Gov. Walker needs to hear from supporters! Phone and Email Contact within...

if you don't live in Wisconsin, it really is none of your beeswax imo.

the guy walker ain't running for a National gvt job, like president, is he? Why does he need to get pats on the back from you? You want him to do what you like and the HELL WITH the actual citizens affected in his state that he is suppose to represent?

so what's the purpose of getting all of these emails from your " r.w. bosses", telling you to email the guy Walker and praise him? Is this like busing people to Florida from other states to protest the recount in Miami?


Oh come on, i didn't see any leftists ( not saying you're a leftist ) preaching for Obama to stay out of Arizona and Wisconsin's bidness....... :eusa_whistle:
The people of WI voted him into office, on a stance of a fiscal clampdown. They did do that, right? Elected him? On the policy that he is now implementing?

The right have acted differently to the big mouthed, ugly droolers from the left did for the previous eight? How, exactly?

Balance, mo chara, balance. Don't bitch about the right for doing what the left spent the previous 2 admins doing. It looks hypocritical.

1. he lied. he never said he was going to bust the teachers' union while rewarding the unions that donated to HIS campaign. Had he done so, he'd have lost.

2. this has nothing to do with the budget. the unions have already agreed to give-backs. this is about union busting.

i could go on and on about the differences in how MAINSTREAM democrats acted for the prior eight years, but that would allow you to deflect from the actual point of THIS thread.

I personally don't see a need for public sector unions. We the People are their employer. We do not need to have a gun held to our heads to offer a reasonable package to public employees.

And... the WH are helping the Unions, the Dept of Labor are helping the Unions... why shouldn't some Americans send a message of support to the Gov? What's to be afraid of? Why is it a big deal?
Follow the "money trail" back to the private corporate interests that bankrolled Walker's campaign - it doesn't take "rocket science" to figure out their "agenda" concerning unions and organized labor!

State records also show that Koch Industries, their energy and consumer products conglomerate based in Wichita, Kan., was one of the biggest contributors to the election campaign of Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, a Republican who has championed the proposed cuts.
..... What Mr. Phillips (president of Americans for Prosperity), did not mention was that his Virginia-based nonprofit group, whose budget surged to $40 million in 2010 from $7 million three years ago, was created and financed in part by the secretive billionaire brothers Charles G. and David H. Koch.
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1. he lied. he never said he was going to bust the teachers' union while rewarding the unions that donated to HIS campaign. Had he done so, he'd have lost.

2. this has nothing to do with the budget. the unions have already agreed to give-backs. this is about union busting.

i could go on and on about the differences in how MAINSTREAM democrats acted for the prior eight years, but that would allow you to deflect from the actual point of THIS thread.

I personally don't see a need for public sector unions. We the People are their employer. We do not need to have a gun held to our heads to offer a reasonable package to public employees.

And... the WH are helping the Unions, the Dept of Labor are helping the Unions... why shouldn't some Americans send a message of support to the Gov? What's to be afraid of? Why is it a big deal?
Follow the "money trail" back to the private corporate interests that bankrolled Walker's campaign - it doesn't take "rocket science" to figure out their "agenda" concerning unions and organized labor!

Pfftt, Unions PROUDLY admit the billions they spend to elect Obama. You want to talk agenda's ? Unions bleed companies and tax payers until the companies and taxpayers are drowning in unsustainable debt, amazing you boneheaded liberals can't grasp this simple concept. You blast others that you claim have the "fuck you, i got mine" mentality, but then .......:eusa_whistle:
Any discussion of agendas should start with facts like the bottom 90% of Americans now earn about $280 more every year than they did thirty years ago.

That's less than 1% more over a third of a century, AND the US economy has more than doubled in size during that time.

I suspect you know where the money went.

Robert Reich does:

"The richest 1 percent’s share of national (income) has doubled – from around 9 percent in 1977 to over 20 percent now.

"The richest one-tenth of 1 percent’s share has tripled.

"The 150,000 households that comprise the top one-tenth of one percent now earn as much as the bottom 120 million put together."

Ask yourself what happens in a continental superpower possessing a quarter of a billion private guns when a vacuum opens between the rich and the rest?
He heard from me alright, being a retired special education teacher who is thankful for unions.

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