Government Education Website for disabled kids disappears as DeVos takes office

It would be impossible to compare progress between states or even progress between different time period.
Well that would be a good thing as there is absolutely, positively no reason to compare states. New Mexico shouldn't give a rat's ass what Idaho is doing with education. It's none of their business. And Idaho shouldn't give a rat's ass what Tennessse is doing with education as that is none of their business.

Might I suggest thinking for yourself next time instead of regurgitating the idiotic article of some uninformed progressive - whose words then reflect poorly on you? Just say'n....
A treasure trove of data gathered from across the country on educational outcomes and the demographics of student and teacher populations would be lost over time.
Create and manage your own "treasure trove of data" in your own state. It is literally none of your business what other states are doing. You don't pay taxes in their state. You don't get to vote on their state. Stop worrying about their state you desperate fascist.

Might I suggest thinking for yourself next time instead of regurgitating the idiotic article of some uninformed progressive - whose words then reflect poorly on you? Just say'n....
A treasure trove of data gathered from across the country on educational outcomes and the demographics of student and teacher populations would be lost over time. This data is essential for administrators to determine programs, techniques, and policies that are successful.
Uh....not it's not. At all. The illegal, unconstitutional Department of Education didn't exist until 1979. We went 203 years without it and did just fine. In fact, we lead the world in education. It wasn't until the illegal, unconstitutional Department of Education that we started to trail all other nations.

But I suspect that's exactly what you want. You need an uneducated, uninformed electorate or your party wouldn't exist.
If it was such a good idea to abandon any central control of education, one would think other nations would have done this.
1.) We're the greatest nation in the world. We don't lower the bar to the standard of other nations (like the left does). We lead by raising the bar and smiling as other nations follow us.

2.) By that idiotic left-wing logic, let's get rid of the U.S. Constitution immediately. I mean, "if it was such a good would think other nations would have done it". We are the only nation in the world that has the U.S. Constitution.

Might I suggest thinking for yourself next time instead of regurgitating the idiotic article of some uninformed progressive - whose words then reflect poorly on you? Just say'n....
Data gathering would be different for each state
And? So? So what? People who aren't fascists realize that it's completely ok for different states to have different "data gathering". I promise - no one will die from that. Actually - no one will even so much as get hurt from that, much less die.
If data gathering methods and standards are different between states, there can be no comparison because you would you have an apples and oranges comparison. If the same standards are not used, then you can't compare results so what appears to be good progress may actually be just a difference in the way the data is gathered. Considering the cost of education, we do need to know that programs we implement have been proven successful and you can't do that if the standards are different.
Since the lady, has no training or experience in education, never attended a public school, never taught anywhere, never held a political office, never had job outside of the republican party or serving on boards, she is the ideal Trump appointee to provide leadership in education.
You are referring to Barack Obama here - aren't you?
  1. She (check)
  2. No training or experience (check)
  3. Never had a job (check)
  4. Never served on a board (check)
How bizarre that you would feel someone with those credentials (or lack thereof) would be unqualified to run a useless and unconstitutional federal bureaucracy but think those credentials (or lack thereof) make for the *perfect* leader of the world.
Data gathering would be different for each state
And? So? So what? People who aren't fascists realize that it's completely ok for different states to have different "data gathering". I promise - no one will die from that. Actually - no one will even so much as get hurt from that, much less die.
If data gathering methods and standards are different between states, there can be no comparison because you would you have an apples and oranges comparison.
I already addressed this absurd statement snowflake. There is no need to compare states. It should never be done. It's none of the business of the people of Alabama how the people of Colorado are doing or handling education. Which part of that don't you understand?
If data gathering methods and standards are different between states, there can be no comparison because you would you have an apples and oranges comparison.
So when the federal government collects their data - who do they compare it against? They have no one except other nations. And the "data gathering methods" between the U.S., Canada, and Japan are not the same. Why aren't you whining about that? You're being completely irrational and inconsistent here.
I agree with this aspect of your post in that I know that autistic kids are huge disruptions. However, I know a lot of kids over the years who have spina bifida, have no use of their legs etc who are just normal kids but have to have a wheelchair etc.

The problen with DeVos is that she was appointed by the Orange Buffoon, who has proven in only three weeks in the office he has no idea what the fuck is going on.
From her resume, it's very obvious of what she will be trying to do. She was a former Chairperson of Michigan Republican Party, a multi-billionaire heiress, who was a big Trump supporter. She has never taught, nor attended a public school, nor have her children. She has no education in teaching or school administration, has never held any public office, nor worked for any government. She is a business major whose only job has been sitting on boards of companies she inherited, fundraising, working on behave of the party, and actively working on behave school choice.

I suspect that this woman will be totally dependent on others to run the department while she works to de-fund most of it's functions while directing funds to private schools. Like a lot of Trump appointees, she can look forward lackluster help from subordinates.

What this really means is that she wants poor parents to be able to choose the schools their children attend just like well off ones are able to do. She has personally donated $ millions to private schools that benefit disadvantaged kids.

What you loons want is to protect Teachers' Unions donations to the Democrats at the expense of poor students.
Unfortunately for her, the Job of Secretary of Education is not just to be an advocate for school choice but rather to administer an agency of 17,000 employees with a 14 billion dollar budget and over 300 program mandated by law, a job that she is pitifully ill equipped to handle.

The Department of Education shouldn't exist just to employ 17,000 bureaucrats. It would be better to return the money to the states and to abolish the entire thing...after reversing a the Obabble nonsense regarding Fake Rape culture, Fake Diversity training, Mooch's school lunches etc.
If there were no US Department of Education and instead the federal goverment made block grants to the states, the number of employees in every state department of education would skyrocket. That is, economies of scale gained by having a single office handle a function common to all states would be lost and replaced with 50 different offices and staffs.

Consider just the 100 billion dollars in federal aid to education which goes to 5.4 million students in higher education and over 13,000 K-12 school districts. It is administered by 1500 employees in the Office of Federal Aid in the US DOE. If each of the 50 states, administered their share of these funds it would require a minimum of 5,000 employees for all states but this could easy be several times that number. The same would be true for dozens of functions done at the federal level for the states. Many of these functions would have to be duplicated in every state.

Data gathering would be different for each state often designed to create a picture of success in education compared to other states. Methods would change over time as political control of each state government changed. It would be impossible to compare progress between states or even progress between different time period. A treasure trove of data gathered from across the country on educational outcomes and the demographics of student and teacher populations would be lost over time. This data is essential for administrators to determine programs, techniques, and policies that are successful.

If it was such a good idea to abandon any central control of education, one would think other nations would have done this. However, the facts are that there is no major nation on the planet that has abandoned central control of education. In fact, the top ten countries measured by student achievement have standardize curriculum nationally which the US has not done, has the authority to override local funded educational programs, which the US does not have, and has the authority to institute programs proved nationally to be effective, which the US does not have.

Here’s What Would Actually Happen If Rand Paul Eliminated The Department Of Education
Home | U.S. Department of Education

B'loney. The rate of the growth of administrators are all levels of education has vastly outstripped that of teaching personnel. Decentralize the system so that parents and local communities control their schools. A lot of the overhead goes into reporting to centralized power structures, which adds no value in the classroom.
If it was such a good idea to abandon any central control of education, one would think other nations would have done this.
1.) We're the greatest nation in the world. We don't lower the bar to the standard of other nations (like the left does). We lead by raising the bar and smiling as other nations follow us.

2.) By that idiotic left-wing logic, let's get rid of the U.S. Constitution immediately. I mean, "if it was such a good would think other nations would have done it". We are the only nation in the world that has the U.S. Constitution.

Might I suggest thinking for yourself next time instead of regurgitating the idiotic article of some uninformed progressive - whose words then reflect poorly on you? Just say'n....
If we are already the greatest nation on earth, (which I agree), it's gonna be pretty hard for Rump to make us great again.

At last count there were 146 nations with a Constitution but I doubt they refer to their constitution as the US Constitution.

You seem to be batting 2 and 0. Want to try for 3 and 0.
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Who are you to decide who is qualified and who is unqualified? The American people have spoken my dear.

jesus fucking christ, is there anything you don't get straight-up ass backwards??

QUALIFICATION to be an educator has this specific standard we informed people call a DEGREE in EDUCATION.

i happen to have one of those but again dum dum, ms devious' lack of qualification is not about me.

and no, the American people did not vote to leave treatment of disabled students up to unqualified private educators just winging things 'state to state' just AS MS DEVIOUS CLEARLY STATED, regardless of any webpage snafu...THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID.
Myths About Process
Myth: No teachers were involved in writing the standards.

Fact: The Common Core drafting process relied on teachers and standards experts from across the country. In addition, many state experts came together to create the most thoughtful and transparent process of standard setting. This was only made possible by many states working together.

Myth: The standards are not based on research or evidence.

Fact: The standards have made careful use of a large and growing body of evidence. The evidence base includes scholarly research, surveys on what skills are required of students entering college and workforce training programs, assessment data identifying college‐ and career‐ready performance, and comparisons to standards from high‐performing states and nations.

In English language arts, the standards build on the firm foundation of the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) frameworks in reading and writing, which draw on extensive scholarly research and evidence.

In mathematics, the standards draw on conclusions from the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and other studies of high‐performing countries that found the traditional U.S. mathematics curriculum needed to become substantially more coherent and focused in order to improve student achievement, addressing the problem of a curriculum that is “a mile wide and an inch deep.”

Myths About Implementation
Myth: The standards tell teachers what to teach.

Fact: Teachers know best about what works in the classroom. That is why these standards establish what students need to learn but do not dictate how teachers should teach. Instead, schools and teachers will decide how best to help students reach the standards.

Myth: Teachers will be left to implement the standards without any support or guidance.

Fact: Decisions on how to implement the standards are made at the state and local levels. As such, states and localities are taking different approaches to implementing the standards and providing their teachers with the supports they need to help students successfully reach the standards. To learn how states are supporting teachers and implementing their new standards, visit the Standards in Your State section for a map linking to the state-specific implementation page.

Myth: The standards will be implemented through No Child Left Behind (NCLB), signifying that the federal government will be leading them.

Fact: The Common Core is a state‐led effort that is not part of No Child Left Behind or any other federal initiative. The federal government played no role in the development of the Common Core. State adoption of the standards is in no way mandatory. States began the work to create clear, consistent standards before the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which provided funding for the Race to the Top grant program. It also began before the Elementary and Secondary Education Act blueprint was released, because this work is being driven by the needs of the states, not the federal government. Learn more about the development process here.

Myth: The Common Core State Standards were adopted by states as part of the Race to the Top grant program.

Fact: Recognizing the strength of having high standards for all students, the federal government gave competitive advantage to Race to the Top applicants that demonstrated that they had or planned to adopt college- and career-ready standards for all students. The program did not specify the Common Core or prevent states from creating their own, separate college- and career-ready standards. States and territories voluntarily chose to adopt the Common Core to prepare their students for college, career, and life. Many states that were not chosen for Race to the Top grants continue to implement the Common Core.

Myth: These standards amount to a national curriculum for our schools.

Fact: The Common Core is not a curriculum. It is a clear set of shared goals and expectations for what knowledge and skills will help our students succeed. Local teachers, principals, superintendents, and others will decide how the standards are to be met. Teachers will continue to devise lesson plans and tailor instruction to the individual needs of the students in their classrooms.

Myth: The federal government will take over ownership of the Common Core State Standards initiative.

Fact: The federal government will not govern the Common Core State Standards. The Common Core was and will remain a state-led effort. The NGA Center and CCSSO are committed to developing a long-term governance structure with leadership from governors, chief state school officers, and other state policymakers to ensure the quality of the Common Core and that teachers and principals have a strong voice in the future of the standards. States and local school districts will drive implementation of the Common Core.

Myth: The Common Core State Standards will result in a national database of private student information.

Fact: There are no data collection requirements for states adopting the standards. Standards define expectations for what students should know and be able to do by the end of each grade. Implementing the Common Core State Standards does not require data collection. The means of assessing students and the use of the data that result from those assessments are up to the discretion of each state and are separate and unique from the Common Core.

Myths vs. Facts | Common Core State Standards Initiative
From her resume, it's very obvious of what she will be trying to do. She was a former Chairperson of Michigan Republican Party, a multi-billionaire heiress, who was a big Trump supporter. She has never taught, nor attended a public school, nor have her children. She has no education in teaching or school administration, has never held any public office, nor worked for any government. She is a business major whose only job has been sitting on boards of companies she inherited, fundraising, working on behave of the party, and actively working on behave school choice.

I suspect that this woman will be totally dependent on others to run the department while she works to de-fund most of it's functions while directing funds to private schools. Like a lot of Trump appointees, she can look forward lackluster help from subordinates.

What this really means is that she wants poor parents to be able to choose the schools their children attend just like well off ones are able to do. She has personally donated $ millions to private schools that benefit disadvantaged kids.

What you loons want is to protect Teachers' Unions donations to the Democrats at the expense of poor students.
Unfortunately for her, the Job of Secretary of Education is not just to be an advocate for school choice but rather to administer an agency of 17,000 employees with a 14 billion dollar budget and over 300 program mandated by law, a job that she is pitifully ill equipped to handle.

The Department of Education shouldn't exist just to employ 17,000 bureaucrats. It would be better to return the money to the states and to abolish the entire thing...after reversing a the Obabble nonsense regarding Fake Rape culture, Fake Diversity training, Mooch's school lunches etc.
If there were no US Department of Education and instead the federal goverment made block grants to the states, the number of employees in every state department of education would skyrocket. That is, economies of scale gained by having a single office handle a function common to all states would be lost and replaced with 50 different offices and staffs.

Consider just the 100 billion dollars in federal aid to education which goes to 5.4 million students in higher education and over 13,000 K-12 school districts. It is administered by 1500 employees in the Office of Federal Aid in the US DOE. If each of the 50 states, administered their share of these funds it would require a minimum of 5,000 employees for all states but this could easy be several times that number. The same would be true for dozens of functions done at the federal level for the states. Many of these functions would have to be duplicated in every state.

Data gathering would be different for each state often designed to create a picture of success in education compared to other states. Methods would change over time as political control of each state government changed. It would be impossible to compare progress between states or even progress between different time period. A treasure trove of data gathered from across the country on educational outcomes and the demographics of student and teacher populations would be lost over time. This data is essential for administrators to determine programs, techniques, and policies that are successful.

If it was such a good idea to abandon any central control of education, one would think other nations would have done this. However, the facts are that there is no major nation on the planet that has abandoned central control of education. In fact, the top ten countries measured by student achievement have standardize curriculum nationally which the US has not done, has the authority to override local funded educational programs, which the US does not have, and has the authority to institute programs proved nationally to be effective, which the US does not have.

Here’s What Would Actually Happen If Rand Paul Eliminated The Department Of Education
Home | U.S. Department of Education

B'loney. The rate of the growth of administrators are all levels of education has vastly outstripped that of teaching personnel. Decentralize the system so that parents and local communities control their schools. A lot of the overhead goes into reporting to centralized power structures, which adds no value in the classroom.
I hate to burst your bubble but this is not 1817, when parents met with the teacher in a one room school house to tell her what to teach their kids.

Today, parents have little interest in controlling the schools. I've taught several grade levels and have never had a parent tell me what they thought their kids should be taught. The only interest they have is how their child is doing in school.

Popular notions about the number of administrators working in school districts tend to center on two perceptions: First, there are too many, and second, the number of administrators is growing at the expense of instruction.

The facts simply do support this opinion. U.S. Department of Education data show that total central-office administrative and professional staff represent less than 1 percent of the total staff of public school districts. Principals and assistant principals add only another 2.4 percent to this figure, according to data published by the National Center for Education Statistics. These percentages have remained fairly constant over the last 20 years.

You need only to look at the business community to see that decentralization of homogeneous business segments is inefficient and costly. If you do away with the US Dept of Education you increase the cost and decrease services in all state DOE's. If you abolish the state DOE, you will increase the cost in every school district and decrease services.

AASA | American Association of School Administrators

Under Planned Parenthood, for more children lose, slick.

Beatifying disabled children to the extent that normal kids do not get an education hurts far more.

Special Ed has disrupted the educations of children who are "able", and sucks up a disproportionate share of resources. You have no idea what DeVos is going to propose in place of the Obabble wastefulness, but you are ready to jump to the conclusion that she will do what Leftwing Totalitiarians do to inconvenient people. That is just your projection of your own hateful ideology

I agree with this aspect of your post in that I know that autistic kids are huge disruptions. However, I know a lot of kids over the years who have spina bifida, have no use of their legs etc who are just normal kids but have to have a wheelchair etc.

The problen with DeVos is that she was appointed by the Orange Buffoon, who has proven in only three weeks in the office he has no idea what the fuck is going on.
From her resume, it's very obvious of what she will be trying to do. She was a former Chairperson of Michigan Republican Party, a multi-billionaire heiress, who was a big Trump supporter. She has never taught, nor attended a public school, nor have her children. She has no education in teaching or school administration, has never held any public office, nor worked for any government. She is a business major whose only job has been sitting on boards of companies she inherited, sitting on advisory boards, fundraising, working on behave of the party, and actively working on behave school choice.

I suspect that this woman will be totally dependent on others to run the department while she works to de-fund most of it's functions while directing funds to private schools. Like a lot of Trump appointees, she can look forward lackluster help from subordinates.
Who will be fired.

Glory hallelujah. Fuckingnidiots.apparently haven't the sense to realize this admin would rather fire them for cause than lay them off.

Fired for.cause means they don't get unemployment, and can't be rehired.

You resistance.retards.are.too easy.
I see, you have never dealt with federal civil service. Firing a career employee is not simple. No, Trump saying you're fired doesn't work. There are laws protecting career civil servants from being dismissed without cause or for politically-motivated reasons. It’s easier to dismiss someone for misbehaving, showing up to work drunk, for example, than it is for mediocre performance, which is subject to interpretation and rarely yields a smoking gun. If a person is not doing the job, then the supervisor must be able to show exactly where the employee is not meeting the performance requirement of the job. Employees must be given the opportunity and time to improve their subpar work performance, usually a probationary period of 6 mos. If after the probationary period the employee is still doing subpar work, the decision will rest with a committee in which the employee can plead his case. In reality, Trump would probably be out of a job before the employee.
Consider just the 100 billion dollars in federal aid to education which goes to 5.4 million students in higher education and over 13,000 K-12 school districts.
There isn't even supposed to be "federal aid" for education. So already the entire premise of your argument is irrational. It's like starting an argument for why I support murder by stating how it's imperative to survival in the drug trade. Uh....there isn't supposed to be a drug trade. Thus it cannot be used as a rational excuse for supporting murder.

Might I suggest thinking for yourself next time instead of regurgitating the idiotic article of some uninformed progressive - whose words then reflect poorly on you? Just say'n....

Education is a vital national interest, therefore the federal government has constitutional jurisdiction over it to whatever extent it chooses, within all other confines of the Constitution.
If Republicans only care about the fetus and not the born, they certainly don't care about the disabled.

Spot on.

Yea, spot on fake news. It's been debunked over and over. Trump wasn't mocking the man's disability, he didn't even know he was disabled. He was mocking his stupidity for changing his story. He did the same exact thing to Ted Cruz.

If it was such a good idea to abandon any central control of education, one would think other nations would have done this.
1.) We're the greatest nation in the world. We don't lower the bar to the standard of other nations (like the left does). We lead by raising the bar and smiling as other nations follow us.

2.) By that idiotic left-wing logic, let's get rid of the U.S. Constitution immediately. I mean, "if it was such a good would think other nations would have done it". We are the only nation in the world that has the U.S. Constitution.

Might I suggest thinking for yourself next time instead of regurgitating the idiotic article of some uninformed progressive - whose words then reflect poorly on you? Just say'n....
If we are already the greatest nation on earth, (which I agree), it's gonna be pretty hard for Rump to make us great again.

At last count there were 146 nations with a Constitution but I doubt they refer to their constitution as the US Constitution.

You seem to be batting 2 and 0. Want to try for 3 and 0.

Laughable. We are hardly the "greatest nation on earth" when it comes to education.

Within the 34 OECD countries, the US ranks:
21st in science
17th in reading
26th in math

All this while the US spends $115k per student.

American Schools vs. the World: Expensive, Unequal, Bad at Math

Of course, most of these types of studies dance around the issue of "disadvantaged" students, i.e. minorities that bring down test scores.
Data gathering would be different for each state
And? So? So what? People who aren't fascists realize that it's completely ok for different states to have different "data gathering". I promise - no one will die from that. Actually - no one will even so much as get hurt from that, much less die.
If data gathering methods and standards are different between states, there can be no comparison because you would you have an apples and oranges comparison. If the same standards are not used, then you can't compare results so what appears to be good progress may actually be just a difference in the way the data is gathered. Considering the cost of education, we do need to know that programs we implement have been proven successful and you can't do that if the standards are different.
No. We don't want federal programs implemented. The feds have no business interfering with the education of our children ir dictating it. They, and you, are the problem. Shut down the dept of ed and cease all federal education funding.Starting with the bogus, bloated special ed nightmare, and ending with every penny funneled into universities in any form
If it was such a good idea to abandon any central control of education, one would think other nations would have done this.
2.) By that idiotic left-wing logic, let's get rid of the U.S. Constitution immediately. I mean, "if it was such a good would think other nations would have done it". We are the only nation in the world that has the U.S. Constitution.

Might I suggest thinking for yourself next time instead of regurgitating the idiotic article of some uninformed progressive - whose words then reflect poorly on you? Just say'n....
At last count there were 146 nations with a Constitution but I doubt they refer to their constitution as the US Constitution.
Yep...and not one matches ours dumb-ass. Not word-for-word and not even in theory. They are all vastly different. So by your idiotic, ignorant, uneducated logic we should immediately abandon the U.S. Constitution.

Tell me snowflake...what does it feel like to regurgitate something ignorant from someone else, have it reflect on your, and then get your ass handed to you? :laugh:

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