Government Pressures Rancher but not Illegal Immigrants?


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Ok- We have witnessed the parade of leftist come to the defense of the way the Feds are handling the Nevada rancher. The resounding theme seems to be it's the 'law of the land' and the rancher should be arrested and made to pay the fine.

Then why is illegal immigration different? It's the law of the land. We have a law to build a fence yet not doing so is applauded by the leftist goons. Why are we not mounting forces, start rounding them up like cattle etc.?

Hypocrite much lefties?

Hey dumb fuck, Bush had the oppertunity to do that in 2001. He, and the GOP did nothing. Why? Because they needed the cheap labor to avoid paying decent wages to Americans. Now these people have been here, many for over a decade, and their children are serving in the military, they are paying taxes, and most of them are working hard to be good citizens. Not trying to squat on public lands, overgrazing said lands and damaging them.

It is your rightwing loons packing military style weapons that are theatoning law enforcement officers. They are the goons, and I am sure their names are on a list now for further action. I hope those actions land a lot of these goons in jail. We don't need this kind of rightwing terrorism here.
Hey dumb fuck, Bush had the oppertunity to do that in 2001. He, and the GOP did nothing. Why? Because they needed the cheap labor to avoid paying decent wages to Americans. Now these people have been here, many for over a decade, and their children are serving in the military, they are paying taxes, and most of them are working hard to be good citizens. Not trying to squat on public lands, overgrazing said lands and damaging them.

It is your rightwing loons packing military style weapons that are theatoning law enforcement officers. They are the goons, and I am sure their names are on a list now for further action. I hope those actions land a lot of these goons in jail. We don't need this kind of rightwing terrorism here.

Define 'we'


Americans. Liberal and conservative. We do not like people pointing guns unneccessarily. And your right wing loons have crossed the line into terrorism.
Ok- We have witnessed the parade of leftist come to the defense of the way the Feds are handling the Nevada rancher. The resounding theme seems to be it's the 'law of the land' and the rancher should be arrested and made to pay the fine.

Then why is illegal immigration different? It's the law of the land. We have a law to build a fence yet not doing so is applauded by the leftist goons. Why are we not mounting forces, start rounding them up like cattle etc.?

Hypocrite much lefties?


the southern poverty law center declared Bundy a terrorist

as of yesterday

go figure
Americans. Liberal and conservative. We do not like people pointing guns unneccessarily. And your right wing loons have crossed the line into terrorism.


Another Liberal who calls Americans who dare to take a stand Terrorist............

The Feds had armed men all over the place because a man and his family dared to challenge them. It pissed some people off. So they decided to show up and say, "We are not afraid of our Gov't.", and made a stand.

This is about the Heritage and tradition of this family's way of life. They had been doing so for over a Century. It wasn't a problem until the Gov't took the land under the Endangered Species Act and took control of the land. The STATE never had a problem with these cattle. The Turtles existed with the cattle for ever basically.

But suddenly a way of life is WRONG. Grazing cattle there was suddenly wrong and the Feds ordered all CATTLE off the land. This is Federal Land now and the WISHES of the STATE and the PEOPLE of the STATE BE DAMNED. GOD THE FEDS HAVE SPOKEN, and the people's voice in this area are of NO CONSEQUENCE.

This is an example of the Feds ignoring State's rights and the people of the State. This is an example of REGULATIONS via Acts without the State having their say. The people in this county AND THE STATE didn't care the cattle were grazing there. Only the Feds had the problem.

Such a problem that they brought in guns, closed off air space, and put up road blocks so the Media couldn't see what they are doing.

This is abuse of power. It is exactly why we need a constitutional convention to RESTORE STATE'S RIGHTS and LIMIT THE POWER OF OUR GOV'T.

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