Government Education Website for disabled kids disappears as DeVos takes office

Trump White House takes down website pages about disabilities

The Obama White House website page labeled “Contact the Disability Issues Outreach Team | The White House” isn’t there any longer either. Click on it and it now says: “The requested page/disability-issues-contact could not be found.” And the Obama White House website’s fact sheet about expanding opportunities for people with disabilities is gone too. (You can see the former disabilities page here.)

Website for disabled kids disappears as DeVos takes office

Frivolous spending is in the blood of progressive like yourself…
Those poor areas of the south and Midwest aren't going to continue to be poor. Trump is breaking the lefty stranglehold and getting rid of illegal restrictions on industry, resource extraction and development. Your fucking programs did nothing but make poor people stupid and prevent them from getting educated.

is that what happened to you? too much lead in the water?? oh, wait...
Why do you support the super wealthy getting more wealthy in this cabinet and a lifetime of the best benefits to the crooked ass senate , yet could care less for the kid ?
Why do you pretend to care about these people - the refuse to help them? They wouldn't need fascist government if your selfish and greedy ass would put your money where your very big mouth is!

People who know me , know I do . I give money to the non profits every year too....along with my extremely high taxes to the crooked ass government..


he can't rationalize the irrational policy, so he tries to make it personal.

weak 'argument', plus my state and i absolutely pay more time AND money CARING about the LIFE of ALL children than any red state dope like him fighting to demolish the department of education just to give money. and power to UNQUALIFIED educators aka religious zealots MELTING over the 'culture war' of a diverse classroom. so-called CHRISTIANS willing to throw their neighbors to the curb as citizens LESS THAN... all while teaching ALTERNATE facts and fake religious SCIENCE.

GOD FORBID our government by the people FOR THE PEOPLE should cultivate higher standards for the general welfare of ALL.
Devos wants billions in vouchers to go to families to send their kids to private schools, private schools that have no obligation to accept disabled students.

That's what they want to do with your tax dollars.
God forbid economically challenged parents and kids have a say in what school they attend. The horror. Imagine inner city kids getting a good education? Can't have that, now can we? Got to keep them dumb and poor, and lifelong Democrats.

You can send your kids to any school you want to, within the rule of law.
GOD FORBID our government by the people FOR THE PEOPLE should cultivate higher standards for the general welfare of ALL.
Ah yes....the exact same "argument" made by Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Benito Mussolini, Pol Pot, Kim Jong-il, Saddam Hussein, and Adolf Hitler. You've really placed yourself in fine company sweetie.

Tell me something arrogant does one have to be to consider themselves the ultimate arbiter of what is good for the "general welfare"? Conservatives greatly outnumber you pitiful progressives in America and we overwhelmingly agree that your idea of what is "good for the general welfare of ALL" matches that of Joseph Stalin. Uh...thanks....but no thanks.
GOD FORBID our government by the people FOR THE PEOPLE should cultivate higher standards for the general welfare of ALL.
GOD FORBID our government by the people FOR THE PEOPLE should cultivate the LIBERTY guaranteed to us by the U.S. Constitution for the general welfare of ALL.

You do education your way. I'll do it my way. What are you so afraid of my dear? That my children will be exponentially more educated than yours? That you won't be able to indoctrinate my children and that as such, your idiotic ideology will become extinct?

What? Tell us Valerie. What exactly are you so afraid of due to not being able to control the education of others?

Oh...and why do you feel the need to stick your nose where it doesn't belong? Is your life so insignificant that you don't feel good about yourself or important unless you're finding ways to control others? :dunno:
i absolutely pay more time AND money CARING about the LIFE of ALL children
So again (for like the 10,000th time now) what is the problem? Why are you so scared that we are restoring constitutional government if you are there to address any needs missed by government? You've yet to answer that question. You appear to be afraid of it.
and power to UNQUALIFIED educators aka religious zealots
Who are you to decide who is qualified and who is unqualified? The American people have spoken my dear. They've decided that the Republican's are the ones who are qualified to decide the vision for America. That vision is to restore constitutional government (which is a sad statement all in itself that you actually support lawlessness).
Trump White House takes down website pages about disabilities

The Obama White House website page labeled “Contact the Disability Issues Outreach Team | The White House” isn’t there any longer either. Click on it and it now says: “The requested page/disability-issues-contact could not be found.” And the Obama White House website’s fact sheet about expanding opportunities for people with disabilities is gone too. (You can see the former disabilities page here.)

Website for disabled kids disappears as DeVos takes office

My goodness where will these poor kids go without the Feds telling them? What a travesty.
Trump White House takes down website pages about disabilities

The Obama White House website page labeled “Contact the Disability Issues Outreach Team | The White House” isn’t there any longer either. Click on it and it now says: “The requested page/disability-issues-contact could not be found.” And the Obama White House website’s fact sheet about expanding opportunities for people with disabilities is gone too. (You can see the former disabilities page here.)

Website for disabled kids disappears as DeVos takes office

My goodness where will these poor kids go without the Feds telling them? What a travesty.
We ALL know exactly what this is about. The fragile little Dumbocrats are having a meltdown out of fear that they will no longer control education and won't be able to indoctrinate impressionable little minds.
Oh so now Betsy is going to harm crippled children? Is this where we are going with this garbage?
Ok I'm getting a brain cramp here. It was taken down before she assumed office, but it's her fault?

This shit is a bad as the stupid crap about Trump wanting to support puppy mills and the torture of animals because information was removed from another website.

Try fucking decaff libs.


"The website appeared to stop working shortly before DeVos took office, the Seattle Post Intelligencer reported.

The Department of Education site now attributes the broken link to “technical difficulties” and instead sends people to the 159-page text of the very technical, complicated statute. The department site also lists available special education programs."

Website On Disabilities Act That Tripped Up Betsy DeVos Disappears | The Huffington Post
Under Planned Parenthood, for more children lose, slick.

Beatifying disabled children to the extent that normal kids do not get an education hurts far more.

Special Ed has disrupted the educations of children who are "able", and sucks up a disproportionate share of resources. You have no idea what DeVos is going to propose in place of the Obabble wastefulness, but you are ready to jump to the conclusion that she will do what Leftwing Totalitiarians do to inconvenient people. That is just your projection of your own hateful ideology

I agree with this aspect of your post in that I know that autistic kids are huge disruptions. However, I know a lot of kids over the years who have spina bifida, have no use of their legs etc who are just normal kids but have to have a wheelchair etc.

The problen with DeVos is that she was appointed by the Orange Buffoon, who has proven in only three weeks in the office he has no idea what the fuck is going on.
From her resume, it's very obvious of what she will be trying to do. She was a former Chairperson of Michigan Republican Party, a multi-billionaire heiress, who was a big Trump supporter. She has never taught, nor attended a public school, nor have her children. She has no education in teaching or school administration, has never held any public office, nor worked for any government. She is a business major whose only job has been sitting on boards of companies she inherited, fundraising, working on behave of the party, and actively working on behave school choice.

I suspect that this woman will be totally dependent on others to run the department while she works to de-fund most of it's functions while directing funds to private schools. Like a lot of Trump appointees, she can look forward lackluster help from subordinates.

What this really means is that she wants poor parents to be able to choose the schools their children attend just like well off ones are able to do. She has personally donated $ millions to private schools that benefit disadvantaged kids.

What you loons want is to protect Teachers' Unions donations to the Democrats at the expense of poor students.
Unfortunately for her, the Job of Secretary of Education is not just to be an advocate for school choice but rather to administer an agency of 17,000 employees with a 14 billion dollar budget and over 300 program mandated by law, a job that she is pitifully ill equipped to handle.

The Department of Education shouldn't exist just to employ 17,000 bureaucrats. It would be better to return the money to the states and to abolish the entire thing...after reversing a the Obabble nonsense regarding Fake Rape culture, Fake Diversity training, Mooch's school lunches etc.
If there were no US Department of Education and instead the federal goverment made block grants to the states, the number of employees in every state department of education would skyrocket. That is, economies of scale gained by having a single office handle a function common to all states would be lost and replaced with 50 different offices and staffs.

Consider just the 100 billion dollars in federal aid to education which goes to 5.4 million students in higher education and over 13,000 K-12 school districts. It is administered by 1500 employees in the Office of Federal Aid in the US DOE. If each of the 50 states, administered their share of these funds it would require a minimum of 5,000 employees for all states but this could easy be several times that number. The same would be true for dozens of functions done at the federal level for the states. Many of these functions would have to be duplicated in every state.

Data gathering would be different for each state often designed to create a picture of success in education compared to other states. Methods would change over time as political control of each state government changed. It would be impossible to compare progress between states or even progress between different time period. A treasure trove of data gathered from across the country on educational outcomes and the demographics of student and teacher populations would be lost over time. This data is essential for administrators to determine programs, techniques, and policies that are successful.

If it was such a good idea to abandon any central control of education, one would think other nations would have done this. However, the facts are that there is no major nation on the planet that has abandoned central control of education. In fact, the top ten countries measured by student achievement have standardize curriculum nationally which the US has not done, has the authority to override local funded educational programs, which the US does not have, and has the authority to institute programs proved nationally to be effective, which the US does not have.

Here’s What Would Actually Happen If Rand Paul Eliminated The Department Of Education
Home | U.S. Department of Education
Consider just the 100 billion dollars in federal aid to education which goes to 5.4 million students in higher education and over 13,000 K-12 school districts.
There isn't even supposed to be "federal aid" for education. So already the entire premise of your argument is irrational. It's like starting an argument for why I support murder by stating how it's imperative to survival in the drug trade. Uh....there isn't supposed to be a drug trade. Thus it cannot be used as a rational excuse for supporting murder.

Might I suggest thinking for yourself next time instead of regurgitating the idiotic article of some uninformed progressive - whose words then reflect poorly on you? Just say'n....
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If there were no US Department of Education and instead the federal goverment made block grants to the states, the number of employees in every state department of education would skyrocket. That is, economies of scale gained by having a single office handle a function common to all states would be lost and replaced with 50 different offices and staffs.
Well by that fine left-wing "logic" - let's eliminate all 50 governors and allow the President of the United States to make all state decisions. I mean - think of the resources we would save.

Oh...and let's eliminate all 50 state legislatures and allow Congress to make all state decisions. I mean - think of the resources we would save.

Oh...oh...oh.....and let's eliminate all law enforcement in the states and allow the F.B.I. to police the entire nation. I mean - think of the resources we would save. :eusa_doh:

Might I suggest thinking for yourself next time instead of regurgitating the idiotic article of some uninformed progressive - whose words then reflect poorly on you? Just say'n....
Data gathering would be different for each state
And? So? So what? People who aren't fascists realize that it's completely ok for different states to have different "data gathering". I promise - no one will die from that. Actually - no one will even so much as get hurt from that, much less die.
Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) asked DeVos about the federal Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which requires public schools to provide children with disabilities a “free appropriate public education” and governs how states and public agencies provide various services to millions of students.

Kaine asked her if she believes that all schools that receive federal funding — whether public, public charter or private — should be required to meet the requirements of IDEA.

She responded: “I think they already are.”

Kaine: “But I’m asking you a should question. Whether they are or not, we’ll get into that later.” He then repeated his question.

DeVos said: “I think that is a matter that is best left to the states.”

Kaine responded: “So some states might be good to kids with disabilities and other states might not be so good and, what then, people can just move around the country if they don’t like how kids are being treated?”

Devos repeated: “I think that’s an issue that’s best left to the states.”
Since the lady, has no training or experience in education, never attended a public school, never taught anywhere, never held a political office, never had job outside of the republican party or serving on boards, she is the ideal Trump appointee to provide leadership in education.
Methods would change over time as political control of each state government changed.
That happens every time there is an election at the federal level that causes a body to change hands to an opposition party. Doesn't seem to bother you at the federal level - why does it bother you at the state level? :dunno:

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