Government, its wonderful...

Let's get rid of Gubment

No laws, no police, no fire departments, no health codes, no roads or bridges, no schools

Who needs em?

Not No Government, Limited Government. And please stop the FUD about police, fire, health, and infrastructure. It's tired and old. Further, what good is Government if they are going to turn on the police and let people tear down/destroy infrastructure anyways? We saw that in Baltimore.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, govt is only for protecting the property of the "job creator" class.
Reading the Declaration of Independence today, I am reminded our Founders' intent that Government is to be limited. Government is to serve the People. Government is to preserve Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Make no apologies for American Exceptionalism. We are the Best Country in the World.

Senators were originally appointed by the well to do and only affluent, titled, land holding white males were allowed to participate in self governance and voting. The founding fodders were merely one side of a bickering faction of aristocrats, neither of which had any compunction about denying the rabble "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness".
Voting and freedom are two different things, moron. We had all the freedom you could imagine in the 18th Century.

If you were a white male of affluence.
Let's get rid of Gubment

No laws, no police, no fire departments, no health codes, no roads or bridges, no schools

Who needs em?

Not No Government, Limited Government. And please stop the FUD about police, fire, health, and infrastructure. It's tired and old. Further, what good is Government if they are going to turn on the police and let people tear down/destroy infrastructure anyways? We saw that in Baltimore.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, govt is only for protecting the property of the "job creator" class.

Government is for protecting everyone's property. That includes the property of the 1%. They have rights too.
Reading the Declaration of Independence today, I am reminded our Founders' intent that Government is to be limited. Government is to serve the People. Government is to preserve Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Make no apologies for American Exceptionalism. We are the Best Country in the World.

Senators were originally appointed by the well to do and only affluent, titled, land holding white males were allowed to participate in self governance and voting. The founding fodders were merely one side of a bickering faction of aristocrats, neither of which had any compunction about denying the rabble "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness".
Voting and freedom are two different things, moron. We had all the freedom you could imagine in the 18th Century.

If you were a white male of affluence.

Nope, aside from slaves, everyone had the same freedoms. They had far more freedom than we have today. We've turned into a police state.
Reading the Declaration of Independence today, I am reminded our Founders' intent that Government is to be limited. Government is to serve the People. Government is to preserve Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Make no apologies for American Exceptionalism. We are the Best Country in the World.

Senators were originally appointed by the well to do and only affluent, titled, land holding white males were allowed to participate in self governance and voting. The founding fodders were merely one side of a bickering faction of aristocrats, neither of which had any compunction about denying the rabble "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness".

Again, celebrate, don't apologize for America. America was great enough to evolve. Contrast with the nation states that the Lefties in this Country insist on appeasing today........go wag your finger at them. Those countries are bickering, aristocrats, land holding, titled, and affluent who provide no upward mobility or equal rights.

That was not an apology, but rather abject reality. America was not great enough to evolve, it is rather that some individuals were great enough to mass together and take away from america that which should have been theirs if the founders had been honest forthright men. It is a lesson in how power behaves toward the unsubstantial people even where power is blathering on endlessly about how equal we all are. Which is why we still have to fight for upward mobility or equal rights for all.

We are further ahead on upward mobility and equal rights than the rest of the Nations. That is abject reality. We are better and best and should not take any lecture from any culture or society about human rights which is why the whole notion of giving a flying fuck what the rest of the World thinks or cares is comical.
Let's get rid of Gubment

No laws, no police, no fire departments, no health codes, no roads or bridges, no schools

Who needs em?

And of course no one even said lets get rid of govt.
Ask the's his thread

But like all conservative screeds about government, it is only the part of government that helps poor and struggling Americans that they are outraged about
Reckon americans shouldn't have sat on their asses and watched corporate power take their representation away from them.

That's exactly what happened. Big corporations love regulations.

They lobby for what's best for them at the expense of society at large.

Yep, and people like Hillary give them what they ask for, lots of regulations.

Oh if only there were some appreciable difference in the american poltitcal parties when it comes to this type of thing.
Reading the Declaration of Independence today, I am reminded our Founders' intent that Government is to be limited. Government is to serve the People. Government is to preserve Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Make no apologies for American Exceptionalism. We are the Best Country in the World.

Senators were originally appointed by the well to do and only affluent, titled, land holding white males were allowed to participate in self governance and voting. The founding fodders were merely one side of a bickering faction of aristocrats, neither of which had any compunction about denying the rabble "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness".

Again, celebrate, don't apologize for America. America was great enough to evolve. Contrast with the nation states that the Lefties in this Country insist on appeasing today........go wag your finger at them. Those countries are bickering, aristocrats, land holding, titled, and affluent who provide no upward mobility or equal rights.

That was not an apology, but rather abject reality. America was not great enough to evolve, it is rather that some individuals were great enough to mass together and take away from america that which should have been theirs if the founders had been honest forthright men. It is a lesson in how power behaves toward the unsubstantial people even where power is blathering on endlessly about how equal we all are. Which is why we still have to fight for upward mobility or equal rights for all.

We are further ahead on upward mobility and equal rights than the rest of the Nations. That is abject reality. We are better and best and should not take any lecture from any culture or society about human rights which is why the whole notion of giving a flying fuck what the rest of the World thinks or cares is comical.

So then why are you blathering on about "We are further ahead on upward mobility and equal rights than the rest of the Nations."?

Every power structure engages in propaganda for the masses, how many other societies have you lived and worked in?
With trillions of dollars to spend government still fucks up most anything they touch. That's because government is riddled with idiot political appointees running things and stupid as fuck politicians.
With trillions of dollars to spend government still fucks up most anything they touch. That's because government is riddled with idiot political appointees running things and stupid as fuck politicians.

Your political system will get away with whatever it can, just like any political system will. Power will take whatever it can, always does. It is up to the citizenry to push back and not allow the power structure to cannibalize society for its own enrichment. The american public sat on it's ass and watched this all unfold, whining all the way into the trap, but never exerting that defiance we all want to think we're all about in this society. And now the public needs to blame someone else for it's own apathy.
Let's get rid of Gubment

No laws, no police, no fire departments, no health codes, no roads or bridges, no schools

Who needs em?

And of course no one even said lets get rid of govt.
Ask the's his thread

But like all conservative screeds about government, it is only the part of government that helps poor and struggling Americans that they are outraged about

I am outraged at the part of government that pimps the faces of America's poor and struggling so they can pay themselves, their cronies, THEN help the poor. That's the outrage. It's called corruption.
Let's get rid of Gubment

No laws, no police, no fire departments, no health codes, no roads or bridges, no schools

Who needs em?

And of course no one even said lets get rid of govt.
Ask the's his thread

But like all conservative screeds about government, it is only the part of government that helps poor and struggling Americans that they are outraged about

I am outraged at the part of government that pimps the faces of America's poor and struggling so they can pay themselves, their cronies, THEN help the poor. That's the outrage. It's called corruption.

Like we help corporate interests and Wall Street?
Let's get rid of Gubment

No laws, no police, no fire departments, no health codes, no roads or bridges, no schools

Who needs em?

And of course no one even said lets get rid of govt.
Ask the's his thread

But like all conservative screeds about government, it is only the part of government that helps poor and struggling Americans that they are outraged about

I am outraged at the part of government that pimps the faces of America's poor and struggling so they can pay themselves, their cronies, THEN help the poor. That's the outrage. It's called corruption.

Like we help corporate interests and Wall Street?

No. Not like that at all.
Let's get rid of Gubment

No laws, no police, no fire departments, no health codes, no roads or bridges, no schools

Who needs em?

And of course no one even said lets get rid of govt.
Ask the's his thread

But like all conservative screeds about government, it is only the part of government that helps poor and struggling Americans that they are outraged about

I am outraged at the part of government that pimps the faces of America's poor and struggling so they can pay themselves, their cronies, THEN help the poor. That's the outrage. It's called corruption.

Like we help corporate interests and Wall Street?

No. Not like that at all.

So you're ok with those bits then.
Let's get rid of Gubment

No laws, no police, no fire departments, no health codes, no roads or bridges, no schools

Who needs em?

And of course no one even said lets get rid of govt.
Ask the's his thread

But like all conservative screeds about government, it is only the part of government that helps poor and struggling Americans that they are outraged about
If I had a choice between the government we have today and NO government. My choice would be very easy to government.
Reckon americans shouldn't have sat on their asses and watched corporate power take their representation away from them.

Of course gippers post sailed over your head. Govt and corporate are screwing happily in bed.
How can any American think the government we have today is appropriate and just? Sadly many Americans have been duped into believing we NEED big government and that without it, we would all die.

The following is very well written IMO, too bad so many Americans are big gov dupes:

“Government” is a giant scam.

The government is not really made up of the elected officials that it purports. It’s made up, mostly, by people who sell their souls to huge corporations that have an interest in beneficial laws being passed and laws that would harm their businesses shut down before they ever reach the desk of the presidents.

As well, the supposed watchdog entities, like the Food and Drug Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the United States Department of Agriculture are also populated by those who have been hand-picked to support corporations, no matter what the detriment to the American people whom they pretend to protect. If Congress was like Nascar, the members would have to wear uniforms emblazoned with their sponsors. However, Washington DC does not have the transparency of professional car racing, so we must guess at the sponsors of our members.

We are buried under silly laws with the sole purpose of generating revenue or adding to the slave labor force in the for-profit prison system. We must work most of our waking hours to be able to pay for our basic necessities. We are convinced repeatedly that we must have things that our ancestors would never have considered owning, much less requiring.

Hand in hand, the mega-corporations and the government entities work together to keep us subservient and in our places. The corporations create products, the watchdog agencies “test” the products, and the government mandates an artificial need for these products.

They have most people convinced that they must follow the food pyramid, the vaccine schedule, and the rules that force us to have licenses for every darned thing we do. We must pay for and be granted permission to feed ourselves, transport ourselves, build shelter for ourselves, unite in matrimony, and even to own pets.

Like some kind of frighteningly authoritarian parent, they assure us that it’s for our own safety, these breaches in our independence, and that we must comply or face the consequences. They ground us by taking away our licenses. They send us to our rooms that just happen to be located in for-profit prisons. They don’t “allow” us to pursue life, liberty, and happiness because once we taste that sweet freedom, we won’t want to be under their oppressive thumbs anymore.

But some of us have seen the corporate government for what it is: a bully that reigns through fear of reprisal. They hold over us these fears:

  • We will die if we don’t eat things that were inspected and approved by them.
  • We will be jailed, fined, or have our children taken from us if we don’t toe the line.
  • We are unable to figure things out for ourselves because we are not “experts” and therefore we must suppress our own judgments and bow to their far greater knowledge.
  • We will die if we don’t follow their expert health and nutrition advice.
  • We’ll be murdered by scary foreign terrorists if we don’t allow the TSA to fondle our private parts, make us walk barefoot for 30 yards, and perform x-rays that show us naked before we fly.
Just Say NO to the State - LewRockwell
If I had a choice between the government we have today and NO government. My choice would be very easy to government.

So, you're just an anarchist.

Listen asswipe, this country isn't perfect. We've got shortcomings. We've got problems. But where else you gonna go? Our government is fucking insane sometimes. But where else you gonna go? Would you prefer the Canadian government? Are you boy crushing on Justin Trudeau and their universal health care? Maybe you'd like the UK, where Parliament is sovereign and everything they do is inherently constitutional. Maybe you'd like China and their one party, socialist government where it's still illegal to talk about certain historic events.

The point is that the United States of America is the greatest country on the the Mother's green Earth. It's not perfect by any means. But it's the greatest country now, it's the greatest country that ever existed in history, and I expect it will remain the greatest country until such time as nuclear holocaust drives humanity extinct. If it's not good enough for you, then get the fuck out, or just die.
If I had a choice between the government we have today and NO government. My choice would be very easy to government.

So, you're just an anarchist.

Listen asswipe, this country isn't perfect. We've got shortcomings. We've got problems. But where else you gonna go? Our government is fucking insane sometimes. But where else you gonna go? Would you prefer the Canadian government? Are you boy crushing on Justin Trudeau and their universal health care? Maybe you'd like the UK, where Parliament is sovereign and everything they do is inherently constitutional. Maybe you'd like China and their one party, socialist government where it's still illegal to talk about certain historic events.

The point is that the United States of America is the greatest country on the the Mother's green Earth. It's not perfect by any means. But it's the greatest country now, it's the greatest country that ever existed in history, and I expect it will remain the greatest country until such time as nuclear holocaust drives humanity extinct. If it's not good enough for you, then get the fuck out, or just die.
Ugh...the brain dead patriot who will gladly march to his death for big government.
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