Government Education Website for disabled kids disappears as DeVos takes office

Nope....I am retired and doing very well and so will my children be. I am in the bracket that will benefit ...
So once again you defeat your own argument. Why would the disabled need government when they have "very well off" people such as yourself and Valerie who care soooooo much about them? I mean - you're going to provide everything they need if a state or district fails to - right?'re not? You're too selfish and too greedy to share and help others? Wow. Well, while I respect your honesty for once, I think that's pretty offensive. I mean, you talk a big game but then leave those poor, underprivileged kids out in the cold when they need you the most.

Hummm, I could be smart and not pay my taxes like Trump...we should all find ways to cheat the government..
How is it "cheating"? Trump has filed taxes every single year and the IRS has accepted them. If he took advantages of loopholes due to the Dumbocrat tax code - that's on your shoulders.

We conservatives have been fighting for a flat-tax. I say 10% (most so more however). No loopholes. No deductions. No way to get around it. 10% across the board. Your side of the aisle rejects it because they can't hide new taxes from the people and they are among the worst for being greedy, selfish, stingy people who work the angles to hoard their own wealth.
So eagle, do you deny that this guy said this:

"Dr. John A. Talbott, president of the American Psychiatric Association, said, ''The psychiatrists involved in the policy making at that time certainly oversold community treatment, and our credibility today is probably damaged because of it.'' He said the policies ''were based partly on wishful thinking, partly on the enormousness of the problem and the lack of a silver bullet to resolve it, then as now.''


Notice that she doesn't actually challenge the facts. She just makes fun of the source. Which is how commie pigs work. They establish their own propagandists (the dept. of education is one...), then insist that those are the only valid information sources.

She's a lying commie barfbag who has been sucking on the federal teat all her adult life. She's exploited disabled kids and vulnerable parents to justify her parasitical existence and her salary, and to obtain perks for herself and her family that they certainly haven't earned, and absolutely don't deserve.

It is a he , and yes there are many nut jobs liberal too. Being I live in California, I saw what happened. But Nationally I didn't keep up.

Stretching the facts falsely is a political move done on both sides to get their agenda in for funding or the chopping block.

This is exactly what the GOP is up to by hiring Devos~ they want to dismantle the whole system.

What will you benefit from this? Besides your taxes going into funding it...

And you have yet to provide one single source that supports any of the lies you are spewing.

Wait..omg, you're gay as figures.

That explains so much. A mentally ill faggot working in the school system, freaking out because he's losing his "special" status, and his "special" income that comes as a result of his exploiting "special" children.


Nope....I am retired and doing very well and so will my children be. I am in the bracket that will benefit ...

Like I told you a long time ago, I will fight for something being hurt whether a animal or a person.. ..

I don't pay that much attention to what you say, except as entertainment value. If you actually meant that, you wouldn't exploit retarded children for $$.

Wow, so you are failing so then you lie and make up shit.. you might want to go take an IQ test yourself..

You just spout ad hominem after ad hominem. You don't even use good ad aren't even organized enough to identify what the fuck you're talking about.

Total garbage. If this was a paper, you'd get a big fat F and be sent to remedial English.
[You should know your history youngster.... See how California lost our top 10 spot of the best education in the country during the 60's and 70's...guess what changed it....
I know what changed it....the cancer called progressivism. Ronald Reagan has been gome from California for almost 60 years snowflake. And progressives have been in charge ever since. If you guys can't "fix" a problem in 60 years with hundreds of billions of dollars then you are too inept/incompetent to have an opinion - must less be in charge.

You act like you are so smart, but really you are clueless about what you are talking about... Reagan not only ruined the school system by cutbacks..He closed mental hospitals ...

Do you live in California, or do you just read stupid shit and believe it?
Awww....look at the gentle little snowflake having a meltdown over the facts. It's been nearly 60 years since Ronald Reagan was running things in California. Why are you pointing to someone who was in control so long ago, almost 84% of the population wasn't even alive at the time?!?

(only about 16% of our current population is over the age of 65 chief)

So once again - you've had 60 years of control and hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars. If you're incapable of solving the problem you believe Ronald Reagan created with that much time and that much money, you are absolutely too inept and incompetent to even have an opinion - much less be in charge of anything.

Wrong: would you study , you are embarrassing yourself..

List of Governors of California - Wikipedia

Ronald Reagan
January 2, 1967

January 6, 1975

George Deukmejian
January 3, 1983

January 7, 1991

Pete Wilson

January 4, 1999

Arnold Schwarzenegger
November 17, 2003

January 3, 2011
Why are you talking about these guys? You blamed Ronald Reagan. Do you have a new false narrative for us now? Are you attempting to move the goalposts after I educated you?

By the way - Arnold Schwarzenegger was a hard-core RINO. His policies were overwhelmingly Dumbocrat buttercup.

Schwarzenegger liked grabbing women too, just like your buddy Trump ..... Little Dumpling!
Your logical fallacy is ad hominem
"Example: After Sally presents an eloquent and compelling case for a more equitable taxation system, Sam asks the audience whether we should believe anything from a woman who isn't married, was once arrested, and smells a bit weird."
[You just spout ad hominem after ad hominem. You don't even use good ad aren't even organized enough to identify what the fuck you're talking about.

Total garbage. If this was a paper, you'd get a big fat F and be sent to remedial English.
Dumbocrats.....gotta love 'em. All feelings, no facts. All emotions, no logic.
I know what changed it....the cancer called progressivism. Ronald Reagan has been gome from California for almost 60 years snowflake. And progressives have been in charge ever since. If you guys can't "fix" a problem in 60 years with hundreds of billions of dollars then you are too inept/incompetent to have an opinion - must less be in charge.

You act like you are so smart, but really you are clueless about what you are talking about... Reagan not only ruined the school system by cutbacks..He closed mental hospitals ...

Do you live in California, or do you just read stupid shit and believe it?
Awww....look at the gentle little snowflake having a meltdown over the facts. It's been nearly 60 years since Ronald Reagan was running things in California. Why are you pointing to someone who was in control so long ago, almost 84% of the population wasn't even alive at the time?!?

(only about 16% of our current population is over the age of 65 chief)

So once again - you've had 60 years of control and hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars. If you're incapable of solving the problem you believe Ronald Reagan created with that much time and that much money, you are absolutely too inept and incompetent to even have an opinion - much less be in charge of anything.

Wrong: would you study , you are embarrassing yourself..

List of Governors of California - Wikipedia

Ronald Reagan
January 2, 1967

January 6, 1975

George Deukmejian
January 3, 1983

January 7, 1991

Pete Wilson

January 4, 1999

Arnold Schwarzenegger
November 17, 2003

January 3, 2011
Why are you talking about these guys? You blamed Ronald Reagan. Do you have a new false narrative for us now? Are you attempting to move the goalposts after I educated you?

By the way - Arnold Schwarzenegger was a hard-core RINO. His policies were overwhelmingly Dumbocrat buttercup.

Schwarzenegger liked grabbing women too, just like your buddy Trump ..... Little Dumpling!

Schwarzenegger liked grabbing women too, just like your buddy Trump ..... Little Dumpling!
Yes he did....and I have zero respect for either of them. They are both an embarrassment to real men who show respect and reverence for women. But....what does that have to do with the fact that the Department of Education is 100% unconstitutional?
Doubt that De Vos had any thing to due with site being taken down. don't like her, she has plenty of faults, there is no need to lie about her.
if she didn't, as the HEAD, then who did?
She's the head of the site?


Not that it matters. All that special ed crap...buh bye. Put your retards in an institution that teaches to their issues, or keep them at home and deal with them yourself. Our schools are for our kids to LEARN in. Not to babysit drooling imbeciles. And their charges.
Devos wants billions in vouchers to go to families to send their kids to private schools, private schools that have no obligation to accept disabled students.

That's what they want to do with your tax dollars.
God forbid economically challenged parents and kids have a say in what school they attend. The horror. Imagine inner city kids getting a good education? Can't have that, now can we? Got to keep them dumb and poor, and lifelong Democrats.
Schwarzenegger liked grabbing women too, just like your buddy Trump ..... Little Dumpling!
Yes he did....and I have zero respect for either of them. They are both an embarrassment to real men who show respect and reverence for women. But....what does that have to do with the fact that the Department of Education is 100% unconstitutional?
Hey wait a minute..don't dis the Ahnold.

That is not acceptable. Because..CONAN.
Devos wants billions in vouchers to go to families to send their kids to private schools, private schools that have no obligation to accept disabled students.

That's what they want to do with your tax dollars.
God forbid economically challenged parents and kids have a say in what school they attend. The horror. Imagine inner city kids getting a good education? Can't have that, now can we? Got to keep them dumb and poor, and lifelong Democrats.
And they don't want them to move from their neighborhoods.

It's the exact same mentality as the Nazis, who walled in the Jews.
Devos wants billions in vouchers to go to families to send their kids to private schools, private schools that have no obligation to accept disabled students.

That's what they want to do with your tax dollars.
God forbid economically challenged parents and kids have a say in what school they attend. The horror. Imagine inner city kids getting a good education? Can't have that, now can we? Got to keep them dumb and poor, and lifelong Democrats.
And they don't want them to move from their neighborhoods.

It's the exact same mentality as the Nazis, who walled in the Jews.

"Segregation is not a humiliation but a benefit, and ought to be so regarded by you gentlemen.”

Woodrow Wilson
Devos wants billions in vouchers to go to families to send their kids to private schools, private schools that have no obligation to accept disabled students.

That's what they want to do with your tax dollars.
God forbid economically challenged parents and kids have a say in what school they attend. The horror. Imagine inner city kids getting a good education? Can't have that, now can we? Got to keep them dumb and poor, and lifelong Democrats.
And they don't want them to move from their neighborhoods.

It's the exact same mentality as the Nazis, who walled in the Jews.

"Segregation is not a humiliation but a benefit, and ought to be so regarded by you gentlemen.”

Woodrow Wilson

People segregate themselves naturally. I'm so sick of the retarded mindset that everybody must think exactly alike, talk exactly alike, live exactly alike, and ignore anything that distinguishes them from each other. What total horseshit.
Our schools are for our kids to LEARN in. Not to babysit drooling imbeciles. And their charges.
Geez you are sounding like the Dumbocrats. People with mental disabilities should receive the type of education that facilitates whatever it is they are capable of achieving (whether that is at a high level or whether that is just being able to feed themselves and tie their own shoes). The issue is that the federal government has no business being involved. It is up to each state and each district to decide for themselves how they wish to address the educational needs of their communities.
"Segregation is not a humiliation but a benefit, and ought to be so regarded by you gentlemen.”

Woodrow Wilson
Hands down the most racist, most evil individual to ever step foot in the Oval Office. No surprise that he was a KKK Dumbocrat.
Schwarzenegger liked grabbing women too, just like your buddy Trump ..... Little Dumpling!
Yes he did....and I have zero respect for either of them. They are both an embarrassment to real men who show respect and reverence for women. But....what does that have to do with the fact that the Department of Education is 100% unconstitutional?
Hey wait a minute..don't dis the Ahnold.

That is not acceptable. Because..CONAN.
I have a lot of respect for Ahnold on the things he deserves - his work ethic, his accomplishments, etc. I have nothing but contempt for the way he treated women (including cheating on his beautiful wife). I'm also disgusted by his drug habits (lots of steroids, lots of marijuana back in the day....and probably a few other things as well).
People segregate themselves naturally. I'm so sick of the retarded mindset that everybody must think exactly alike, talk exactly alike, live exactly alike, and ignore anything that distinguishes them from each other. What total horseshit.
Bingo! I've been complaining about that since Barack Obama took office. The left has completely and totally embraced fascism. They believe everybody should be forced to Nazi goose-step in the exact same direction - believing the exact same things, embracing the exact same things, engaging in the exact same things. It's repulsive. And you've seen the violence escalate on the left. If we are not diligent - the left really will give rise to the next version of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi's. That's not hyperbole either. That's just simple reality.
This occurs with every new administration. The old pages become archived and new ones reflecting the goals of the current administration/secretary replace them.


The Senators don't think so....

Washington senators Murray, Cantwell demand Trump education chief restore site

Updated 5:25 pm, Saturday, February 11, 2017

#ReadTheNewsLinks :)

Your link doesn't work, not that it matters, democrats outraged over a republican president is nothing new, or news worthy, it happens all the time.
If Republicans only care about the fetus and not the born, they certainly don't care about the disabled.

Why do you keep using a debunked claim? Your dishonesty is an ongoing problem.

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