Government Education Website for disabled kids disappears as DeVos takes office

Give the guy a break. He hasn't even been in office a month and democrats have been dragging their feet about authorizing cabinet posts. I don't recall any scrutiny over web sites were added or deleted under Obama. As a matter of fact everyone knew that the IRS was being used to punish political enemies and the infamous quote "republicans can come along for the ride but they have to sit in the back" but lefties didn't care as long as they were in charge.
You have forgotten Remember how it continuously crashed or made someone wait for hours? No scrutiny? Really?
Data gathering would be different for each state
And? So? So what? People who aren't fascists realize that i's about something you people hate. Choice.
you can save that choice bullshizer for the stepford zealots who are ruining this country. :eusa_hand:

tell me, genius... WHAT CHOICE does the disabled student have ??
The choice to go another district or state, genius. And you know what else? You have the choice to step in and provide them with any educational need they desire out of your own pocket.

What's the problem? Too greedy Valerie? Too selfish? Too lazy? :dunno:

What a choice... move to another state. change jobs, sell house, uproot whole family. sureee.
What is the problem with IDEA? Like Valerie posted...there's a strict evaluation procedure before a student can qualify. it doesn't "dumb down" a school. It helps kids who by no fault of their own need some extra help. It also allows parents to be involved in the process and have their child not labeled lazy, a trouble maker and a whole list of other labels. I don't see how ensuring reasonably equal educational opportunities is lock and step with a regime.
What a choice... move to another state. change jobs, sell house, uproot whole family. sureee.

1. I'm sorry....are you special little snowflakes entitled to all of society waiting on you in your castles? We certainly would not want to - gasp! - inconvenience you for a little thing like the law.

2. Why do you assume that you won't receive quality education where you live? Do you currently live in a shit-hole? Unless you're in California, New Jersey, New York, or Detroit - you education will likely be exceptional. If you're already in one of the three states and one city I mentioned - your education system already sucks.

3. Why do you have to move to another state? If your district isn't doing a good job with education - send your children to the district right next to it. Should be no more than an extra 10 miles or so unless you live in the middle of nowhere.
What is the problem with IDEA? Like Valerie posted...there's a strict evaluation procedure before a student can qualify. it doesn't "dumb down" a school. It helps kids who by no fault of their own need some extra help. It also allows parents to be involved in the process and have their child not labeled lazy, a trouble maker and a whole list of other labels. I don't see how ensuring reasonably equal educational opportunities is lock and step with a regime.
Why is it that all left-wingers can't understand basic issues? Nobody - and I mean nobody - is complaining about the special needs child or what their presence does to a school system (which is absolutely nothing). The issue is that the Department of Education is 100% unconstitutional/illegal and is $30 billion per year of pure waste and fraud.

I don't want some out of touch bureaucrat in Washington D.C. telling my children what they must learn, how they must learn, when they must learn. They are thousands of miles away and have absolutely no idea what the real world looks like. The people of my state and the people of my community can handle education for our own children. I suggest you do the same for your children.

I'm all for those special needs children receiving ALL of the help they need. And we will provide that. Not Washington D.C. We will do it. Do you understand the issue now?
If Republicans only care about the fetus and not the born, they certainly don't care about the disabled.

Spot on.

Yea, spot on fake news. It's been debunked over and over. Trump wasn't mocking the man's disability, he didn't even know he was disabled. He was mocking his stupidity for changing his story. He did the same exact thing to Ted Cruz.

Keep drinking the Kool-Aid, or I should say, trump's piss; eh, pretty much the same thing.
If it was such a good idea to abandon any central control of education, one would think other nations would have done this.
1.) We're the greatest nation in the world. We don't lower the bar to the standard of other nations (like the left does). We lead by raising the bar and smiling as other nations follow us.

2.) By that idiotic left-wing logic, let's get rid of the U.S. Constitution immediately. I mean, "if it was such a good would think other nations would have done it". We are the only nation in the world that has the U.S. Constitution.

Might I suggest thinking for yourself next time instead of regurgitating the idiotic article of some uninformed progressive - whose words then reflect poorly on you? Just say'n....
If we are already the greatest nation on earth, (which I agree), it's gonna be pretty hard for Rump to make us great again.

At last count there were 146 nations with a Constitution but I doubt they refer to their constitution as the US Constitution.

You seem to be batting 2 and 0. Want to try for 3 and 0.

Laughable. We are hardly the "greatest nation on earth" when it comes to education.

Within the 34 OECD countries, the US ranks:
21st in science
17th in reading
26th in math

All this while the US spends $115k per student.

American Schools vs. the World: Expensive, Unequal, Bad at Math

Of course, most of these types of studies dance around the issue of "disadvantaged" students, i.e. minorities that bring down test scores.
That depends on the minority. Asians typically score higher on standardize tests than whites. It's pretty well known that the top 1% in the US compare quite well to the top 1% elsewhere. The problem is at 50% and lower percentile.

One of the primary reason K-12 education is so expensive is that unlike other countries, there is very little centralize control of funding, curriculum, and policies. Unlike most counties we have 4 levels of management with a lot of duplication, school, district, state, and federal. Funding is not based on the need of the student but rather where the student lives. A school district in New York State spends a whopping $61,029 per student while a district in Oklahoma spends less than a tenth of that per student. Where curriculum should be determined by educators, it is often determined by politicians and others that know nothing about education. The result is many graduating seniors and transferring students, don't have the skill levels that their new school expects.

What a choice... move to another state. change jobs, sell house, uproot whole family. sureee.

1. I'm sorry....are you special little snowflakes entitled to all of society waiting on you in your castles? We certainly would not want to - gasp! - inconvenience you for a little thing like the law.

2. Why do you assume that you won't receive quality education where you live? Do you currently live in a shit-hole? Unless you're in California, New Jersey, New York, or Detroit - you education will likely be exceptional. If you're already in one of the three states and one city I mentioned - your education system already sucks.

3. Why do you have to move to another state? If your district isn't doing a good job with education - send your children to the district right next to it. Should be no more than an extra 10 miles or so unless you live in the middle of nowhere.

Ensuring all kids receive a decent education has nothing to do with being "waited on" or "living in castles". No I don't live in a shit hole...the school district where I live is above average. My state does some kooky things.
lol. we are filled to the brim with progressives.

Right now my son does go to different schools (depending on what's offered) that's not the issue. I was being flip about moving state to state.

Point is, without IDEA kids might fall through the cracks, regardless of teachers, parents best efforts.
It might be work out fine:dunno:... I just have serious doubts.
Maybe it's cause Betsy was so clueless about special needs ed ! That's why it worries people. Why even take it down ?
because it is a huge waste of resources. Huge.

Only if one is uneducable like you

Huge waste of resources? lol Koshergirl ...yikes.

That's right. The only people who benefit are the parents and the bureaucrats who push these programs in our schools. But our KIDS suffer. Fund a separate program. Just don't use OUR SCHOOLS as storage facilities for kids who can't be taught, and the idiots who *teach* them.
What a choice... move to another state. change jobs, sell house, uproot whole family. sureee.

1. I'm sorry....are you special little snowflakes entitled to all of society waiting on you in your castles? We certainly would not want to - gasp! - inconvenience you for a little thing like the law.

2. Why do you assume that you won't receive quality education where you live? Do you currently live in a shit-hole? Unless you're in California, New Jersey, New York, or Detroit - you education will likely be exceptional. If you're already in one of the three states and one city I mentioned - your education system already sucks.

3. Why do you have to move to another state? If your district isn't doing a good job with education - send your children to the district right next to it. Should be no more than an extra 10 miles or so unless you live in the middle of nowhere.

Ensuring all kids receive a decent education has nothing to do with being "waited on" or "living in castles". No I don't live in a shit hole...the school district where I live is above average. My state does some kooky things.
lol. we are filled to the brim with progressives.

Right now my son does go to different schools (depending on what's offered) that's not the issue. I was being flip about moving state to state.

Point is, without IDEA kids might fall through the cracks, regardless of teachers, parents best efforts.
It might be work out fine:dunno:... I just have serious doubts.

Kids who wear helmets and scream all day can't be taught.
What is the problem with IDEA? Like Valerie posted...there's a strict evaluation procedure before a student can qualify. it doesn't "dumb down" a school. It helps kids who by no fault of their own need some extra help. It also allows parents to be involved in the process and have their child not labeled lazy, a trouble maker and a whole list of other labels. I don't see how ensuring reasonably equal educational opportunities is lock and step with a regime.
Why is it that all left-wingers can't understand basic issues? Nobody - and I mean nobody - is complaining about the special needs child or what their presence does to a school system (which is absolutely nothing). The issue is that the Department of Education is 100% unconstitutional/illegal and is $30 billion per year of pure waste and fraud.

I don't want some out of touch bureaucrat in Washington D.C. telling my children what they must learn, how they must learn, when they must learn. They are thousands of miles away and have absolutely no idea what the real world looks like. The people of my state and the people of my community can handle education for our own children. I suggest you do the same for your children.

I'm all for those special needs children receiving ALL of the help they need. And we will provide that. Not Washington D.C. We will do it. Do you understand the issue now?

I understand the issue and agree with about half of what you are saying.
I'm not so sure all these changes are being made for all us "we's".
What a choice... move to another state. change jobs, sell house, uproot whole family. sureee.

1. I'm sorry....are you special little snowflakes entitled to all of society waiting on you in your castles? We certainly would not want to - gasp! - inconvenience you for a little thing like the law.

2. Why do you assume that you won't receive quality education where you live? Do you currently live in a shit-hole? Unless you're in California, New Jersey, New York, or Detroit - you education will likely be exceptional. If you're already in one of the three states and one city I mentioned - your education system already sucks.

3. Why do you have to move to another state? If your district isn't doing a good job with education - send your children to the district right next to it. Should be no more than an extra 10 miles or so unless you live in the middle of nowhere.

Ensuring all kids receive a decent education has nothing to do with being "waited on" or "living in castles". No I don't live in a shit hole...the school district where I live is above average. My state does some kooky things.
lol. we are filled to the brim with progressives.

Right now my son does go to different schools (depending on what's offered) that's not the issue. I was being flip about moving state to state.

Point is, without IDEA kids might fall through the cracks, regardless of teachers, parents best efforts.
It might be work out fine:dunno:... I just have serious doubts.

Kids who wear helmets and scream all day can't be taught.

I'm not talking about those type of kids. I'm sure they can learn something.
Last edited:
Maybe it's cause Betsy was so clueless about special needs ed ! That's why it worries people. Why even take it down ?
because it is a huge waste of resources. Huge.

Only if one is uneducable like you

Huge waste of resources? lol Koshergirl ...yikes.

That's right. The only people who benefit are the parents and the bureaucrats who push these programs in our schools. But our KIDS suffer. Fund a separate program. Just don't use OUR SCHOOLS as storage facilities for kids who can't be taught, and the idiots who *teach* them.

Storage facilities??? Special ed teachers are idiots?? I hope you aren't allowed out in public.:laugh:

The kids benefit and will they become more productive members of society. Even you benefit.
Yea, spot on fake news. It's been debunked over and over. Trump wasn't mocking the man's disability, he didn't even know he was disabled. He was mocking his stupidity for changing his story. He did the same exact thing to Ted Cruz.]


Nice to see you can't refute it. Does Ted Cruz have a disability?
Trump's mimicking the reporter with gestures common to his affection, removing the disability policy from the White House website, and Trump's properties being sued 8 times for disability violations, means he's either an idiot or he has no interest at all in policies to help the disabled. I favor the latter.
No I don't live in a shit hole...the school district where I live is above average. My state does some kooky things. don't worry so much! If you live in a nice place with decent education - I'm sure you and your fellow citizens are more than capable of overseeing education. And that is the entire point. That We the People are in control and not some out of touch bureaucrat thousands of miles away.
This thread is a great example of the scummy thought process of right wingers .

And the ignorance of special ed is mind blowing .
Trump's mimicking the reporter with gestures common to his affection...
That lie has been throughly debunked Comrade Flopper. Your propaganda efforts failed miserably on this one. It's best you just move along and this point and attempt a new lie to deceive the people with.
This thread is a great example of the scummy thought process of right wingers .
This thread is a great example of fascists having their asses handed to them with facts from conservatives. Watching you fragile snowflakes fall apart because of it is priceless.

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