Government Education Website for disabled kids disappears as DeVos takes office

The "population" of several of those bigger states like TX, FL MI, PA, GA etc went for Trump, doncha know.

Sorry Moon Bat but NY, CA and IL don't get to pick the President all by themselves.

Uhh yeah. That's the point. If it was red blue itd be virtually 1/2 .

It's you righty rubes who like to post that red map of the us and be like "yeeeehawww. Look at all that red ! 90% of Ameeerca is republican!"

It got that Crooked Hillary asshole second place, didn't it? That is a good thing.

That Kenyan Catastrophe was a one trick pony being a Negro. All of his soul brothers and sisters and the White Guilt nitwits came out of the woodwork to vote for him. Meanwhile the Democrats lost over 1000 offices nation wide.

The only hope you Libtards have for future elections are the Illegals.
Trump White House takes down website pages about disabilities

The Obama White House website page labeled “Contact the Disability Issues Outreach Team | The White House” isn’t there any longer either. Click on it and it now says: “The requested page/disability-issues-contact could not be found.” And the Obama White House website’s fact sheet about expanding opportunities for people with disabilities is gone too. (You can see the former disabilities page here.)

Website for disabled kids disappears as DeVos takes office

They are updating the site moron. There is a new boss in town.
Sure they are:bsflag:

What's more likely, That the Trump administration is purposely taking down a site that promotes education for the disabled so that it can be ruthless attacked by the left or Its updating . Thats right I put a period at the end of a question, Its hard to put across just how rhetorical my question is on the internet.
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Trump White House takes down website pages about disabilities

The Obama White House website page labeled “Contact the Disability Issues Outreach Team | The White House” isn’t there any longer either. Click on it and it now says: “The requested page/disability-issues-contact could not be found.” And the Obama White House website’s fact sheet about expanding opportunities for people with disabilities is gone too. (You can see the former disabilities page here.)

Website for disabled kids disappears as DeVos takes office

All part of Trump making America great again. Fuck the kids, the environment, the truth.

The "population" of several of those bigger states like TX, FL MI, PA, GA etc went for Trump, doncha know.

Sorry Moon Bat but NY, CA and IL don't get to pick the President all by themselves.

Uhh yeah. That's the point. If it was red blue itd be virtually 1/2 .

It's you righty rubes who like to post that red map of the us and be like "yeeeehawww. Look at all that red ! 90% of Ameeerca is republican!"

It got that Crooked Hillary asshole second place, didn't it? That is a good thing.

That Kenyan Catastrophe was a one trick pony being a Negro. All of his soul brothers and sisters and the White Guilt nitwits came out of the woodwork to vote for him. Meanwhile the Democrats lost over 1000 offices nation wide.

The only hope you Libtards have for future elections are the Illegals.

Lol! Yeah cause history shows us how being a black guy is a REAL advantage in president elections !

You righties live in the bizzaro world in your head .
Good. I don't know even why the Feds are involved in education. The whole Department of Education should be abolished. Education should be done on a State and local level.
Maybe this is part of Trump's plan to create jobs. Duplicate the processing in the US DOE by up to 50 times, financial aid to college students and school districts, processing of civil rights complains, Special Ed and Rehabilitation Services, Faith Based Partnerships, Educations Technology, Grant Processing, and Educational Research. By distributing the work of US DOE to state DOEs, we loose all economics of scale. None of these functions exist currently in state DOEs but all would have to be established if there were no US DOE.

Assessment of National Educational Progress would simply disappear along with a treasure trove of 50 years of educational data as each state creates it's own methods and standards of data collection.

The financial loses would pale in comparison to lose of standardized data collection, information sharing, and nationwide education policies.

Those "nationwide education policies" have cost this country a fortune and have produced piss poor education. This country spends more money on education than anybody else in the world and we have terrible results.

The Feds pour tons of money into what is called education and get very little value in return.

We don't need to have financial aid, civil rights bullshit, Special Ed or all those filthy ass grants that don't produce jackshit but cost the American taxpayers a ton of money.

If you drop the dumb ass red states from our scores the us education system shoots up to the top .

The reason we need a doe is to keep the hillbillies in check .
Good. I don't know even why the Feds are involved in education. The whole Department of Education should be abolished. Education should be done on a State and local level.
Maybe this is part of Trump's plan to create jobs. Duplicate the processing in the US DOE by up to 50 times, financial aid to college students and school districts, processing of civil rights complains, Special Ed and Rehabilitation Services, Faith Based Partnerships, Educations Technology, Grant Processing, and Educational Research. By distributing the work of US DOE to state DOEs, we loose all economics of scale. None of these functions exist currently in state DOEs but all would have to be established if there were no US DOE.

Assessment of National Educational Progress would simply disappear along with a treasure trove of 50 years of educational data as each state creates it's own methods and standards of data collection.

The financial loses would pale in comparison to lose of standardized data collection, information sharing, and nationwide education policies.

Those "nationwide education policies" have cost this country a fortune and have produced piss poor education. This country spends more money on education than anybody else in the world and we have terrible results.

The Feds pour tons of money into what is called education and get very little value in return.

We don't need to have financial aid, civil rights bullshit, Special Ed or all those filthy ass grants that don't produce jackshit but cost the American taxpayers a ton of money.
These filthy grants, makes college attendance possible for 5.6 million students, and an education possible for 6 million disable kids.
Good. If parents want to educate crazy and retarded children, they can decide that in their communities, for it according to their commitment.

After all, your parents taught you to read and write, so crazy retarded people aren't completely useless.

These filthy grants, makes college attendance possible for 5.6 million students, and an education possible for 6 million disable kids.

I am sorry but I don't want the filthy ass Federal government taking my money by force and then spending it on some stupid bureaucratic education program that produces poor education results. The Feds spent a boat load of money on these stupid programs but each year the US falls further behind in education. It is a despicable waste of money. Money and bureaucracies do not produce good education.

It is not my responsibility to pay for the education of other people when the money is decided how to be spent by Federal bureaucrats whose bosses are elected by greedy special interest groups like teacher's unions.

On a local level I don't mind some of my tax money being pooled for education providing I get some choice in how the money is spent for my children.

The Federal government does not need to be in the business of education. That is one of the reasons it has become a bloated corrupt oppressive debt ridden burden on the American people.
I am sorry but I don't want the filthy ass Federal government taking my money by force and then spending it on some stupid bureaucratic education program that produces poor education results. The Feds spent a boat load of money on these stupid programs but each year the US falls further behind in education. It is a despicable waste of money. Money and bureaucracies do not produce good education.

It is not my responsibility to pay for the education of other people when the money is decided how to be spent by Federal bureaucrats whose bosses are elected by greedy special interest groups like teacher's unions.

On a local level I don't mind some of my tax money being pooled for education providing I get some choice in how the money is spent for my children.

The Federal government does not need to be in the business of education. That is one of the reasons it has become a bloated corrupt oppressive debt ridden burden on the American people.

Dump the Department of Education and watch your world education ranking sink faster and faster into the economic oblivion which awaits your nation. The nations of Europe, Canada, and other first world countries who believe in sound federal education strategies, and education 100% of their people, thank you.

Silicon Valley is relocating offices to British Columbia, because of their reliance upon foreign-born, hi-tech workers. There aren't enough of them in the US, and they fear Trump will close off access to foreign born workers.

The rest of the world is beating your asses with clean energy while Trump tries to get the US to go back to coal. The rest of the world is not interested in hiring your home-schooled, science denying ideologically pure right wingers because they're easily lied to and have no original ideas. The ability to think has been brainwashed out of them by religious schools who deny science and teach Creationism.

Selfishly, right-wingers don't want an educated population because their taxes will go down. Bright idea. It's thinking like this which is why your nation is in decline, and will continue to slide in world opinion.
I am sorry but I don't want the filthy ass Federal government taking my money by force and then spending it on some stupid bureaucratic education program that produces poor education results. The Feds spent a boat load of money on these stupid programs but each year the US falls further behind in education. It is a despicable waste of money. Money and bureaucracies do not produce good education.

It is not my responsibility to pay for the education of other people when the money is decided how to be spent by Federal bureaucrats whose bosses are elected by greedy special interest groups like teacher's unions.

On a local level I don't mind some of my tax money being pooled for education providing I get some choice in how the money is spent for my children.

The Federal government does not need to be in the business of education. That is one of the reasons it has become a bloated corrupt oppressive debt ridden burden on the American people.

Dump the Department of Education and watch your world education ranking sink faster and faster into the economic oblivion which awaits your nation. The nations of Europe, Canada, and other first world countries who believe in sound federal education strategies, and education 100% of their people, thank you.

Silicon Valley is relocating offices to British Columbia, because of their reliance upon foreign-born, hi-tech workers. There aren't enough of them in the US, and they fear Trump will close off access to foreign born workers.

The rest of the world is beating your asses with clean energy while Trump tries to get the US to go back to coal. The rest of the world is not interested in hiring your home-schooled, science denying ideologically pure right wingers because they're easily lied to and have no original ideas. The ability to think has been brainwashed out of them by religious schools who deny science and teach Creationism.

Selfishly, right-wingers don't want an educated population because their taxes will go down. Bright idea. It's thinking like this which is why your nation is in decline, and will continue to slide in world opinion.

The filthy ass Federal government doesn't do a damn thing to enhance education. It just spends a lot of our money and each year we get worse results. It is has become a cash cow for the greedy teacher's union and all the boondoggle minority programs that do nothing to enhance learning. It also has become the funding source for the Democrat controlled fiscally irresponsible corrupt big city shitholes that can't pay their own bills for their terrible schools.

We need the Federal Department of Education like we need a hole in the head. The State, Local and private can handle education in the US.

There are several departments of the Federal government that needs to be abolished. The Department of Education is just one of them.
Yeah, he's not a rocket scientist like you, eh?


I'd settle for a mental midget at the moment. I don't think he even makes the grade're almost there, though my short, bald, fat friend...
That's not even the point of his map you dimwit...
Bwahahahahaha!!!! Your first defense was that it was a "population map". And then when I show you what an actual population map looks like - you turn around and say that your own original statement "was not the point". :laugh:
That's not even the point of his map you dimwit...
Bwahahahahaha!!!! Your first defense was that it was a "population map". And then when I show you what an actual population map looks like - you turn around and say that your own original statement "was not the point". :laugh:

It is a population map you dumbarse. As is yours...I get that fact. You don't. Why? Because you're a dumbarse deplorable. That's why.

These filthy grants, makes college attendance possible for 5.6 million students, and an education possible for 6 million disable kids.

I am sorry but I don't want the filthy ass Federal government taking my money by force and then spending it on some stupid bureaucratic education program that produces poor education results. The Feds spent a boat load of money on these stupid programs but each year the US falls further behind in education. It is a despicable waste of money. Money and bureaucracies do not produce good education.

It is not my responsibility to pay for the education of other people when the money is decided how to be spent by Federal bureaucrats whose bosses are elected by greedy special interest groups like teacher's unions.

On a local level I don't mind some of my tax money being pooled for education providing I get some choice in how the money is spent for my children.

The Federal government does not need to be in the business of education. That is one of the reasons it has become a bloated corrupt oppressive debt ridden burden on the American people.
The total amount spend on k-12 public education is 620 billion dollars a year. The US Dept of Education K-12 spending is 9.7 billion. State and Local government provides 98.4% of K-12 educational funding. The remaining .6% comes from the US Dept. of Education. Other government agencies, provide support for various programs such as the School Lunch Program.

School districts are not being forced to accept funding from US Dept of Education. They can just say no. They are under no obligation to implement any of the DOE recommended programs. As long as local school districts can comply with federal laws such as civil rights, the disability act, no child left behind, etc. they can go their own way and ignore the US DOE. However, I doubt you can find a school district in this country that thinks they don't need help from federal government.
However, I doubt you can find a school district in this country that thinks they don't need help from federal government.
That's the difference between hatriots (such as Flopper) and patriots (such as myself). Hatriots "doubt". They make wild guesses based on their biased contempt for the U.S. Patriots know. And I know there isn't a single school system in America that thinks they need the federal government's help.

The problem is - they are all run by greedy unions and greedy hatriots. And none of them are going to pass up the $$$$$$$ in order to ensure legal, constitutional government. It is not a matter of need. It is a matter of greed. Typical left-wing greed.
I am sorry but I don't want the filthy ass Federal government taking my money by force and then spending it on some stupid bureaucratic education program that produces poor education results. The Feds spent a boat load of money on these stupid programs but each year the US falls further behind in education. It is a despicable waste of money. Money and bureaucracies do not produce good education.

It is not my responsibility to pay for the education of other people when the money is decided how to be spent by Federal bureaucrats whose bosses are elected by greedy special interest groups like teacher's unions.

On a local level I don't mind some of my tax money being pooled for education providing I get some choice in how the money is spent for my children.

The Federal government does not need to be in the business of education. That is one of the reasons it has become a bloated corrupt oppressive debt ridden burden on the American people.

Dump the Department of Education and watch your world education ranking sink faster and faster into the economic oblivion which awaits your nation. The nations of Europe, Canada, and other first world countries who believe in sound federal education strategies, and education 100% of their people, thank you.

Silicon Valley is relocating offices to British Columbia, because of their reliance upon foreign-born, hi-tech workers. There aren't enough of them in the US, and they fear Trump will close off access to foreign born workers.

The rest of the world is beating your asses with clean energy while Trump tries to get the US to go back to coal. The rest of the world is not interested in hiring your home-schooled, science denying ideologically pure right wingers because they're easily lied to and have no original ideas. The ability to think has been brainwashed out of them by religious schools who deny science and teach Creationism.

Selfishly, right-wingers don't want an educated population because their taxes will go down. Bright idea. It's thinking like this which is why your nation is in decline, and will continue to slide in world opinion.
Without the DOE setting standards for testing, data collection, and analysis, each state would go their own way. There would be no national report card, no nationwide test score analysis no data to rank the nation against other countries.

The situation would be similar to the days before the FBI set the standards for crime reporting. Each state and municipality would collect data to show they are the best.
Without the DOE setting standards for testing, data collection, and analysis, each state would go their own way.
Gasp! Noooooooooo! Oh the humanity. States free - as the constitution mandates - to go their own way?!? The people of each state empowered to decide for themselves how their children handle education?!? The horrors!!! The horrors, I say!!!
There would be no national report card
We're 36 pages in and you've still yet to even attempt to articulate why a "national report card" is necessary - much less actually articulate one. Your silence on this matter is duly noted.

(IE you're just parroting desperate hatriot talking points which were poorly constructed because they were created by the low IQ left-wing hatriots who never think things through)

These filthy grants, makes college attendance possible for 5.6 million students, and an education possible for 6 million disable kids.

I am sorry but I don't want the filthy ass Federal government taking my money by force and then spending it on some stupid bureaucratic education program that produces poor education results. The Feds spent a boat load of money on these stupid programs but each year the US falls further behind in education. It is a despicable waste of money. Money and bureaucracies do not produce good education.

It is not my responsibility to pay for the education of other people when the money is decided how to be spent by Federal bureaucrats whose bosses are elected by greedy special interest groups like teacher's unions.

On a local level I don't mind some of my tax money being pooled for education providing I get some choice in how the money is spent for my children.

The Federal government does not need to be in the business of education. That is one of the reasons it has become a bloated corrupt oppressive debt ridden burden on the American people.
The total amount spend on k-12 public education is 620 billion dollars a year. The US Dept of Education K-12 spending is 9.7 billion. State and Local government provides 98.4% of K-12 educational funding. The remaining .6% comes from the US Dept. of Education. Other government agencies, provide support for various programs such as the School Lunch Program.

School districts are not being forced to accept funding from US Dept of Education. They can just say no. They are under no obligation to implement any of the DOE recommended programs. As long as local school districts can comply with federal laws such as civil rights, the disability act, no child left behind, etc. they can go their own way and ignore the US DOE. However, I doubt you can find a school district in this country that thinks they don't need help from federal government.

You are confused Moon Bat.

That filthy ass Federal government bureaucracy cost the American taxpayer's $80 billion a year and they are asking for an increase of $140 billion over the next few years.

A good portion of that is welfare to the bloated ineffective fiscally irresponsible big city shittholes that can't manage their own education budget. The same shithead school districts run by Moon Bats that spends one day in the American history class discussing the Cold War, Korea and Vietnam and three fucking weeks discussing Martin Luther King Jr.

In the meantime all this money is being spent and has produced no improvements in education results. In fact we are sliding downward.

The Depart of Education also hands out Federal grants and loans for college students that have contributed to soaring inflation in tuition costs. Student grant and loan programs have also been subject to high levels of fraud and abuse. I don't know about you but it is not my responsibility as a taxpayer to give money to some affirmative action asshole that has no intention of ever paying back the money. It is their responsibility to pay for their own college.

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