Government Education Website for disabled kids disappears as DeVos takes office

There is a reason the Orange Buffoon is a piece of shit. That's the reason the Deplorables voted for him. It is a reflection of them.
There's a reason this map is red coast-to-coast. The reason? Ignorant people like him ^

View attachment 112444

Idiot right wingers love this map because they are too stupid to understand square footage doesn't vote.
Idiot right wingers love this map because they are too stupid to understand square footage doesn't vote.
Dimwitted Dumbocrats hate this map because they are too stupid to understand that people who voted inhabit the land that is represented on the map. Where the people are that voted for who. Dimwitted Democrats are still butthurt that Donald Trump won the Electoral College.
There is a reason the Orange Buffoon is a piece of shit. That's the reason the Deplorables voted for him. It is a reflection of them.
There's a reason this map is red coast-to-coast. The reason? Ignorant people like him ^

View attachment 112444

Wow. look at all those counties that are red with about three people in them..
Over half of the nations population lives in the red...

And they're not all trump voters..
Only a dimwitted Dumbocrat could create a map where Indiana is where Idaho normally is and Michigan is where Montana normally is... :lmao:

It's a population map you dimwit....
How does moving all of the states even remotely reflect "population"?!? :lmao:

Oh brother .

The physical size on the map represents the relative % of our total population . States are off their mark because it's NOT a physical representation other than squishing them all into the shape of America .

Ya dig???
Oh brother .

The physical size on the map represents the relative % of our total population . States are off their mark because it's NOT a physical representation other than squishing them all into the shape of America .

Ya dig???

No. He doesn't. I don't know how often your read "patriot's" stuff, but he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer...
Yea, spot on fake news. It's been debunked over and over. Trump wasn't mocking the man's disability, he didn't even know he was disabled. He was mocking his stupidity for changing his story. He did the same exact thing to Ted Cruz.]


Nice to see you can't refute it. Does Ted Cruz have a disability?
Trump's mimicking the reporter with gestures common to his affection, removing the disability policy from the White House website, and Trump's properties being sued 8 times for disability violations, means he's either an idiot or he has no interest at all in policies to help the disabled. I favor the latter.

Uh no, the reporter doesn't flop his arms around wildly or at all, in fact it can't move. Trump didn't even know he was handicapped, he was making fun of him changing his story, if you bother watching the video with audio. He mocked Cruz the exact same way.

Of all the properties Trump has owned his entire lifetime, only being sued 8 times for disability violations is pretty remarkable, considering how often businesses are sued for that and how rediculous codes are.

A government website going down doesn't indicate any change in actual policy or plans. Complete libtard meltdown over nothing.
Trump has always made fun of the disabled, the weak, and the poor. In his mind they are fair game and always good for a laugh. In 2011, on the apprentice he got a good laugh by mocking the sound of Marlin Matlin’s voice and treating her as if she were intellectually disabled. Matlin is deaf and uses American Sign Language to communicate. Anything approaching normal speech is very difficult for her. Trump builds himself up by tearing others down. It so ingrained in his personality, he doesn't realize he's doing it.
You mean the way Obama made that crack about the special Olympics on the David Letterman show?
Oh brother .

The physical size on the map represents the relative % of our total population . States are off their mark because it's NOT a physical representation other than squishing them all into the shape of America .

Ya dig???

No. He doesn't. I don't know how often your read "patriot's" stuff, but he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer...
Yeah, he's not a rocket scientist like you, eh?

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! are so fucking really are....
Oh brother . The physical size on the map represents the relative % of our total population . States are off their mark because it's NOT a physical representation other than squishing them all into the shape of America . Ya dig???
You two really are the poster children for the modern day Dumbocrat. Here is a "population map". Please note that all states are actually where they belong (ask an adult for help):

Good. I don't know even why the Feds are involved in education. The whole Department of Education should be abolished. Education should be done on a State and local level.
Maybe this is part of Trump's plan to create jobs. Duplicate the processing in the US DOE by up to 50 times, financial aid to college students and school districts, processing of civil rights complains, Special Ed and Rehabilitation Services, Faith Based Partnerships, Educations Technology, Grant Processing, and Educational Research. By distributing the work of US DOE to state DOEs, we loose all economics of scale. None of these functions exist currently in state DOEs but all would have to be established if there were no US DOE.

Assessment of National Educational Progress would simply disappear along with a treasure trove of 50 years of educational data as each state creates it's own methods and standards of data collection.

The financial loses would pale in comparison to lose of standardized data collection, information sharing, and nationwide education policies.
Trump White House takes down website pages about disabilities

The Obama White House website page labeled “Contact the Disability Issues Outreach Team | The White House” isn’t there any longer either. Click on it and it now says: “The requested page/disability-issues-contact could not be found.” And the Obama White House website’s fact sheet about expanding opportunities for people with disabilities is gone too. (You can see the former disabilities page here.)

Website for disabled kids disappears as DeVos takes office

They are updating the site moron. There is a new boss in town.
Trump White House takes down website pages about disabilities

The Obama White House website page labeled “Contact the Disability Issues Outreach Team | The White House” isn’t there any longer either. Click on it and it now says: “The requested page/disability-issues-contact could not be found.” And the Obama White House website’s fact sheet about expanding opportunities for people with disabilities is gone too. (You can see the former disabilities page here.)

Website for disabled kids disappears as DeVos takes office

They are updating the site moron. There is a new boss in town.
Sure they are:bsflag:
Good. I don't know even why the Feds are involved in education. The whole Department of Education should be abolished. Education should be done on a State and local level.
Maybe this is part of Trump's plan to create jobs. Duplicate the processing in the US DOE by up to 50 times, financial aid to college students and school districts, processing of civil rights complains, Special Ed and Rehabilitation Services, Faith Based Partnerships, Educations Technology, Grant Processing, and Educational Research. By distributing the work of US DOE to state DOEs, we loose all economics of scale. None of these functions exist currently in state DOEs but all would have to be established if there were no US DOE.

Assessment of National Educational Progress would simply disappear along with a treasure trove of 50 years of educational data as each state creates it's own methods and standards of data collection.

The financial loses would pale in comparison to lose of standardized data collection, information sharing, and nationwide education policies.

Those "nationwide education policies" have cost this country a fortune and have produced piss poor education. This country spends more money on education than anybody else in the world and we have terrible results.

The Feds pour tons of money into what is called education and get very little value in return.

We don't need to have financial aid, civil rights bullshit, Special Ed or all those filthy ass grants that don't produce jackshit but cost the American taxpayers a ton of money.

The "population" of several of those bigger states like TX, FL MI, PA, GA etc went for Trump, doncha know.

Sorry Moon Bat but NY, CA and IL don't get to pick the President all by themselves.

Uhh yeah. That's the point. If it was red blue itd be virtually 1/2 .

It's you righty rubes who like to post that red map of the us and be like "yeeeehawww. Look at all that red ! 90% of Ameeerca is republican!"

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