Gov Ron DeSantis just flew two planes of illegals to Martha's Vineyard.

So, for Republicans....the problem isn't really illegal immigration, the problem is their never ending desire to feel like they are "owning the libs" --- even if it is an obvious publicity stunt, not a solution in any shape or form... it's pretty pathetic actually.....

by the way, there are plenty of white conservatives in those areas too....
I guess simply arresting people and throwing them in jail is just too much for some of you cucks to face, so instead, you think this goofy shit is a solution.....This is why you folks are so content with voting for politicians who have no real solutions, no real policies, just owning the long as they feed your depravity, you are fine.....

too stupid to realize if you morons think "liberals" want our country to be totally overrun by "FILTHY SPICS" -- why do you think they would care if those SPICS lived in their part of the country too? You just made it easier for those "DIRTY DARKIES" to get jobs up north......
I smell butthurt. :p
So, for Republicans....the problem isn't really illegal immigration, the problem is their never ending desire to feel like they are "owning the libs" --- even if it is an obvious publicity stunt, not a solution in any shape or form... it's pretty pathetic actually.....

by the way, there are plenty of white conservatives in those areas too....
I guess simply arresting people and throwing them in jail is just too much for some of you cucks to face, so instead, you think this goofy shit is a solution.....This is why you folks are so content with voting for politicians who have no real solutions, no real policies, just owning the long as they feed your depravity, you are fine.....

too stupid to realize if you morons think "liberals" want our country to be totally overrun by "FILTHY SPICS" -- why do you think they would care if those SPICS lived in their part of the country too? You just made it easier for those "DIRTY DARKIES" to get jobs up north......
They just sent a couple of busses of illegals to Kamala's house. Send them all to all Prog areas.... Englebert...Please release me let me go.. These lying Prog frauds need comeuppance.
Well worth the taxpayer money too......I bet those libs were so triggered to see those filthy spics.....
Luckily there were Conservatives in Martha's Vineyard that welcomed them with open arms...because of how much they care for the safety of illegals and stuff.....even giving them jobs.....pretty cool
/———/ It’s called redistribution of the wealth of illegals. Why should Florida have all the bounty? Share and share alike as liberals like to say.
Shouldn't you be happy to get illegals in your town?

I think we should have a moratorium on all immigration for the next 20 years. Desantis is simply stupid and spiteful. Florida has always had lots of illegals. Fine employers, hypocrite.
" If they fine employers who hire illegals, they will self deport in six months. "

I've been promoting that for FORTY YEARS!!!!! Your reasons are sound. Now do tell that to your Democrat friends!!!!


I have been telling my Republican friends that since Bush invaded Iraq and I resigned the Republican party.
Fuck off you stupid cuntman. You would die your 1st day in Florida from heatstroke, motherfucker.
You could not survive in Florida, STFU. You know nothing about Florida.
I grew up playing baseball in 105 degree weather with 98% humidity.

You would die at those temps. At the very least pass out.
Florida needs no illegals at all. We've made it in the past without them. Blacks and schoolkids used to do what they do now. I know, my family has told me about it.

You're an idiot. Many of us have lived in Florida.
The Republican solution to illegal immigration is to add to it.
Makes perfect sense.
That game is over. We will join you in spreading the enjoyment and fun. Every lily-white Prog area will now be contaminated as you have contaminated and destroyed Red areas with your insanity. You know better and will handle it much more professionally.
That game is over. We will join you in spreading the enjoyment and fun. Every lily-white Prog area will now be contaminated as you have contaminated and destroyed Red areas with your insanity. You know better and will handle it much more professionally.
If you think I care about 'lily white prog areas' or 'illegal immigration' in general, you are sadly mistaken.
This is the country that you people have created.
Keep shipping these brown people all over the country and see your majority fade away.
That game is over. We will join you in spreading the enjoyment and fun. Every lily-white Prog area will now be contaminated as you have contaminated and destroyed Red areas with your insanity. You know better and will handle it much more professionally.

Desantis is a nihilist. Why does Florida elect such losers like Desantis and Rick Scott?

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