Gov Ron DeSantis just flew two planes of illegals to Martha's Vineyard.

If you think I care about 'lily white prog areas' or 'illegal immigration' in general, you are sadly mistaken.
This is the country that you people have created.
Keep shipping these brown people all over the country and see your majority fade away.
That has ended by your beliefs. I only care about those men and women being assimilated into the American way. And that is not happening.
That has ended by your beliefs. I only care about those men and women being assimilated into the American way. And that is not happening.
The statement that you want us to assimilate to your culture is a lie. You people don't want us here at all. That's why you keep killing us.
Desantis is a nihilist. Why does Florida elect such losers like Desantis and Rick Scott?
The man DeSantis beat by about only 40 thousand votes for governor was a former corrupted mayor of the Florida capital. He is a gay drug addict caught in a motel room with drugs and a gay prostitute. No man is perfect. But we promote imperfection on purpose. There must be something to be moored to as to right or wrong. Even if we do wrong.
I’m getting to LOVE Governor Ron DeSantis who just flew two planes of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS to Martha's Vineyard.
Hopefully the Obama’s will invite them to dinner.

Keep up the good work, Mr DeSantis.
This is getting so GD hilarious.

What an inept and dumb
The statement that you want us to assimilate to your culture is a lie. You people don't want us here at all. That's why you keep killing us.
Every group that cam here took a couple of decades to assimilate. We have not given it enough time as the gates are always open with tens of millions of illegals here. Social programs did not exist for those in the past from Europe. Old habits go away slowly form the old country. We have not given the time for our nation to catch its breath.
Every group that cam here took a couple of decades to assimilate. We have not given it enough time as the gates are always open with tens of millions of illegals here. Social programs did not exist for those in the past from Europe. Old habits go away slowly form the old country. We have not given the time for our nation to catch its breath.
It's been a few centuries and Indians are still not accepted. You lie.
The Florida taxpayers are going to be pissed. Charlie Crist will make sure they know.

Worth every penny.

Texas needs to buy 10 jumbo jets to fly these illegals joe invited to all the woke virtue-signaling mayors and governors. LET's FUCK UP THEIR SHIT TOO.

Keep this shit up and we will dump illegals anywhere and everywhere.

It's been a few centuries and Indians are still not accepted. You lie.
Every group from Europe assimilated. There was hate as you called it from people from different nations. It is a process. As a kid living in a row home there were people from my ethnic group who took their time doing that. In their basements they had chickens and ducks and even a pig or so. This is in the city. I remember corn on the cob with no corn on it with several of them in a bowl on their kitchen tables in which you sucked on the sides of the cob. People who become citizens need to become Americans and embrace the culture which is a combination of ethnic groups. The amount of people let in since 1965 has to be done on purpose to change the nation into something else. Ethnic groups must assimilate. That does not mean if the neighborhood living in is near all the same and the people have block parties and celebrations and even stores where people speak the old language is not tolerated. It is. But everything else outside it is American with one language.
Let it be known for the record that Republicans are using living human beings as political pawns to suit their nefarious purposes.

To a man, they are celebrating this.

Let's see how this works out for them.

#LOLGOP #TooFunny #CLASSIC #AllTheGOPHasForAmericansIsMORECultureWarBS
No, they are spreading the joy to liberal shitholes that want open borders but haven't had to deal with the problems illegals bring. Now they will, you get what you ask for.
These LAWLESS bastards will never ever punish white rightwing people, who are the perpetrators of this crime.

No, instead they're going to punch down and attack the victims. As per usual.

It's the Republican Way!
It's a democrat president that has let 5 million illegals cross our borders. So this is a problem you loons created. Now deal with it.
Why? Trump never said he wanted illegals in the country. In fact, he was building a wall to keep them out. Maybe they can send some of them to Chicago? Of course, they might not want to get off the bus. :abgg2q.jpg:

Trump has a wall around Mara Lago
Did Mexico pay for it?

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