government agencies are politicized and helped throw the 2020 presidential election

Fox, OAN and Newsmax have been lying.

Go on believing lies over facts for the rest of your life.

Republican voters are walking away from these lies and all the ugly laws the Republicans are passing which harm their lives.

Keep an eye on November 2024
You protesteth too much.
The shop owner owns the laptop after a certain amount of time, but not the personal documents and personal emails with personal and financial information of the original owner.

He should have erased the personal property...
of Hunter's....before selling it to retrieve the money owed him.

Do you think a computer shop owner can just release your private financial files, bank accounts, social security number etc to the public because you owe them money? Heck no!

He didn’t sell it did he?
Hey dummy, if he finds evidence of illegal activity on there he is bound by law to turn it over. Which he did, and the FBI sat on it and did nothing. Not his fault you support the illegal acts Crackhead Hunter was shown to be engaging in.

How did he know there was illegal activity? That is one of the reasons that this story is ridiculous. It all comes to light a few weeks before the election. That is an amazing coincidence.
How did he know there was illegal activity? That is one of the reasons that this story is ridiculous. It all comes to light a few weeks before the election. That is an amazing coincidence.
He saw the photos and other evidence. Derp. He turned over the laptop long before he gave anything to Giuliani. The FBI did nothing, so he went to somebody who would.
What does 2016 have to do with it?

The Democrats and the media (the same entity) for years ran with the fake Russian dossier story. This is far more credible than that ever was, but the double standard has been noted.

The laptop is a legitimate scandal that needs to be thoroughly investigated and made public. If it had belonged to one of Trump's kids you'd have no problem with that.

In 2016, the Russians helped Trump. In 2020, the Russians sought to keep their Manchurian candidate in power.

The Russian dossier story was not fake. The reports correctly identified Russian attempts to interfere in our elections. It also correctly identified a Russian Washington embassy employee as a spy. They were forced to recall him.

There is no scandal here. The scandal is the attempt to create a October surprise with a story that is laughable. The Russians later used e-mails from that supposed Hunter Biden laptop to claim he was involved in a bio-lab in Ukraine. How did they get those? They created fake e-mails and mixed them with legitimate e-mails. That is exactly what the Russians did in 2016 when they hacked the DNC servers in 2016.
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm, ABC, CBS, NBC, and others have been reporting about the whistleblower.

More phony whistleblowers. Whistleblowers claimed that there were irregularities in the election. Absolutely no evidence of that.
Harry Lake is still being deprived of Envelope Signature verification (despite Court order?) by dirty MCBOS. The real fraud in 2020 was in phony mail-in ballots dumped into drop boxes.

Not sure about all the hacking into Dominion and changing vote totals? Even though it was shown real-time on TV NOV03?
For sure they could hack in and see who had or had not voted yet by Election day....helping them feel better to dump in phony ballots for names on a list.//

There was nothing fraudulent about them. You are just a sore loser.
I haven't heard of Harry Lake. .. unless you mean Kari Lake?

In any case, there is plenty of evidence of fraud 2020 but the libs can't stand to think the only way they can "win" is by cheating egregiously

That is what Republicans are doing.
Nobody would've known about Ukraine if Joe didn't brag about it, and no one would've known about the phone call if you loons didn't crap your diapers over it.
Fake news.

Bull crap story CREATED by the lying, deceitful to the nth degree, rightwingers.

What Joe did and bragged about in public was U.S. POLICY that he was proud of having a part of accomplishing. What trump did with his quid pro quo offer and phone call, and using the holding back of military money passed by Congress for the Ukraine unless the ukraine helped him with an announcement of dirt on Biden, was illegal, and impeachable.
Fake news.

Bull crap story CREATED by the lying, deceitful to the nth degree, rightwingers.

What Joe did and bragged about in public was U.S. POLICY that he was proud of having a part of accomplishing. What trump did with his quid pro quo offer and phone call, and using the holding back of military money passed by Congress for the Ukraine unless the ukraine helped him with an announcement of dirt on Biden, was illegal, and impeachable.
Joe was going to withhold 1 billion dollars of aid to Ukraine is they didn't fire the guy investigating Hunter's company. That's okay, when Trump is president again. The Biden crime family will go down.
Joe was going to withhold 1 billion dollars of aid to Ukraine is they didn't fire the guy investigating Hunter's company. That's okay, when Trump is president again. The Biden crime family will go down.
you don't even know a tenth of the full story.

what Joe did, was sanctioned by President Obama, and was in line with our allies as well.

the Ukrainian people shit canned Shokin because he was crooked and Failed to prosecute the crooked, and took Diamonds from the crooked as a payoff....

while the money from us to help them, and money from our allies to help them, continued to move in to the hands of the crooked, who were paying Shokin and his prosecutors off, for NOT prosecuting them.

the Ukrainian President went 5 months after Joe's proposal and did nothing to stop the corruption, but after Shokin refused to charge his two prosecutors caught with piles of diamonds from the crooked oligarchs, the Ukrainian civilians revolted, and finally the Ukrainian parliament stepped in, and removed shokin....then Shokin escaped to Russia.

WASHINGTON – A whistleblower complaint centering on President Donald Trump's phone call with the Ukrainian president has spurred a number of allegations and counterallegations as Republicans and Democrats jockey for position amid an impeachment inquiry.

At the heart of Congress' probe into the president's actions is his claim that former Vice President and 2020 Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden strong-armed the Ukrainian government to fire its top prosecutor in order to thwart an investigation into a company tied to his son, Hunter Biden.

But sources ranging from former Obama administration officials to an anti-corruption advocate in Ukraine say the official, Viktor Shokin, was ousted for the opposite reason Trump and his allies claim.

It wasn't because Shokin was investigating a natural gas company tied to Biden's son; it was because Shokin wasn't pursuing corruption among the country's politicians, according to a Ukrainian official and four former American officials who specialized in Ukraine and Europe.

Shokin's inaction prompted international calls for his ouster and ultimately resulted in his removal by Ukraine's parliament.
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you don't even know a tenth of the full story.

what Joe did, was sanctioned by President Obama, and was in line with our allies as well.

the Ukrainian people shit canned Shokin because he was crooked and Failed to prosecute the crooked, and took Diamonds from the crooked as a payoff....

while the money from us to help them, and money from our allies to help them, continued to move in to the hands of the crooked, who were paying Shokin and his prosecutors off, for NOT prosecuting them.

the Ukrainian President went 5 months after Joe's proposal and did nothing to stop the corruption, but after Shokin refused to charge his two prosecutors caught with piles of diamonds from the crooked oligarchs, the Ukrainian civilians revolted, and finally the Ukrainian parliament stepped in, and removed shokin....then Shokin escaped to Russia.

WASHINGTON – A whistleblower complaint centering on President Donald Trump's phone call with the Ukrainian president has spurred a number of allegations and counterallegations as Republicans and Democrats jockey for position amid an impeachment inquiry.

At the heart of Congress' probe into the president's actions is his claim that former Vice President and 2020 Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden strong-armed the Ukrainian government to fire its top prosecutor in order to thwart an investigation into a company tied to his son, Hunter Biden.

But sources ranging from former Obama administration officials to an anti-corruption advocate in Ukraine say the official, Viktor Shokin, was ousted for the opposite reason Trump and his allies claim.

It wasn't because Shokin was investigating a natural gas company tied to Biden's son; it was because Shokin wasn't pursuing corruption among the country's politicians, according to a Ukrainian official and four former American officials who specialized in Ukraine and Europe.

Shokin's inaction prompted international calls for his ouster and ultimately resulted in his removal by Ukraine's parliament.
Yes the truth us coming out and it doesn't look good for Biden.
Joe was going to withhold 1 billion dollars of aid to Ukraine is they didn't fire the guy investigating Hunter's company. That's okay, when Trump is president again. The Biden crime family will go down.
In reality the US the EU and the IMF were willing to withhold about 20 billion in loan guarantees if the corrupt prosecutor who was investigating the former owner of Burisma for crime he allegedly committed before the Ukrainian revolution and before Hunter was offered a job. If there was a crime in what the VP did in carrying out US foreign policy, the Trumpybear would not have had to resort to a shakedown plot to try and get his golden announcement from the Ukrainian president.

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