Gov Moonbeam demands 42% rise in gas tax/ 141% rise in vehicle tax


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Hey jer. There would be no need to raise taxes if you would obey federal law and stop sheltering 10 million illegals leeching off the taxpayers.

Jerry Brown Wants 42% Gas Tax Hike to Bail Out CalPERS

jan 15 2017 Despite tax collection increasing by 50 percent in the last 9 years, California’s public pension insolvency is forcing Gov. Jerry Brown to propose a dangerously unpopular 42 percent increase in gasoline taxes and a 141 percent increase in vehicle registration fees.

Breitbart News reported on January 9 that Gov. Brown announced that for the first time since 2012, California’s $122.8 billion General Fund Budget is in deficit by $1.6 billion. Despite a near bankruptcy during the financial crisis, California’s tax revenues have increased by about $43 billion in the last 9 years. Brown on Monday only suggested relatively painless spending reductions to close the budget gap. He was very careful to not suggest highly controversial increases in gasoline tax or vehicle fees.

Democrat governors have been regularly spiking gas taxes and vehicle registration fees for decades. But 12 years ago, Democrat Gov. Gray Davis was recalled by voters after he pushed the state legislature to pass a vehicle registration fee increase from $46 to $158.
LOL It wasn't long ago a few loons on here were crowing about Cali's fiscal they are looking at a 1.6 billion deficit.

Told you :p
I say go for it. California has been voting for these ass clowns for years. They deserve to suffer
Californiastan looks to be functioning perfectly as a snowflake incubator. (Seems counterintuitive, I know)

Wait until the rest of the nation stops subsidizing their idiocy when they lose Federal Funding.

Is the snowflake paradise sustainable by itself?

Let's find out!
The freaking pot head is going to drive the middle class out of the people's republic of California and all he will be left with is the very rich elitists and the poverty stricken. Maybe that's his vision of a socialist utopia.
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30 years ago CA was the golden state and the envy of the world. Then they invited in the illegals and now it's a bankrupt sewer.
Cut him some slack boys, ole Jerry is trying to get that rail built between Bakersfield and Fresno.

Yup - more corruption. The companies are paying jerry millions for supporting this boondoggle.
Dem's taxing the poor and middle class, then giving the money to their pals in the California public employee unions...I'm shocked, shocked I tell you. /SARCASM to Infinity
Dem's taxing the poor and middle class, then giving the money to their pals in the California public employee unions...I'm shocked, shocked I tell you. /SARCASM to Infinity

Same shit here in PA.....they raised the gas tax thirty cents with the excuse it would fund road and bridge work....but the local construction companies haven't seen one cent. We currently have the highest gas tax in the country and one helluva pension crisis.
Hey jer. There would be no need to raise taxes if you would obey federal law and stop sheltering 10 million illegals leeching off the taxpayers.

Jerry Brown Wants 42% Gas Tax Hike to Bail Out CalPERS

jan 15 2017 Despite tax collection increasing by 50 percent in the last 9 years, California’s public pension insolvency is forcing Gov. Jerry Brown to propose a dangerously unpopular 42 percent increase in gasoline taxes and a 141 percent increase in vehicle registration fees.

Breitbart News reported on January 9 that Gov. Brown announced that for the first time since 2012, California’s $122.8 billion General Fund Budget is in deficit by $1.6 billion. Despite a near bankruptcy during the financial crisis, California’s tax revenues have increased by about $43 billion in the last 9 years. Brown on Monday only suggested relatively painless spending reductions to close the budget gap. He was very careful to not suggest highly controversial increases in gasoline tax or vehicle fees.

Democrat governors have been regularly spiking gas taxes and vehicle registration fees for decades. But 12 years ago, Democrat Gov. Gray Davis was recalled by voters after he pushed the state legislature to pass a vehicle registration fee increase from $46 to $158.
Like I said crazy Cali should have no say in this country…
Dem's taxing the poor and middle class, then giving the money to their pals in the California public employee unions...I'm shocked, shocked I tell you. /SARCASM to Infinity

Same shit here in PA.....they raised the gas tax thirty cents with the excuse it would fund road and bridge work....but the local construction companies haven't seen one cent. We currently have the highest gas tax in the country and one helluva pension crisis.

Public employee unions largely fund the Democratic party campaigns, they are a huge Dem cash cow. So what's happened in CA and PA, and NY and NJ and OR and on and on is Democrats bribed these public employee unions with unsustainable salaries, benefits, and pensions. Bribed them for votes and campaign contributions. Well now the bill is coming due and the Dem's don't have the money. So you see taxes going through the roof, largely slamming the poor and middle class.

Atlantic county NJ for example, property taxes went through the roof with your average middle class home having to pay $9,000 to $12,000 a year in property taxes. Guess how many homes went up for sale with people trying to get the hell out of there, shit loads. Guess where all that money was going...that's right to the public employee unions. Guess who owns many of the beach properties and drive around in German luxury cars...yep the public employees.

I have said its no longer Dem vs Rep in these states, its Dems and the public employee unions vs the people. That's how Governor Christie a Rep got elected in NJ.
When the poor and middle class get fed up being raped by the Dem's and public employee unions, then things will change in CA. Until then the Dem's and public employee unions will continue to vamp suck the people dry.

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