Government Education Website for disabled kids disappears as DeVos takes office

I see eagle deleted her most recent supremely retarded lie.

She will be back with another.
Hey, check out his factoid:

"Federal spending on education.

In 2007, the federal government
spent $71.7 billion on elementary
and secondary education programs.
These funds were spent by
13 federal departments and multiple
agencies. The Department of
Education spent $39.2 billion
on K–12 education. The largest
programs in the Department of
Education’s elementary and secondary
budget were “Education
for the disadvantaged” ($14.8
billion) and “Special education”
($11.5 billion).9""

What the actual fuck?

So have our disadvantaged and retarded increased in their ability to function? Have we all benefited and are our children better educated?

FUCK THAT SHIT. Get rid of the dept. of education, and gut the special ed programs. We don't need them, it's just a way to funnel money into the pockets of lunatics and parasites.

Goodbye Eaglewings, you twat. Fucking useless cull.

HAAAAAA: Koshergirl gives us a is a Bullshit Blog..

Founded in 1973, The Heritage Foundation is a right-wing think tank. Its stated mission is to formulate and promote public policies based on the principles of "free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense."Jan 10, 2017

more ad hominem garbage. You can't dispute the facts, so you jeer and throw shit.

Nobody buys it any more. You are losing the federal $$$ that paid you to suck money from people who feel sorry for retarded kids. And you're freaking out. It's understandable, but it's time to man up, buttercup. Get a real job.
So eagle, do you deny that this guy said this:

"Dr. John A. Talbott, president of the American Psychiatric Association, said, ''The psychiatrists involved in the policy making at that time certainly oversold community treatment, and our credibility today is probably damaged because of it.'' He said the policies ''were based partly on wishful thinking, partly on the enormousness of the problem and the lack of a silver bullet to resolve it, then as now.''


Notice that she doesn't actually challenge the facts. She just makes fun of the source. Which is how commie pigs work. They establish their own propagandists (the dept. of education is one...), then insist that those are the only valid information sources.

She's a lying commie barfbag who has been sucking on the federal teat all her adult life. She's exploited disabled kids and vulnerable parents to justify her parasitical existence and her salary, and to obtain perks for herself and her family that they certainly haven't earned, and absolutely don't deserve.
Reagan was governor of California you dumb ass.....

in 1972 and 1973, California governor Ronald Reagan vetoed two funding provisions designed to protect these savings for mental health, beginning an ongoing pattern of funding diversions and shortfalls.

I wasn't talking about 1972 and 1973. I was referring to your statement about him destroying the schools system and shutting down mental hospitals nationwide.

Didn't happen. Complete fabrication by the left. Much like the "on demand is necessary for women to be treated for high blood pressure" lie you tards keep dragging out. What a bunch of know-nothing fools.

Go back and re-read it..we were talking about California schools..idiot

And you were lying about that as well.

Because reducing funds to schools has NEVER made them worse. The best schools have always been the ones where the interference from the government is at a bare minimum..including $$$$.

The dept. of education is going.

And so are all the dumb-ass commie programs. Including the "lodge your drooling retard at the school at the expense of the feds!" programs...and the programs which force schools to teach to the dumbest, instead of to the brightest.

Incidentally, it was garbage information from mental health shysters that led to the belief that crazy people could be mainstreamed.

Your comments obviously show ignorance and stupidity.

I have a government PDF that shows what Reagan did to California. Go back and educate yourself..

Show me a link where shelters had enough power to recommend mainstreaming the mentally

It was from cutbacks clear and simple...more money in the retirements of a 1 term senator ...

Why don't I hear you crying about giving these crooked ass senators life time $$$$$$$

Typical mush headed government dependent nonsense:

"Yore stoopid!"

No, I'm not ignorant, nor am I stupid. And you don't actually challenge any of the reality. You reference a "government pdf" that supports..whatever it is that you think you're stating....but you don't provide it.

Typical of the *educators* and *mental health* scum that we've been saddled with.

You funding is gone. Find another profession, parasite.

Hey, no sweat off my back ...My kids are out of the K-12 if the program shuts doesn't involve me...let the hillbillies teach the children ..

Why don't you home school and go move into the mountains off the grid?...geeezzzz


Look at China for instance, they are way ahead of us because their focus is on the next generation's education.

You are what you eat:
So eagle, do you deny that this guy said this:

"Dr. John A. Talbott, president of the American Psychiatric Association, said, ''The psychiatrists involved in the policy making at that time certainly oversold community treatment, and our credibility today is probably damaged because of it.'' He said the policies ''were based partly on wishful thinking, partly on the enormousness of the problem and the lack of a silver bullet to resolve it, then as now.''


Notice that she doesn't actually challenge the facts. She just makes fun of the source. Which is how commie pigs work. They establish their own propagandists (the dept. of education is one...), then insist that those are the only valid information sources.

She's a lying commie barfbag who has been sucking on the federal teat all her adult life. She's exploited disabled kids and vulnerable parents to justify her parasitical existence and her salary, and to obtain perks for herself and her family that they certainly haven't earned, and absolutely don't deserve.

It is a he , and yes there are many nut jobs liberal too. Being I live in California, I saw what happened. But Nationally I didn't keep up.

Stretching the facts falsely is a political move done on both sides to get their agenda in for funding or the chopping block.

This is exactly what the GOP is up to by hiring Devos~ they want to dismantle the whole system.

What will you benefit from this? Besides your taxes going into funding it...
I wasn't talking about 1972 and 1973. I was referring to your statement about him destroying the schools system and shutting down mental hospitals nationwide.

Didn't happen. Complete fabrication by the left. Much like the "on demand is necessary for women to be treated for high blood pressure" lie you tards keep dragging out. What a bunch of know-nothing fools.

Go back and re-read it..we were talking about California schools..idiot

And you were lying about that as well.

Because reducing funds to schools has NEVER made them worse. The best schools have always been the ones where the interference from the government is at a bare minimum..including $$$$.

The dept. of education is going.

And so are all the dumb-ass commie programs. Including the "lodge your drooling retard at the school at the expense of the feds!" programs...and the programs which force schools to teach to the dumbest, instead of to the brightest.

Incidentally, it was garbage information from mental health shysters that led to the belief that crazy people could be mainstreamed.

Your comments obviously show ignorance and stupidity.

I have a government PDF that shows what Reagan did to California. Go back and educate yourself..

Show me a link where shelters had enough power to recommend mainstreaming the mentally

It was from cutbacks clear and simple...more money in the retirements of a 1 term senator ...

Why don't I hear you crying about giving these crooked ass senators life time $$$$$$$

Typical mush headed government dependent nonsense:

"Yore stoopid!"

No, I'm not ignorant, nor am I stupid. And you don't actually challenge any of the reality. You reference a "government pdf" that supports..whatever it is that you think you're stating....but you don't provide it.

Typical of the *educators* and *mental health* scum that we've been saddled with.

You funding is gone. Find another profession, parasite.

Hey, no sweat off my back ...My kids are out of the K-12 if the program shuts doesn't involve me...let the hillbillies teach the children ..

Why don't you home school and go move into the mountains off the grid?...geeezzzz


Look at China for instance, they are way ahead of us because their focus is on the next generation's education.

You are what you eat:
And the bigotry shines through. "Let the hillbillies teach the children"...

Yeah cuz when we taught our own children, they actually got an education..instead of whatever garbage it is that you were subjected to.

China is ahead of us? Lolol...
So eagle, do you deny that this guy said this:

"Dr. John A. Talbott, president of the American Psychiatric Association, said, ''The psychiatrists involved in the policy making at that time certainly oversold community treatment, and our credibility today is probably damaged because of it.'' He said the policies ''were based partly on wishful thinking, partly on the enormousness of the problem and the lack of a silver bullet to resolve it, then as now.''


Notice that she doesn't actually challenge the facts. She just makes fun of the source. Which is how commie pigs work. They establish their own propagandists (the dept. of education is one...), then insist that those are the only valid information sources.

She's a lying commie barfbag who has been sucking on the federal teat all her adult life. She's exploited disabled kids and vulnerable parents to justify her parasitical existence and her salary, and to obtain perks for herself and her family that they certainly haven't earned, and absolutely don't deserve.

It is a he , and yes there are many nut jobs liberal too. Being I live in California, I saw what happened. But Nationally I didn't keep up.

Stretching the facts falsely is a political move done on both sides to get their agenda in for funding or the chopping block.

This is exactly what the GOP is up to by hiring Devos~ they want to dismantle the whole system.

What will you benefit from this? Besides your taxes going into funding it...

And you have yet to provide one single source that supports any of the lies you are spewing.

Wait..omg, you're gay as figures.

That explains so much. A mentally ill faggot working in the school system, freaking out because he's losing his "special" status, and his "special" income that comes as a result of his exploiting "special" children.

[You should know your history youngster.... See how California lost our top 10 spot of the best education in the country during the 60's and 70's...guess what changed it....
I know what changed it....the cancer called progressivism. Ronald Reagan has been gome from California for almost 60 years snowflake. And progressives have been in charge ever since. If you guys can't "fix" a problem in 60 years with hundreds of billions of dollars then you are too inept/incompetent to have an opinion - must less be in charge.

You act like you are so smart, but really you are clueless about what you are talking about... Reagan not only ruined the school system by cutbacks..He closed mental hospitals ...

Do you live in California, or do you just read stupid shit and believe it?
Awww....look at the gentle little snowflake having a meltdown over the facts. It's been nearly 60 years since Ronald Reagan was running things in California. Why are you pointing to someone who was in control so long ago, almost 84% of the population wasn't even alive at the time?!?

(only about 16% of our current population is over the age of 65 chief)

So once again - you've had 60 years of control and hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars. If you're incapable of solving the problem you believe Ronald Reagan created with that much time and that much money, you are absolutely too inept and incompetent to even have an opinion - much less be in charge of anything.
You seriously need to get your head out of the Mike Savage , Rush Limbaugh hate brainwashing...
This coming from the person who blames the school system of Compton on Ronald Reagan who was last governor there in 1975. :laugh:

This is a simple question: you blame Ronald Reagan (which is laughable itself but we will for the sake of argument just allow you that fallacy) - how have you not been able to resolve the problems you think he created in 42 years and many hundreds of billions of dollars later?!? Do you have any idea how incompetent that makes your side of the aisle sound?

So Reagan cut funding in 1968? You've raised funding hundreds of times since then - spending more money on education than any time in U.S. history. And what do we have to show for it thanks to Dumbocrats? Those "amazing" schools of South Central Los Angeles. :lmao:
So eagle, do you deny that this guy said this:

"Dr. John A. Talbott, president of the American Psychiatric Association, said, ''The psychiatrists involved in the policy making at that time certainly oversold community treatment, and our credibility today is probably damaged because of it.'' He said the policies ''were based partly on wishful thinking, partly on the enormousness of the problem and the lack of a silver bullet to resolve it, then as now.''


Notice that she doesn't actually challenge the facts. She just makes fun of the source. Which is how commie pigs work. They establish their own propagandists (the dept. of education is one...), then insist that those are the only valid information sources.

She's a lying commie barfbag who has been sucking on the federal teat all her adult life. She's exploited disabled kids and vulnerable parents to justify her parasitical existence and her salary, and to obtain perks for herself and her family that they certainly haven't earned, and absolutely don't deserve.

It is a he , and yes there are many nut jobs liberal too. Being I live in California, I saw what happened. But Nationally I didn't keep up.

Stretching the facts falsely is a political move done on both sides to get their agenda in for funding or the chopping block.

This is exactly what the GOP is up to by hiring Devos~ they want to dismantle the whole system.

What will you benefit from this? Besides your taxes going into funding it...

And you have yet to provide one single source that supports any of the lies you are spewing.

Wait..omg, you're gay as figures.

That explains so much. A mentally ill faggot working in the school system, freaking out because he's losing his "special" status, and his "special" income that comes as a result of his exploiting "special" children.


Nope....I am retired and doing very well and so will my children be. I am in the bracket that will benefit ...

Like I told you a long time ago, I will fight for something being hurt whether a animal or a person.. ..
Why don't you home school and go move into the mountains off the grid?
Isn't it hilarious how Dumbocrats actually believe ^that^ is an insult? :lmao:

Wait - homeschool my children so they receive the highest education available and live on massive lots of land, in beautiful county, with clean air while LGBT progressive queers have their STD's in each others face because they all live packed like sardines in crammed, filthy cities? Oh the horrors of the conservative way of life! :laugh:

This dill hole here thinks that it's an insult to have the astoundingly clean air of the "mountains" while he breathes in smog and tries to avoid stray bullets from Compton. :eusa_doh:
Last edited:
Nope....I am retired and doing very well and so will my children be. I am in the bracket that will benefit ...
So once again you defeat your own argument. Why would the disabled need government when they have "very well off" people such as yourself and Valerie who care soooooo much about them? I mean - you're going to provide everything they need if a state or district fails to - right?'re not? You're too selfish and too greedy to share and help others? Wow. Well, while I respect your honesty for once, I think that's pretty offensive. I mean, you talk a big game but then leave those poor, underprivileged kids out in the cold when they need you the most.
[You should know your history youngster.... See how California lost our top 10 spot of the best education in the country during the 60's and 70's...guess what changed it....
I know what changed it....the cancer called progressivism. Ronald Reagan has been gome from California for almost 60 years snowflake. And progressives have been in charge ever since. If you guys can't "fix" a problem in 60 years with hundreds of billions of dollars then you are too inept/incompetent to have an opinion - must less be in charge.

You act like you are so smart, but really you are clueless about what you are talking about... Reagan not only ruined the school system by cutbacks..He closed mental hospitals ...

Do you live in California, or do you just read stupid shit and believe it?
Awww....look at the gentle little snowflake having a meltdown over the facts. It's been nearly 60 years since Ronald Reagan was running things in California. Why are you pointing to someone who was in control so long ago, almost 84% of the population wasn't even alive at the time?!?

(only about 16% of our current population is over the age of 65 chief)

So once again - you've had 60 years of control and hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars. If you're incapable of solving the problem you believe Ronald Reagan created with that much time and that much money, you are absolutely too inept and incompetent to even have an opinion - much less be in charge of anything.

Wrong: would you study , you are embarrassing yourself..

List of Governors of California - Wikipedia

Ronald Reagan
January 2, 1967

January 6, 1975

George Deukmejian
January 3, 1983

January 7, 1991

Pete Wilson

January 4, 1999

Arnold Schwarzenegger
November 17, 2003

January 3, 2011
So eagle, do you deny that this guy said this:

"Dr. John A. Talbott, president of the American Psychiatric Association, said, ''The psychiatrists involved in the policy making at that time certainly oversold community treatment, and our credibility today is probably damaged because of it.'' He said the policies ''were based partly on wishful thinking, partly on the enormousness of the problem and the lack of a silver bullet to resolve it, then as now.''


Notice that she doesn't actually challenge the facts. She just makes fun of the source. Which is how commie pigs work. They establish their own propagandists (the dept. of education is one...), then insist that those are the only valid information sources.

She's a lying commie barfbag who has been sucking on the federal teat all her adult life. She's exploited disabled kids and vulnerable parents to justify her parasitical existence and her salary, and to obtain perks for herself and her family that they certainly haven't earned, and absolutely don't deserve.

It is a he , and yes there are many nut jobs liberal too. Being I live in California, I saw what happened. But Nationally I didn't keep up.

Stretching the facts falsely is a political move done on both sides to get their agenda in for funding or the chopping block.

This is exactly what the GOP is up to by hiring Devos~ they want to dismantle the whole system.

What will you benefit from this? Besides your taxes going into funding it...

And you have yet to provide one single source that supports any of the lies you are spewing.

Wait..omg, you're gay as figures.

That explains so much. A mentally ill faggot working in the school system, freaking out because he's losing his "special" status, and his "special" income that comes as a result of his exploiting "special" children.


Nope....I am retired and doing very well and so will my children be. I am in the bracket that will benefit ...

Like I told you a long time ago, I will fight for something being hurt whether a animal or a person.. ..

I don't pay that much attention to what you say, except as entertainment value. If you actually meant that, you wouldn't exploit retarded children for $$.
Nope....I am retired and doing very well and so will my children be. I am in the bracket that will benefit ...
So once again you defeat your own argument. Why would the disabled need government when they have "very well off" people such as yourself and Valerie who care soooooo much about them? I mean - you're going to provide everything they need if a state or district fails to - right?'re not? You're too selfish and too greedy to share and help others? Wow. Well, while I respect your honesty for once, I think that's pretty offensive. I mean, you talk a big game but then leave those poor, underprivileged kids out in the cold when they need you the most.

Hummm, I could be smart and not pay my taxes like Trump...we should all find ways to cheat the government..
Nope....I am retired and doing very well and so will my children be. I am in the bracket that will benefit ...
So once again you defeat your own argument. Why would the disabled need government when they have "very well off" people such as yourself and Valerie who care soooooo much about them? I mean - you're going to provide everything they need if a state or district fails to - right?'re not? You're too selfish and too greedy to share and help others? Wow. Well, while I respect your honesty for once, I think that's pretty offensive. I mean, you talk a big game but then leave those poor, underprivileged kids out in the cold when they need you the most.

Hummm, I could be smart and not pay my taxes like Trump...we should all find ways to cheat the government..

You already have.
[You should know your history youngster.... See how California lost our top 10 spot of the best education in the country during the 60's and 70's...guess what changed it....
I know what changed it....the cancer called progressivism. Ronald Reagan has been gome from California for almost 60 years snowflake. And progressives have been in charge ever since. If you guys can't "fix" a problem in 60 years with hundreds of billions of dollars then you are too inept/incompetent to have an opinion - must less be in charge.

You act like you are so smart, but really you are clueless about what you are talking about... Reagan not only ruined the school system by cutbacks..He closed mental hospitals ...

Do you live in California, or do you just read stupid shit and believe it?
Awww....look at the gentle little snowflake having a meltdown over the facts. It's been nearly 60 years since Ronald Reagan was running things in California. Why are you pointing to someone who was in control so long ago, almost 84% of the population wasn't even alive at the time?!?

(only about 16% of our current population is over the age of 65 chief)

So once again - you've had 60 years of control and hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars. If you're incapable of solving the problem you believe Ronald Reagan created with that much time and that much money, you are absolutely too inept and incompetent to even have an opinion - much less be in charge of anything.

Wrong: would you study , you are embarrassing yourself..

List of Governors of California - Wikipedia

Ronald Reagan
January 2, 1967

January 6, 1975

George Deukmejian
January 3, 1983

January 7, 1991

Pete Wilson

January 4, 1999

Arnold Schwarzenegger
November 17, 2003

January 3, 2011
Why are you talking about these guys? You blamed Ronald Reagan. Do you have a new false narrative for us now? Are you attempting to move the goalposts after I educated you?

By the way - Arnold Schwarzenegger was a hard-core RINO. His policies were overwhelmingly Dumbocrat buttercup.
So eagle, do you deny that this guy said this:

"Dr. John A. Talbott, president of the American Psychiatric Association, said, ''The psychiatrists involved in the policy making at that time certainly oversold community treatment, and our credibility today is probably damaged because of it.'' He said the policies ''were based partly on wishful thinking, partly on the enormousness of the problem and the lack of a silver bullet to resolve it, then as now.''


Notice that she doesn't actually challenge the facts. She just makes fun of the source. Which is how commie pigs work. They establish their own propagandists (the dept. of education is one...), then insist that those are the only valid information sources.

She's a lying commie barfbag who has been sucking on the federal teat all her adult life. She's exploited disabled kids and vulnerable parents to justify her parasitical existence and her salary, and to obtain perks for herself and her family that they certainly haven't earned, and absolutely don't deserve.

It is a he , and yes there are many nut jobs liberal too. Being I live in California, I saw what happened. But Nationally I didn't keep up.

Stretching the facts falsely is a political move done on both sides to get their agenda in for funding or the chopping block.

This is exactly what the GOP is up to by hiring Devos~ they want to dismantle the whole system.

What will you benefit from this? Besides your taxes going into funding it...

And you have yet to provide one single source that supports any of the lies you are spewing.

Wait..omg, you're gay as figures.

That explains so much. A mentally ill faggot working in the school system, freaking out because he's losing his "special" status, and his "special" income that comes as a result of his exploiting "special" children.


Nope....I am retired and doing very well and so will my children be. I am in the bracket that will benefit ...

Like I told you a long time ago, I will fight for something being hurt whether a animal or a person.. ..

I don't pay that much attention to what you say, except as entertainment value. If you actually meant that, you wouldn't exploit retarded children for $$.

Wow, so you are failing so then you lie and make up shit.. you might want to go take an IQ test yourself..
We're on page 6 and EW has yet to provide one source.

Not one.

Yet maintains she's a "psychologist".

And that, in a nutshell, is the problem with the whole infrastructure of mental health and education *professionals*. They're worthless, mindless, bigoted fools who have been *educated* to think they're something special.

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