Gov. Rick Scott asks Obama to stop furloughs of air traffic controllers Read more at


Gold Member
Jul 28, 2011
Oh well. Talk to the GOP

Gov. Rick Scott asks Obama to stop furloughs of air traffic controllers

Gov. Rick Scott asked President Barack Obama Sunday to stop the furlough of air traffic controllers, which were ordered to achieve spending cuts required by Congress.
The furloughs began Sunday and were largely uneventful.

While the nightmarish flight delays and cancellations that the airline industry predicted would result from the furloughs did not materialize yet, the real test will come Monday, when traffic ramps up.

In his letter to the president, Scott said the furloughs will have a devastating impact on Florida families by creating unnecessary delays at Florida airports.

According to the Florida Department of Transportation, Florida airports accommodate more than 142 million passengers annually. Scott said the furloughs would cause a direct economic output reduction of $19 million annually.
oh well, again...NOTHING is the fault of OBAMA and Democrats

don't ya love this crap
Wtf right wingers. You all want to cut government spending or don't cha? You used to want to cut government spending. Hated government spending. What is the problem now that government spending is being cut? Are you afraid to fly? Well you know those government air traffic controllers were not very good anyway. Overpaid. Asleep most of the time. Don't worry about it. Who needs governmnet workers?

But just remember; the airplane pilots are union members. Now that should scare you real bad.
Oh well. Talk to the GOP

Gov. Rick Scott asks Obama to stop furloughs of air traffic controllers

Gov. Rick Scott asked President Barack Obama Sunday to stop the furlough of air traffic controllers, which were ordered to achieve spending cuts required by Congress.
The furloughs began Sunday and were largely uneventful.

While the nightmarish flight delays and cancellations that the airline industry predicted would result from the furloughs did not materialize yet, the real test will come Monday, when traffic ramps up.

In his letter to the president, Scott said the furloughs will have a devastating impact on Florida families by creating unnecessary delays at Florida airports.

According to the Florida Department of Transportation, Florida airports accommodate more than 142 million passengers annually. Scott said the furloughs would cause a direct economic output reduction of $19 million annually.

Ah so this little antigovernment wanker does understand that government serves a purpose, after all, eh?

took him long enough.
Oh well. Talk to the GOP

Gov. Rick Scott asks Obama to stop furloughs of air traffic controllers

Gov. Rick Scott asked President Barack Obama Sunday to stop the furlough of air traffic controllers, which were ordered to achieve spending cuts required by Congress.
The furloughs began Sunday and were largely uneventful.

While the nightmarish flight delays and cancellations that the airline industry predicted would result from the furloughs did not materialize yet, the real test will come Monday, when traffic ramps up.

In his letter to the president, Scott said the furloughs will have a devastating impact on Florida families by creating unnecessary delays at Florida airports.

According to the Florida Department of Transportation, Florida airports accommodate more than 142 million passengers annually. Scott said the furloughs would cause a direct economic output reduction of $19 million annually.

Ah so this little antigovernment wanker does understand that government serves a purpose, after all, eh?

took him long enough.

I'll admit that government serves a purpose within some area's. On the other hand it is less cost effective and we all must understand that "central" control is very bad when it takes over the wrong parts.
Ah so this little antigovernment wanker does understand that government serves a purpose, after all, eh?

ah so, we have such a wonderful government who looks after us all so lovingly, the can't FIND anything else to cut in all this..

NO they are going to hit us little people where it hurts and make it hurt REAL GOOD

but YOU damn sure shouldn't BE ANTI-GOVERNEMT...shame on you
Might be fewer audits...
IRS to Close for 5 Days Due to Furloughs
April 19, 2013 - The IRS will issue official furlough notices next week to employees detailing that the agency will be closed for five days with unpaid leave for workers this summer because of the sequester.
In a memo to employees, IRS Acting Commissioner Steve Miller said the furlough days will be May 24, June 14, July 5, July 22 and Aug. 30 with two additional days possible in August or September. During these days, all public-facing operations will be closed as will toll-free operations and Taxpayer Assistance Centers. “Despite successful efforts over the past year to find cost savings and our recent efforts to minimize the effects of sequestration, we still had to make tough decisions on the furlough dates and the best way to implement them,” he wrote in an internal memo shared with FOX Business.

Every IRS worker will be covered by the furlough. Personnel in charge of preserving systems and building security might be asked to work these days, but will be taking furlough days on alternative dates within those pay periods. “We wanted to make sure there is only one furlough day a pay period, and we have also worked to stagger the dates further so that there are some pay periods during the summer with no furlough days,” Miller wrote.

The head of the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) said in a statement Friday that the unpaid leave will not only hurt IRS employees but taxpayers as well. “On these days, phones calls to the IRS will go unanswered and Taxpayer Assistance Centers across the country will have ‘closed’ signs in their windows,” Colleen M. Kelley said. “I believe this is an unprecedented event that leaves taxpayers out in the cold.” There is speculation that the furloughs could result in fewer audits this year. A report released earlier this week by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse shows audit rates dipped 5.3% last year and could fall even more this year with less personnel available.

On April 9, Miller testified before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government and discussed the impact of sequestration and told lawmakers that he anticipates a considerable reduction in the revenues the agency will collect and the calls it can answer. "...without a change in the current budget environment, the American people will see erosion in our ability to serve them, and the Federal government will see fewer receipts from our enforcement activities," he continued to explain to lawmakers.

Read more: IRS to Close for 5 Days Due to Furloughs | Fox Business
Ah so this little antigovernment wanker does understand that government serves a purpose, after all, eh?

ah so, we have such a wonderful government who looks after us all so lovingly, the can't FIND anything else to cut in all this..

NO they are going to hit us little people where it hurts and make it hurt REAL GOOD

but YOU damn sure shouldn't BE ANTI-GOVERNEMT...shame on you

I'm sorry, what "little people". The Air Traffic Controllers being "Furloughed" are the ones at small airstrips that cater to privately owned planes. Expensive toys most of us can't own.

Certainly, if the wealthy are truly concerned about the well-being of their expensive toys, they can pass the hat and get these fellows back on the job. .
Oh well. Talk to the GOP

Gov. Rick Scott asks Obama to stop furloughs of air traffic controllers

Gov. Rick Scott asked President Barack Obama Sunday to stop the furlough of air traffic controllers, which were ordered to achieve spending cuts required by Congress.
The furloughs began Sunday and were largely uneventful.

While the nightmarish flight delays and cancellations that the airline industry predicted would result from the furloughs did not materialize yet, the real test will come Monday, when traffic ramps up.

In his letter to the president, Scott said the furloughs will have a devastating impact on Florida families by creating unnecessary delays at Florida airports.

According to the Florida Department of Transportation, Florida airports accommodate more than 142 million passengers annually. Scott said the furloughs would cause a direct economic output reduction of $19 million annually.

A May 2009 Bureau of Labor Statistics report shows the median hourly wages for air traffic controllers was $51.44.

Obama could keep nearly two full time air traffic controllers working one year by not flying one hour on Air Force 1.
AF1- $187,000/hour costs to fly.. or 1.8 air traffic controller at annual salary of $102,000)
Now if he were really frugal he wouldn't have flown to FL play golf and fly back a 4 hour trip equal to 8 full time traffic controllers cost!

Or if he had done what Bush did go to HIS HOME in Chicago for Christmas instead of the $20 million spent in Hawaii..
Taxpayer Bill for Obama?s Hawaii Vacations: $20 Million | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

that would be equal to 194 full time air traffic controllers for a year!

Which is even more coincidental as Obama could have saved the equivalent of "direct economic output reduction of $19 million annually" that Gov. Scott mentioned!
Strange isn't? Obama not only could have SAVED 194 full time air traffic controllers BUT $19 million in economic output!!!
Ah so this little antigovernment wanker does understand that government serves a purpose, after all, eh?

ah so, we have such a wonderful government who looks after us all so lovingly, the can't FIND anything else to cut in all this..

NO they are going to hit us little people where it hurts and make it hurt REAL GOOD

but YOU damn sure shouldn't BE ANTI-GOVERNEMT...shame on you

Everybody has a sacred cow they don't want slaughtered.

As I seldom use air transport, this is not one of mine.

AUSTERITY, which so many here absolutely want?

Well, it has outcomes.

This is one of those.
obama's own internal e-mails revealed that he wanted to increase the pain on the public until they gave on on what he wanted to do.
Ah so this little antigovernment wanker does understand that government serves a purpose, after all, eh?

ah so, we have such a wonderful government who looks after us all so lovingly, the can't FIND anything else to cut in all this..

NO they are going to hit us little people where it hurts and make it hurt REAL GOOD

but YOU damn sure shouldn't BE ANTI-GOVERNEMT...shame on you

I'm sorry, what "little people". The Air Traffic Controllers being "Furloughed" are the ones at small airstrips that cater to privately owned planes. Expensive toys most of us can't own.

Certainly, if the wealthy are truly concerned about the well-being of their expensive toys, they can pass the hat and get these fellows back on the job. . Rush is having a tough time getting to Boca. Now the bitching makes sense...
The furloughs are total crap. There is SO much more crap they could cut before doing stuff like this.

It amazes me that we still pay welfare and unemployment to people who don't work at all, but we'll cut the pay of people actually working.
Suppose the Tsarnaev Brothers managed to figure out a way to kill 300 infidels in a single shot, without leaving the house, while all the while resting their feet up on top of their desks and blame it all on the Infidels ? Do you think they would have passed up a chance like that? Would any other Jihadi? Neither will the Jihadi known as Barack Obama, especially when he sees the chance to blame it on those evil raping white racists at the same time. The ring Barack Obama wears on his ring finger, and has worn since Occidental College is inscribed with the words, "There is no God but Allah!"
Oh well. Talk to the GOP

Gov. Rick Scott asks Obama to stop furloughs of air traffic controllers

Gov. Rick Scott asked President Barack Obama Sunday to stop the furlough of air traffic controllers, which were ordered to achieve spending cuts required by Congress.
The furloughs began Sunday and were largely uneventful.

While the nightmarish flight delays and cancellations that the airline industry predicted would result from the furloughs did not materialize yet, the real test will come Monday, when traffic ramps up.

In his letter to the president, Scott said the furloughs will have a devastating impact on Florida families by creating unnecessary delays at Florida airports.

According to the Florida Department of Transportation, Florida airports accommodate more than 142 million passengers annually. Scott said the furloughs would cause a direct economic output reduction of $19 million annually.

[ame=]Remember when President Obama supported the sequester cuts? - YouTube[/ame]
No No,, let obamallama have his way with the furloughs, A. it will piss off passengers, and B. all the flights left sitting on the runways with their engines running will fuck up mother earth and that will piss off the environmentalists, and C. the Airlines go broke from pissing all that fuel away which means D we don't need no dammed TSA gropers on duty.. It's priceless.
Oh well. Talk to the GOP

Gov. Rick Scott asks Obama to stop furloughs of air traffic controllers

Gov. Rick Scott asked President Barack Obama Sunday to stop the furlough of air traffic controllers, which were ordered to achieve spending cuts required by Congress.
The furloughs began Sunday and were largely uneventful.

While the nightmarish flight delays and cancellations that the airline industry predicted would result from the furloughs did not materialize yet, the real test will come Monday, when traffic ramps up.

In his letter to the president, Scott said the furloughs will have a devastating impact on Florida families by creating unnecessary delays at Florida airports.

According to the Florida Department of Transportation, Florida airports accommodate more than 142 million passengers annually. Scott said the furloughs would cause a direct economic output reduction of $19 million annually.

[ame=]Remember when President Obama supported the sequester cuts? - YouTube[/ame]

sure as hell do..

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