Government Education Website for disabled kids disappears as DeVos takes office

This thread is a great example of the scummy thought process of right wingers .
This thread is a great example of fascists having their asses handed to them with facts from conservatives. Watching you fragile snowflakes fall apart because of it is priceless.

Facts ? Like what ?? Facts mean nothing to conservatives.
What a choice... move to another state. change jobs, sell house, uproot whole family. sureee.

1. I'm sorry....are you special little snowflakes entitled to all of society waiting on you in your castles? We certainly would not want to - gasp! - inconvenience you for a little thing like the law.

2. Why do you assume that you won't receive quality education where you live? Do you currently live in a shit-hole? Unless you're in California, New Jersey, New York, or Detroit - you education will likely be exceptional. If you're already in one of the three states and one city I mentioned - your education system already sucks.

3. Why do you have to move to another state? If your district isn't doing a good job with education - send your children to the district right next to it. Should be no more than an extra 10 miles or so unless you live in the middle of nowhere.

Ensuring all kids receive a decent education has nothing to do with being "waited on" or "living in castles". No I don't live in a shit hole...the school district where I live is above average. My state does some kooky things.
lol. we are filled to the brim with progressives.

Right now my son does go to different schools (depending on what's offered) that's not the issue. I was being flip about moving state to state.

Point is, without IDEA kids might fall through the cracks, regardless of teachers, parents best efforts.
It might be work out fine:dunno:... I just have serious doubts.

Kids who wear helmets and scream all day can't be taught.

I'm not talking about those type of kids. I'm sure they can learn something.

Our public schools are NOT warehouses for lunatics and retards. I'm sorry. I feel bad for those kids, but whatever we do for them is SEPARATE from *education*.

And when we eliminate the dept. of education, and cease the federal funding of our schools, the people who heretofore have thought it's a really good idea to use schools to house drooling retards for the sake of a few bucks, will change their minds.

For God's sakes, they pay PARENTS to come to the schools to sit with their kids all day. That's insane, and it's not *education*. I don't know what it is, but I want it out of the schools.
This thread is a great example of the scummy thought process of right wingers .
This thread is a great example of fascists having their asses handed to them with facts from conservatives. Watching you fragile snowflakes fall apart because of it is priceless.
It gives me a warm glowy feeling every day since Trump took office.
Not really, considering the site cost us a billion buckaroos.
Give the guy a break. He hasn't even been in office a month and democrats have been dragging their feet about authorizing cabinet posts. I don't recall any scrutiny over web sites were added or deleted under Obama. As a matter of fact everyone knew that the IRS was being used to punish political enemies and the infamous quote "republicans can come along for the ride but they have to sit in the back" but lefties didn't care as long as they were in charge.
You have forgotten Remember how it continuously crashed or made someone wait for hours? No scrutiny? Really?
Yea, spot on fake news. It's been debunked over and over. Trump wasn't mocking the man's disability, he didn't even know he was disabled. He was mocking his stupidity for changing his story. He did the same exact thing to Ted Cruz.]


Nice to see you can't refute it. Does Ted Cruz have a disability?
Trump's mimicking the reporter with gestures common to his affection, removing the disability policy from the White House website, and Trump's properties being sued 8 times for disability violations, means he's either an idiot or he has no interest at all in policies to help the disabled. I favor the latter.

I favor federally funded nuthouses. We can lodge all the drooling diapered teenagers whose parents don't want to take care of, and we can lodge all the fanatical and criminal lefties as well.
Our public schools are NOT warehouses for lunatics and retards. I'm sorry. I feel bad for those kids, but whatever we do for them is SEPARATE from *education*.
Kosh....I love ya....but you sound bat-shit crazy here. Disabled children deserve every opportunity to maximize whatever potential they have just as much as normal children do. You do understand that they don't place the disabled children in the same classrooms with the standard children or the gifted students, don't you?!?
Our public schools are NOT warehouses for lunatics and retards. I'm sorry. I feel bad for those kids, but whatever we do for them is SEPARATE from *education*.
Kosh....I love ya....but you sound bat-shit crazy here. Disabled children deserve every opportunity to maximize whatever potential they have just as much as normal children do. You do understand that they don't place the disabled children in the same classrooms with the standard children or the gifted students, don't you?!?

I do understand. I was just talking to a special ed teacher, whose husband is currently working with the special ed kids, not ten minutes ago. About this topic.

I know them well. I've worked with this population for decades. And it is a scam. That money is wasted money, and the presence of these kids in our public schools is detrimental to the students who are there to learn.
Yea, spot on fake news. It's been debunked over and over. Trump wasn't mocking the man's disability, he didn't even know he was disabled. He was mocking his stupidity for changing his story. He did the same exact thing to Ted Cruz.]


Nice to see you can't refute it. Does Ted Cruz have a disability?
Trump's mimicking the reporter with gestures common to his affection, removing the disability policy from the White House website, and Trump's properties being sued 8 times for disability violations, means he's either an idiot or he has no interest at all in policies to help the disabled. I favor the latter.

Uh no, the reporter doesn't flop his arms around wildly or at all, in fact it can't move. Trump didn't even know he was handicapped, he was making fun of him changing his story, if you bother watching the video with audio. He mocked Cruz the exact same way.

Of all the properties Trump has owned his entire lifetime, only being sued 8 times for disability violations is pretty remarkable, considering how often businesses are sued for that and how rediculous codes are.

A government website going down doesn't indicate any change in actual policy or plans. Complete libtard meltdown over nothing.
Why stop wh disabled kids ! We should also dump disabled vets while we are at it. Think of the savings !

To paraphrase Trump. " I like troops who don't get their legs blown off". And really ,why do they need these fancy prosetics . Those are expensive ! Put them in a wheel chair and push them out the door !
This occurs with every new administration. The old pages become archived and new ones reflecting the goals of the current administration/secretary replace them.


The Senators don't think so....

Washington senators Murray, Cantwell demand Trump education chief restore site

Updated 5:25 pm, Saturday, February 11, 2017

#ReadTheNewsLinks :)

Of course they don't because they are mentally unbalanced snowflakes.
Why stop wh disabled kids ! We should also dump disabled vets while we are at it. Think of the savings !

To paraphrase Trump. " I like troops who don't get their legs blown off". And really ,why do they need these fancy prosetics . Those are expensive ! Put them in a wheel chair and push them out the door !
No, disabled vets have their own facilities and separate funding.

If you morons advocated.sticking them in the schools, and using school funds to pay people to.wipe their asses, and build special equipment to wrestle them around, I would say the same thing I say about the non learners. Get them their own facilities, fund them separately. They have no business in the schools. They belong in hospitals, or at home.
What a choice... move to another state. change jobs, sell house, uproot whole family. sureee.

1. I'm sorry....are you special little snowflakes entitled to all of society waiting on you in your castles? We certainly would not want to - gasp! - inconvenience you for a little thing like the law.

2. Why do you assume that you won't receive quality education where you live? Do you currently live in a shit-hole? Unless you're in California, New Jersey, New York, or Detroit - you education will likely be exceptional. If you're already in one of the three states and one city I mentioned - your education system already sucks.

3. Why do you have to move to another state? If your district isn't doing a good job with education - send your children to the district right next to it. Should be no more than an extra 10 miles or so unless you live in the middle of nowhere.

Ensuring all kids receive a decent education has nothing to do with being "waited on" or "living in castles". No I don't live in a shit hole...the school district where I live is above average. My state does some kooky things.
lol. we are filled to the brim with progressives.

Right now my son does go to different schools (depending on what's offered) that's not the issue. I was being flip about moving state to state.

Point is, without IDEA kids might fall through the cracks, regardless of teachers, parents best efforts.
It might be work out fine:dunno:... I just have serious doubts.

Kids who wear helmets and scream all day can't be taught.

I'm not talking about those type of kids. I'm sure they can learn something.

Our public schools are NOT warehouses for lunatics and retards. I'm sorry. I feel bad for those kids, but whatever we do for them is SEPARATE from *education*.

And when we eliminate the dept. of education, and cease the federal funding of our schools, the people who heretofore have thought it's a really good idea to use schools to house drooling retards for the sake of a few bucks, will change their minds.

For God's sakes, they pay PARENTS to come to the schools to sit with their kids all day. That's insane, and it's not *education*. I don't know what it is, but I want it out of the schools.
Students that are moderate to severely retarded (IQ less than 50) which are about 15% of the retarded kids are taught in self-contained classroom for their academics, daily living and self-help skills, vocational training and leisure activities. Students may be included from time to time in in classes such art or music but in general they are not part of general student population.

From a pure economic standpoint, it is important that we educate these kids because most of them can achieve at least some level of independence. Kids that are moderately retarded IQ 35-50 can learn both life skills and employment skills that will allow them a great deal of independence. They can hold down jobs like bagging groceries, simple janitorial work, or collection tickets at a movie theaters. Without education, they would require round the clock maintenance for their entire lives.
Why stop wh disabled kids ! We should also dump disabled vets while we are at it. Think of the savings !

To paraphrase Trump. " I like troops who don't get their legs blown off". And really ,why do they need these fancy prosetics . Those are expensive ! Put them in a wheel chair and push them out the door !
You know the sad part? It may actually come to that thanks to the Dumbocrats who have strapped us with $20 trillion in debt. The anti-American left-wingers were determined to bring down America and they may just achieve it yet.
Yea, spot on fake news. It's been debunked over and over. Trump wasn't mocking the man's disability, he didn't even know he was disabled. He was mocking his stupidity for changing his story. He did the same exact thing to Ted Cruz.]


Nice to see you can't refute it. Does Ted Cruz have a disability?
Trump's mimicking the reporter with gestures common to his affection, removing the disability policy from the White House website, and Trump's properties being sued 8 times for disability violations, means he's either an idiot or he has no interest at all in policies to help the disabled. I favor the latter.

Uh no, the reporter doesn't flop his arms around wildly or at all, in fact it can't move. Trump didn't even know he was handicapped, he was making fun of him changing his story, if you bother watching the video with audio. He mocked Cruz the exact same way.

Of all the properties Trump has owned his entire lifetime, only being sued 8 times for disability violations is pretty remarkable, considering how often businesses are sued for that and how rediculous codes are.

A government website going down doesn't indicate any change in actual policy or plans. Complete libtard meltdown over nothing.
Trump has always made fun of the disabled, the weak, and the poor. In his mind they are fair game and always good for a laugh. In 2011, on the apprentice he got a good laugh by mocking the sound of Marlin Matlin’s voice and treating her as if she were intellectually disabled. Matlin is deaf and uses American Sign Language to communicate. Anything approaching normal speech is very difficult for her. Trump builds himself up by tearing others down. It so ingrained in his personality, he doesn't realize he's doing it.
Trump has always made fun of the disabled, the weak, and the poor. In his mind they are fair game and always good for a laugh. In 2011, on the apprentice he got a good laugh by mocking the sound of Marlin Matlin’s voice and treating her as if she were intellectually disabled. Matlin is deaf and uses American Sign Language to communicate. Anything approaching normal speech is very difficult for her. Trump builds himself up by tearing others down. It so ingrained in his personality, he doesn't realize he's doing it.
But it doesn't seem to bother lefties when Hillary made fun of Republicans as barking dogs and called half of Trump supporters deplorable and unredeemable. I see libs mocking us on the right in the most vicious manner possible quite often. They LOVE the hate fests on shows like SNL.

It's almost as if you can't see the inconsistency.

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