "T" word around with a Democrat in office. It means nothing, and you guys are known for not requiring proof and surprisingly flabbergasted normal people would want proof, even in court.

You seemed to make it the prime possibly only reason, fixated on it enough, I was starting to think there was a personal connection with you in the past. I was feeling a little sorry for you, just not sorry enough to tolerate your shit, at my support for Governor Abbott on his position.

Yeah, Biden just really 'cares' about all of those saps south of the border, he apparently 'cares' more for them than he does the United States and the citizens that are already here. He apparently doesn't give a damn about all the women raped and prostituted, he doesn't give a damn about the millions of kids and adults over dosing on the the filth being brought across the border, the broken families watching their loved ones become addicts and then ruin their lives. He only 'cares' about the 'poor people' all over the world, not in his own damn country that he was elected to protect. Give me break, you're either pathetically naive, stupid, or both. I'd call anyone a traitor that allowed to happen what he has not only allowed, but welcomed and encouraged. The pols in DC are all corrupt and all on the take, regardless of what letter is after their name, with the exception of a very few, I have no party. The majority of the people of this country have zero representation.

And please save your sympathy for someone who needs it, I sure as hell don't. l I'm a very successful person, living a very successful life, who has enough intelligence to see past the bullshit that is being spewed to the American public daily by the so called 'media'. I actually feel sorry for those like you that hang on their every word and believe everything they tell you, with no capability of thought and reason to question what you're being told. :dunno:
Sooner or later, someone or some group (that was carelessly let through) is going to commit an act of terror that will dwarf 911. Many very smart and motivated individuals want to "Kill the USA". With the border now much more porous (especially for the gotoways) it leaves a very tempting situation for terrorist organizations. The cartels have 100% complete control of our southern border. With enough money anything or anybody can be sent to America through the cartels...Sigh... Once the dirty bombs start to light off... many Biden voters may say to themselves "What were we thinking!!!????"

They'll never admit it, just read White6's posts on here, they're pathetically brain washed.
They'll never admit it, just read White6's posts on here, they're pathetically brain washed.
Rave on. I don't care if you agree with the reasons, I have mentioned for my supporting Abbott's position over Biden's or not. You will not convince anyone he only takes the position and finances it with Texas tax dollars and is willing to defend in court, strictly for the women and children of the world, certainly not until the governor changes and says so. I guess you could move there, spending free time hanging out on street corners with a little sign if it is that important to you why the Governor takes the stand on the open border issue affecting his state. Good luck to you, and I hope you find peace.
Rave on. I don't care if you agree with the reasons, I have mentioned for my supporting Abbott's position over Biden's or not. You will not convince anyone he only takes the position and finances it with Texas tax dollars and is willing to defend in court, strictly for the women and children of the world, certainly not until the governor changes and says so. I guess you could move there, spending free time hanging out on street corners with a little sign if it is that important to you why the Governor takes the stand on the open border issue affecting his state. Good luck to you, and I hope you find peace.

Talk about changing the subject, I've never said one damn thing about Abbott's reasons, I've only commented on Biden, period. But I understand, you have zero defense of what you've stated so far re Biden, and zero refutation of what I've said about Biden's handling on the border, so that's the only option you have left. :rolleyes:
Talk about changing the subject, I've never said one damn thing about Abbott's reasons, I've only commented on Biden, period. But I understand, you have zero defense of what you've stated so far re Biden, and zero refutation of what I've said about Biden's handling on the border, so that's the only option you have left. :rolleyes:
Oh, I guess you forgot the subject of the thread was Abbott. I stated early, I did not support the Presidents handling of the border, as I have many, many times on this message board, not even sure why you keep belaboring. Just a fixation, I suppose.

Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas: I’ll See You in Court Mr President​


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