Government baby sitters


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009

Obama’s pre-school plan for 4 years olds who are not yet weaned off their mothers and not fully potty trained is only another Government entitlement program to baby sit kids and will benefit illegal aliens more because they are having the most kids. Obama always looking out for Illegal Aliens. Dream Act, Amnesty, minimum wage hike and now baby sitting. What’s next.
Four years old kids are still bonding with their mothers and should not be put into the care of the Government. Head Start is another government program that take responsibility away from parents how should be teaching their kids those first years of their lives.

Raising the minimum wage is intended to help Illegal Aliens who take those low wage jobs. Taking them away from the elderly, disabled, students and the underemployed to supplement their income. Minimum wage increase would eliminate those jobs altogether for Americans. Unemployment among Black teens is 45% and among white teens is 25.3%. Among elderly and disabled it is almost 100% because Illegal Aliens are taking those low wage, low skilled jobs.

Who is going to stand up for Americans seniors, disabled, teenagers and under-employed? When Illegal Aliens not deported they are being put first.

“The poor (seniors, disabled, teenagers and under-employed) with always be among us.”Deuteronomy 15:11
It's very similar to Hitler's "Lebensborn programme". It wouldn't surprise me if people don't know what that is. When history is forgotten, it's doomed to repeat itself.

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